SQL to Select lowest value, group by, other field - sql

I'm having a problem writing a query that gives me the other fields after finding the min value of another column. I've tried this:
Select WorkOrder, min(Job), Details
From Jobs
Group by WorkOrder
But it doesn't work.
This gives me a list of the lowest Job number by WorkOrder:
Select WorkOrder, min(Job)
From Jobs
Group by WorkOrder
I want Details of the line item with the lowest Job number. What am I doing wrong?

You may try this query
Select WorkOrder, min(Job), Details
From Jobs
Group by WorkOrder, Details

When you use a GROUP BY clause, everything in your select statement has to either be an aggregate function (like min, max, ect) or has to be included in your GROUP BY clause. Details is not included in your GROUP BY clause, and so the statement won't compile. If you include Details in your GROUP BY clause you will get the min(job) of each combination of WorkOrder and Details, which is probably not what you want.
There are a few ways you can go about solving this problem. IMO the easiest would be to select your min(job) and Workorder, and then to join that result back into the jobs table and select details. To do this your jobs table must have a unique primary key.
(Select Key, WorkOrder, min(Job) as MinJob
From Jobs
Group by Key, WorkOrder) AS minWorkOrder
ON Jobs.Key = minWorkOrder.Key
If your table does not have a unique key, then things get a littler trickier. In the scope of this query, it is probably a safe assumption that every combination of min(Job) and WorkOrder is unique. You can join on both of these fields and yous should get the right answer.
(Select WorkOrder, min(Job) as MinJob
From Jobs
Group by WorkOrder) AS minWorkOrder
ON Jobs.Job = minWorkOrder.MinJob AND Jobs.WorkOrder = minWorkOrder.WorkOrder

you should add min() in your condition like this
Select * From Jobs Where Job in
(Select min_job From (Select WorkOrder ,min(Job) as min_job From Jobs
Group by WorkOrder)

You should try this:
SELECT WorkOrder, Details
from Jobs
where Job IN (SELECt min(Job), WorkOrder from Jobs GROUP BY WorkOrder);

I worked with an engineer in my department who provided this working answer:
Select A.WorkOrder, A.Job, A.Details
From(Select WorkOrder, Job, Details, Row_Number()
over( Partition by WorkOrder Order by Job ASC) as Num
From Jobs)A
where A.Num = 1

with cte as
select workorder,Job, Details, rank() over (partition by workorder order by job asc) as rnk
select workorder,Job, Details from cte
where rnk = 1
Here we are ranking values in column Job in ascending order, for each workorder. Last WHERE clause rnk = 1 fetches only the Jobs with minimum value for each workorder. In case a workorder has more than 1 jobs with same value, RANK() will assign same rank to them . Hence, if a workorder has more than 1 jobs with minimum value ,this will return all of them.


SQL Total Distinct Count on Group By Query

Trying to get an overall distinct count of the employees for a range of records which has a group by on it.
I've tried using the "over()" clause but couldn't get that to work. Best to explain using an example so please see my script below and wanted result below.
I should mention I'm hoping for a solution that does not use a sub-query based on my "sales_detail" table below because in my real example, the "sales_detail" table is a very complex sub-query.
Here's the result I want. Column "wanted_result" should be 9:
Sample script:
[employee] varchar(100),[customer] varchar(100),[startdate] varchar(100),[enddate] varchar(100),[saleday] int,[timeframe] varchar(100),[saleqty] numeric(18,4)
INSERT INTO [sales_detail]
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee])) OVER() AS [employee_count2],
9 AS [wanted_result]
) AS [s]
If I understand correctly, you are simply looking for a COUNT(DISTINCT) for all employees in the table? I believe this query will return the results you are looking for:
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [employee]) FROM [sales_detail]) AS [employee_count2],
9 AS [wanted_result]
FROM #sales_detail [s]
You can try this below option-
SUM([saleqty]) AS [total_qty],
COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee]) AS [employee_count1],
SUM(COUNT(DISTINCT [s].[employee])) OVER() AS [employee_count2],
-- select count form sub query
(select COUNT(DISTINCT [employee]) from [sales_detail]) AS [wanted_result]
--caculate the count with first sub query
FROM [sales_detail]
) AS [s]
Use a trick where you only count each person on the first day they are seen:
select timeframe, sum(saleqty) as total_qty),
count(distinct employee) as employee_count1,
sum( (seqnum = 1)::int ) as employee_count2
9 as wanted_result
from (select sd.*,
row_number() over (partition by employee order by startdate) as seqnum
from sales_detail sd
) sd
group by timeframe;
Note: From the perspective of performance, your complex subquery is only evaluated once.

How to work with problems correlated subqueries that reference other tables, without using Join

I am trying to work on public dataset bigquery-public-data.austin_crime.crime of the BigQuery. My goal is to get the output as three column that shows the
discription(of the crime), count of them, and top district for that particular description(crime).
I am able to get the first two columns with this query.
count(*) as district_count
from `bigquery-public-data.austin_crime.crime` a
group by description order by district_count desc
and was hoping I can get that done with one query and then I tried this in order to get the third column showing me the Top district for that particular description (crime) by adding the code below
count(*) as district_count,
select district from
( select
district, rank() over(order by COUNT(*) desc) as rank
FROM `bigquery-public-data.austin_crime.crime`
where description = a.description
group by district
) where rank = 1
) as top_District
from `bigquery-public-data.austin_crime.crime` a
group by description
order by district_count desc
The error i am getting is this. "Correlated subqueries that reference other tables are not supported unless they can be de-correlated, such as by transforming them into an efficient JOIN."
I think i can do that by joins. Can someone has better solution possibly to do that using without join.
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
SELECT description,
ANY_VALUE(district_count) AS district_count,
STRING_AGG(district ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 1) AS top_district
SELECT description, district,
COUNT(1) OVER(PARTITION BY description) AS district_count,
COUNT(1) OVER(PARTITION BY description, district) AS cnt
FROM `bigquery-public-data.austin_crime.crime`
GROUP BY description
-- ORDER BY district_count DESC

Get the first instance of a row using MS Access

I have this query wherein I want to SELECT the first instance of a record from the table petTable.
FROM petTable
The problem is I have huge number of records and this query is too slow. I discovered that GROUP BY slows down the query. Do you have any idea that could make this query faster? or better, a query wherein I don't need to use GROUP BY?
"The problem is I have huge number of records and this query is too slow. I discovered that GROUP BY slows down the query. Do you have any idea that could make this query faster?"
And an index on pet_ID, then create and test this query:
SELECT pet_ID, Min(id) AS MinOfid
FROM petTable
Once you have that query working, you can join it back to the original table --- then it will select only the original rows which match based on id and you can retrieve the other fields you want from those matching rows.
SELECT pt.id, pt.pet_ID, pt.petName, pt.Description
petTable AS pt
SELECT pet_ID, Min(id) AS MinOfid
FROM petTable
) AS sub
ON pt.id = sub.MinOfid;
Your Query could change as,
SELECT ID, pet_ID, petName, Description
FROM petTable
(SELECT Min(ID) As MinID FROM petTable GROUP BY pet_ID);
Or use the TOP clause,
SELECT petTable.petID, petTable.petName, petTable.[description]
FROM petTable
WHERE petTable.ID IN
FROM petTable AS tmpTbl
WHERE tmpTbl.petID = petTable.petID
ORDER BY petTable.petID, petTable.petName, petTable.[description];

Over clause in SQL Server

I have the following query
select * from
SELECT distinct
,MAX(datediff(day, rx.filldate, rx.scriptenddate)) AS longestScript
,COUNT(rx.drugName) over(partition by rx.patid,rx.fillDate,rx.drugclass) as distinctFamilies
FROM [I 3 SCI control].dbo.rx
where rx.drugClass in ('h3a','h6h','h4b','h2f','h2s','j7c','h2e')
GROUP BY rx.patid, rx.fillDate, rx.scriptEndDate,rx.drugName,rx.drugClass
) r
order by distinctFamilies desc
which produces results that look like
This should mean that between the two dates in the table the patID that there should be 5 unique drug names. However, when I run the following query:
select distinct *
from rx
where patid = 1358801781 and fillDate between '2008-10-17' and '2008-11-16' and drugClass='H4B'
I have a result set returned that looks like
You can see that while there are in fact five rows returned for the second query between the dates of 2008-10-17 and 2009-01-15, there are only three unique names. I've tried various ways of modifying the over clause, all with different levels of non-success. How can I alter my query so that I only find unique drugNames within the timeframe specified for each row?
Taking a shot at it:
MAX(DATEDIFF(day, fillDate, scriptEndDate)) AS longestScript,
MAX(rn) OVER(PARTITION BY patid, fillDate, drugClass) as distinctFamilies
SELECT patid, fillDate, scriptEndDate, drugClass,rx.drugName,
DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY patid, fillDate, drugClass ORDER BY drugName) as rn
FROM [I 3 SCI control].dbo.rx
WHERE drugClass IN ('h3a','h6h','h4b','h2f','h2s','j7c','h2e')
GROUP BY x.patid, x.fillDate, x.scriptEndDate,x.drugName,x.drugClass,x.rn
ORDER BY distinctFamilies DESC
Not sure if DISTINCT is really necessary - left it in since you've used it.

Sort by count SQL reporting services

I have a simple query in a tabloid control that gets all the leads in one month. I then use the tabloid control to group them into lead source. And then I have an associated count column. I want to sort my report on the count descending, without doing it in the query. I keep getting an error saying you cannot sort on an aggregate.
you can do one more thing..
just write your query in subquery part and write order by clause in outer query.
(suppose you have group by query as follow-
select lead_source, count(*) cnt
from your_table
group by lead_source
so you can do as follow -
select lead_source, cnt from (
select lead_source, count(*) cnt
from your_table
group by lead_source
order by cnt
this your_table and group by column list you have to edit accordingly your table structure ..