Dynamically changing image in picture box not working - vb.net

I've been trying to figure this out off-and-on for weeks.
In my VB 2010 Forms application, I have a number of picture boxes which are populated with images from other picture boxes using the drag-and-drop method. That's no problem, it works fine. The picture boxes are all in a groupbox container.
The problem is trying to swap images between two picture boxes on a drag-and drop operation. In other words pBox1 has image.x and pBox2 has image.y. Drag the image from pBox2 to pBox1, and drop it; pBox1 will then have image.y from pBox2 and pBox2 will have image.x from pBox1.
With this example, here's the code I have so far:
Private Sub pBox2_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pBox1.MouseDown
strImageSource = "pBox2" 'strImageSource is a global string variable
[other stuff]
end sub
^ This saves the name of the source picture box to a global string.
Private Sub pBox1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles pBox1.DragDrop
For Each Control as PictureBox in GroupBox1.Controls.OfType(of PictureBox)()
if Control.Name = strImageSource then
Control.Image = pBox1.Image
end if
dim imgTarget as Image = CType((e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)), Bitmap)
pBox1.image = imgTarget
End Sub
^ This searches for the picture box as named by the strImageSource ("pBox2") and copies the contents of pBox1 into it, and then drops the image that was in pBox2 into pBox1.
I hope this makes sense.
This correctly places the image from pBox2 into pBox1, but it does not switch the image from pBox1 into pBox2. pBox2 is just blank. However, debugging shows that the image in pBox2 is not nothing; it does contain a bitmap. It's just not visible.
Now, just as a test, I added a line to the For Each section that would change the background color of the picture box:
For Each Control as PictureBox in GroupBox1.Controls.OfType(of PictureBox)()
if Control.Name = strImageSource then
Control.Image = pBox1.Image
Control.BackColor = color.red
end if
And the back color does change. This tells me that the For Each section is working -- it's finding the control and changing the back color. It's just not showing the image.
Is there something I am overlooking?

Instead of using strImageSource, use a global variable defined as a Picturebox
Private tmpPictureBox As PictureBox
Then store that picturebox reference so you can set its image on DragDrop
Private Sub pBox2_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pBox1.MouseDown
'store the picturebox reference
tmpPictureBox = sender
[other stuff]
end sub
Private Sub pBox1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles pBox1.DragDrop
'set the first image to the second
tmpPictureBox.Image = sender.image
'set the second image to the first
pBox1.image = CType((e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap)), Bitmap)
End Sub

You should call Control.Refresh() on the PictureBox controls in order to update the images.

OK, this was stupid.
I was doing everything right with one really boneheaded exception. In another part of the code, inexplicably, I was clearing the picture boxes of content after the image was replaced. It may have been a remnant of something I was trying to do unrelated to this problem, and I just never corrected it.
My apologies for that, and thanks for all the responses.


How do I detect the left and right side of my screen?

I'm doing a project for my kitten who died...
I would like to know how I make it flip (look at the right side) when it comes to the left side of the screen, I'll leave an example in the print
Here's some code you can use to start with a single image file and display it in its original form or flipped horizontally depending on the horizontal position of its PictureBox on the screen.
'The Image to display on the left side of the screen.
Private leftImage As Image
'The Image to display on the right side of the screen.
Private rightImage As Image
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Assume that the original image is the one to display on the left.
leftImage = Image.FromFile("file path here")
'Create a mirror image to display on the right.
rightImage = leftImage.Clone()
End Sub
Private Function IsPictureBoxOnLeftSideOfScreen() As Boolean
Dim screenMiddle = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width \ 2
Dim pictureBoxMiddle = PictureBox1.PointToScreen(Point.Empty).X + PictureBox1.Width \ 2
Return screenMiddle > pictureBoxMiddle
End Function
Private Sub SetImage()
PictureBox1.Image = If(IsPictureBoxOnLeftSideOfScreen(), leftImage, rightImage)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(sender As Object, e As FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
End Sub
Where you call that SetImage method depends on exactly how you're moving the PictureBox, which you never showed us. If you're moving the form then you might do so in the LocationChanged event handler of the form. If you're moving the PictureBox then you might do so in the LocationChanged event handler of the PictureBox.

How to fit a long text file field into a listbox?

I'm creating a program that is reading the information for recipes from a text file. I have the text file structured in a way that the list of instructions for each recipe are combined into one field of the text file. However, when I try to display the instructions into a listbox, it displays as one long line, and you can't see the full set of instructions. Is there anyway to manipulate that single field of the text file to continue onto the next line of the listbox when the text fills the space? I've included a picture of my code for displaying other elements of the text file line.
Here is what the sample field says in my text file:
In a pan sauté the shallots in olive oil. Add the brussel sprouts. Sauté until vibrant green. Add chopped bacon and balsamic vinegar if desired.
Once again, I just need help on how to get that giant field to fit to my text box. Here is a picture of my form during runtime currently. Thank you!
vb form
You've to control the drawing yourself.
From DrawMode docs, OwnerDrawVariable:
All the elements in the control are drawn manually and can differ in size.
Now, I'm setting the ItemHeight in MeasureItem event, and drawing the text in DrawItem event.
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(e As EventArgs)
yourListBox.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable
End Sub
Private Sub yourListBox_MeasureItem(sender As Object, e As MeasureItemEventArgs) Handles yourListBox.MeasureItem
e.ItemHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(yourListBox.Items(e.Index).ToString(), yourListBox.Font, yourListBox.Width).Height + 10
End Sub
Private Sub yourListBox_DrawItem(sender As Object, e As DrawItemEventArgs) Handles yourListBox.DrawItem
If e.Index < 0 Then Return
e.Graphics.DrawString(yourListBox.Items(e.Index).ToString(), yourListBox.Font, Brushes.Black, e.Bounds)
End Sub

VB NET image as button

I'm going to change the image of button_original to button_clicked's image.
how do I change the image(button) when I click them ?
Should I need to use picture box anything else ?
In vb.NET, if you're using an image on a button, to change it, you can change the property Image of the button in the Button_Click() event.
Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Button.Image = ... <- your image
End Sub

How can I place/drop an image evertime you click the mouse button using vb.net?

I looked at "How do I place an image with a mouse-click in Javascript?" but it had a small snippet of Java; immensely larger than my knowledge of Java. And that is the closest I've come to finding an answer in the past week.
Here's what I would like to do (don't know if its even possible):
I have a panel and a toolstrip with 3 buttons. Each button represents a different image. I want to click on a button (once) and then move into the panel and everytime I click the mouse button it drops the image where ever I clicked. This only ends when either I click back on the same button or one of the other buttons. I do not want to drag an image into the panel each time. In other words the button stays depressed and the event/action stays active.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is an example application. It's just a form with a ToolStrip on it, along with a couple of buttons with an image added to each button. The key property for each button is CheckOnClick=True, which will keep the button pressed down.
There isn't a radio button like feature for ToolStrips, so you have to "uncheck" the other ToolStripButtons yourself, which I have handled in the ItemClicked event.
Public Class Form1
Private _ActiveImage As Image = Nothing
Private Class ImagePoint
Public Location As Point
Public Image As Image
Public Sub New(ByVal image As Image, ByVal location As Point)
Me.Image = image
Me.Location = location
End Sub
End Class
Private _Images As New List(Of ImagePoint)
Public Sub New()
Me.DoubleBuffered = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
For Each imageItem As ImagePoint In _Images
e.Graphics.DrawImage(imageItem.Image, imageItem.Location)
End Sub
Private Sub ToolStrip1_ItemClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs) Handles ToolStrip1.ItemClicked
For Each toolButton As ToolStripButton In ToolStrip1.Items.OfType(Of ToolStripButton)()
If toolButton.CheckOnClick Then
If e.ClickedItem.Equals(toolButton) Then
_ActiveImage = e.ClickedItem.Image
toolButton.Checked = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseDown
If _ActiveImage IsNot Nothing AndAlso e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
_Images.Add(New ImagePoint(_ActiveImage, e.Location))
End If
End Sub
End Class
This example just uses a simple class to hold which image was placed at what location and the paint event just loops through the list and paints the image.
If deleting images is in your future, then you would have to call e.Graphics.Clear(Color.White) before painting any images.
For the button UI, check out the alternate style for radio buttons/check boxes. They have a "toggle button" mode which sounds like exactly what you need.
You could go through the motions of detecting mouse down events on the panel, getting the coordinates, creating an image control, and placing a copy of the image in it, but there's a better approach.
Fill the panel with a single image control (fill so that it handles resizes, the image control should always be the same size as the panel). Create a new Bitmap the same size as the image control and associate it with it (set the Image property). Obtain a Graphics object for the Bitmap (Graphics.FromImage() I think). Clear() it with the background color (Color.White?).
Preload your three images on startup and write the code to toggle between them, selecting the "active one" every time a different button is selected. On the mouse down event, you can get the coordinates of the click easily. Use myGraphics.DrawImage(...) to draw the active image at that location onto the Bitmap. You can then save the Bitmap to a file or do whatever you want with it. All of these concepts have lots of examples, Google them.
If you want to interact with the images after you "drop" them (like move them around again or something), then you will need to maintain a data structure that tracks what and where you've dropped. A simple class that has a Point and Image reference will be sufficient. Each drop should add an entry to a List(Of ...) these objects. You'll probably then need to write code such as "which image is under the current mouse location?". This can be accomplished by iterating through the list and doing point/rectangle intersection testing.
Private Sub ToolStripSound_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripSound.Click
If ToolStripSound.Checked = False Then
ToolStripSound.Checked = True
ToolStripSound.Checked = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ToolStripSound_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripSound.CheckedChanged
' ToolStripSound.Checked = True
If ToolStripSound.Checked = True Then
Me.ToolStripSound.Image = Global.Traffic_Lights.My.Resources.Resources.Oxygen_Icons_org_Oxygen_Status_audio_volume_high
Me.ToolStripSound.Image = Global.Traffic_Lights.My.Resources.Resources.Oxygen_Icons_org_Oxygen_Status_audio_volume_muted
End If
End Sub

add on click event to picturebox vb.net

I have a flowLayoutPanel which I am programatically adding new panelLayouts to. Each panelLayout has a pictureBox within it. It's all working nicely, but I need to detect when that picture box is clicked on. How do I add an event to the picture? I seem to only be able to find c# examples....
my code to add the image is as follows...
' add pic to the little panel container
Dim pic As New PictureBox()
pic.Size = New Size(cover_width, cover_height)
pic.Location = New Point(10, 0)
pic.Image = Image.FromFile("c:/test.jpg")
'add pic and other labels (hidden in this example) to the big panel flow
So I assume somewhere when I'm creating the image I add an onclick event. I need to get the index for it also if that is possible! Thanks for any help!
Use the AddHandler statement to subscribe to the Click event:
AddHandler pic.Click, AddressOf pic_Click
The sender argument of the pic_Click() method gives you a reference to the picture box back:
Private Sub pic_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim pic As PictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)
' etc...
End Sub
If you need additional info about the specific control, like an index, then you can use the Tag property.
Substitute PictureBox1 with the name of your control.
Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
'executes when PictureBox1 is clicked
End Sub