Tensorflow unrolled LSTM longer than input sequence - tensorflow

I want to create an LSTM in tensorflow to predict time-series data. My training data is a set of input/output sequences of different lengths. Can I include multiple sequences of different lengths in the same training batch? Or do I need to pad them to equal lengths? If so, how?
Also: What will tensorflow do if the unrolled RNN is longer than the input sequence? The rnn() method contains an optional sequence_length argument which appears designed to handle this eventuality, but I'm not clear what it does.

Do you want to build the model from scratch? Otherwise you might want to look into the translate.py-model. Here your issue is taken care of by:
- padding the input (and output) sequences with a PAD-symbol (basically a neutral "no info"-symbol)
- buckets: For different groups of lengths you can create different buckets (makes sense only if your sequence-lengths are very different shortest to longest

You DONT have to batch inputs/output sequence of same length into a batch. TF has a way to specify the input size. The parameter "sequence_length", controls the number of time steps a cell is unrolled. So the TF will unroll your cell only up to sequence_length but not to the step size.
So while feeding the inputs and outputs also feed a sequence_length array which contain the length of each input
tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn(fwd_stacked_lstm_cells, bwd_stacked_lstm_cells,
model.inputs: x,
model.targets: y,
model.sequence_length: lengths})
len(lengths) == batch_size and
for all i, lengths[i] == length of input x[i] (same as length of outpu y[i])


How does Keras produce output of different size y, given an input of size x?

I am new to neural network here. I am reading a lot of guides and tutorial where they will start with an lstm layer where the input size differs from the output size
eg. model.add(LSTM(100, input_shape=(20, 1))) ->
before doing ->
model.add(Dense(80, activation='relu')), etc.
presumably, the output layer for the lstm here has size 100, where the input has only 20
for a dense layer I can imagine how that works because there are plenty of graphs depicting that, but how can a lstm produce output layer of very different size from the input?
and also importantly, of what range of value can the output be given the input (let's say of 20) effectively be? would any value make sense?
The output size can be anything. For example, in case of feeding word embeddings of 256 length and output size 1000 length, it somewhat follows the below steps:
Embedding goes into the LSTM (Here, I am ignoring the batch and sequence length; just one word embedding in one time-step)
The Weight Matrix (Waa, Way, Wax etc are initialized) : These matrices shapes depends upon the output size you gave (e.g. 100 above)
All the needed calculations are followed as per LSTM semantics
The output of 1000 vector length is generated

Keras variable input

Im working through a Keras example at https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/text/text_generation
The model is built here:
def build_model(vocab_size, embedding_dim, rnn_units, batch_size):
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_dim,
batch_input_shape=[batch_size, None]),
return model
During training, they always pass in a length 100 array of ints.
But during prediction, they are able to pass in any length of input and the output is the same length as the input. I was always under the impression that the lengths of the time steps had to be the same. Is that not the case and the # of time steps of the RNN somehow can change?
RNNs are sequence models, ie. they take in a sequence of input and give out a sequence of outputs. The sequence length is also called the time steps is number of time the RNN cell is unwrapped and for each unwrapping an input is passed and RNN cell using its gates gives out an output (per each unwrapping). So in theory you can have as long sequence as you want. Now lets assume you have different inputs of different size, since you cannot have variable size inputs in a single batches you have to collect the inputs of same size an make a batch if you want to train using batches. You can as well use batch size of 1 and not worry about all this, but training become painfully slow.
In ptractical situations, while training we divide input into same sizes so that training become fast. There are situations like language translation models where this is not feasible.
So in theory RNNs does not have any limitation on the sequence length, however large sequence will start to loose the context at the begging as the sequence length increases.
While predictions you can use any sequence length you want to.
In you case your output size is same as input size because of return_sequences=True. You can as well have single output by using return_sequences=False where in only the output of last unwrapping is returned by keras.
Length of training sequences should not be equal to predicted length.
RNN deals with two vectors: new word and hidden state (accumulated from the previous words). It doesn't keep length of sequence.
But to get good prediction of long sequences - you have to train RNN with long sequences - because RNN should learn a long context.

Analysis of the output from tf.nn.dynamic_rnn tensorflow function

I am not able to understand the output from tf.nn.dynamic_rnn tensorflow function. The document just tells about the size of the output, but it doesn't tell what does each row/column means. From the documentation:
outputs: The RNN output Tensor.
If time_major == False (default), this will be a Tensor shaped:
[batch_size, max_time, cell.output_size].
If time_major == True, this will be a Tensor shaped:
[max_time, batch_size, cell.output_size].
Note, if cell.output_size is a (possibly nested) tuple of integers
or TensorShape objects, then outputs will be a tuple having the
same structure as cell.output_size, containing Tensors having shapes
corresponding to the shape data in cell.output_size.
state: The final state. If cell.state_size is an int, this will
be shaped [batch_size, cell.state_size]. If it is a
TensorShape, this will be shaped [batch_size] + cell.state_size.
If it is a (possibly nested) tuple of ints or TensorShape, this will
be a tuple having the corresponding shapes.
The outputs tensor is a 3-D matrix but what does each row/column represent?
tf.dynamic_rnn provides two outputs, outputs and state.
outputs contains the output of the RNN cell at every time instant. Assuming the default time_major == False, let's say you have an input composed of 10 examples with 7 time steps each and a feature vector of size 5 for every time step. Then your input would be 10x7x5 (batch_sizexmax_timexfeatures). Now you give this as an input to a RNN cell with output size 15. Conceptually, each time step of each example is input to the RNN, and you would get a 15-long vector for each of those. So that is what outputs contains, a tensor in this case of size 10x7x15 (batch_sizexmax_timexcell.output_size) with the output of the RNN cell at each time step. If you are only interested in the last output of the cell, you can just slice the time dimension to pick just the last element (e.g. outputs[:, -1, :]).
state contains the state of the RNN after processing all the inputs. Note that, unlike outputs, this doesn't contain information about every time step, but only about the last one (that is, the state after the last one). Depending on your case, the state may or may not be useful. For example, if you have very long sequences, you may not want/be able to processes them in a single batch, and you may need to split them into several subsequences. If you ignore the state, then whenever you give a new subsequence it will be as if you are beginning a new one; if you remember the state, however (e.g. outputting it or storing it in a variable), you can feed it back later (through the initial_state parameter of tf.nn.dynamic_rnn) in order to correctly keep track of the state of the RNN, and only reset it to the initial state (generally all zeros) after you have completed the whole sequences. The shape of state can vary depending on the RNN cell that you are using, but, in general, you have some state for each of the examples (one or more tensors with size batch_sizexstate_size, where state_size depends on the cell type and size).

Bi-directional LSTM for variable-length sequence in Tensorflow

I want to train a bi-directional LSTM in tensorflow to perform a sequence classification problem (sentiment classification).
Because sequences are of variable lengths, batches are normally padded with vectors of zero. Normally, I use the sequence_length parameter in the uni-directional RNN to avoid training on the padding vectors.
How can this be managed with bi-directional LSTM. Does the "sequence_length" parameter work automatically starts from an advanced position in the sequence for the backward direction?
Thank you
bidirectional_dynamic_rnn also has a sequence_length parameter that takes care of sequences of variable lengths.
https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/bidirectional_dynamic_rnn (mirror):
sequence_length: An int32/int64 vector, size [batch_size], containing the actual lengths for each of the sequences.
You can see an example here: https://github.com/Franck-Dernoncourt/NeuroNER/blob/master/src/entity_lstm.py
In forward pass, rnn cell will stop at sequence_length which is the no-padding length of the input and is a parameter in tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn. In backward pass, it firstly use function tf.reverse_sequence to reverse the first sequence_length elements and then traverse like that in the forward pass.
This op first slices input along the dimension batch_axis, and for each slice i, reverses the first seq_lengths[i] elements along the dimension seq_axis.

Dynamic LSTM model in Tensorflow

I am looking to design a LSTM model using Tensorflow, wherein the sentences are of different length. I came across a tutorial on PTB dataset (https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/models/rnn/ptb/ptb_word_lm.py). How does this model capture the instances of varying length? The example does not discuss anything about padding or other technique to handle the variable size sequences.
If I use padding, what should be the unrolling dimension?
You can do this in two way.
TF has a way to specify the input size. Look for a parameter called "sequence_length", I have used this in tf.nn.bidirectional_rnn. So the TF will unroll your cell only up to sequence_length but not to the step size.
Pad your input with predefined dummy input and predefined dummy output (for the dummy output). The lstm cell will learn to predict dummy output for the dummy input. When using it (say for matrix calculation) chop of the dummy parts.
The PTB model is truncated in time -- it always back-propagates a fixed number of steps (num_steps in the configs). So there is no padding -- it just reads the data and tries to predict the next word, and always reads num_steps words at a time.