We have a STUN/TURN Server (coturn) running. It will relay (over TURN) a video feed from a device on the internet to a device in a fixed IP range. (There is currently no stream in the other direction, but this might change in the future)
I know about the TURN REST API spec to generate temporary credentials to access the TURN Server. Now we would also like to restrict access in a more fine grained way: Is it possible to restrict the TURN server such that only streams TO a device in a certain IP range or streams FROM a device in this certain IP range is relayed and all other traffic would get dropped?
Is there a way to configure this in coturn or would it be possible to put a NGINX proxy in between to handle this?
Expert from coturn docs, one of the optional parameters while starting the TURN server:
--allowed-peer-ip=<IPaddr[-IPaddr]> - Options to ban or allow specific ip addresses or ranges of ip addresses. If an ip address is
specified as both allowed and denied, then the ip address is
considered to be allowed. This is useful when you wish to ban a range
of ip addresses, except for a few specific ips within that range. This
can be used when you do not want users of the turn server to be able
to access machines reachable by the turn server, but would otherwise
be unreachable from the internet (e.g. when the turn server is sitting
behind a NAT). The allowed/denied addresses (white/black lists)
functionality is very simple:
If there is no rule for an address, then it is allowed;
If there is an explicit allowed rule that fit an address then it is
allowed - no matter what;
If there is no explicit allowed rule for
an address, and if there is a denied rule that fits the address, then
it is denied. The "white" and "black" peer IP ranges can be
dynamically changed in the database.
this might sound a bit amateur-ish but I'm in a bit of a situation here.
So I created myself a website and managed to get it working on localhost, I tried port forwarding ports 80,443 but nothing helped, So next thing I'm googling around and I read about ngrok and it actually worked. Got it working on a long randomly generated domain but the problem is that I want to use the one that I have from no-ip.com. How can I do that please? I'm very lost here.
Software being used: Xampp (Apache,MySQL)
I've reserved a DHCP ip-address for my PC in my router's settings, hopefully that helps? I don't know. Help me internet.
There are a whole bunch of possible reasons that this might not work. Here are a few of them.
Your ISP
Even if you have port forwarding set up properly on your router, it is still possible that you cannot do what you want.
First, many ISPs block serving websites from residential internet connections. Connections to port 80/443 will never even reach your router. You might try experimenting by forwarding a different port number (such as 8000 instead of 80) to see if the traffic can get through on that port. (However, that will not work as a practical solution since your users will not know to use an alternate port and your ISP can choose to terminate your service if you are violating the terms of your agreement.)
Second, due to the exhaustion of public IPv4 addresses, some ISPs are implementing Carrier-Grade NAT (CGNAT, a.k.a. Large-Scale NAT - LSN). Instead of giving your router a public IP address, they give your router a private IP address inside their network. Once again, connections to port 80/443 (or any other port for that matter) will never reach you. You can check if you are behind CGNAT by going to your router's setting and finding the public IP address, then going to https://whatsmyip.com/ and seeing if it is the same or different. (In theory, you should be able to tell that you have CGNAT if your router's IP address is between -, but in practice some ISPs use other private network ranges too, such as -
The reason Ngrok works for you is because Ngrok opens a tunnel from your computer to their cloud servers and sends the traffic through that tunnel.
You mentioned in the comments that you have the DNS set to resolve the private IP of your computer. That certainly will not allow users on the public internet to get to your site, because they cannot connect to your address.
However, you also mentioned in the comments that if you change the DNS to point to your public IP, it doesn't work from either inside or outside. This could mean your problem is one of the ISP issues described above. It could also mean that your router does not support Hairpin-NAT (a.k.a. NAT Reflection), which is how the router would be able to redirect local traffic back to the local server instead of trying to send it out over the internet.
Your computer's firewall can look at the source IP address of the incoming traffic, and it might be set not to allow external access to your web server. DO NOT DISABLE YOUR FIREWALL to try to get around this. Instead, you need to add a specific exception to the firewall rules to allow the incoming traffic. How you do this will depend on your operating system.
I need to access about 15 devices remotely with a software in a single server.
All these devices are connected to the internet through modems and I can access them, privided I have the modem IP. But most of these modems have dynamic IPs that usually changes more than once a week for various reasons.
I tried using dynamic DNS, but it doesn't work because the software accepts only IPs in the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX in its configuration.
Is it possible to configure a DNS server (or any other tool) to point to one of my dynamic DNS when asked for a specific IP address in my local network? I was going to try it but my Windows server fails to install the DNS server role, so I want to know if I should even bother solving this other problem.
In other words I want to do this: local IP -> global name address -> global IP address
Example: -> dynamic.name.com ->
What kind of IP address does whatismyip.com provide?
How can I get it using VB.Net code?
Also what is IP port?
Okay, let's pretend you have a router in your house and that you have several computers in your house all connected to the internet through your router.
In order for the router to know where traffic goes on your network, it assigns unique IP Addresses to all computers on your home network (Usually beginning with 192.168.x.x). These IP addresses are local ip addresses, meaning only your router and computers/devices connected to it in your house knows about them. If you open a command prompt and do command IPConfig you will see the IP address that your router has assigned your computer.
So what is the IP address that WhatIsMyIP.com showing you? In much the same way that your router assigns addresses to all the computers on your network, your internet service provider hands out unique IP addresses to all of their customers. Now, because you have a router, the only thing the ISP can see on your network is that router and your ISP assigns an IP address to it. This is why routers are also called hardware firewalls, because people on the other side of it, can't tell how many computers or devices are connected to it.
What this means is, when you are visiting websites on the internet, the only IP address they see is your routers external IP address (the one assigned by your ISP). So no matter which computer in your house you use, the website wouldn't know the difference because all it can see is your router's IP address. Go ahead and try it; go to www.WhatIsMyIP.com on several different computers in your house. You will see that they all show the same IP address. However, if you did IPConfig in your command prompt on each computer, that shows you the local address your router assigned and it would be different on every computer in your home.
So, now that you understand the difference between local and external IP addresses, how would you retrieve your external IP address in VB or C# .net code that is running on your PC? Well the only IP address your computer is actually aware of is that local IP that we talked about. The only way you can see your external IP address is to go to a website that tells you what address the request came from (which would be your router's IP address).
What you would need to do is write up some code in your VB.net program that would navigate out to WhatIsMyIP.com (or some other website that can give you your IP address) and tell the code to grab it. I have written a web service located at http://www.u413.com/test/terminal/myip that returns only your IP address as the entire HTTP response. Find something similar though for your application because this little sample will not stay there forever; I only put it up there as a temporary example on a domain I already own.
Visit http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/UploadFile/kbawala/WebRequestClass04182005054320AM/WebRequestClass.aspx to see how to make web requests from code running on your computer.
NOTE: You may not be aware of what DNS is either if you are unaware of how IP addresses work. Everything on the net has an IP address, including the servers that serve up website pages. But what a pain that would be, trying to remember up to 12 digit IP addresses for all your favorite websites. That is what DNS servers were invented for. DNS servers take a domain name (e.g. www.facebook.com) and translates it into the correct IP address. That way all you need to remember is facbook.com instead of (this is facebook's IP address. Go ahead, try it! Put that IP in your browser's address bar and you will see facebook.), domain names are much easier to remember!
If you want to see the IP address associated with a website, open up a command prompt. Once the prompt is open type PING [websitedomain] (e.g. PING Facebook.com) and your computer will send 4 test requests to the address which is displayed for you.
Let's pretend your IP address is like the address of an apartment buliding. The pizza delivery boy needs to know the address to the apartment building in order to deliver your pizza. But what is he going to do when he gets there? There are hundreds of doors/apartments to choose from. He needs to know the apartment number (port number on your computer).
Your computer has thousands of ports, and programs can listen on any one of them for requests from the outside world. When you go to a website almost all websites are served on port 80. Port 80 is the default port for web pages. When you go to facebook.com you are actually going to facebook.com:80, you just don't see the :80 because it is implied since it is the default. If I put up a web server, I could decide any port to serve websites on. If I served web pages on a different port than port 80, then you would have to include it in your URL. http://www.SomeDudesCustomWebServer.com:1337.
Outgoing requests use a port too, but that one is usually unimportant and your computer just picks one that is available. So when you go to Facebook.com, the facebook web servers are all serving up pages over port 80, but the port your computer opened up to send the request does not have to be port 80 because it picks an available port and then sends the port with the request. Then when facebook sends its response, it sends the reply back to the ip address and port that made the request.
Outgoing ports are only used for the duration of the request. Ports that must listen for connections must stay the same otherwise the computers making requests would have no idea what port to send the request to.
Easy huh!
Hope that helps you understand a bit better.
Port Forwarding
Okay, in light of the chat application you want to use/create, if you want it to communicate over the net you'll have to learn about port forwarding. Basically, because all you could see of your friend's network would be his external ip address, you will have to use that address to connect to his chat server (or vice versa if he is connecting to your chat server then it will be your external IP). Because of this, the connection request would only get as far as the router that has the external IP, but it would not know what computer on the network to forward the request to.
You will need to access your router's firmware and set up port forwarding so that the router knows to forward requests on a specific port, to a specific computer on the network. Visit http://portforward.com/ for more detail on how to setup port forwarding.
When setting up stuff to communicate with your computer using your PC, you may start getting frustrated that it just won't connect. What is likely stopping you is your firewall. By default, most ports on your PC are completely blocked by the windows firewall. For each port that you want to communicate on you will want to go into the firewall and create a rule that will open up the port. Go here http://www.top-windows-tutorials.com/windows-7-firewall.html for a video on how to use the windows firewall. I did not watch it, but it is what came up first on a google search.
Do not simply disable the firewall. Even though this is an easy and quick solution to open up all your ports, you are leaving yourself open to attack. Viruses love to set themselves up in your computer if they can and listen on an open port for a connection from their beloved creator so he can obtain access to your PC. Only open the ports you need.
When opening and forwarding ports you may notice that it asks for UDP (User Datagram Protocol) or TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). What they stand for may not make sense but all you need to know is this: UDP is for single packet transmissions which means that two packets sent by a pc may or may not be related to each other. These types of data packets are usually used for broadcasts on a local network. An example I would use is LAN games. When you host a game on a LAN the other computers/devices can see the name of the game and join it. That is because the computer hosting the game is transmitting a UDP broadcast across the entire LAN so that any devices can see the game. Those UDP transmissions usually contain the name of the game and the connection info required to connect to the game.
TCP is for continuous packet transmission. TCP requires an established connection, any packets transmitted on this connection are always related to that one connection/request. To continue my example from the last paragraph, once you click connect on the LAN game, your computer then establishes a TCP connection with the host and uses that connection for the duration of the game or games. TCP is the most commonly used connection type and your chat program would likely communicate over TCP, especially if you are connecting across the net because UDP broadcasts are useless across the internet. UDP is only really useful on a LAN.
You should be safe forwarding and unblocking only the TCP ports, but sometimes when I'm unsure I just do both UDP and TCP just to be safe. In fact, many routers and firewalls have 3 options: TCP, UDP, or Both which saves you from having to create two rules for both types of the port.
When in doubt, open/forward both.
What's my ip provides your IP v4 public address.
It's really easy to retrieve it, this topic explain how to proceed : How to get the IP address of the server on which my C# application is running on?
The code is only a few lines long, so the language (c# in this example) does'nt matter.
They provide your external internet facing IP.
This IP will depend on how you connect to the internet. If you connect straight from your computer to your ISP without any kind of router or firewall in between, it might be the same as your internal IP, but in most circumstances this will not be the case.
If you're at home and you've connected via a router of some kind, then you might be able to query it for the IP, but there is no standard way of doing this.
There is no standard way of getting hold of your external IP from the client it self. If you've got access to a server on the internet where you could deploy some code you could connect to that server from your client PC and ask it what IP you're connecting from.
IP Port Numbers
I also needed external IP using command line, but because I didn't find it I wrote small application using vb.net. You can use reflection for source code or ask on app home page for it. Basically application opens web page that provide your IP and parse it using regular expression, but because is designed with this purpose uses many "tricks" for this (can use more web pages at once, uses fastes page, etc). Check source for details.
First URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It will be very difficult to remember an IP address. Instead of remembering the IP addresses URL came like www.intrepidkarthi.com. Url normally contains three parts. For example http://intrepidkarthi.com/index.php. Here "http" refers to the protocol it uses. Then the server name and then the requested file name.
Here I have enlisted the flow of working mechanism behind your browser
The flow of work
Your browser communicates with a name server to translate the server name "www.intrepidkarthi.com" into an IP Address, which it uses to connect to the server machine. * So your browser will see if it already has the appropriate IP address cached away from previous visits to the site. If not, it will make a DNS query to your DNS server (might be your router or your ISP's DNS server). DNS stands for Domain Name Server - For exapmle if you want to get karthik's phone number then you will look into your telephone directory. Likewise your computer doesn't know intrepidkarthi.com's IP address . So it looks into DNS.
The browser then formed a connection to the server at that IP address on port 80. HTTP protocol uses port number 80
The browser sends a GET request to the server, asking for the file "http://www.google.com/karthikeyan.htm". The webserver then returns the requested page and your browser renders it to the screen.
The firewall will control connections to & from your computer. For the most part it will just be controlling who can connect to your computer and on what ports. For web browsing your firewall generally won't be doing a whole lot.
Your router essentially guides your request through the network, helping the packets get from computer to computer and potentially doing some NAT (Network Address Tranlator) to translate IP addresses along the way (so your internat LAN request can be transitioned onto the wider internet and back).
I don't know what I understood is correct or not. I need to understand it completely till the hardware level at the back.
browser has no DNS cache. your operating system's tcp stack has.
the server name in DNS may have many IP addresses. the browsers usually choose one at random.
DNS is a tree. to get www.google.com, you go to google.com name service and get IP of the computer www.
returned HTML page is a small part of the information. In turn, it points your browser to establish many connections to other servers, to bring scripts, pictures, etc.
otherwise okay.
In order to notify all computers within the same LAN about my existence, I want to broadcast my hostname and IP address.
How do I go about doing so without sending them as a string?
Avik, this is what DNS is meant to be used for. While "regular" DNS is meant to hold names and IP addresses for each machine (statically configured), there is a dynamic DNS protocol which allows machines to update their DNS entries in real time.
This sort of capability is used in some of the office environments for my clients where printers on a machine are shared but the machines they're attached to use DHCP (meaning their IP address can change).
See here and here for details and the Windows implementation with DHCP.
Lets call your machine that wants to advertise itself the SERVER and all the machines that can use it, the CLIENTS.
Of course, dynamic DNS only notifies DNS itself of the name/IP mapping and is useful if the CLIENTS are already aware of your SERVER so they can get the IP address from DNS. If you have no way for CLIENTS to discover that your SERVER has just been added, you'll still need to broadcast a packet occasionally indicating that your SERVER exists (this will only need the SERVER name since CLIENTS will use DNS to get the IP address).
This broadcast packet should be picked up by all CLIENTS and kept in a local table. If the communications from a CLIENT to your SERVER fails, the local table entry for your SERVER should be removed (it'll be re-added when your SERVER broadcasts again).
Basically re-inventing NetBIOS or ZeroConf, as popular with small embedded devices for discovery by a Windows or OS X based installer or setup utility.
You can try to use UPnP Discovery.