RestEasy #ValidateRequest is not working - jax-rs

I am having below configuration for a RestEasy Rest WS
I have added #ValidateRequest on class(tried on method as well) to validate any request input data before processing the request but i dont know why validation in not being invoked.
#Path(value = "/events")
public class EventRestController {
public Response get(#QueryParam("componentSerialNumber") #NotNull String componentSerialNumber) {
System.out.println("powerChangeEvevnt.getComponentSerialNumber() " + componentSerialNumber);
return Response.ok().build();
i dont know what i am missing.
please suggest.

Turning on auto scanning of Rest resources and providers solved the issue, validation started working.
just set resteasy.scan parameter value to true in web.xml
i had explicitly registered all resources in a subclass extending class but it was not considering HibernateValidator as a validator for validation. i found registering HibernateValidator as a validator quite complex, so just removed this explicitly registered configuration class and enabled Automatically scan.


Custom authentication scheme with AbpMvcAuthorize

I'm having trouble making AbpMvcAuthorize attribute working in my special case.
I have some custom authentication mechanism (with a custom AuthenticationScheme), that sign-in my user.
To do that, I implemented a AuthenticationHandler<MyCustomAuthenticationOptions> and overrode the HandleAuthenticateAsync method and registered it inside the AuthConfigurer.Configure method from the Module-zero :
services.AddAuthentication(o => o.AddScheme("amx", b => b.HandlerType = typeof (MyCustomAuthenticationHandler)));
Now if I have this:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "amx")]
public string GetTest()
return "OK";
And make a request with my special amx header, it's working and I can only access the method when I'm specifying it.
If I'm doing the same thing with:
[AbpMvcAuthorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "amx")]
public string GetTest()
return "OK";
It's not working anymore and I have a 401 Unauthorized result and in debug mode, I never enter my custom AuthenticationHandler.
It seems like either the AbpMvcAuthorize attribute was executed BEFORE my custom AuthenticationHandler or maybe it didn't read the AuthenticationScheme property?
Have any idea if I'm doing something wrong?
I asked on their Github:
And was told that this is not possible right now because the AbpMvcAuthorize doesn't read the AuthenticationScheme property.
I'll try to implement it with some Policy

Dropwizard Authentication with POST calls failing

I was trying out Dropwizard authentication in my code but facing some issue in POST call at runtime, although its working fine with GET. this is how I am using this in the GET call:
public Response doAuth(#Auth User user) {
//do something
And then in Post call which is not working:
public Response createLegalEntity(#Auth User user, LegalEntity createLegalEntity) {
// do something
While running it is throwing following error:
SEVERE: Missing dependency for method public org.flipkart.api.LegalEntityResource.createLegalEntity(com.yammer.dropwizard.authenticator.User,org.flipkart.model.LegalEntity) at parameter at index 0
I am new to Dropwizard and not able to figure out the cause of the problem.
Here is how I have registered my ldap authentication configs:
final LdapConfiguration ldapConfiguration = configuration.getLdapConfiguration();
Authenticator<BasicCredentials, User> ldapAuthenticator = new CachingAuthenticator<>(
new ResourceAuthenticator(new LdapAuthenticator(ldapConfiguration)),
environment.jersey().register(new AuthDynamicFeature(
new BasicCredentialAuthFilter.Builder<User>()
environment.jersey().register(new AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder<>(User.class));
The most likely reason is that you have not configured that auth feature correctly. The one thing that most people forget about is the AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder. An instance of this class also needs to be registed. This would definitely cause the error you are seeing, if unregistered.
// If you want to use #Auth to inject a custom Principal type into your resource
environment.jersey().register(new AuthValueFactoryProvider.Binder<>(User.class));
From Basic Authentication docs
See also:
My comment for Dropwizard issue regarding the same problem. You will get a good explanation of the what causes the problem.

Swagger overrides Path-Annotations

I just got swagger to produces a valid swagger.json.
I configured swagger by using the Application-config method.
However, as soon as I override the getClasses-Method to add the swagger resouces, my JAX-RS Path-annotated classes stop working.
The method looks like this
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> resources = new HashSet<>();
return resources;
and invoking super.getClasses() returns am empty set.
I got too many resources in my project, which I would not like to add manually.
Is there any way swagger does not mess with my previous configuration?
Thank you!
You can use a Just register the classes through the callback's FeatureContext. Annotating the feature with #Provider will have it registered through the scanning.
public class SwaggerFeature implements Feature {
public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
return true;
But note that if the application is already registering the resources and providers by class-path scanning, I imagine it should also pick up the Swagger classes, as they are annotated with #Path[1] and #Provider[2]. Those are the annotations the class-path scan looks for.
I haven't tried it myself (I stopped using class-path scanning[3]), but have you tried just not registering them at all? In theory the class-path scan should pick it up.
1. io.swagger.jaxrs.listing.ApiListingResource
2. io.swagger.jaxrs.listing.SwaggerSerializers
3. When to Use JAX-RS Class-path Scanning Mechanism

How to add Custom Interceptor in Spring data rest (spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.3.0)

I am working on the spring data rest services & facing some issue in the custom interceptors. Earlier I used spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.2.0 & added interceptor in following way.
public RequestMappingHandlerMapping repositoryExporterHandlerMapping() {
RequestMappingHandlerMapping mapping = super
mapping.setInterceptors(new Object[] { new MyInterceptor() });
return mapping;
It worked perfectly fine for me. But when i upgraded to spring-data-rest-webmvc 2.3.0 version, I noticed that handlerMapping is hidden behind DelegatingHandlerMapping. Hence I tried to add interceptor in following way.
In one of my config class I have extended RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration class & override its method.
public class AppConfig extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration {
#Autowired ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public DelegatingHandlerMapping restHandlerMapping()
RepositoryRestHandlerMapping repositoryMapping = new RepositoryRestHandlerMapping(super.resourceMappings(), super.config());
repositoryMapping.setInterceptors(new Object[] { new MyInterceptor()});
BasePathAwareHandlerMapping basePathMapping = new BasePathAwareHandlerMapping(super.config());
List<HandlerMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<HandlerMapping>();
return new DelegatingHandlerMapping(mappings);
But after adding this some of my repository operations (findAll() operation on repository) start failing. If I removed this interceptors those operations worked fine. (In this interceptor I am just authenticate the user.)
Hence I am unable to understand problem here. Am I adding the interceptor in wrong way? Is there any other way to add the interceptor?
You should not use repositoryMapping.setInterceptors() - it destoys the internal interceptors Spring placed there, and that's probably the reason some methods stopped working.
I suggest you override jpaHelper() method and put your interceptors into the JpaHelper object in RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration. Spring will should them to the global interceptor list.
But, again, if all you need is authentication, why not use a Spring Security filter?
EDIT: the solution above works only for RepositoryRestHandlerMapping, not for BasePathAwareHandlerMapping.
I suggest you declare a custom MappedInterceptor bean somewhere:
public MappedInterceptor myMappedInterceptor() {
return new MappedInterceptor(new String[]{"/**"}, new MyInterceptor());
From my understanding of the source code Spring should automatically add this interceptor to all request handlers.

Apache Http Client Put Request Error

I'm trying to upload a file using the Apache Http Client's PUT method. The code is as below;
def putFile(resource: String, file: File): (Int, String) = {
val httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(connManager)
httpClient.getCredentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(un, pw))
val url = address + "/" + resource
val put = new HttpPut(url)
put.setEntity(new FileEntity(file, "application/xml"))
executeHttp(httpClient, put) match {
case Success(answer) => (answer.getStatusLine.getStatusCode, "Successfully uploaded file")
case Failure(e) => {
(-1, e.getMessage)
When I tried running the method, I get to see the following error:
org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultResponseParser.parseHead(
at org.apache.http.impl.AbstractHttpClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractClientConnAdapter.receiveResponseHeader(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.doReceiveResponse(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.tryExecute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
I do not know what has gone wrong? I'm able to do GET requests, but PUT seems not to work! Any clues as to where I should look for?
Look on the server. If GET Works, but PUT does not, then you have to figure out the receiving end.
Also, you may want to write a simple HTML File that has a form with PUT Method in it to rule out your Java Part.
As a sidenode: Its technically possible that something in between stops the request from going through or the response reaching you. Best setup a dummy HTTP Server to do the testing against.
Maybe its also a timeout issue, so the server takes to long to process your PUT.
The connection you are trying to use is a stale connection and therefore the request is failing.
But why are you only seeing an error for the PUT request and you are not seeing it for the GET request?
If you check the DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler class you will see that by default HttpClient attempts to automatically recover from I/O exceptions. The default auto-recovery mechanism is limited to just a few exceptions that are known to be safe.
HttpClient will make no attempt to recover from any logical or HTTP protocol errors (those derived from HttpException class).
HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that are assumed to be idempotent. Your GET request, but not your PUT request!!
HttpClient will automatically retry those methods that fail with a transport exception while the HTTP request is still being transmitted to the target server (i.e. the request has not been fully transmitted to the server).
This is why you don't notice any error with your GET request, because the retry mechanism handles it.
You should define a CustomHttpRequestRetryHandler extending the DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler. Something like this:
public class CustomHttpRequestRetryHandler extends DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler {
public boolean retryRequest(IOException exception, int executionCount, HttpContext context) {
if(exception instanceof NoHttpResponseException) {
return true;
return super.retryRequest(exception, executionCount, context);
Then just assign your CustomHttpRequestRetryHandler
final HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder = HttpClients.custom();
httpClientBuilder.setRetryHandler(new CustomHttpRequestRetryHandler());
And that's it, now your PUT request is handled by your new RetryHandler (like the GET was by the default one)