Jmeter use Selenium javascript webdriver - selenium

All the examples show how to use Selenium Java webdriver with Jmeter.
Can I use Selenium Javascript webdriver with Jmeter?

JavaScript is default language of the WebDriver Sampler
so the answer is yes, you can use JavaScript language for Selenium tests with the WebDriver Sampler.
Check out The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide for some code snippets, howtos, tips and tricks


Using webdriver plugin in jmeter

Iam trying to use webdriver plugin to automate an application in jmeter. Can anyone help me to do scripting in selenium by using webdriver plugin. Thanks in advance.
It depends on the browser and programming language you're using.
Currently Chrome is the most popular browser and JavaScript is the default language for the WebDriver Sampler so:
Download chromedriver (make sure that the version you download matches your Chrome browser version)
Add Chrome Driver Config and specify the path to the chromedriver in the "Chrome" tab:
Add WebDriver Sampler and implement the code for your test scenario. WDS.browser will stand for the ChromeDriver instance so you will be able to: use
WDS.browser.get('some url') - open a page
var element = WDS.browser.findElement('some id')) - locate a WebElement - click the element found in the previous step
More information: The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

How to use selenium3 in jmeter webdriver Sampler

I use JMeter4 + Selenium2 + Firefox 45 in webdriver sampler to test GUI. This works well, but if we want to test the new version of Firefox (for example, version 55), we need to install Selenium 3. The JMeter webdriver plugin (version 2.3) requires Selenium 2.
How can I make webdriver sampler + selenium 3 work in jmeter?
You will not able to use current WebDriver Sampler version with Selenium 3.x as it relies on some Selenium API which has incompatible changes, even if you upgrade Selenium libraries the WebDriver Sampler will not work.
However you can try the following approach:
Uninstall WebDriver Sampler and all its dependencies (or even better obtain a fresh copy of JMeter)
Download Selenium 3 client .jar(s) and put them into JMeter Classpath
Write your Selenium-related code using JSR223 Sampler or JUnit Request sampler
You can also reach out WebDriver Sampler plugin developers/maintainers and clarify when/if support of newer Selenium version will be added at JMeter Plugins Support Forum

JUnit Format in WebDriver vs WebDriver Backed

I have recorded a test case in Selenium IDE and want to convert that to Junit. When I try to change through format, I have two options called ‘JUnit WebDriver’ and ‘JUnit WebDriver Backed’. Can you guys please explain me what is the different between this WebDriver and WebDriver Backed? Sorry I am new to Selenium, started learning through Internet Materials.
Abdul Hameed
You use "JUnit WebDriver" if you are using the Selenium 2/WebDriver API. You use "JUnit WebDriver Backed" if you are using the Selenium 1/RC API.
If you switch back and forth you can see the difference in the test method displayed in the IDE window.
More info on the Selenium website here.
The WebDriver Backed JUnit is a hybrid option to allow you continue using the Selenium 1.0 RC while migrating your existing tests to Selenium 2.0 WebDriver

selenium webdriver: mouseOver and PHPUnit

How can I use action mouseOver() with PHPUnit in my tests?
I can't find information about it.. Only using of java class Action.
Unfortunately the Selenium 2 WebDriver is not supported by the existing Selenium extension for PHPUnit (only the deprecated Selenium RC is). Refer to thread Selenium 2 (WebDriver) and Phpunit?, it's from a year ago but still valid.
Check this post out for alternatives.

Selenium Grid with Selenese html based test cases

Can I any body help in following questions?
How to use Selenium Grid with Selenese html based test cases?
How to distribute load for Selenese test cases on different machines using Selenium Grid and Selenium RC?
Please reply. Thanks
As you've noted, Selenium Grid only helps with the routing of Selenium RC requests to registered workers. If you come up with some way to run your Selenese through Selenium RC, that would work. Otherwise, there's no special handling of Selenese through Selenium Grid.