I have a couple of ListViews on different pages in my UWP application. For some reason, one of them seems to have Padding along the bottom below the last ListViewItem, while the other does not.
Neither of them has bottom Padding specified, so I'm wondering if this could be inherited from a parent control? I searched the entire XAML of the one with Padding, and it is not set anywhere else either. It isn't a huge problem, but I would prefer my controls to be consistent throughout my application, and I think adding the bottom Padding to the ListView without it to make them match seems silly, especially when I am unsure of why the first one has Padding in the first place.
Is there somewhere to determine where properties are set in the hierarchy, similar to the way CSS works?
Here is what they look like:
No padding:
I added a Background to the ListView control to verify that there is no Padding there..
So it would seem it would have to come from the ListViewItem itself, but it does not have the Padding property set.
The issue turned out to be that one of the parent controls of the ListView that was displaying correctly (how I wanted it to) had a VerticalAlignment="Top" set, while all the parents of the other ListView were set to VerticalAlignment="Stretch".
I was finally able to get XAML Spy working properly, and it was helpful in previewing the changes while the application was running so that I could determine which element I needed to set the VerticalAlignment on without recompiling over and over again. Thanks to #ChrisW for the recommendation.
I am creating a UWP app and I am using the VariableSizedWrapGrid control. I am binding the Width of the a ComboBox in the grid to it the ComboBox width resizes based on the entries in the list. ( I am using a simple property exposed through my view model.) When I had the items in a StackPanel with a Horizontal orientation it worked fine. See picture below
The challenge of course is that on a smaller screen I need the fields to wrap around. So I switched the StackPanel to a VariableSizedWrapGrid. However, when I do that, the Grid does not seem to be handling the resizing of the ComboBox correctly as I get what is shown below. (See the ComboBox is now cut off
Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
You are using the wrong Panel for the job. The one you're looking for is a WrapPanel (which doesn't exist actually though), but there are some implementations available, eg.: http://codepaste.net/8gr5go
I've got theme transitions (entrance and content with a set offset) on elements which overlap. The issue is as theme transitions are bought to the front of the page the elements which are animated unreliably overlap each other causing a nasty transition when it is returned to the correct z-index.
It doesn't seem to matter how the elements are structured in the visual tree or the z-index applied to the element, the issue still occurs.
Any help very much appreciated - Ideally I want to avoid writing storyboards though, I'm happy with the entrance/content transition in this scenario!
I ran into a similar problem myself. Here are some things you can try:
make sure the "correct" z-order observed at the end of the animation is indeed correct. Putting some label on your items should make that clear if the items have the z-order you intended
make sure the items are are added to the control according to their z-order. In case you use binding make sure the items you add to the collection are arranged by their z-index
in case you are using PrepareContainerForItemOverride make sure the logic around your binding is correct
Hope it helps,
I decided simular problems with:
Position: Relative;
Transition: All... (All includes Z-Index)
I made Z-Index:4 and for "HOVERed" elements Z-Index:2000.
I have a series of items in a GridView.
I want to animate the TranslateTransform of a GridViewItem so that it is outside the boundary of the GridView. When I do, it is clipped. Is this type of transform possible?
Sadly, I don't think so. I had to do something similar a while ago and it turns out that the template of a GriView (and ListView, ListBox, etc...) contains a ScrollViewer control. The thing about the ScrollViewer controls is that they MUST define a clipped viewport to give the user the impression of scrolling. In fact, if you were to decompile the ScrollViewer control, you can see that it hard codes the clipped bounds, so you cant even change the template or style.
Things may have changed since I looked into this, and my investigations where on WPF not XAML in Windows 8, but I dont think that it would have changed based on your description of the issue.
Here is a SO question in relation to this topic: WPF clipping even when no clipping is desired - how to turn it off?
I've got a WrapPanel which will contain several different custom UserControls. Depending on the scenario, I may need to filter down which UserControls are visible. My goal is that I can switch which controls are visible on the fly by showing/hiding the controls that need to be filtered - thus shifting the controls that are left showing, to the top-left of the panel.
Right now I am simply setting the Visibility property of the control to Visibility.Collapsed when I don't want them to appear. I thought that because I was using a WrapPanel, the rest of the controls would shift to the top-left of the panel.
Instead, after hiding some of the UserControls, the controls that are still visible stay exactly where they were before, and I am left with gaps between the controls that are still showing. I've opened my app in Silverlight Spy, and it shows that the UserControls are still actually there (which makes sense) but are simply invisible.
So my question is:
Is there a way that I can show/hide UserControls within a WrapPanel which allows the still-visible UserControls to slide to their new positions (all shifting towards the top left - similar to a StackPanel)?
I've debated removing the UserControls completely from the WrapPanel (I think this would work) and storing them in memory until they are needed. Then if I wanted to show/hide other controls, I would get them from my in-memory object. It seems like there should be a better way to do this though.
If anyone has any suggestions or advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
XAML: (very simple)
<toolkit:WrapPanel x:Name="MyLayout" Height="300" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="400" />
Code-Behind: The UserControls are getting added dynamically:
And they are getting set to collapsed dynamically as well:
oUserControl.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed
I think I've found the problem. We added the WrapPanel to a ScrollViewer recently, and when I took the ScrollViewer out I was able to achieve the functionality I wanted.
I'm not sure why the ScrollViewer would have that effect though?
Also, I've found that I can leave the ScrollViewer in place and simply call .Measure() on the WrapPanel to update the layout.
Neither option makes 100% sense to me, but they do both seem to work.
I have an application which has a tabcontrol that contains two tabpages. I have a custom made usercontrol docked to fill up each of those tabs. When I resize my main form to the minimum size allowed one tab resizes accordingly while the other seems to overflow the area and a couple ui items slip out of access/view.
One usercontrol was quite literally copied from the other and renamed and fields adjusted. The usercontrol size is the same between the two. Within the usercontrols there is a datagridview and a large panel full of textboxes and they have identical sizes and identical anchoring properties and even the same location coordinates.
I'm struggling to find a difference between the two but I really would like the resize behavior to match between the two usercontrols. I was wondering if anyone would have ideas of other things to check I did not mention here?
This should like very odd behavior.
There are a few things that I can think of to check:
1) Double-check that the user control is actually on the tab page itself and not on a different control, such as the tab or a common tab area (not sure of the tab control you are using; some controls have a common area that is available to all tabs).
2) Verify that the Dock property is indeed set to fill on the "bad" usercontrol.
3) Verify that you are not resizing or changing the Dock property on the bad usercontrol in code.
Found a minimum size on one of the usercontrols and that was the cause of my issue. Don't know how I didn't see it earlier.