I am trying to get CloudWatch running properly on my Lightsail instance, which I appear to achieved with only partial success.
I have ran the Wizard using sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard which has produced a config file outlining numerous metrics including cpu, memory and disk usage as outlined here. The service loads and starts the config file, and doesn't complain about invalid json (this did happen a few times, but I fixed it).
I can stop the service with sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a stop
I then reload the config with sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -s -m ec2 -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json
Verify the service is running: sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a status
Which outputs this:
"status": "running",
"starttime": "2022-01-10T21:53:12+00:00",
"configstatus": "configured",
"cwoc_status": "stopped",
"cwoc_starttime": "",
"cwoc_configstatus": "not configured",
"version": "1.247349.0b251399"
Logging into my CloudWatch console, I can see the data being received, and the single line appearing on the graph there corresponds to the times that I started and stopped the service-- so it's definitely doing something. And yet... the only metric that appears on that graph is mem_used_percent... why? Why only this one metric? Where is the rest of my data pertaining to cpu, etc? What am I doing wrong?
Here is my config.json, which as I said, is being loaded by the service without issue.
"agent": {
"metrics_collection_interval": 60,
"run_as_user": "root"
"metrics": {
"append_dimensions": {
"ImageID": "${aws:ImageId}",
"metrics_collected": {
"cpu": {
"resources": [
"measurement": [
"metrics_collection_interval": 60,
"totalcpu": false
"disk": {
"measurement": [
"metrics_collection_interval": 60,
"resources": [
"mem": {
"measurement": [
"metrics_collection_interval": 60
"netstat": {
"measurement": [
Any help greatly appreciated here. TIA.
You likely haven't fetched the configuration yet.
Check the logfile, i.e. /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/logs/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.log, to see which inputs are loaded:
2022-05-18T10:18:57Z I! Loaded inputs: mem disk
To fetch the configuration, do as follows (you'll need to adapt this to your environment - this is for systemd, on-premise, without SSM):
sudo amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m onPremise -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json
sudo systemctl status amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service restart
2022-05-18T11:45:05Z I! Loaded inputs: mem net netstat swap cpu disk diskio
Maybe you face the same issue as I did. In my case two configuration json files
were merged.
The files are then translated to
When I was checking the file, only the mem definition of /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.d/file_config.json was taken. Thus, I deleted the file and restarted the service.
sudo systemctl restart amazon-cloudwatch-agent
After the restart, the toml file contained what I expected and the metrics were in place.
While working in Selenoid with Docker, in docker logs I can see the error as " [/usr/bin/selenoid: browsers config: read error: open /etc/selenoid/browsers.json: no such file or directory]" . My volume mapping is "-v $PWD/config/:/etc/selenoid/:ro" . if I do "cat $PWD/config/browsers.json" , my browsers.json content is opened and same I can validate manually as well that file is present .
Below commands I am using . These commands I am executing directly through Jenkins . In My local same exact command is working fine , but in jenkins its giving error .
mkdir -p config
cat <$PWD/config/browsers.json
"firefox": {
"default": "57.0",
"versions": {
"57.0": {
"image": "selenoid/firefox:90.0",
"port": "4444",
"path": "/wd/hub"
"58.0": {
"image": "selenoid/firefox:90.0",
"port": "4444",
"path": "/wd/hub"
"59.0": {
"image": "selenoid/firefox:90.0",
"port": "4444",
"path": "/wd/hub"
chmod +rwx $PWD/config/browsers.json
cat $PWD/config/browsers.json
docker pull aerokube/selenoid:latest
docker pull aerokube/cm:latest
docker pull aerokube/selenoid-ui:latest
docker pull selenoid/video-recorder:latest-release
docker pull selenoid/vnc_chrome:92.0
docker pull selenoid/vnc_firefox:90.0
docker stop selenoid ||true
docker rm selenoid ||true
docker run -d --name selenoid -p 4444:4444 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
-v $PWD/config/:/etc/selenoid/:ro aerokube/selenoid
The error is self-explaining: you don't have browsers.json in directory you are mounting to /etc/selenoid inside container. I would recommend using absolute paths instead of $PWD variable.
I've just installed WSL2 and am using the Windows Terminal on Win10 1909 (18363.1256). I'm trying to set up 2 different profiles, one that launches a local WSL2 Ubuntu shell, and one that launches another WSL2 shell that will automatically ssh to a specific host.
The local one works great, shows up without an issue, however I can't seem to get my 2nd profile to show up in the list of profiles.
My settings.json looks like this:
// Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles.
"colorScheme": "One Half Dark",
"fontFace": "JetbrainsMono NF",
"fontSize": 11
"guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"startingDirectory": "//wsl$/Ubuntu/home/sensanaty",
"tabTitle": "WSL2"
"guid": "{15c5814b-7ed1-4cec-bc64-d165274958fa}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "External Host",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"commandline": "ssh example#123.456.7.89",
"tabTitle": "External Host"
With the above, I only get the Ubuntu profile in my list
I thought maybe it was the guid generated or something, but I just did a simple uuidgen and pasted it into the json so it shouldn't really be causing any issues there. I've also obviously tried restarting my system, to no avail. The default profiles show up fine if I disable the option to stop auto-generating them, as well.
Any clue as to what might help me out?
The 'source' attribute is for dynamically generated profiles, for which WSL will create one for each instance installed. You can't control the command line for these dynamically generated profiles. What you need is for your new profile to extend the command line to tell Terminal to use WSL. Remove the 'source' attribute entirely, so that your new profile is static.
In your case, that should be ...
"guid": "{15c5814b-7ed1-4cec-bc64-d165274958fa}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "External Host",
//"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"commandline": "wsl.exe ssh example#123.456.7.89",
"tabTitle": "External Host"
As bwolfbarn mentioned, you should also ditch that trailing comma if it really comes at the end of the "list" block.
Here are a few lines from mine as additional examples as well ...
"guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu 20.04 WSL2 tmux",
//"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"commandline": "wsl.exe -d Ubuntu -e sh -c \"/usr/bin/tmux has-session -t main 2>/dev/null && /usr/bin/tmux attach-session -d -t main || /usr/bin/tmux -2 new-session -t main -s main -c ${HOME}\"",
"cursorShape": "filledBox"
"guid": "{4e04fa7e-76c7-4746-a322-a227e70dde6c}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu 20.04 WSL1 tmux",
//"commandline": "wsl.exe -d Ubuntu20.04_WSL1",
"commandline": "wsl.exe -d Ubuntu20.04_WSL1 -e sh -c \"/usr/bin/tmux has-session -t main 2>/dev/null && /usr/bin/tmux attach-session -d -t main || /usr/bin/tmux -2 new-session -t main -s main -c ${HOME}\"",
"cursorShape": "filledBox"
Note that you could, I believe, use "wsl.exe -e" (a.k.a. --execute), but it's not really necessary in your case.
If you want to see your "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl" in Windows Terminal Menu it must exist in the registry
(The registry UUID is not related to Windows Terminal UUID).
This registry entry can be created by running "wsl --import" or by cloning existing entry (if you are comfortable messing with the registry).
If you still don't see your profile after confirming that the registry entry exists, remove all entries for "generatedProfiles" in state.json file located in the same folder as settings.json. This will force Windows Terminal to update state.json. If you generated Windows Terminal profile UUID yourself, it may ignore it and create its own one. In this case you will see duplicate entries for the profile in settings.json. Remove the ones that were generated manually, and leave the one generated by the terminal.
At least the last comma should be removed (I commented it in your example) as the element "External Host" is the last of the list.
"guid": "{2c4de342-38b7-51cf-b940-2309a097f518}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "Ubuntu",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"startingDirectory": "//wsl$/Ubuntu/home/sensanaty",
"tabTitle": "WSL2"
"guid": "{15c5814b-7ed1-4cec-bc64-d165274958fa}",
"hidden": false,
"name": "External Host",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
"commandline": "ssh example#123.456.7.89",
"tabTitle": "External Host"
I am trying to get started with a monitoring server solution. I got the Sensu Clients, RabbitMQ and Uchiwa configured but then I tried using Graphite but there were so many parts to configure I tried InfluxDB instead. I am stuck configuring Sensu to InfluxDB.
Is there a part missing in the below configuration?
Client [Sensu] > RabbitMQ <> Sensu Server <> InfluxDB <> Grafana
Any suggestions?
cat influx.json
"influxdb": {
"hosts" : [""],
"host" : "",
"port" : "8086",
"database" : "sensumetrics",
"time_precision": "s",
"use_ssl" : false,
"verify_ssl" : false,
"initial_delay" : 0.01,
"max_delay" : 30,
"open_timeout" : 5,
"read_timeout" : 300,
"retry" : null,
"prefix" : "",
"denormalize" : true,
"status" : true
cat handler.json
"handlers": {
"influxdb": {
"type": "pipe",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/metrics-influxdb.rb"
"checks": {
"check_memory_linux": {
"handlers": ["influxdb","default"],
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/check-memory-percent.rb -w 90 -c 95",
"interval": 60,
"occurrences": 5,
"subscribers": [ "TEST" ]
"checks": {
"check_cpu_linux-elkctrl-pipe": {
"type": "metric",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/check-cpu.rb -w 80 -c 90",
"subscribers": ["TEST"],
"interval": 10,
"handlers": ["debug","influxdb"]
To use InfluxDB to persist your data, you must have:
InfluxDB plugin installed (also, installation and usage instructions here)
Definitions for the plugin (an influxdb.json containin at least the host, port, user, password and database to be used by Sensu)
The definition, as other config files, must be in /etc/sensu/conf.d/
Handler configuration set properly (also in conf.d)
Mutator for InfluxDB (extensions)
Your checks must send results to the handler, so their definition must contain:
"handlers": [
Or whatever name you gave your handler.
Case, if the influxdb config you provided above is the full extent of your configuration, it would seem to be missing the username/password attributes required by the influxdb configuration. If they're present, but not provided in the post, no big deal. However, I'd recommend doing the following for your Sensu logs:
grep -i influxdb /var/logs/sensu/sensu-server.log
And seeing if the check result is getting sent to your influxdb instance. If they are, you should be receiving an error that might be pointing a bit more to what's going on.
You can also check your influxdb logs to see if they're getting a post from your Sensu server:
journalctl -u influxdb.service -f
But yeah, if the username/password is missing from the configuration, that'd be the first place that I start.
I'm trying to build a Vagrant box file using and Puppet.
I have this template as a starting point:
I added the Puppet provisioner after the shell provisioner:
"type": "puppet-masterless",
"manifest_file": "../../puphpet/puppet/site.pp",
"manifest_dir": "../../puphpet/puppet/nodes",
"module_paths": [
"override": {
"virtualbox-iso": {
"execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.FacterVars}}{{if .Sudo}} sudo -S -E bash {{end}}/usr/bin/puppet apply --verbose --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} --detailed-exitcodes {{.ManifestFile}}"
When I start building the image like
packer-io build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
Then I get this error:
==> virtualbox-iso: Provisioning with Puppet...
virtualbox-iso: Creating Puppet staging directory...
virtualbox-iso: Uploading manifest directory from: ../../puphpet/puppet/nodes
virtualbox-iso: Uploading local modules from: ../../puphpet/puppet/modules
virtualbox-iso: Uploading manifests...
virtualbox-iso: Running Puppet: echo 'vagrant' | sudo -S -E bash /usr/bin/puppet apply --verbose --modulepath='/tmp/packer-puppet-masterless/module-0' --manifestdir='/tmp/packer-puppet-masterless/manifests' --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/packer-puppet-masterless/manifests/site.pp
virtualbox-iso: /usr/bin/puppet: line 3: rvm: command not found
==> virtualbox-iso: Unregistering and deleting virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso: Deleting output directory...
Build 'virtualbox-iso' errored: Puppet exited with a non-zero exit status: 127
If I log in into the box via tty, I can run both rvm and puppet commands as vagrant user.
What did I do wrong?
I am trying out the exact same route as you are:
Use relevant scripts for provisioning the vm from this repo.
Use the puppet scripts from a configuration to further provision the vm using puppet-masterless provioner in packer.
Still working on it, not a successful build yet, but I can share the following:
Inspect line 50 from puphpet/shell/ So the puppet command will trigger rvm to be executed.
Inspect your packer output during provisioning. Your read something along the lines of:
Creating alias default for ruby-1.9.3-p551
To start using RVM you need to run `source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm` in all
your open shell windows, in rare cases you need to reopen all shell windows.
Cleaning up rvm archives
Apparently the command source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm is needed for each user that needs to run rvm. It is executed and set to bash profiles in the script puphpet/shell/ However, this does not seem to affect the context/scope of the puppet masterless provisioning execute_command of packer. Reason for the line /usr/bin/puppet: line 3: rvm: command not found in your output.
My current way forward is the following configuration in template.json (packer template), the second and third line will help get beyond the point where you are stuck currently:
"type": "puppet-masterless",
"prevent_sudo": true,
"execute_command": "{{if .Sudo}}sudo -E {{end}}bash -c \"source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm; {{.FacterVars}} puppet apply --verbose --parser future --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} --detailed-exitcodes {{.ManifestFile}}\"",
"manifest_file": "./puphpet/puppet/site.pp",
"manifest_dir": "./puphpet/puppet",
"hiera_config_path": "./puphpet/puppet/hiera.yaml",
"module_paths": [
"facter": {
"ssh_username": "vagrant",
"provisioner_type": "virtualbox",
"vm_target_key": "vagrantfile-local"
Note the following things:
Probably running puppet as vagrant user will not complete provisioning due to permission issues. In that case we need a way to run source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm in a sudo and affect the scope of the puppet provisioning command.
The output scripts have /vagrant/puphpet hardcoded in their puppet scripts (e.g. puphpet/puppet/nodes/Apache.pp first line). So you might require a packer file provisioning to your vm before you execute puppet masterless, in order for it to find the dependencies in /vagrant/.... My packer.json conf for this:
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo bash '{{.Path}}'",
"inline": [
"mkdir /vagrant",
"chown -R vagrant:vagrant /vagrant"
"type": "file",
"source": "./puphpet",
"destination": "/vagrant"
Puppet will need some Facter variables as they are expected in the puphpet/puppet/nodes/*.pp scripts. Refer to my template.json above.
As said. No success in a complete puppet provisioning yet on my side, but the above got me beyond the point where you are stuck currently. Hope it helps.
I replaced my old execute command for puppet provisioner
"execute_command": "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && {{.FacterVars}}{{if .Sudo}} sudo -E{{end}} puppet apply --verbose --parser future --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} --detailed-exitcodes {{.ManifestFile}}"
with a new one
"execute_command": "{{if .Sudo}}sudo -E {{end}}bash -c \"source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm; {{.FacterVars}} puppet apply --verbose --parser future --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} --detailed-exitcodes {{.ManifestFile}}\""
This will ensure puppet (rvm) is running as root and finishes provisioning successfully.
As an alternative to my other answer, I hereby provide my steps and configuration to get this provisioning scenario working with packer & puphpet.
Assuming the following to be in place:
./: a local directory acting as your own repository being
./ops/: a directory ops inside which holds packer scripts and required files
./ops/template.json: the packer template used to build the VM
./ops/template.json expects the following is in place:
./ops/packer-templates/: a clone of this repo
./ops/ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso: the iso for the ubuntu you want to have running in your vm
./puphpet: the output of walking through the configuration steps on (so this is one level up from ops)
The contents of template.json:
"variables": {
"ssh_name": "vagrant",
"ssh_pass": "vagrant",
"local_packer_templates_dir": "./packer-templates/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64",
"local_puphput_dir": "../puphpet",
"local_repo_dir": "../",
"repo_upload_dir": "/vagrant"
"builders": [
"name": "ubuntu-14.04.amd64.virtualbox",
"type": "virtualbox-iso",
"headless": false,
"boot_command": [
"/install/vmlinuz noapic preseed/url=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/preseed.cfg ",
"debian-installer=en_US auto locale=en_US kbd-chooser/method=us ",
"hostname={{ .Name }} ",
"fb=false debconf/frontend=noninteractive ",
"keyboard-configuration/modelcode=SKIP keyboard-configuration/layout=USA keyboard-configuration/variant=USA console-setup/ask_detect=false ",
"initrd=/install/initrd.gz -- <enter>"
"boot_wait": "10s",
"disk_size": 20480,
"guest_os_type": "Ubuntu_64",
"http_directory": "{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/http",
"iso_checksum": "83aabd8dcf1e8f469f3c72fff2375195",
"iso_checksum_type": "md5",
"iso_url": "./ubuntu-14.04.2-server-amd64.iso",
"ssh_username": "{{user `ssh_name`}}",
"ssh_password": "{{user `ssh_pass`}}",
"ssh_port": 22,
"ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
"shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' >; echo '{{user `ssh_pass`}}'|sudo -S bash ''",
"guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
"virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
"vboxmanage": [
["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "2048"],
["modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "4"]
"provisioners": [
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "echo '{{user `ssh_pass`}}'|sudo -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
"scripts": [
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/",
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/",
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/",
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/",
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/",
"{{user `local_packer_templates_dir`}}/scripts/"
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo bash '{{.Path}}'",
"inline": [
"mkdir {{user `repo_upload_dir`}}",
"chown -R vagrant:vagrant {{user `repo_upload_dir`}}"
"type": "file",
"source": "{{user `local_repo_dir`}}",
"destination": "{{user `repo_upload_dir`}}"
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo bash '{{.Path}}'",
"inline": [
"rm -fR {{user `repo_upload_dir`}}/.vagrant",
"rm -fR {{user `repo_upload_dir`}}/ops"
"type": "puppet-masterless",
"execute_command": "{{if .Sudo}}sudo -E {{end}}bash -c \"source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm; {{.FacterVars}} puppet apply --verbose --parser future --modulepath='{{.ModulePath}}' {{if ne .HieraConfigPath \"\"}}--hiera_config='{{.HieraConfigPath}}' {{end}} {{if ne .ManifestDir \"\"}}--manifestdir='{{.ManifestDir}}' {{end}} --detailed-exitcodes {{.ManifestFile}}\"",
"manifest_file": "{{user `local_puphput_dir`}}/puppet/site.pp",
"manifest_dir": "{{user `local_puphput_dir`}}/puppet",
"hiera_config_path": "{{user `local_puphput_dir`}}/puppet/hiera.yaml",
"module_paths": [
"{{user `local_puphput_dir`}}/puppet/modules"
"facter": {
"ssh_username": "{{user `ssh_name`}}",
"provisioner_type": "virtualbox",
"vm_target_key": "vagrantfile-local"
"type": "shell",
"execute_command": "sudo bash '{{.Path}}'",
"inline": [
"echo '{{user `repo_upload_dir`}}/puphpet' > '/.puphpet-stuff/vagrant-core-folder.txt'",
"sudo bash {{user `repo_upload_dir`}}/puphpet/shell/"
"post-processors": [
"type": "vagrant",
"output": "./build/{{.BuildName}}.box",
"compression_level": 9
Narration of what happens:
execute the basic provisioning of the VM using the scripts that are used to build puphpet boxes (first shell provisioner block)
create a directory /vagrant in the VM and set permissions for vagrant user
upload local repository to /vagrant (important as puphpet/puppet expects it to exist at that location in its scripts)
remove some unneeded stuff from /vagrant after upload
start puppet provisioner with custom execute_command and facter configuration
process the remaining provisioning scripts. To be extended with exec once/always, start once/always files
Note: you might need to prepare some more things before the puppet provisioner kicks off. E.g. I need a directory in place that will be the docroot of a vhost in apache. Use shell provisioning to complete the template for your own puphpet configuration.