Does DynamicForm or FormItem have a method to set a field title?
Currently I'm doing something like this
var fields = myForm.fields;
fields[0].title = "a brand new title";
The answer according to Isomorphic on SmartClient Forum
A valid way to do this would be formItem.setProperty("title",
newTitle) and then item.redraw().
Can you please help with setting the title as page name not data from the widget in Sitefinity?
I have tried
var urlName = SiteMapBase.GetActualCurrentNode().UrlName;
var pageHandler = this.ViewContext.HttpContext.Handler.GetPageHandler();
pageHandler.Title = urlName.ToUpperInvariant();
pageHandler.Page.Title = "MyTitle";
But it doesn't work. A version of Sitefinity 13.1.
At what stage of the page lifecycle are you setting it?
Most probably Sitefinity rewrites this after your code.
Your best bet is to place your code on PreRenderComplete event.
So, you know how you found the pageHandler - try subscribing to its PreRenderComplete event and in there set the Title of the page.
Do you just simply mean
ViewBag.Title = "My title";
In a controller action?
This works 12.2 but could not try 13.1
I am Using a Script Adapter by passing payload to get contend for a Content List from "Search with values" event
When Contend get loaded to content list , i have a custom view to preview them. But if i clicked on MIME type column , It opens a separate view with the mapped viewer
So I need to remove this column or make it un-clickable
1) I am passing search values to content list's "Search with values" event , from where can i handle Content List's contend loading ,any Dojo Event i can use ?
2) With Script Adapter can i do this without going for a "response filter"
Edit :
As Nicely explained by "Ivo Jonker" (in his answer - "or try to specifically locate the widgets on your page" and with his example code)
responsed = page.ContentList8.ecmContentList.getResultSet();
var cols = responsed.structure.cells[0];
for (i=cols.length-1; i>0; i--){
var col = cols[i];
if (col.field=="mimeTypeIcon")
I simply remove this row. Thanks Again and lovely blog , hope you keep posting more great articles.
The values passed through the Search With Values event will eventually be handled by the icm.pgwidget.contentlist.dijit.DocumentSearchHandler
that in turn creates a SearchTemplate to execute the search ( One option would be to aspect/before/around the DocumentSearchHandler#query to manipulat the searchresults and by that way to remove the column.
The wiring however does not provide any handles to achieve this for a specific query-resultset combination leaving you to either fix this on a global scale (icm.pgwidget.contentlist.dijit.DocumentSearchHandler.prototype#query), or try to specifically locate the widgets on your page.
Personally, taking into account #2, i'd go for the responsefilter-option if you feel the global solution wouldn't be a problem, or alternatively i'd personally prefer to create a simple ICM widget that instantiates/implements a "plain" ecm.widget.listView.ContentList and exposes a wire to set the ecm.model.Resultset.
You'd then be able to create your own Searchquery in a scriptadapter, remove the column, and pass the resultset.
The script adapter could be something like:
var scriptadapter=this;
var queryParams={};
queryParams.query = "SELECT * FROM Document where id in /*your list*/";
queryParams.retrieveAllVersions = false;
queryParams.retrieveLatestVersion = true;
queryParams.repository = ecm.model.desktop.repositories[0];
queryParams.resultsDisplay = {
"sortBy": "{NAME}",
"sortAsc": true,
"columns": ["{NAME}"],
"honorNameProperty": true};
var searchQuery = new ecm.model.SearchQuery(queryParams);*ecm.model.Resultset*/){
//remove the mimeTypeIcon
var cols = response.structure.cells[0];
for (i=cols.length-1; i>0; i--){
var col = cols[i];
if (col.field=="mimeTypeIcon")
//emit the resultset to your new contentlist, be sure to block the regular synchrounous output of the scriptadapter
//The contentlist wire would simply do contentlist.setResultSet(response);
I'm trying to format a Ultragridcell using the following code and it works fine.
DefaultEditorOwnerSettings editorSettings;
DateTimeEditor datetime_editor;
editorSettings = new DefaultEditorOwnerSettings()
editorSettings.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
editorSettings.MaskInput = "mm/dd/yyyy";
datetime_editor = new DateTimeEditor(new DefaultEditorOwner(editorSettings));
e.Row.Cells["DateInfo"].Editor = datetime_editor;
But when I try to format like the below code, it fails.
DefaultEditorOwnerSettings editorSettings;
DateTimeEditor datetime_editor;
editorSettings = new DefaultEditorOwnerSettings()
editorSettings.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
editorSettings.MaskInput = "D";
datetime_editor = new DateTimeEditor(new DefaultEditorOwner(editorSettings));
e.Row.Cells["DateInfo"].Editor = datetime_editor;
Is that only the custom formatting that too only limited types works with the cell or i'm wrong somewhere.
Need an advice on this.
It seems that you think that MaskInput property supports all the formatting functionality provided by Composite Formatting, but I don't think that it is true.
The formatting available for MaskInput as far as I know are limited to only these provided by the UltraGrid Designer.
Using the UltraGrid Designer (right click on the UltraGrid control, select UltraGrid Designer) click on the Data Schema and define a data schema in which one of the columns will be a DateTime column. Then go to the Bands and Column Settings node, select columns and then the column defined as DateTime. In the properties window you can find the MaskInput property and its allowed values. You could try to experiment with the predefined masks and check if there is one that fits your requirements.
As I have said this is what I suppose to be true. I don't know if there is another advanced mode to set these properties at design time or at Runtime. If, someone from Infragistics, wants to add something to this answer would be welcome
I can't seem to use the info returned by fl.findObjectInDocByType() with fl.getDocumentDOM().selection.
I want to use document.setTextRectangle to re-size some text fields from an array generated using fl.findObjectInDocByType().
I can easily access all the textObject properties but since document.setTextRectangle requires a current selection, I am at a loss.
The example in the documentaion for setting selection is:
fl.getDocumentDOM().selection = fl.getDocumentDOM().getTimeline().layers[0].frames[0].elements[0];
fl.findObjectInDocByType() returns an array of objects with the attributes: (object.timeline, object.layer, object.frame, object.parent)
But these are objects, and don't have a property for array index numbers required by fl.getDocumentDOM().selection=...
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
//doc.selection MUST be an array, so assign theTextField to an array...
var selectArray = new Array();
selectArray[0] = theTextField.obj;
var theTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
var theLayer =theTextField.layer;
var theFrame =theTextField.frame;
doc.currentTimeline =theTextField.timeline;
doc.selection = doc.getTimeline().theLayer.theFrame.selectArray;//error
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
Result: Error:doc.getTimeline().theLayer has no properties
It turns out, the ObjectFindAndSelect.jsfl script already contains a function specifically for this: fl.selectElement(). Much more elegant:
var doc = fl.getDocumentDOM();
// generate an array of elements of type "text"
var textFieldArray = fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", doc);
for (var i=0; i < textFieldArray.length; i ++){
function fnResizeTheTextField(theTextField){
//force current selection to be theTextField
fl.selectElement(theTextField,false);//enter 'edit mode' =false...
//resize the text rectangle
doc.setTextRectangle({left:0, top:0, right:1000, bottom:1000});
I found the answer. In order to select anything for a document level operation, you have to also make flash focus on the keyframe of that object.
so, if I loop through an array of objects created by fl.findObjectInDocByType(), I use this code to make flash focus on the object correctly:
function fnMakeFlashLookAt(theObject){
doc.currentTimeline =theObject.timeline;
doc.getTimeline().currentLayer =theObject.layer;
doc.getTimeline().currentFrame =theObject.frame;
this may not work on objects nested inside a symbol however.
I had a similar issue recently, and apparently all google results about setTextRectangle() direct us here. It's unbelievable how poorly documented jsfl is :)
If you need to use setTextRectangle() inside an library item that is not on stage, you need to open for edit the item first.
Here's the code that solved my problem:
doc.selection = [tf];//where tf is the reference to textfield we need to edit
doc.setTextRectangle({left:l, top:t, right:r, bottom:b});
If you have a better working solution, please post. I hope it saves somebody's time. Good luck!
I would like to implement a function like adding a note of a selected text on UIWebview as iBooks and Amazon Kindle does.
I already created UIMenuItem. But, I dont know how to implement the method for this. Could anybody help in this regard?
I dont know what functionality is used to implement in this method. Thanks.
- (void)Note:(id)sender {
NSString *selection = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"window.getSelection().toString()"];
The JavaScript in question is designed to give you the text that is highlighted within your selection.
I'm not sure that running toString on an element will return the correct information though. The following method will return the highlighted text and save it into a variable.
function getHighlightedString() {
var text = window.getSelection();
myAnchorOffset = text.anchorOffset;
myFocusOffset = text.focusOffset;
temp = myAnchorOffset;
myAnchorOffset = myFocusOffset;
myFocusOffset = temp;
selectedText = text.anchorNode.textContent.substr(myAnchorOffset, myFocusOffset - myAnchorOffset);
when you have this method loaded into the webview
NSString myHighlightedText = [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"getHighlightedString()"];