Selecting more than one value - sql

Trying to generate a list of tracks composed by more than one person.
Name Composer Make
So it should look something like this
Name composer Make
Going home Robert dennings / Don Bedge Robert dennings , Don Bedge

You probably want something like this
SELECT Name, Composer, REPLACE(Composer,'/',',') AS Make
FROM tracks
But it really is impossible to tell for sure given that you don't tell us any of the table or field names in your database and very little about your database model


aws Cloud search - short query

In my cloud search document I have list of persons I want to search in. Now, let's say there are a people with name David, Dan and Dennis. Everything works alright when I query full name (for example: David) - I get back all the persons with the name David. But what if I want to return all persons who's name starts with Da (so cloud search will leturn David, Dan and Dennis)? Is it possible to achieve this behaviour?
For context: I am building an application where user can search people by name (and some other attributes) and I don't want the user to have to type the full name of person to find...
Oh I found it. I need to use text prefiex:

having an order with multiple requests

i want to do a autoshop software... where they keep up the cars they have and what they need(engine and other parts for example) but i dont know how to do the database to accept multiple items at once
a car needs on one visit to the auto shop:
left frontal door
oil change
how to i add this in one go to the database(with prices included) so that i can see it all after and print a bill wheer it shows all... but my main priority is being able to insert all in one go and in one table
Hard to tell without any idea about your db strucutre. Lets assume db isn't constructed yet, you don't want to decrease parts stock or keep any track of wich exact part (i mean with serial etc.) was used. You want it quite simple, just a table with a car bought some parts.
In this case i woulde use a table looking like this : id|date|car_id|parts_used
where parts_used is a string containing parts and prices with separators. For example : "left frontal door=500+tires=100+oil=10" and then split the string when reading db.
I'm not sure it's what you want but your question isn't quite precise :)

Using LIKE in SQL Server to identify strings

I am writing a program that performs operations on a database of Football matches and data. One of the issues that I have is that my source data does not have consistent naming of each Team. So Leyton Orient could appear as L Orient. Most of the time this team is listed as L Orient. So I need to find the closest match to a team name when it does not appear in the database team name list exactly as it appears in the data that I am importing. Currently in my database I have a table 'Team' with a data sample as follows:
TeamID TeamName TeamLocation
1 Arsenal England
2 Aston Villa England
3 L Orient England
If the name 'Leyton Orient' appears in the data being imported I need to match this to L Orient and get the TeamID 3. My question is, can I use the LIKE function to achieve this in a case where the team name is longer than the name in the database?
I have figured out that if I had 'Leyton Orient' in the table and was importing 'L Orient' I could locate the correct entry with:
SELECT TeamName FROM Team WHERE TeamName LIKE '%l%orient%';
But can I do it the other way around? Also, I could have an example like Manchester United and I want to import Man Utd. I could find this by putting a % sign between every character like this:
SELECT TeamName FROM Team WHERE TeamName LIKE '%M%a%n%U%t%d%';
But is there a better way?
Finally, and this might be better put in another question, I would like not to have to search for the correct team when the way a team is named is repeated, i.e. I would like to store alternative spellings/aliases for teams in order to find the correct team entry quickly. Can anybody advise on how I might approach this? Thanks
The solution you are looking for is the FULL TEXT SEARCH, it'll require your DBA to create a full text index, however, once there you can perform much more powerful searches than just character pattern matching.
As the others have suggested, you could also just have an Alias table, which contains all possible forms of a team name and reference that. depending on how your search is working, that may well be the path of least resistance.
Finally, and this might be better put in another question, I would like not to have to search for the correct team when the way a team is named is repeated, i.e. I would like to store alternative spellings/aliases for teams in order to find the correct team entry quickly. Can anybody advise on how I might approach this? Thank
I would personally have a team table and a teamalias table. Use relationships to marry them up.
I believe the best way to prevent this, is to have a list of teams names displayed in a dropdown list. This will also let you drop validation for the team name. The users can now only choose one set team name and will also make it much easier for you working in your database. then you can look for the exact team name as it appears in your database. i.e.:
SELECT TeamName FROM Team WHERE TeamName = [dropdownlist_name];

Copy one database table's contents into another on same database

I'm a bit of a newbie with the workings of phpmyadmin. I have a database and now there are 2 parts within it - the original tables jos_ and the same again but with a different prefix, say let's ****_ that will be the finished database.
This has come about because I am upgrading my Joomla 1.5 site to 2.5. I used a migration tool for the bulk of the new database but one particular piece of information did not transfer because the new database has a different structure.
I want to copy the entire contents of jos_content, attribs, keyref= across to ****_content, metadata, "xreference"."VALUE" if that makes sense. This will save manually typing in the information contained within 1000s of articles.
jos_content, attribs currently contains
****_content, metadata currently contains
but I want it to end up like this
Could anyone tell me the SQL string that I would need to run to achieve this please?
If it makes any difference I have manually changed about 300 of these articles already and thought there must be a better way.
Edit: Being nervous of trying this I would like to try and find the exact syntax (if that's the right word) for the SQL Query to run.
The value I want to extract from the source table is just, and only, the numbers next to keyref= and I want them to turn up in the destination table prefixed by "xreference". - so it shows "xreference"."VALUE" with VALUE being the required numbers. There is also an entry - ,"marker":"" that is in the destination table so I guess the Query needs to produce that as well?
Sorry for labouring this but if I get it wrong, maybe by guessing what to put, I don't really have the knowledge to put it all right again....
Please Try it
insert into tableone(column1,column2) select column1,column2 from Tablesecond
if You have not Table another Daabase Then This query
select * into anyname_Table from tablesource

What sort of database design would I need to use in case I wanted users to save tags, and be able to call already used tags?

I'm trying to implement a feature similar to StackOverflow's tag feature. That a user can create a new tag, or by typing pull up a list of similar tags already created.
This is such a wonderful feature on this site and I find it sad that most sites do not have something like this. It's both robust, and yet very very flexible and best of all: driven by the community.
So I have these two tables:
Every time a user writes a new tag, I want to create one with a unique ID, and also be able to search for existing tags.
Will this database design allow for an easy and efficient implementation of this feature?
If not, please give a little guidance. :)
Whilst there's not a tremendous amount of information to go on, what you've listed should be fine. (The 'tag' being the 'description' field in the industry table, etc.)
As you might imagine, all of the real work is done outside of SQL, where you'll need to...
(Potentially) add new tag(s) that don't yet exist.
Associate the industry with the supplied tag(s).
(Potentially) prune previously used tags that may no longer be in use.
...every time you edit an industry.
That said, the key limitation of your proposed setup is that each company can only belong to a single industry. (i.e.: It can only have a single industry tag associated with it.)
As such, you might want to consider a schema along the lines of...
...which would let you associate multiple industries/tags with a given company.
For example, under this setup, to get all of the tags associated with company ID 1, you'd use...
SELECT Industries.description FROM (CompanyIndustriesLookup, Industries)
WHERE companyID=1 AND industryID=Industries.ID
ORDER BY Industries.description ASC;
On a similar basis, to get all companies tagged with an industry of "testing", you'd use...
SELECT FROM (Company, Industries, CompanyIndustriesLookup)
AND Industries.description="testing"
A very easy (if somewhat suboptimal, but it often does not matter) solution to use tags is to not have tag ids at all. So, you have:
Adding a tag to an item is just adding the tuple to the ItemTag table, whether the tag already exists or not. And you don't have to do any bookkeeping on removing tags either. Just keep an index on ItemTag.Tag, to be able to quickly display all unique tags.