install proxmox from usb device error - kvm

I try to install Proxmox using a USB, and when I click to install, I see the next error:
testing cdrom /dev/sr0
umount: can't umount /mnt: Invalid argument
testing again in 5 seconds
no cdrom found - unable to continue (type exit or CTRL-D to reboot)
I prepare the USB using ImageUSB in Windows, and it does have the previous fail, then I try to prepare in Ubuntu using dd if=pve-cd.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M, I don't know where is the problem.

For someone out there still having similar issue, use below method to create the installation media. That should help.
Instructions for Windows
Download Etcher from , select the ISO and your USB Drive.
If this doesn’t work, alternatively use the OSForensics USB installer from
Instructions for GNU/Linux
You can simply use dd on UNIX like systems. First download the ISO image, then plug in the USB stick. You need to find out what device name gets assigned to the USB stick (see below). Then run:
dd if=proxmox-ve_*.iso of=/dev/XYZ bs=1M
Note: Be sure to replace /dev/XYZ with the correct device name.
Caution: Be very careful, and do not overwrite the hard disk!
Instructions from:


Accessing USB drive form WinPE prompt

I am trying to install Windows 8 on virtual box using a bootable WinPE DVD. The image file (.wim) is on the USB stick.
But when I boot from DVD, I cannot find the USB drive.
I need to execute the command
d:\imagex.exe /apply e:\imageC_20150528.wim 1 c:\
where D - dvd drive and say E - usb drive
But I cannot locate the USB drive from the command prompt.
When I use winPE I use DiskPart to determine the drive letter of the USB drive.
-list volume
This should display all available drives
If the USB drive was inserted before you booted the system into PE, then the USB drive should already be mounted and have a drive letter. If it doesn't then it is likely the drive isn't supported (you might want to change your boot-image/disk to include additional drivers/tools to get access to your usb controller and connected device).
If your USB drive was inserted after you booted the system into PE (and your hardware is supported in PE) then I usually can access the disk in the following manner (worked even in XP PE):
go to commandline and start diskpart (following commands are in diskpart):
issue command: rescan enter
This 'Locates new disks that might have been added to the computer.'
Depending on diskpart version (and/or it's automount setting) this can be enough to automatically mount the file system for a new basic volume when it adds the drive to the system and assigns a drive letter to the volume.
When it doesn't, follow the following 2 steps:
command: list disk enter
to see a list of disks and some info (to check the drive was found)
command: list volume enter
lists volumes on all disks (to find volume number of the USB drive)
command: select volume=# enter (where #= volume number)
to select the specified volume and shift the focus to it
command: assign enter
to assign the next free letter to the current focused volume
OR: assign letter=# enter (where #= driveletter of choice)
This method usually works for me on most hardware.
See also: Diskpart commandline options on MS Technet
Really - you should be using a fairly current version of winPE - 5.1 is what I'm using - which is the version that parallels windows 8.1. I'm switching over to winPE 10 (they changed the numbering to be consistent with Windows)
The reason I bring this us is because you're using imagex - and dism.exe has largely replaced imagex.exe in more current versions of winPE.
If you're just doing this at the command prompt in a generic winPE, you can use mountvol.exe (with no parameters) to discover the drive letters that are available. Everything shifts around drive-letter-wise when you're in winPE. So it might not be e: any more.
Also, dism and/or imagex would be on the x: drive - which is the virtual drive that the winPE creates when it boots.

Update Rpi from Local Github Zip :: Raspberry Pi

I've downloaded a zip from here on to my Raspberry Pi and want to run an update from it locally ("sudo REPO_URI=https://..." doesn't work because of apparently common issues, and connectivity).
Question: Is there a general way of installing github-based packages from a local zip copy instead of
Follow-up: Is there a general way wherein Raspberry Pi Updates can be downloaded as zip files from the site and pointed to locally, when running "sudo rpi-update"
A bit about the zip file: These are display drivers for the Wave Share SpotPear display which look like they're a part of a standard Raspberry Pi update.
Things I have tried: Following instructions here I looked up the README, however it just asks to use the "sudo REPO_URI=https://.." command. I also tried simply replacing the value after REPO_URI with my local path, but it didn't work.
Sounds like you just need to download the contents (use GitHub's 'download zip' button) and then you can unzip the file and follow whatever instructions are necessary to make it happen.

Kinect / Primesense (Xtion) ROS Ubuntu through Virtual Machine (VMware)

Since it took me quite some time to figure out how to get Xtion (Primesense) to work on VMware I thought to share it here with you. (with Kinect I have a problem to let ROS see the device even though VMware has successfully connected it).
roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch
Running the above command gave me the error:
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...
I either got a single frame or no frame when running "rviz" and Add --> Image --> Image topic --> /camera/rgb/image_raw
So how do I get video frames in Ubuntu from a Primesense device while using a Virtual Machine (VMware)?
My specs
Windows 7 running VMware 10.0.4 build-2249910
Ubuntu 12.04.5 Precise in VMware
ROS Hydro
The following question pointed me in the right direction:
In the answer of blizzardroi (not selected answer) he/she mentions that USBInterface should be 0. I reasoned that since my main Machine is Windows, I should set UsbInterface to 1, which indeed solved it.
Go to /etc/openni2/ (from system folder, not Home) and open PS1080.ini with administrator rights (e.g. sudo gedit PS1080.ini). Search for UsbInterface, remove the ; and change the value to 1. It should look like below:
; USB interface to be used. 0 - FW Default, 1 - ISO endpoints (default on Windows), 2 - BULK endpoints (default on Linux/Mac/Android machines)
From previous experience it may also be related that your Windows system may need the kinect drivers as well. If the above not works, try to install the following:
(Kinect SDK)
(OpenNI2 Windows)
p.s. Don't forget your drivers for Ubuntu (replace hydro with your ROS version)
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni*
It doesn't solve the error below, but rviz returns video, which means that we can read the data the Primesense device publishes!
Warning: USB events thread - failed to set priority. This might cause loss of data...
Got the same warning from opennni (issued at start by a binary located at Tools/PSLinkConsole) with another sensor.
Solved by starting process as sudo - my guess: to set priority to USB event threads you need root access. :)

Windows 8, Fedora 19 OS Hyper-V Virtual Machine

I installed Fedora 19 in windows 8 hyper-v and its working fine but there is one small problem with the display setting, as fedora 19 display setting not providing 1366x768, but i need to set the display to 1366x768 to view full screen, so any suggestions??
Open a Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T)
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
Find the line starting with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, and add
video=hyperv_fb:[the resolution you want]
If the resolution I want is 1280×720 then my line ends up looking like this:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="… quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1280×720"
Write the changes and quit vi by hitting ESC and typing
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
or when installed in EFI mode
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg
Reboot the virtual machine
(Note: this is just an over-sized reply.)
I'm using Windows 10 and Fedora 26. Basically what Daniel said still holds, with some modifications:
The file /boot/grub2/grub.cfg doesn't exist on fresh install Fedora 26, and creating the file doesn't affect booting parameters at all (verified with /proc/cmdline). The correct file is /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/grub.cfg (I get the path from Fedora Wiki).
Not every resolution is supported: 1920x1080 is, 2560x1080 is not. Unsupported resolution is simply ignored. I ended up setting it 1920 although my monitor is 2560.
And finally an advice: back up everything you edit. You'll need it some day.
Update: still works in Fedora 27.
I think it's a limitation from Microsoft.
Here's the link
Your only option is RDP.

ios Symbolication Server side

How to symbolicate the ios crash report after uploading to server in a linux environment where iOS development tools and scripts will not be available. I know Apple uses atos and some other tools to map the hex addresses to symbol along with .dYSM file.
I can upload .dYSM file along with crash report to server. Refered QuincyKit, but they are doing symbolication locally. But other's like HockeyApp and Critterism are doing it remotely.
Pls recommend the possible ways to do it in server.
It is possible. You can take a look at
I got it working under Linux. (Ubuntu Server) However, it takes some time to get it up and running.
Installing atosl
First, you need to install libdwarf-dev, dwarfdump, binutils-dev and libiberty-dev.
E.g. on Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install libdwarf-dev dwarfdump binutils-dev libiberty-dev
Download or clone the atosl repo from GitHub:
$ git clone
CD to the atosl dir
$ cd atosl
Create a local config which contains a flag with the location of your binutil apps. (in Ubuntu by default that's /usr/bin). If you're not sure, you can find out by executing cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/binutils.list | less and copy the path of the file objdump. E.g. if the entry is /usr/bin/objdump, your path is /usr/bin.
So in the end, your should look like this:
LDFLAGS += -L/usr/bin
Compile it:
$ make
Now you can start using it:
$ ./atosl --help
Symbolicating example
To show how atosl is used, I'll provide a simple example.
Now let's take a look at a line from the crash log:
13 ErrorApp 0x000ea294 0xe3000 + 29332
To symbolicate this, we will need the load address, and the runtime address.
In this example the runtime address is 0x000ea294, and the load address is 0xe3000.
Now we have everything we need:
In this example:
$ ./atosl -o -l 0xe3000 0x000ea294
Which returns the symbolicated line:
main (in ErrorApp) (main.m:16)
Your vmaddr, which usually is 0x00001000, you can find by looking at the segname __TEXT Mach-O load command of your binary. In my example, this happens to be different, namely 0x00004000
To find the address, we need to do some math.
The address is found by the following formula:
address = vmaddr + ( runtime_address - load_address )
In this example our address is:
0x00004000 + ( 0x000ea294 - 0xe3000 ) = 0xB294
I haven't played around with this that much yet, but for now it seems to give me the results I needed. Maybe it will work for you too.
You need to implement your own linux compatible versions of atos, otool and dwarfdump (at least the functionality needed for symbolication). The Apple tools are not open source and only run on Mac OS X.
None of the services provide a solution that can be used by 3rd parties on non OS X systems. So your only chance, besides implementing the required functionality to run on your linux system, is to do it on a Mac like QuincyKit does it, see or use a third party service.
Note: I am the creator of QuincyKit and Co-Founder of HockeyApp.