WCF Service proxy - Both Close() and Abort functions getting called - wcf

I have the below code to call a WCF proxy:-
var client = new ServiceClientProxy();
var documents = client.GetDocuments();
if(documents.Length > 50)
throw new Exception("Too many Documents");
else if(documents.Length <10)
throw new Exception("Too many Documents");
return documents;
catch(exception ex)
Here If the documents count that we get from service is more than 50 or less than 10, in that case we will be calling both Close() as well as the Abort functions on client.Is this expected way of calling WCF service proxy?
Anyone please suggest if there is some better way handling this.
Also is it a better approach to close the client connection immediately after the call or do we need to wait till we have completely used the response properties and close the connection at end?

Also is it a better approach to close the client connection
immediately after the call or do we need to wait till we have
completely used the response properties and close the connection at
Depends on if you need to make subsequent calls to the service. If not then by all means close the connection.
Is this expected way of calling WCF service proxy? Anyone please
suggest if there is some better way handling this.
No. To handle a problem that is baked into WCF you could should actually be structured like this:
Documents documnts = null;
var client = new ServiceClientProxy();
documents = client.GetDocuments();
if (client.State != CommunicationState.Closed)
if (documents.Length > 50)
throw new Exception("Too many Documents");
else if (documents.Length < 10)
throw new Exception("Too many Documents");
return documents;
If you want to truly understand the 'why' I would highly recommend reading this series of articles. They will clear up the Close / Abort portion of your problem.
Another other things I should point out with the code you've provided is exceptions should be exceptional.
Using exceptions for what I would considered to be business logic is usually not the right thing to do. Consider the approach where you return a structured result instead. Perhaps in your case it make sense though.


How to make an Attended call transfer with UCMA

I'm struggling with making a call transfer in a UMCA IVR app I've built. This is not using Lync.
Essentially, I have an established call from an outside user and as part of the IVR application, they select an option to be transferred. This transfer is to a configured outside number (ie: Our Live Operator). What I want to do is transfer the original caller to the outside number, and if a valid transfer is established, I want to terminate the original call. If the transfer isn't established, I want to send control back to the IVR application to handle this gracefully.
My problem is my EndTransferCall doesn't get hit when the transfer is established. I would have expected it to hit, set my AutoResetEvent and return a True, and then in my application I can disconnect the original call. Can somebody tell me what I'm missing here?
_call is an established AudioVideoCall. My application calls the Transfer method
private AutoResetEvent _waitForTransferComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
public override bool Transfer(string number, int retries = 3)
var success = false;
var attempt = 0;
CallTransferOptions transferOptions = new CallTransferOptions(CallTransferType.Attended);
while ((attempt < retries) && (success == false))
_call.BeginTransfer(number, transferOptions, EndTransferCall, null);
// Wait for the transfer to complete
success = true;
catch (Exception)
//TODO: Log that the transfer failed
//TODO: Find out what exceptions get thrown and catch the specific ones
return success;
private void EndTransferCall(IAsyncResult ar)
catch (OperationFailureException opFailEx)
catch (RealTimeException realTimeEx)
Is the behavior the same if you don't use the _waitForTransferComplete object? You shouldn't need it - it should be fine that the method ends, the event will still be raised. If you're forcing synchronous behavoir in order to fit in with the rest of the application though, try it like this:
_call.BeginTransfer (number,transferOptions,null,null)
I'm just wondering if the waiting like that causes a problem if running on a single thread or something...

Should a class be able to catch an exception from a class that it doesn't know about?

I wrote some code in an MVC Framework that looks something like:
class Controller_Test extends Controller
public function action_index()
$obj = new MyObject();
$errors = array();
$results = $obj->doSomething();
catch(MyObject_Exception $e)
catch(Exception $e)
$errors[] = $e->getMessage();
My friend argues that the Controller should know nothing about MyObject, and therefore I should not catch MyObject_Exception.
He argues that the code should do something like this instead:
class Controller_Test extends Controller
public function action_index()
$obj = new MyObject();
$errors = array();
$results = $obj->getResults();
$errors = $obj->getErrors();
I definitely understand his approach, but feel as though state management can lead to unintended side effects.
What is the right or preferred approach?
Edit: mistakenly put $obj->getErrors() in MyObject_Exception catch clause instead of $e->getErrors();
The debate about exceptions vs. returned error codes is a long and bloody one.
His argument breaks down in that, by using a getErrors() function, you are learning information about the object. If that is your reason for using a boolean return to indicate success, then you are wrong. In order for the Controller to handle the error properly, it has to know about the object it was touching and what the specific error was. Was it a network error? Memory error? It has to know in some way or another.
I prefer the exception model because it's cleaner and allows me to handle more errors in a more controlled fashion. It also provides a clear cut way for the data relating to an exception to be passed.
However, I disagree with your use of a function like getErrors(). Any data pertaining to the exception that would help me handle it should be included with the exception. I should not have to go hunting into the object again to get information about what went wrong.
Did the network connection timeout? The exception should contain the host/port it tried to connect to, how long it waited, and any data from the lower networking levels.
Let's do this in example (in psuedo c#):
public class NetworkController {
Socket MySocket = null;
public void EstablishConnection() {
try {
this.MySocket = new Socket("",90);
} catch(SocketTimeoutException ex) {
//Attempt a Single Reconnect
catch(InvalidHostNameException ex) {
Using his method:
public class NetworkController {
Socket MySocket = null;
public Boolean EstablishConnection() {
this.MySocket = new Socket("",90);
if(this.MySocket.Open()) {
return true;
} else {
switch(this.MySocket.getError()) {
case "timeout":
// Reattempt
case "badhost":
Ultimately, you need to know what happened to the object to know how to respond to it, and there is no sense in using some convoluted if statement set or switch-case to determine that. Use the exceptions and love them.
EDIT: I accidentally the last half of a sentence.
In general, I would say that what's important is whether the controller understands the meaning of the exception and can handle it properly. In many cases (if not most), the controller will not know how to properly handle the exception, and so should not catch and handle it.
On the other hand, the controller might reasonably be permitted to understand some specific exception like a "DatabaseUnavailableException", even if it has no idea how or why MyObject used a database. The controller might be permitted to retry the call to MyObject a certain number of times, all without knowing about how MyObject is implemented.
First of all controller is not meant for handling the underlying exceptions thrown by classes.
Even if one occurs controller should halt saying something wrong at underlying error.
This way we make sure that controller does really and only do the job of flow control.
The other classes which give controller some output should be error free unless the error is very much controller specific.

WCF Service method synchronous/async

I have a problem with calling WCF Service methods with Silverlight 3.
private bool usr_OK = false;
if (usr_OK == true)
{ isValidationOK = true; }
else { isValidationOK = false; MessageBox.Show("User already exists.", "User registered succes!", MessageBoxButton.OK); }
CheckUserMail should change usr_OK parameter. However it runs in other thread and it does not change the usr_OK param before IF block begins. I've tried thread.join byt the application freezed and i do not know what to do else. Please help me...how can i wait for WCF method to return param usr_OK.
The most direct answer to your question: Don't block on WCF calls. They make it hard for a reason. There, quite likely, is no way to block if you even tried... but don't.
Elaboration: The mode of operation for Silverlight is Asyncronicity. This is something you have to get used to when you are developing in Silverlight. They make it really hard for you to block on anything.
This is a good thing, in my opinion. When you block on the result of something like a WCF service call, you are ultimately blocking the user thread. It does require some getting used to on the developer's part, but again... get used to it.
Lets say you have code that you want to go like this (Synchronous) :
var theResult = clientService.DoSomething(foo);
The way to re-write it would be like this (Asynchronous) :
clientService.DoSomethingCompleted += (sender, args) => Process(args.Result);
Taking it a step further, I like to abstract my services out as interfaces (so I can replace them when testing, or running in stand-alone mode while developing). I take that as an opportunity to create an interface that looks like this:
public interface IMyService
void DoSomething(string input, Action<string> whenComplete);
I implement the service like the async code above, and then when I call it, it is very clean and simple:
myService.DoSomething(foo, Process);
You will find that much of your system will morph into an asynchronous code base, but it might require you to re-adjust your expectations.
Bind the code that checks the usr_OK variable in the event handler for CheckUserMailCompletedEvent
clientService.CheckUserMailCompleted += new EventHandler<CheckUserMailCompletedEventArgs> (clientService_CheckUserMailCompleted);
void clientService_CheckUserMailCompleted(object sender, CheckUserMailCompletedEventArgs e) {
if (usr_OK == true) {
isValidationOK = true;
else {
isValidationOK = false;
MessageBox.Show("User already exists.", "User registered success!", MessageBoxButton.OK);

What is the proper life-cycle of a WCF service client proxy in Silverlight 3?

I'm finding mixed answers to my question out in the web. To elaborate on the question:
Should I instantiate a service client proxy once per asynchronous invocation, or once per Silverlight app?
Should I close the service client proxy explicitly (as I do in my ASP.NET MVC application calling WCF services synchronously)?
I've found plenty of bloggers and forum posters out contradicting each other. Can anyone point to any definitive sources or evidence to answer this once and for all?
I've been using Silverlight with WCF since V2 (working with V4 now), and here's what I've found. In general, it works very well to open one client and just use that one client for all communications. And if you're not using the DuplexHttBinding, it also works fine to do just the opposite, to open a new connection each time and then close it when you're done. And because of how Microsoft has architected the WCF client in Silverlight, you're not going to see much performance difference between keeping one client open all the time vs. creating a new client with each request. (But if you're creating a new client with each request, make darned sure you're closing it as well.)
Now, if you're using the DuplexHttBinding, i.e., if you want to call methods on the client from the server, it's of course important that you don't close the client with each request. That's just common sense. However, what none of the documentation tells you, but which I've found to be absolutely critical, is that if you're using the DuplexHttBinding, you should only ever have one instance of the client open at once. Otherwise, you're going to run into all sorts of nasty timeout problems that are going to be really, really hard to troubleshoot. Your life will be dramatically easier if you just have one connection.
The way that I've enforced this in my own code is to run all my connections through a single static DataConnectionManager class that throws an Assert if I try to open a second connection before closing the first. A few snippets from that class:
private static int clientsOpen;
public static int ClientsOpen
return clientsOpen;
clientsOpen = value;
Debug.Assert(clientsOpen <= 1, "Bad things seem to happen when there's more than one open client.");
public static RoomServiceClient GetRoomServiceClient()
Logger.LogDebugMessage("Clients created: {0}; Clients open: {1}", ClientsCreated, ClientsOpen);
return new RoomServiceClient(GetDuplexHttpBinding(), GetDuplexHttpEndpoint());
public static void TryClientClose(RoomServiceClient client, bool waitForPendingCalls, Action<Exception> callback)
if (client != null && client.State != CommunicationState.Closed)
client.CloseCompleted += (sender, e) =>
Logger.LogDebugMessage("Clients closed: {0}; Clients open: {1}", ClientsClosed, ClientsOpen);
if (e.Error != null)
closingIntentionally = false;
if (callback != null)
closingIntentionally = true;
if (waitForPendingCalls)
WaitForPendingCalls(() => client.CloseAsync());
if (callback != null)
The annoying part, of course, is if you only have one connection, you need to trap for when that connection closes unintentionally and try to reopen it. And then you need to reinitialize all the callbacks that your different classes were registered to handle. It's not really all that difficult, but it's annoying to make sure it's done right. And of course, automated testing of that part is difficult if not impossible . . .
You should open your client per call and close it immediately after. If you in doubt browse using IE to a SVC file and look at the example they have there.
WCF have configuration settings that tells it how long it should wait for a call to return, my thinking is that when it does not complete in the allowed time the AsyncClose will close it. Therefore call client.AsyncClose().

Should I check if already closed before calling Close() on a WCF Service?

Before I call Close() on my WCF service, should I check to see if it is not already closed?
myWCFService.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Closed
My code looks like:
MyServiceClient myWCFClient = null;
myWCFClient = new .....();
A WCF client is disposable, so except for a few caveats you can use using:
using(MyClient client = new MyClient()) {
// etc
But there is a big problem with this; the Dispose on the WCF client actually throws if it is faulted (losing the original exception). There is a good workaround, here, or I've blogged on this here.
Take a look at this question: What is the best workaround for the WCF client using block issue? Although it isn't word for word what you are looking for, I think his examples will help you out.