Pentaho connecting to Cloudera Impala error - pentaho

I'm trying to set up a connection in Pentaho Data Integrator to Cloudera Impala, but I keep getting the following error:
Driver class 'org.apache.hive.jdbc.ImpalaSimbaDriver' could not be found, make sure the 'Cloudera Impala' driver (jar file) is installed.
Could not initialize class org.apache.hive.jdbc.ImpalaSimbaDriver
Error occurred while trying to connect to the database
Driver class 'org.apache.hive.jdbc.ImpalaSimbaDriver' could not be found, make sure the 'Cloudera Impala' driver (jar file) is installed.
Could not initialize class org.apache.hive.jdbc.ImpalaSimbaDriver
I downloaded the driver from Cloudera; put all the files in the in lib folder and CDH54 folder. Also, I added the environmental variable CLASSPATH making it point to the folder containing my .jar files.
The connection from Tableau to Impala works fine, and I can also connect from SQL Workbench to the distribution.
Am I missing something?
Thank you for any response.


Connecting R to Snowflake through ODBC

I have been consistently receiving the same error while trying to create a connection between R and Snowflake using an ODBC driver. The error that I'm receiving says:
'''Error during wrapup: nanodbc/nanodbc.cpp:1021: 00000: [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 'Snowflake' : file not found
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart'''
The instructions given by Snowflake to connect a driver are rather cut and clear - but provides little insight on what to do with errors. Can anyone lead me as to where to go given this error?
This smells like a configuration issue. Your driver manager, unixODBC, isn't able to locate the Snowflake driver. (The Snowflake documentation says on MacOS to use iODBC. Don't. It won't work with the odbc R package.)
Check that unixODBC is findable. Run odbcinst -j in a terminal. If it works, you will know that you have unixODBC properly installed, and it will give you the paths to your various configuration files.
On to checking configuration. This is the documentation for configuring on Linux using unixODBC. If you are using MacOS the same general instructions apply, but the file extensions will change from .so to .dylib . Since it's saying it can't find the file, I'm thinking that using full paths might resolve this for you. It's also possible that there's some issue with how you are specifying the driver.
Also, it looks like it's searching for a file named 'Snowflake'. I'm thinking you've got Driver=Snowflake somewhere in one of your config files. Best change that to Driver=<path>/<to>/<driver>/libSnowflake.dylib (or .so if you're on Linux). Do this in all the places where you have Driver=Snowflake.

Jitterbit local file import failing

I am trying setup a local json file as a source in Jitterbit. I am getting an error saying:
is required in the jitterbit.conf file to test the source.
This is setup however and the server has been restarted and I'm still getting the error.
The full error is :
Using local files as source/target, trigger file or success/error folders are disabled by default.
Set EnableLocalFileLocation=true in the [Settings] section of 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Jitterbit Agent\jitterbit.conf' and restart the Jitterbit Apache service to enable it.
Studio version:
Studio platform: Windows 10 - Java 1.8.0_121
Any ideas?
Thanks Martin
Sounds like the cloud agent: Just to be sure, when you are working with local files, you are working with files that are on your same server as the local agent? You are not trying to use JitterBit's cloud agent?

DBVisualizer and HIVE

I am using DBVisualizer 9.2 and Cloudera 5.4.1
I want to setup my db visualizer such that I can query hive database from the dbvisualizer tool.
I downloaded the jdbc driver for HIVE from here
I extracted all the jar files in /Users/User1/.dbvis/jdbc
But now, when I start dbvisualizer, I get an error
Ignored as there is no matching Default Driver for "com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS1Driver", "com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver"
So my question is, has anyone successfully configured the DBVisualizer tool to connect to cloudera hive server?
After several hours of troubleshooting. I was able to resolve the error and successfully connect to HIVE from DB Visualizer using the HIVE JDBC Driver from cloudera.
These are the steps I took
First go to Tools -> Tool Properties -> Driver finder paths.
Here register a new empty directory. this will be the place where you will download all your jars.
First in this directory extract all the JAR files which come along with the cloudera JDBC Hive Driver.
Now go to Tools -> driver manager and select Hive. In the "user specified" tab. click on the "folder icon" on the right hand side and select all the jar files which you just unzipped. (not just the folder... select all jars).
Make sure you select com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver
Now define connection to Hive using these parameters
url: jdbc:hive2://foo:10000/default
user: admin
password: admin
Now when I tried to connect, I still got errors.
"Type: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException"
In order to resolve the above, I you need to see the error log. (this was the most important step).
Tools -> Debug Window -> Error log
Here I saw that the mysterious "UndeclaredThrowableException" is occuring because a bunch of class files like http utils, http core, hadoop core, hive core and hive cli jar files were missing. I downloaded these jars from maven central
and again I went inside Tools->DriverManager -> Hive -> user defined and clicked on folder on right hand side and selected each of these jars as well.
Now when I restarted DBVisualizer, I connected to hive just fine and I can query it using DBVisualizer.

Pentaho PDI Failed to load as a classloader resource

I am running a fresh install of Pentaho Data Integration 5.0.1.A Stable from:
on my macbook pro, java 1.7.0_25, and I keep seeing this error in the console:
Attempting to load via file I/O.
Attempting to load as resource file via file I/O.
Not found in 'org.owasp.esapi.resources' directory or file not readable:
Not found in SystemResource Directory/resourceDirectory: .esapi/
What are the used for? What should they be set to by default?
thanks, -John
This is a known bug (PDI-10568) that should be fixed in an upcoming release. As a work around, try putting the default ESAPI and validation properties in your $HOME/.esapi/ folder. Create one if it doesn't already exist.
Background: ESAPI is an Enterprise Level Security library used by Pentaho webservices to properly encode URLs and HTML content, read more at

WebLogic--->Cannot load driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

i have a problem in creating a data source in weblogic application server 10.3, i'm making a JDBC connection for MySql database , i placed the mysql driver in the lib folder of weblogic \wlserver_10.3\server\lib and in the mysql folder wlserver_10.3\server\ext\jdbc\mysql independently and the error message still arises
Note: there was a two jar files in this folder wlserver_10.3\server\ext\jdbc\mysql and i removed them to avoid any conflict, how i can solve these problem??
Are you using or need a different driver than the one that comes with the weblogic install? If you are you will need to add it to the CLASSPATH in Otherwise it will default to using:
We had to add additional Oracle jars to our CLASSPATH recently for secure connections. You can check into it more here:
If somebody looks for a solution how to add JDBC driver (in my case PostgreSQL) to a Weblogic 14c installation attached to IntelliJ IDEA:
The location of jar-file doesn't matter. It is not needed to put it into the server's lib directory.