SAP Hana One : Unable connect with Hana Studio - hana

I have created a SAP Hana One Instance for SPS11. But i never get any username or password to connect with SAP HANA Studio? Can someone help to connect SAP Hana One instance with SAP Hana Studio.

Do you have SAP Logon Pad installed on your local PC.
If you can see the SAP system in the local SAP Logon Pad, you can see the same SAP systems in SAP HANA Studio.
Please check how you can configure the saplogon.ini for SAP HANA Studio in Eclipse IDE here.
Probably the referenced saplogon.ini file is empty. You can copy and paste the file populated with SAP systems in your environment.
I had the problem so that I could not see any SAP systems and had to manually configure for all SAP systems to logon. The solution will help you too to logon with SSO

When you install SAP HANA server, you need to create a SYSTEM superuser. You can connect from HANA Studio using that credential.

To connect to a hana db you need to know the Hostname and Instancenumber of the hana db.
For hana 2 systems the port of the nameserver on system db is
On this server you can use the view M_SERVICES in the SYS_DATABASE schema to see the sql ports of the indexservers of your tenant dbs


What protocol does SAP HANA studio use in order to communicate with a HANA database?

I would just like to know how HANA Studio communicates with a HANA DB? What kind of protocol does it use? Does it use JDBC or SQLDBC?
SAP HANA Studio uses JDBC for the majority of all communication with a SAP HANA server.
Features like the sapstartsrvc connection for starting/stopping the system or the landscape management use http-based protocols.

Deploying SSAS Tabular in a remote server with ODBC DSN

I am deploying a SSAS Tabular project that uses a ODBC datasource.
This datasource is a DSN created for Hive (cloudera).
I am using SSDT for developing the datasource. I had to install ODBC Driver for 64 and 34 bits with the same name (here the explanation
I am trying to deploy this proyect in a remote server, but I get this error:
"The modifications to the server could not be saved. Error returned: 'Error de OLE DB u ODBC.
Could not connect to the data source named 'Hive_DES'"
Is it necessary that the ODBCs be created on the server with the same name?
I resolved the issue. It is necessary configurate an user with permissions to get data. The ODBC should be well configured.

SAP HANA Studio R Integration for Windows

How do I integrate SAP HANA Studio with Rserve in Windows? I want to run R code on SQL Script with other SQL statements. I do not have access to Linux on my job and I am currently using Windows.
You have this backwards.
There are two different integration scenarios for SAP HANA and R:
HANA -> R (via RServe)
R -> HANA (via ODBC or JDBC)
None of these scenarios involves HANA Studio as a part of the integration.
The first type of integration really is a setup task for the HANA administrator. Once the connection between the RServe and the HANA server is set up correctly, developers can build calculation models and procedure based on R code in the HANA development environment.
For the second type of integration R simply is a database client to SAP HANA and gets data via RODBC or RJDBC. No need to have access to the Linux (HANA) server for this. All you need is the client software installed on your local computer to connect to HANA.

Unable to create DSN for Oracle Database

This is weired problem that I am facing, I am unable to create a DSN for oracle.
I am currently using windows 64bit OS is windows7 ultimate, and oracle which I am using is oracle 10.2. But the issues is when I go to ODBC data source administrator I am not able to find Oracle in XE server. The strange behaviour..
When Open the same data source administrator from the path I am able to see Oracle XE server and set it. unfortunately I am not able to connect it to the database using this. I guessed that It had to do with permission settings, so I reinstalled oracle as administrator but that did not work. I read that we need to download an external odbc interface, even that did not work.
unable to create System DSN for oracle
How do I fix this? what is the issues here is it with the permission, envirnment variables etc?

HANA Studio locks DB user when accessing HANA in the cloud via database tunnel

I'm using the database tunnel from the SDK of the HANA Cloud Platform to connect to a HANA instance in the cloud. This works fine for the first connection, but I'm having a problem when trying to reconnect after having closed and re-opened the tunnel: The tunnel generates a new password (for the same database user) each time is is opened, but the HANA studio doesn't prompt me for a password when I select "Log On" in the systems view.
Apparently, the studio remembers the previous password and retries that incorrect password until my user is locked: After a while, the system is annotated with a red marker and the status text says
You have reached the maximum number of invalid password entry attempts. User is locked until ...
I haven't selected the option "Store user name and password in secure storage", but this probably means that the HANA Studio remembers the password until it is restarted. (The SAP HANA administration guidelines confirm this assumption.)
So, but how do I get out of this situation? How can I unlock my user? And how can I avoid locking it in the future, maybe without having to restart the HANA studio every time I re-open the tunnel?
if you use the new SDK from the SAP HANA Cloud Platform you no longer have a changing password. Once you open the tunnel you'll get an initial password for your HANA instance in the cloud. After changing it to your needs you can always use that database password to connect your HANA Studio to the HANA instance on your account.
But be aware that you have always 2 passwords. The one you use to create the tunnel and the other one that you use in your HANA Studio to connect to your HANA instance in the cloud.
Get the new SDK at
Hope this helps.
PS: We'll be repeating the free online course "Introduction to SAP HANA Cloud Platform" ( around April/May this year. In week 2 and 3 of that course you'll also learn how the "new" tunnel works.