Error occurred while analyzing the Eclemma code coverage - eclemma

I am using the Eclemma 2.3 and as well as lombok-1.16.8.jar.
When I run the code coverage, Eclemma plugin gives the following error:
Error while loading coverage session (code 5001).** Error while
analyzing package fragment root lombok-1.16.8.jar at
(code 5007). Error while analyzing

I was just having this issue and the best way for me was uninstalling Eclemma and re-installing it.
You can do so by clicking Help and selecting Eclpise Marketplace... from the menu. Once there, you can search for Eclemma on the Installed tab. Proceed to uninstall.
Once you uninstall, Eclipse will ask to restart for the software changes to take effect. Proceed to do so. Once Eclipse is back up, go ahead and follow the same steps except this time install Eclemma.
This should fix the issueError while loading coverage session (code 5001).


Sanity start is not running on my Vs code

After project was successfully created in my system.
When I try to run sanity start, it fails and shows “cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system”
How do I resolve it?
The easiest way to fix this is to change the terminal setting of your Vscode to CMD. Here is a post that explains in further detail.

Codeception won't run any tests. Fails with no errors, quits before running any tests

I go to run an acceptance test, but it only outputs
Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.0.12
Powered by PHPUnit 4.5.1 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Then it quits with out any error message. No tests run, no error message.
Browser tests were working fine, and only acceptance tests were broken.
I have all ready solved the problem, but I want to create a record for next time I or any one else runs into this problem.
If you codeception is quitting without any errors or fail messages, it means that there is an error in your code somewhere. I found the error in me Acceptance Helper file, where I had a duplicate of a function. Functions can not have the same name in php, so everything fails. But codeception does not output any error messages.
In order to solve this problem, you need to look through your Helper functions to find a syntax error, or it could be in your actual tests.
The reason it fails is codeception hits an error in the php code, and dies, not throwing any errors. Leaving you confused and frustrated. Now you can find this question and get back to doing what you're doing.
There is a syntax error somewhere in your testing code, find it and get rid of it, and it will work. I'd bet the error is in the AcceptanceHelper.php or Browser or what ever suit won't run tests.
If you're seeing this behaviour (codeception quits without any error messages) there is likely a fatal PHP error happening somewhere, but it's not necessarily in your own code or in your codeception generated files.
Depending on your PHP configuration, these errors should show up in an error log, even if they're not output to the console.
For example, if you're using MAMP on Mac, the error log is here by default: /Applications/MAMP/logs/php_error.log
Clear the PHP error log, run your (non-working) test, and check the log again. It should give more insight.
In my case, it was a matter of running codeception 4 on Laravel 5.5, and hence missing classes from the symfony/service-contracts package. Installing this package with composer moved past the "invisible" problem (though I ultimately had to downgrade to composer 3, since there doesn't seem to be a compatible set of symfony/Laravel 5.5/composer 4 packages).

Sonar Eclipse plugin : local analysis is still tagging fixed issues

I'm using the Sonar Eclipse plugin v3.3.
After I've fixed a rule violation, not a new issue, but one that exists on the sonar server, I re-run the analysis on my project in Eclipse. I expected that the fixed issues would no longer be flagged by the analysis, but they appear to be still flagged even though they have been fixed.
In my Eclipse SonarQube preferences I have the severity marked as warning and Force full preview... unchecked.
In the view options I have Show->All Issues on Selection checked.
How do I set up the plugin so that once I've fixed the issue locally, the issue is no longer flagged when I re-run the analysis on my project?
Full analysis is run nightly by a conditional build step in Jenkins using SonarQube Runner.
When I run the analysis via Eclipse, the first thing it does is wipe out the existing issue annotations, but then as soon as it contacts the server it immediately adds them back in. The issues stay flagged regardless of whether they were fixed locally or not.
If I intentionally put in the wrong projectKey in the org.sonar.ide.eclipse.core.prefs file, then the local analysis runs similar to what I would expect. It flags all existing issues as new, which is expected, since it can't reach the server to ask if they were preexisting. It doesn't flag any fixed issues.
The problem was that I was using 3.7.3 on the server and not 4.0 or above. I upgraded the server install to 4.1 and all is well now.
BTW - The Sonar console output clearly stated :
SonarQube version 4.0 is required to perform local analysis.

Installing dotnetnuke module install fails with 404

Im doing some dev work on a dnn module. I was able to build and install a package on my installation of DNN once. I made some changes and wanted to uninstall and reinstall it. Uninstalling went fine. Installing the module again failed by throwing a 404 on the install popup window as soon as i upload the new module zip. I dont see anything logged in the event viewer. Anyone know what can cause this?
Im running DNN 6.2.4
UPDATE: adding more info
the url its 404ing on is: "/Host/Extensions/tabid/36/ctl/Install/rtab/36/portalid/0/Default.aspx?popUp=true"
Im sure this is something unique to my module. I tried installing other modules and they worked fine.
Try hitting F12 in your browser to load the Developer console and see if you can find what the URL is that is 404'ng, that'll make tracking down the issue easier.
Update: Since it appears to be the old "max upload size" issue check out this video for how to fix that part

Not getting unresolved conflict notification popup alert box in Subversive (SVN in eclipse)

We are a team that just started working with Subversion using Subversive in Eclipse.
I have learned from this guide, (See Resolving Conflicts) that a notification popup alertbox is to be shown when two people make changes to the same file and then try to commit them, resulting in a conflict:
In our installation we are not getting this alertbox. I imagine that it may be a setting that we need to set.
Does anyone know how to get this alert box to be shown?
I add to uninstall and re-install Subclipse. I had both Subclipse and Subversion plugins on Eclipse; I uninstalled both and reinstalled Subclipse and that fixed my problem