Aerospike migration aborted - aerospike

We tried to update aerospike version and have a strange problem.
We had 3 – node cluster version 3.5.4 and replication factor 2.
And we decide to update to, so we installed new version on new server and added new node on cluster, after migration we removed old node. All was perfect.
We decided to repeat our algorithm.
We added one more new node to cluster and saw that migration failed. We caught a lot of errors in the logs like below.
Jun 06 2016 22:43:26 GMT: WARNING (partition): (partition.c::2221) {namespace:3368} migrate rx aborted. During migrate receive start, duplicate partition contains primary version
In addition, we saw that count of replica objects less than origin objects, for example:
Our Migration config
So, how we can fix situation?

I see from your output that there aren't any migrations in progress. And the replica counts do not match primary counts.
Prior to prior round migrations could interfere with subsequent rounds. I suspect that is what happened here. I recommend that you continue to upgrade and disregard these issues for now. If on completion the counts still do not match you will need to force the partitions to resync.
To force partitions to resync issue the following commands.
asadm -h [NODE IP] -e "cluster dun all";
sleep 10;
asadm -h [NODE IP] -e "cluster undun all";
This will cause all partition versions to diverge and resync.


Tar incremental restore : Cannot rename

I created a python script to do an incremental backup strategy on seven days whith a full backup on Sunday, using the command : tar
I have no probleme to generate my differents backups.
However, I've got an issue during trying to restore an incremental backup with this message error :
tar: Cannot rename `./path1' to `./path2': No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
My backups strategy run for a jenkins service.
Do you why I've got this error message which stop my restore. And do you know how to fix it
The short answer is: DO NOT use GNU's tar for incremental backups.
The long answer is, - there is pretty old bug that won't allows to restore incremental archives reliably. The bug still exists and reported multiple times since 2004.
stackexchange 01,stackexchange 02,
GNU 01, GNU 02, GNU 03,

Flink job started from another program on YARN fails with "JobClientActor seems to have died"

I'm new flink user and I have the following problem.
I use flink on YARN cluster to transfer related data extracted from RDBMS to HBase.
I write flink batch application on java with multiple ExecutionEnvironments (one per RDB table to transfer table rows in parrallel) to transfer table by table sequentially (because call of env.execute() is blocking).
I start YARN session like this
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
export FLINK_HOME=/opt/flink-1.3.1
$FLINK_HOME/bin/ -n 1 -s 4 -d -jm 2048 -tm 8096
Then I run my application on YARN session started via shell script Its content is here
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf
export FLINK_HOME=/opt/flink-1.3.1
$FLINK_HOME/bin/flink run -p 4 transfer.jar
When I start this script from command line manually it works fine - jobs are submitted to YARN session one by one without errors.
Now I should be able to run this script from another java program.
For this aim I use
(maybe are there better ways to do this? I have seen at REST API but there are some difficulties because job manager is proxied by YARN).
At the beginning is works as usually - first several jobs are submitted to session and finished successfully. But the following jobs are not submitted to YARN session.
In /opt/flink-1.3.1/log/flink-tsvetkoff-client-hadoop-dev1.log I see error (and no another errors found in DEBUG level)
The program execution failed: JobClientActor seems to have died before the JobExecutionResult could be retrieved.
I have tried to analyse this problem by myself and found out that this error has occurred in JobClient class while sending ping request with timeout to JobClientActor (i.e. YARN cluster).
I tried to increase multiple heartbeat and timeout options like akka.*.timeout,* and yarn.heartbeat-delay options but it doesn't solve the problem - new jobs are not submit to YARN session from CliFrontend.
The environment for both case (manual call and call from another program) is the same. When I call
$ ps axu | grep transfer
it will give me output
/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java -Dlog.file=/opt/flink-1.3.1/log/flink-tsvetkoff-client-hadoop-dev1.log -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/flink-1.3.1/conf/ -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:/opt/flink-1.3.1/conf/logback.xml -classpath /opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/flink-metrics-graphite-1.3.1.jar:/opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/flink-python_2.11-1.3.1.jar:/opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/flink-shaded-hadoop2-uber-1.3.1.jar:/opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar:/opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.7.jar:/opt/flink-1.3.1/lib/flink-dist_2.11-1.3.1.jar:::/etc/hadoop/conf org.apache.flink.client.CliFrontend run -p 4 transfer.jar
I also tried to update flink to 1.4.0 release or change parallelism of job (even to -p 1) but error has still occurred.
I have no idea what could be different? Is any workaround by the way?
Thank you for any help.
Finally I find out how to resolve that error
Just replace Runtime.exec(...) with new ProcessBuilder(...).inheritIO().start().
I really don't know why the call of inheritIO helps in that case because as I understand it just redirects IO streams from child process to parent process.
But I have checked that if I comment out this line of code the program begins to fall again.

yarn not getting nodes

This is in AWS EMR cluster with 2 task nodes and a Master.
I'm trying the hello-samza that launches a yarn job. The job gets stuck in ACCEPTED STATE. I looked in other posts and it seems that my yarn getting no nodes. Any help on what yarn not getting task nodes will help.
[hadoop#xxx hello-samza]$ deploy/yarn/bin/yarn node -list
17/04/18 23:30:45 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
Total Nodes:0
Node-Id Node-State Node-Http-Address Number-of-Running-Containers
[hadoop#xxx hello-samza]$ deploy/yarn/bin/yarn application -list -appStates ALL
17/04/18 23:26:30 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
Total number of applications (application-types: [] and states: [NEW, NEW_SAVING, SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED, KILLED]):1
Application-Id Application-Name Application-Type User Queue State Final-State Progress Tracking-URL
application_1492557889328_0001 wikipedia-parser_1 Samza hadoop default ACCEPTED UNDEFINED 0% N/A
I made a complete answer for a similar case I've been experiencing: have a look at it, it might be this kind of conf issue
It seems like the nodemanagers are not running on either node (either not started at all or exited with error). Use jps command to check if all the daemons associated with YARN are running on the two nodes. Additionally, check both nodemanager logs to see if any exceptions might have killed it.

Cannot connect Impala-Kudu to Apache Kudu (without Cloudera Manager): Get TTransportException Error

I have successfully installed kudu on Ubuntu (Trusty) as per the official kudu documentations (see ). The setup has one node running master and tablet server and another node running the tablet server only. I am having issues installing impala-kudu without Cloudera Manager on the node running kudu master. I have followed CDH installation instructions on this (see ) page until Step 3. I have avoided installing CDH with YARN and MRv1 as I don’t need to run any mapreduce jobs and will not be using hadoop. Impala-kudu and impala-kudu-shell installed without errors. When I launch the impala-shell it returns:
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Error connecting: TTransportException, Could not connect to kudu_test:21000
Welcome to the Impala shell. Copyright (c) 2015 Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
(Impala Shell v2.7.0-cdh5-IMPALA_KUDU-cdh5 (48f1ad3) built on Thu Aug 18 12:15:44 PDT 2016)Want to know what version of Impala you're connected to? Run the VERSION command to
find out!
[Not connected] >
I have tried to use the CONNECT option to connect to the kudu-master node without success. Both imapala-kudu and kudu are running on the same machine. Are there additional configuration settings which need to be changed or is hadoop and YARN a strict requirement to make impala-kudu work?
After running ps -ef | grep -i impalad I can confirm the impala daemon is not running. After navigating to the impala logs at ~/var/log/impala I find a few errors and warning files. Here is the output of impalad.ERROR:
Log file created at: 2016/09/13 13:26:24
Running on machine: kudu_test
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0913 13:26:24.084389 3021] stderr will be logged to this file.
E0913 13:26:25.406966 3021] Currently configured default filesystem: LocalFileSystem. fs.defaultFS (file:///) is not supported.ERROR: block location tracking is not properly enabled because
- dfs.datanode.hdfs-blocks-metadata.enabled is not enabled.
- dfs.client.file-block-storage-locations.timeout.millis is too low. It should be at least 10 seconds.
E0913 13:26:25.406990 3021] Aborting Impala Server startup due to improper configuration. Impalad exiting.
Maybe I need to revisit HDFS and the Hive Metastore to ensure I have these services configured properly?
According to the log, impalad quits because the default filesystem is configured to be LocalFileSystem, which is not supported. You have to set a distributed filesystem, such as HDFS as the default.
Although Kudu is a separate storage system and does not rely on HDFS, Impala still seems to require a non-local default FS even when using with Kudu. The Impala_Kudu documentation explicitly lists the following requirement:
Before installing Impala_Kudu, you must have already installed and configured services for HDFS (though it is not used by Kudu), the Hive Metastore (where Impala stores its metadata), and Kudu.
I can even imagine that HDFS may not really be needed for any other reason than to make Impala happy, but this is just speculation from my side. Update: Found IMPALA-1850 which confirms my suspicion that HDFS should not be needed for Impala any more, but it's not just a single check that has to be removed.

opscenter backup fails while trying to snapshot and non-existing SStable

I'm running a DSE cluster in AWS: m2.4xlarge instances running Datastax Enterprise 4.6.1, with Cassandra and Opscenter 5.1.0.
When we try to do a backup of a keyspace, we get this:
Snapshot of keyspaces [XXXXXXX] on node XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to hard link to file that does not exist /raid0/cassandra/data/XXXXXX/XXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXX-jb-1-Index.db
Any ideas?
This is likely the following known issue:
The workaround for this is a rolling restart and it is fixed in c* 2.1. It seems to be caused when you drop a keyspace and re-create it again.
I had a similar issue with a dropped keyspace and compaction.
Run a "nodetool repair" and check the "system" and "opscenter" keyspaces for traces of the deleted keyspace. You might need to manually remove stale rows.