Looping through all Combo boxes on a VB form - vb.net

I am making a grade application for a school project and I am wondering how I can loop through and check a value in all combo boxes on a certain form, I have 19 units to check; trying to be efficient without making 19 case statements. I have tried an array and me.controls.

Try this :
For Each c As Control In Me.Controls.OfType(Of ComboBox)()
'You cann acces to ComboBox her by c

Note that if you have controls host by containers (TabControl, SPlitPanel, etc.) you may not find all of your controls.
Here is a recursive call that should return all of your controls:
Sub GetControlList(container As Control, ByVal ctlList As List(Of Control))
For Each child As Control In container.Controls
If (child.HasChildren) Then
GetControlList(child, ctlList)
End If
End Sub
I have on occasion had problems with the controls on SplitContainer panels so if you use a splitter make sure you are getting all your controls.
Once you have a complete list of controls you can operate on them. This sample is working with DataGridView controls:
Dim ctrls As New List(Of Control)
GetControlList(Me, ctrls)
For Each dgv As DataGridView In ctrls.OfType(Of DataGridView)()
AddHandler dgv.DataError, AddressOf DataGridView_DataError
FYI the generic data error code:
Private Sub DataGridView_DataError(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewDataErrorEventArgs)
Dim dgv As DataGridView = sender
Dim sGridName As String = dgv.Name.Replace("DataGridView", "")
Dim col As DataGridViewColumn = dgv.Columns(e.ColumnIndex)
Dim sColName As String = col.HeaderText
MsgBox(sGridName & vbNewLine & "Column " & sColName & vbNewLine & e.Exception.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End Sub

You already have the OfType(OF T) method. You use it like this:
ForEach box As ComboBox In MyForm.Controls.OfType(Of ComboBox)()
But this only checks the direct children of your control. If you have container controls like GroupBox, Panels, FlowControlLayoutPanel, etc, you'll miss the controls nested inside them. But we can build a new OfType() method to search these recursively:
Public Module ControlExtensions
Public Iterator Function OfTypeRecursive(Of T As Control)(ByVal Controls As ControlCollection) As IEnumerable(Of T)
For Each parent As Control In Controls
If parent.HasChildren Then
For Each child As Control In OfTypeRecursive(Of T)(parent.Controls)
Yield child
Next child
End If
Next parent
For Each item As Control In Controls.OfType(Of T)()
Yield item
Next item
End Function
End Module
And you use it the same way:
ForEach box As ComboBox In MyForm.Controls.OfTypeRecursive(Of ComboBox)()

You'll probably want to check containers for controls of the type you're looking for, here's a little function that should do the trick for you.
Private Function GetControls(Of T)(container As Control, searchChildren As Boolean) As T()
Dim Controls As New List(Of T)
For Each Child As Control In container.Controls
If TypeOf Child Is T Then
DirectCast(Controls, IList).Add(Child)
End If
If searchChildren AndAlso Child.HasChildren Then
Controls.AddRange(GetControls(Of T)(Child, True))
End If
Return Controls.ToArray()
End Function
Here's the usage, if search children is True then all child containers will be searched for the control you're looking for. Also, for the top most container we'll just pass in Me assuming you're calling the code from within your Form, otherwise you could pass the Form instance or a specific Panel, GroupBox, etc.
Dim ComboBoxes As ComboBox() = GetControls(Of ComboBox)(Me, True)


Is there any way to create a global function to clear TextBoxes?

I was wondering if there is any way to create a class with a global function/method/sub that upon
calling it will clear some of the textboxes of the form. How can i handle the different number of textboxes
each forms has?
The current code clears only the pre-defined 2 boxes. Thank you.
Public Class ClearElements
Public Sub CLEAR_TEXT(ByVal text1 As TextBox, ByVal text2 As TextBox)
End Sub
End Class
There are many ways to do it.
You can add the TextBoxes to a List, and clear each item in the list
Private ReadOnly someOfTheTextBoxes As New List(Of TextBox)
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each t In someOfTheTextBoxes
End Sub
Or make this method
Public Sub CLEAR_TEXT(textboxes As IEnumerable(Of TextBox))
For Each t In textboxes
End Sub
and call it with your list of TextBoxes
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
or make an array on the spot and pass it in
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
CLEAR_TEXT({TextBox1, TextBox2})
End Sub
If you are interested in recursion at all, here are some extensions I have which could help
Module Extensions
Public Function ChildControls(parent As Control) As IEnumerable(Of Control)
Return ChildControls(Of Control)(parent)
End Function
Public Function ChildControls(Of TControl As Control)(parent As Control) As IEnumerable(Of TControl)
Dim result As New List(Of TControl)
For Each ctrl As Control In parent.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TControl Then result.Add(CType(ctrl, TControl))
result.AddRange(ctrl.ChildControls(Of TControl)())
Return result
End Function
Public Function ForEach(Of TSource)(source As IEnumerable(Of TSource), action As Action(Of TSource)) As IEnumerable(Of TSource)
For Each item As TSource In source
Next item
Return source
End Function
Public Function ForEach(Of TSource)(source As IEnumerable(Of TSource), action As Action(Of TSource, Integer)) As IEnumerable(Of TSource)
For i As Integer = 0 To source.Count() - 1
action(source.ElementAt(i), i)
Return source
End Function
End Module
Clear all textboxes recursively
Me.ChildControls(Of TextBox).ForEach(Sub(t) t.Clear())
Or ForEach on your list
someOfTheTextBoxes.ForEach(Sub(t) t.Clear())
We have this:
You could recursively go through all the controls in the form and in case of type = Textbox clear it.
But then the plot thickens:
I've done that before. It clears all the boxes of the form. I am talking about the case where some boxes have to be untouched and some to cleared.
The solution here is two parts. First, create the recursive method as suggested like this:
Public Sub ClearText(root As Control)
For Each ctrl As Control In Root.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = String.Empty
Next ctrl
End Sub
or this:
Public Sub ClearText(root As IEnumerable(Of Control))
For Each ctrl As Control In root
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = String.Empty
Next ctrl
End Sub
Second, on your form, use a container like Panel, GroupBox, FlowLayoutPanel, etc for the TextBox controls you need to clear. The key is all of the TextBox controls you need to clear — and none of the ones you want to keep — should be in same common container. Once that is done, you can pass the container to one of the above methods. If this messes with your layout, you can have a small number of containers for sets of controls on different areas of the form and call the function just a few times.
Remember, Panel controls can be styled to leave no visible artifacts on the parent form at all, and used entirely for logical groupings. The second version of the method above will also allow you to create arrays or lists of the controls (or control containers) you care about.
Another way to control this is to inherit a custom control from TextBox. You don't even need to change anything. All that matters is the control is now a different type from a regular textbox, and so the recursive method can target your new control type instead of textbox.
I'm using For in some cases.
First is to know for what do you need Textboxes or any component.
Second is to know if Textboxes (or any other component) will be inside Form (root) or inside others components like panels, groupoxes, tabPages… and if them will be inside of others.
Example1: Form – GroupBox(x) – TabControl(y) – TabPage(z) – TextBox(n)
Example2: Form --- TextBox(x)
Example3: Form – GroupBoox(x) – Panel(y) – TextBox(n)
You may to create some anidated subs/functions to complete something more elaborated. There are two important things:
Path of the component (see previous examples)
Number of the component. If you follow Example3, maybe could be this:
Form1 – GroupBox2 – Panel1 – TextBox3
Important: These are names of the components, and you need must be enumerated all of them.
The easy way to do what you are asking is:
Public Sub CountTextBoxesAndClear(ByVal FormName As String, Optional ByVal myObject As Object = Nothing)
Dim ArrayTextBoxName() As String
Dim myTextBox As New TextBox
Dim nTBOX As Integer
'Path of component
If myObject = Nothing Then myObject = My.Application.OpenForms.Item(FormName)
For i As Integer = 0 To myObject.Controls.Count - 1
If myObject.Controls(i).GetType Is GetType(TextBox) Then
nTBOX += 1
'Redim array
ReDim Preserve ArrayTextBoxName(nTBOX)
'Get Component
ArrayTextBoxName(nTBOX) = "TextBox" & nTBOX
'Get Path
myTextBox = myObject.Controls.Item(ArrayTextBoxName(nTBOX))
'myTextBox = myObject.Controls.Item("TextBox" & nTBOX) '<< the same of above line
'Clear TextBoxes
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
'A TextBox is Null, no error message
End Try
End If
End Sub
FormName is the name of Form, with quotes, for example “Form1”.
myObject is the object that contains textboxes, if Textboxes are inside of a Panel named Panel1, you must write Panel1 (without quotes).
Try/Catch: Maybe you need to have Textbox1, TextBox2, Textbox4, Textbox5, AnotherTextBox1, AnotherTextBox2.
And you call your sub:
If TextBoxes are into a Panel named Panel1:
CountTextBoxesAndClear("Form1", Panel1)
You must to have the total of textboxes but only clear (or do any action) only for TextBoxes named TextBox[x].
Try/Catch manage the error because TextBox3 does not exist. However, the correct way is Textbox1, TextBox2, Textbox3, Textbox4, AnotherTextBox1, AnotherTextBox2 and put limits in your sub/function.
For example:
Public Sub CountTextBoxesAndClear(ByVal FormName As String, Optional ByVal myObject As Object = Nothing, Optional byval start as integer = 0, Optional byval finish as integer = 0)
For i As Integer = start To finish
End Sub
And this is how to call:
CountTextBoxesAndClear("Form1", Nothing, 1, 4)
And now, you can investigate a little bit about how create subs/functions to know correct paths of components, and get contents and properties of TextBoxes, Labels, Comboboxes, checkboxes…
Additional info:
If you are working in VisualStudio, you know that if you change a name of component, all of code is changed automatically. This is a big problem if you are using start/finish vars as numbers because, you must to change manually all start/finish values in functions when you need to add/remove or move positions, for example:
CountTextBoxesAndClear("Form1", Nothing, 8, 12)
Now you need to add a new TextBox just in the eight position and move one. Your sub looks like this:
CountTextBoxesAndClear("Form1", Nothing, 9, 13)
You can create a simply function that convert the name of the component to integer (this function is only for two digits (0 to 99):
Public Function ObjToInt(ByVal IntObject As Object) As Integer
If IntObject IsNot Nothing Then
Dim ref As Integer = Val(IntObject.Name.Substring(IntObject.Name.Length - 2))
If ref = 0 Then
ref = Val(IntObject.Name.Substring(IntObject.Name.Length - 1))
End If
Return ref
Return 0
End If
End Function
And your sub may be written like this:
CountTextBoxesAndClear("Form1", Nothing, ObjToInt(TextBox9), ObjToInt(TextBox13))
Thanks for your awesome solutions.
I finally figured it out using ParamArray
Public Sub CLEAR_TEXTBOXES(ParamArray arr_textboxes() As TextBox)
For Each textbox As TextBox In arr_textboxes
End Sub
Then i call class using whatever textbox i want,
It's more shorter method.
Use ParamArray and Linq.
Public Sub CLEAR_TEXT(ParamArray text As TextBox())
text.ToList().ForEach(Sub(s) s.Clear())
End Sub

Making a List(Of ...) from multiple form object

So I'm trying to make a list of more than one type of object, which I done a research on and found out it's, but I also researched into structures and found I can possibly make a use of that instead, but it doesn't return itself as a list.
Imports WinText = System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Imports WinCombo = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
Public Class PSS
Public EntryItems = New List(Of Elements)
Structure Elements
Dim xSchool As WinCombo
Dim xClass As WinCombo
Dim xID As WinCombo
Dim xName As WinText
End Structure
End Class
Edit: So on a form I have a set of ComboBoxes and TextBoxes (about 20 more than on the example here). I want to put them into a list so that when I will be retrieving their results, or getting their names for SQL references, or anything similar, I will be able put them into a loop, thus making the code more efficient and shorter to do.
Structure has similarities to Class and is not a list.
(Read more about here)
You can create a List(Of Structure) but you need to populate it first, like djv stated already in comments.
Private Sub Populate()
Dim list As New List(Of Elements)
list.Add(New Elements)
'Add as much Elements as you want
End Sub
Assuming your Controls are placed on a Form named Form1.
For Each ctrl As Control In Form1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
Dim tb As TextBox = DirectCast(ctrl, TextBox)
'Do whatever you want with the current TextBox
ElseIf TypeOf ctrl Is ComboBox Then
Dim chk As ComboBox = DirectCast(ctrl, ComboBox)
'Do whatever you want with the current ComboBox
End If
At first, credits to MatSnow.
Taking his concept of As Control I was able to make a List(Of Control) which allowed me to make and add items to it.
Dim ControlList As New List(Of Control)
'And so on

Loop controls in form and tabpages

I have form with tabcontrol and few tab pages which contain many settings in textboxes and checkboxes.
When user press Exit from this form I have to check if data was changed.
For that I thought to make a string on Enter of all values on form and compare it with string of all values on exit:
Private Function getsetupstring() As String
Dim setupstring As String = ""
For Each oControl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf oControl Is CheckBox Then
Dim chk As CheckBox = CType(oControl, CheckBox)
setupstring &= chk.Checked.ToString
End If
If TypeOf oControl Is TextBox Then
setupstring &= oControl.Text.Trim.ToString
End If
Return setupstring
End Function
But that code don't loop through controls which are on tab pages, only TabControl and few buttons which are on top of form.
What to do to get all controls listed so I can pick values?
Controls only contains the parent controls, not the respective children. If you want to get all the controls (parents and respective children), you can rely on a code on these lines:
Dim allControls As List(Of Control) = New List(Of Control)
For Each ctr As Control In Me.Controls
allControls = getAllControls(ctr, allControls)
Where getAllControls is defined by:
Private Function getAllControls(mainControl As Control, allControls As List(Of Control)) As List(Of Control)
If (Not allControls.Contains(mainControl)) Then allControls.Add(mainControl)
If mainControl.HasChildren Then
For Each child In mainControl.Controls
If (Not allControls.Contains(DirectCast(child, Control))) Then allControls.Add(DirectCast(child, Control))
If DirectCast(child, Control).HasChildren Then getAllControls(DirectCast(child, Control), allControls)
End If
Return allControls
End Function
Other alternative you have is relying on the Controls.Find method with the searchAllChildren property set to True.

vb.net find controls that begins with specified string in a form

I want to list all names of my buttons that begins with "btn" but these buttons are place in different panels. I have this in my mind
dim obj() as object in frmForm.Controls.Find(True,"btn*")
but I think it might be wrong..
First, the first parameter is the name and the second a bool which indicates whether you want to search recursively or not.
Second, there is no builtin way for this. I would use your own method, one like this:
Public Function FindControlStartsWith(root As Control, name As String, recursive As Boolean, comparison As StringComparison) As Control()
If root Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("root")
End If
Dim controls = New List(Of Control)
Dim stack = New Stack(Of Control)()
While stack.Count > 0
Dim c As Control = stack.Pop()
If c.Name.StartsWith(name, comparison) Then
End If
If recursive Then
For Each child As Control In root.Controls
End If
End While
Return controls.ToArray()
End Function
Use it in this way:
Dim obj() As Control = FindControlStartsWith(Me, "BUT", True, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
I do something similar with the type of control, but it can easily be modified for name. Try the code below:
Private Sub findcontrols(ByVal root As Control)
For Each cntrl As Control In root.Controls
If cntrl.name.startswith("btn") Then
End If
End Sub
You can make this even more complex by adding parameters for stuff like controlling recursion and such. Keep in mind that if you want to do any control type-specific stuff with it (ie. anything that is in the control that is not inherited from the Control class), you need to CType that object as the appropriate control. So, if .name was only in the Button class, and did not exist in the Control class, I would have to do the following for this to work:
msgbox(ctype(cntrl, Button).name)
My own personal version of it looks more like this:
Private Sub clearcontrols(ByVal root As Control, ByVal ClearLists As Boolean, Optional ByVal ClearTabPages As Boolean = False)
For Each cntrl As Control In root.Controls
clearcontrols(cntrl, ClearLists, ClearTabPages)
If TypeOf cntrl Is TextBox Then
CType(cntrl, TextBox).Clear()
End If
If TypeOf cntrl Is DataGridView Then
CType(cntrl, DataGridView).Rows.Clear()
End If
If TypeOf cntrl Is ListBox And ClearLists = True Then
CType(cntrl, ListBox).Items.Clear()
End If
If TypeOf cntrl Is TabControl And ClearTabPages = True Then
For Each tp As TabPage In CType(cntrl, TabControl).TabPages
If DynTPList.Contains(tp.Name) Then
End If
End If
End Sub

Why are controls missing from Me.Controls()

Hey guys. I must be missing something. I am trying to cycle throught the lables on my form but it would appear that I am missing quite a few labels... I have a total of 69 lables on my form and I only get 5 hits on the msgbox. All controls were placed on design time on the form and not on panels or tabs. Also upon inspecting the me.controls. the count is incorrect as it is missing exactly 64 controls. (The missing lables).
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is Label Then
End If
Next ctl
Any ideas why they would not show up?
Brad Swindell
The Controls collection is a heirarchy. You are only getting top level controls. If you want to get all controls then you will need to recursively dig into each child controls Control collection.
All controls were placed on design
time on the form and not on panels or
Remember that GroupBox is also a control, with it's own Controls property as well.
This function should give you what you want, but my VB.Net is very, very rusty so if it doesn't compile I apologize.
Private Sub PrintAllControlsRecursive(col As Control.ControlCollection, ctrlType As Type)
If col Is Nothing OrElse col.Count = 0 Then
End If
For Each c As Control In col
If c.GetType() = ctrlType Then
End If
If c.HasChildren Then
PrintAllControlsRecursive(c.Controls, ctrlType)
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintAllControls(ByVal ParentCtl As Control)
Dim ctl As Control
MsgBox(ParentCtl.Name + " start", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
For Each ctl In ParentCtl.Controls
If ctl.HasChildren = True Then
End If
MsgBox(ParentCtl.Name + " End", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
End Sub
Just use LINQ and a recursive lambda with selectmany to flatten the hierarchy:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim act As Func(Of Control, IEnumerable(Of Control)) =
Function(ctl) ctl.Controls.Cast(Of Control)().SelectMany(
Function(ctl2) ctl2.Controls.Cast(Of Control)().
Union(act(ctl2))).Union(ctl.Controls.Cast(Of Control))
MsgBox(Join((From c In act(Me).Distinct Order By c.Name
Select c.Name & "--" & c.GetType.ToString).ToArray, vbCrLf))
End Sub
Not barnyard programming at all nor chance of repeated items or obscure bugs...
be sure that you're finding controls AFTER the form has been completelly charged, otherwise if you try to list controls during load process the me.controls.count will be zero.