Jira: Status of all tickets at a certain point in time - sql

I want to pull out month-by-month stats from a jira project, which shows the number of tickets that were in each state at the start of each month (similar to the Cummulative Flow Diagram, but extractable).
Is there a way in JQL or SQL to get the status of all tickets in a project at a specific point in time?

If you want to do this via SQL for one specific date, Atlassian provides instructions for related useful queries on JIRA 4.x. A particularly-relevant one would seem to be the "Find Statuses of all issues in a project on a given date" query, but it will be a bit of an uphill battle to do this over a varying date range.
These queries are still mostly relevant for more modern versions of JIRA, with the main concern being that the JI.pkey column will be blank in JIRA 6+. To get this data back, you first need to join with the project table with ON project.id=JI.project, and then synthesize the issue key yourself as P.pkey || '-' || JI.issuenum. You will also probably need to apply typecasts to some of the joins (at least on some databases) since a few joins are trying to relate integer-typed columns with text columns.
For reference, their JIRA 4.x query was the following:
FROM changegroup, changeitem
WHERE changeitem.FIELD = 'Workflow'
AND changeitem.GROUPID = changegroup.ID
UNION SELECT jiraissue.WORKFLOW_ID AS VAL, jiraissue.id as ISSID
FROM jiraissue) As VALID,
jiraissue as JI
AND JI.project = <proj_id>;
If you are open to using a commercial add-on, Arsenale Dataplane can do exactly what you want in a few clicks using the Issue Values Snapshots by Date report. Disclaimer: I work for the company that makes this product.

With JQL you can only look for Issues not for States. About the specific point of time, you can only get information about the current status, unless you develop a complex script that takes in account the current situation and the changes made after the date you want to check (ChangeHistoryManager).
On the other hand, you can configure a Board with a pie chart (in example), where you set the Status field to be shown. Additionaly, you can create a Notification so that each first of month you get an email with this information.
Probably more interesting the scripting solution, but absolutely longer in time, and more complex.


SQL - Need to find a way to check whether a member has renewed

So, this is probably simple. I need to find a way to check whether a member of a scheme has renewed their membership or let it expire, I need to generate a simple list of those whom have not renewed.... There are complicating factors however, in that I cant use Excel, and it can only be a single step to Crystal reports (though I have solved the issue in Excel using a simple Countifs and if Formula)
Now for the problem.
The membership has specified Start/End Dates in separate columns in the table. It is easy to see whether this, in a row basis has expired. The issue is that if they have renewed, this is logged as a separate table entry linked by a Individual reference to the member. There are also multiple Qualifications I also need to test against.
So, whilst I can test the expiration date, the question is how can I test against the rest of the data, based on whether the Individual Reference and Qualification name and then check whether this is "Current". Doing this would enable me to therefore test whether the Membership has therefore been renewed, or not, on an individual line.
Any advice on methods would be appreciated.
Without knowing what data you have and making assumptions out the wazoo, try something along these lines
select distinct Member_id,
when exists (select 1
from members m2
where m2.member_id = m1.member_id
and (m2.expiry_date is null
or m2.expiry_date > '2018-01-25'))
then 'Active'
else 'Expired'
end as mem_status
from members m1
What the exists does is look and see if that member has an active status

Access Database - Most Recent Record - Max Function

I'm in the process of building a database to keep track of loaning equipment. I'm trying to build a query that will display the latest record of each machines location.
Relevant table is:
Movement ID (PK)
EntryDate (Automatically generated on record entry)
Serial (FK from a table called stock, with (Make, Model etc)
Location (Where the machine is)
Status (Things like: Available, Testing, Sold etc)
Current query is:
SELECT Movements.Serial, Max(Movements.EntryDateMovements) AS MaxOfEntryDateMovements
FROM Movements
GROUP BY Movements.Serial;
Which spits out the latest date of a record, and the serial associated with it.
What I need is the status to be shown in the results, but it still be grouped by the serial.
My issue is that when I try and add that, it either comes back with an error with about the expression not being part of the aggregate function, or I get more results than expected, as it no longer just keeps the results unique to the serial.
I'm pretty new Access, and have so far been able to muddle through guides, and books, and this site, to get everything else working, but i'm stuck at this hurdle.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Select top 1 *
from Movements
order by EntryDateMovements desc
This will give you everything for the newest record. This is TSQL but I think it carries over to Access.
Try this
Select t.serial,t.EntryDateMovements ,t.location, t.status
From movements as t
Inner join (SELECT Movements.Serial, Max(Movements.EntryDateMovements) AS MaxOfEntryDateMovements
FROM Movements
GROUP BY Movements.Serial) as MaxMovements on t.serial= MaxMovements.serial and t.EntryDateMovements=MaxMovements.MaxOfEntryDateMovements

SQL Server 2012 Managment Studio Basic SELECT queries

I am new to SQL Server. I have been assigned to do some simple queries to start off, then eventually move on to more complex queries.
I have spent a lot of time on this website: http://www.w3schools.com and I understand it, I think, but then when I go back to my company's database, I find myself searching from many, many, different tables with different information.
For example, a table would say [Acct_Name] and the query comes back with not the correct account name (s) that I need. Any advice that you think might help me? Thank you.
It sounds like you are looking to limit your results to specific accounts. There are many ways to go about this, so no one will be able to give you a all encompassing answer but if you are looking to just pull a single account
SELECT * FROM (your table name) WHERE Acct_Name = 'the account name'
The * means you are selecting all columns in the table and your WHERE clause is where you set your search conditionals, like account name or by account ID. If you had a account creation date, you could get all accounts created on or before a date like this
SELECT * FROM (your table name) WHERE Created < '2016-06-01 00:00:00'
Replace the column name 'Created' with the column that holds the date field of account creation
Learning the WHERE clause and what you can do there to limit your results will get you on a solid footing to start, from there you will want to learn JOINs and how to link tables by primary keys.
Code academy has some great tutorials https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-sql

Recurring Orders

Hi everyone I'm working on a school project, and for my project I chose to create an ecommerce system that can process recurring orders. This is for my final project, I'll be graduating in May with an associates in computer science.
Keep in mind this is no where a final solution and it's basically a jumping off point for this database design.
A little background on the business processes.
- Customer will order a product, and will specify during checkout whether it is a one time order or a weekly/monthly order.
- Customer will specify a location in which to pick up their order (this location is specific only to the order)
- If the value of the order > 25.00 then it is accepted otherwise it is rejected.
- This will populate the orders_test and order_products_test tables respectively
Person on the back end will have a report generated for deliveries for the day based on these two tables.
They will be able to print it off and it will generate a list of what items go to what location.
Based on the following criteria.
date_of_next_scheduled_delivery = current date
remaining_deliveries > 0
Once they are satisfied with the delivery list they will press "Process Deliveries" button.
This will adjust the order_products_test table as follows
Subtract 1 from remaining_deliveries
Insert current date into date_of_last_delivery_processed
Based on delivery_frequency (i.e. once, weekly, monthly) it will change the date_of_next_scheduled_delivery
status values in the order_products_test table can either be active, hold, or canceled, expired
I just would like some opinions if I am approaching this correctly or if I should scratch this approach and start over again.
A few thoughts, though not necessarily complete (there's a lot to your question, but hopefully these points help):
I don't think you need to keep track of remaining deliveries. You only have 2 options - a one time order, or a recurring order. In both cases, there's no sense in calculating remaining deliveries. It's never leveraged.
In terms of tracking the next delivery date, you can just keep track of the day of the order. If it's recurring -- monthly or weekly, regardless -- everything is calculable from that first date. Most DB systems (MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, etc) support more than enough date computation flexibility so that you can calculate this on the fly, as opposed to maintaining such a known schedule.
If the delivery location is only specific to the order, I see no use in creating a separate table for it -- it's functionally dependent on the order, you should keep it in the same table as the order. For most e-commerce systems, this is not the case because they tend to associate a list of delivery locations with accounts, which they prompt you about when you order more than once (e.g., Amazon).
Given the above, I bet you can just get away with 2 of your 4 tables above -- Account and Order. But again, if delivery locations are associated with Accounts, I would indeed break that out. (but your question above doesn't suggest that)
Do not name your tables with a "_test" suffix -- it's confusing.

has anybody the trac report to get all tickets without milestone?

i'm looking for the TracQuery for the trac report to get all tickets without assigned milestone listed. have you already composed this query, if yes, would you share it? thx in advance.
Something like this should do it, adapt to suit your precise needs....
id AS ticket,
description AS _description
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.milestone is NULL AND t.status<>'closed'
ORDER BY time desc, status, severity, summary
The key part for you is simply to filter on the milestone being NULL.
I could reproduce the 'No matches found' for the answer by Paul Dixon, so I tried it on my own:
id AS ticket,
time AS date,
description AS _description
FROM ticket t
WHERE t.milestone not in (
FROM milestone
AND t.status<>'closed'
ORDER BY time desc, status, severity, summary
Note: Trac has some "magic" result table column names. Assigning 'date' will do the appropriate conversation of time stamp integer to date string automagically - even better - respecting the current internal Trac time stamp format of POSIX micro-seconds (since Trac 0.12) too. In this respect the SQL statement above is even the most portable solution I'm aware of.
This is quite simple using Trac's query language instead of raw SQL. On a wiki page, you can use query:milestone= to create a link to a query of all tickets without a milestone assigned. Invoke the macro [[TicketQuery(milestone=)]] to insert the list of matching tickets into the wiki page.
To do the same thing on the "Custom Query" page, remove all search criteria and add a single criteria of "milestone" "is" and leave the third field blank.