awk - remove new line after printing all columns - awk

i am running a following awk script
awk 'BEGIN { FS="|" ; OFS="|" }; { printf $0, $1 "_" $2 }' .someFile
unfortunatley the concatention of fields 1 and 2 is printed on new line, looks like the last field contains a new line character
how can i trim it ?

If you want to use printf (which may have been accidental), I think you can use this:
awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "|" } { printf "%s%s%s_%s", $0, OFS, $1, $2 }' .someFile
printf should always be used with a format string. printf doesn't add the Output Record Separator to the end of what it prints, so you have to do that yourself using \n in the format string or by adding %s and passing ORS as the last argument to printf.
In this case, I think you can just use print though:
awk 'BEGIN { FS = OFS = "|" } { print $0, $1 "_" $2 }' .someFile


Merge lines based on first column without delimiter

I need to merge all the lines that have the same value on the first column.
The input file is the following:
I was able to partially achieve it using the following:
awk -F'|' '$1!=p{if(p)print s; p=$1; s=$0; next}{sub(p,x); s=s $0} END{print s}' INPUT
The output is the following:
What I need (and i cannot find how) is the following:
I could do a sed after the initial awk but I don't believe that this is the proper way to do it.
You need to substitute the separator in the values too. Your fixes awk would look like this:
awk -F'|' '$1!=p{if(p)print s; p=$1; s=$0; next}{sub(p "\\|",x); s=s $0} END{print s}'
but it's also good to match beginning of the string:
awk -F'|' '$1!=p{if(p)print s; p=$1; s=$0; next}{sub("^" p "\\|",x); s=s $0} END{print s}'
I would do it somewhat simpler, which uses more memory (as it stores everything in an array) but doesn't need the file to be sorted:
awk -F'|' '{ k=$1; sub("^" $1 "\\|", ""); a[k] = a[k] $0 } END{ for (i in a) print i "|" a[i] }'
For each line, remember the first field, substitute the first field with | for nothing, then add it to an array indexed by the first field. On the end, print each element in the array with the key, separator and value.
$ awk -F'|' '
curr = $1
printf "%s%s", (curr==prev ? "" : ors curr FS), $0
ors = ORS
prev = curr
END { print "" }
' file

Using a field separator of the two-character string "\n" in awk

My input file has a plain-text representation of the newline character in it separating the fields:
First line\nSecond line\nThird line
I would expect the following to replace that text \n with a newline:
$ awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\\n"; OFS = "\n" } { print $1 }' test.txt
First line\nSecond line\nThird line
But it doesn't (gawk 4.0.1 / OpenBSD nawk 20110810).
I'm allowed to separate on just the \:
$ awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\\"; OFS = "\n" } { print $1, $2 }' test.txt
First line
nSecond line
I can also use a character class in gawk:
$ awk 'BEGIN { FS = "[[:punct:]]n"; OFS = "\n" } { $1 = $1; print $0 }' test.txt
First line
Second line
Third line
But I feel like I should be able to specify the exact separator.
A field separator is a type of regexp and when using a dynamic regexp you need to double escape everything:
$ awk 'BEGIN { FS = "\\\\n"; OFS = "\n" } { print $1 }' file
First line
See the man page for details.
Here sed might be a better tool for this task
sed 's/\\n/\n/g'

awk Print Skipping a field

In the case where type is "" print the 3rd field out of sequence and then print the whole line with the exception of the 3rd field.
Given a tab separated line a b c d e the idea is to print ab<tab>c<tab>a<tab>b<tab>d<tab>e
Setting $3="" seems to cause the subsequent print statement to lose the tab field separators and so is no good.
# $1 = year $2 = movie
BEGIN {FS = "\t"}
type=="" {printf "%s\t%s\t", $2 $1,$3; $3=""; print}
type!="" {printf "%s\t<%s>\t", $2 $1,type; print}
END {print ""}
Sticking in a for loop which I like a lot less as a solution results in a blank file.
# $1 = year $2 = movie
BEGIN {FS = "\t"}
type=="" {printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", $2 $1,$3,$1,$2; for (i=4; i<=NF;i++) printf "%s\t",$i}
type!="" {printf "%s\t<%s>\t", $2 $1,type; print}
END {print ""}
You need to set the OFS to a tab instead of it's default single blank char and you don't want to just set $3 to a bank char as then you'll get 2 tabs between $2 and $4.
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"}
if (type == "") {
val = $3
for (i=3; i<NF; i++) {
$i = $(i+1)
else {
val = "<" type ">"
print $2 $1, val, $0
$ awk -f tst.awk file | tr '\t' '-'
$ awk -v type="foo" -f tst.awk file | tr '\t' '-'
The |tr '\t' '-' is obviously just added to make visible where the tabs are.
If decrementing NF doesn't work in your awk to delete the last field in the record, replace it with sub(/\t[^\t]+$/,"").
One way
awk '{$3=""}1' OFS="\t" infile|column -t
{$3=""} set column to nil
1 same as print, print the line.
OFS="\t"set Output Field Separator Variable to tab, maybe you needn't it, next commandcolumn -t` make the format again.
column -t columnate lists with tabs.

awk to improve command print Match and Non-Match case:

Would like to read and compare first field from two files then print
Match Lines from Both the files - ( Available in f11.txt and f22.txt) -> Op_Match.txt
Non- Match Lines from f11.txt ( Available in f11.txt Not-Available in f22.txt)-> Op_NonMatch_f11.txt
Non- Match Lines from f22.txt ( Available in f22.txt Not-Available in f11.txt)-> Op_NonMatch_f22.txt
Using below 3 separate commands to achieve the above scenario's .
To Match Lines from Both the files:
awk ' BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","} FNR==NR {a[$1] = $0; next} ($1 in a) {print $0,a[$1]}' f22.txt f11.txt> Op_Match.txt
To Non- Match Lines from f11.txt:
awk ' BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","} FNR==NR {a[$1] = $0; next} !($1 in a) {print $0}' f22.txt f11.txt > Op_NonMatch_f11.txt
To Non- Match Lines from f22.txt:
awk ' BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","} FNR==NR {a[$1] = $0; next} !($1 in a) {print $0}' f11.txt f22.txt > Op_NonMatch_f22.txt
Using above 3 separate commands to achieve the mentioned scenario’s. Is there any simplest way to avoid 3 different commands? Any Suggestions ...!!!
Something like this, untested:
awk '
fname1 = FILENAME
keys[NR] = $1
recs[NR] = $0
key2nrs[$1] = ($1 in key2nrs ? key2nrs[$1] RS : "") NR
if ($1 in key2nrs) {
split (key2nrs[$1],nrs,RS)
for (i=1; i in nrs; i++) {
print recs[nrs[i]], $0 > "Op_Match.txt"
else {
print > ("Op_NonMatch_" FILENAME ".txt")
for (i=1; i in recs; i++) {
if (! (keys[i] in matched) ) {
print recs[i] > ("Op_NonMatch_" fname1 ".txt")
' f11.txt f22.txt
The main difference between this and Kent and Etans answers is that theirs assume that the $1 in f22.txt can only appear once within that file while the above would work if, say, 10 occurred as the first field on multiple lines of f22.txt.
The other difference is that the above will output lines in the same order that they occurred in the input files while the other answers will output some of them in random order based on how they're stored internally in a hash table.
I haven't checked #EdMorton's answer but he will quite likely have gotten it right.
My solution (which looks slightly less generic than his at first glance) is:
awk -F, '
($1 in a){
print $0,a[$1] > "Op_Match.txt"
!($1 in a) {
print $0 > "Op_NonMatch_f11.txt"
for (i in a) {
if (!(i in am)) {
print a[i] > "Op_NonMatch_f22.txt"
' f22.txt f11.txt
here is one:
awk -F, -v OFS="," 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$0;next}
$1 in a{print $0,a[$1]>("common.txt");c[$1];next}
{print $0>("NonMatchFromFile1.txt")}
END{for(x in a)
if(!(x in c))
print a[x]>("NonMatchFromFile2.txt")}' f2 f1
with this, you will get 3 files: common.txt, nonmatchfromFile1.txt and nonMatchfromfile2.txt

How to print out a specific field in AWK?

A very simple question, which a found no answer to. How do I print out a specific field in awk?
awk '/word1/', will print out the whole sentence, when I need just a word1. Or I need a chain of patterns (word1 + word2) to be printed out only from a text.
Well if the pattern is a single word (which you want to print and can't contaion FS (input field separator)) why not:
If your pattern is a regex:
awk -v MYPATTERN="INSERT_YOUR_PATTERN" '$0 ~ MYPATTERN { print gensub(".*(" MYPATTERN ").*","\\1","1",$0) }' INPUTFILE
If your pattern must be checked in every single field:
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i ~ MYPATTERN) { print "Field " i " in " NR " row matches: " MYPATTERN }
Modify any of the above to your taste.
The fields in awk are represented by $1, $2, etc:
$ echo this is a string | awk '{ print $2 }'
$0 is the whole line, $1 is the first field, $2 is the next field ( or blank ),
$NF is the last field, $( NF - 1 ) is the 2nd to last field, etc.
EDIT (in response to comment).
You could try:
awk '/crazy/{ print substr( $0, match( $0, "crazy" ), RLENGTH )}'
i know you can do this with awk :
an alternative would be :
sed -nr "s/.*(PATTERN_TO_MATCH).*/\1/p" file
or you can use grep -o
Something like this perhaps:
awk '{split("bla1 bla2 bla3",a," "); print a[1], a[2], a[3]}'