Why does this ScrollViewer's ScrollBars appear twice? - xaml

I edited a ScrollViewer's template to wait only 0.5 seconds before hiding the scrollbars, and this succeeds in hiding them at that time, but they reappear for another 0.5 seconds. Why?
To reproduce, create a page resource for a ScrollViewer's Style with the default Template (find it here on MSDN) and change the 3 occurances of "3" to "0.5". Then use the following XAML:
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<ScrollViewer Height="500" Width="500" Style="{StaticResource ScrollViewerControlTemplate1}">
<Grid Background="Blue" Height="1000" Width="1000">
Move the cursor over the ScrollViewer to show the scrollbar. Leave the cursor motionless for 0.5 seconds to see the scrollbar disappear. It then reappears for another 0.5 seconds. Why?

I have a feeling you're not going to make it work, but if you REALLY think it's worth your time - you could put the ScrollBars in your own grids and run your own animations on the grids whenever you decide you want to do that.


Two Pane View control not working as expected

According to the Microsoft documentation, it states the following for the Two Pane View:
By default, Pane1Length is set to Auto and it sizes itself to fit its content. Pane2Length is set to * and it uses all the remaining space.
With the following code, I don't see that defualt behavior being applied. Am I missing some extra properties I need to explicitly set? My end goal is simply for Pane1 to always show on a Single screen device, and hide Pane2.
<Grid Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<muxc:TwoPaneView x:Name="MyTwoPaneView">
<Grid x:Name="Pane1Root"
<Grid x:Name="Pane2Root"
Fixed. Since Pane1 has no content or min width, Auto sizing gives it 0px of width in wide mode. Setting MinWidth will find that it appears when the window is wide enough.

The scrollviewer "locks" when scrolling vertically or horizontally

If I start the scrolling vertically or horizontically the scroller "locks", such that you can only scroll horizontically or vertically, untill you let go. If I however start of by scrolling diagonally, there is no problem, in thhese cases I can manouvre the scrollviewer how i want. How do I make sure that the scrollViewer doesn't "lock" if I start of scrolling vertically or horizontically. Here is my scrollViewer:
<TextBlock x:Name="MainPageTitle" Text="{Binding title}" Height="89"/>
<ScrollViewer Width="768" Height="380" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden">
<TextBlock x:Name="LEgE" Text="HEJHEJEHEJEHJEHJ"/>
So just to clarify, how do I make sure that no matter how I start of the scroll, I'm always capable of scrolling in any direction. With in the grid of course. Any help would be appreciated.
This is a known Issue that the scrollviewer runs on "rails".
Which is also stated in the artikel in msdn forums http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/wpapps/en-US/8fdbe189-c037-4f55-89c5-6d6814dc58f2/scrollviewer-locks-when-you-only-scroll-horizontally-or-vertically?forum=wpdevelop
But one could look at how to handle manipulation events for windows phone
For this you need to set ScrollViewer.ManipulationMode to Control and manage it yourself.
But as stated in the first link, to acheive smoothness is very hard.

How to rearrange WrapGrid contents when zoom level changes?

I am developing a Windows 8 Metro application whose layout is pretty simple. It consists of a single page with a WrapGrid enclosed in an ItemsControl, which is in turn enclosed in a ScrollViewer. This is the XAML code of the application main page:
<Page ...>
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<Grid x:Name="MainGrid" Margin="120,140,32,0">
<ScrollViewer x:Name="ScrollView"
<ItemsControl x:Name="itemsControl" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<WrapGrid Orientation="Horizontal"
<EntranceThemeTransition />
<RepositionThemeTransition />
There is also an user control of which new instances are created and added to the ItemsControl programmatically when the user clicks on a certain button in the application bar. As expected by the fact of using a WrapGrid, the control instances are stacked sequentially in a single row until there is no more room in the screen, at which point they appear in a new row and it is necessary to scroll down in order to see them. So far so good.
Now I want to implement a feature and I don't know how to achieve it. What I want is the following: when the user zooms out in the application, causing the controls to appear smaller, I want the new available space to be used so that more controls can be displayed per row; instead, the current behavior is that the ItemsControl itself is reduced and the extra surrounding space is unused.
For example, imagine that the user adds 10 controls. There is room for 4 controls in one row, so that 3 rows of controls are displayed, with 4, 4 and 2 controls. If the user zooms out and now there is room for 7 controls in a row, I want the ItemsControl to rearrange itself so that now there are only two rows with 7 and 3 controls. How could I achieve this?
I hope I have explained myself properly. Please don't hesitate to ask if my question is not clear enough. Thank you very much!

XAML: How to restrict a datagrid to its parents width

I have a [silverlight] WizardContainer control that hosts a number of wizard pages. The wizard fits nicely on its host form. If the page has narrow content it doesn't expand to fill the container. So I set HorizontalContentAlignment to Stretch. This works.
However if the wizard page contains a datagrid with lots of columns it stretches the page instead of autoscrolling itself - as its width is not fixed. If the following XAML is on a usercontrol with a width of 350 I want the grid to be 350 and have its own scrollbars. If the WizardContainer is made smaller than the page minwidth then the MainScroller should come into play.
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" >
<ScrollViewer x:Name="MainScroller" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" >
<ContentControl Margin="4" x:Name="WizardContainer" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch">
<Grid Background="Red" x:Name="WizardPage" MinWidth="300">
<sdk:DataGrid HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="120" >
<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Width="150"/>
<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Width="150"/>
<sdk:DataGridTextColumn Width="150"/>
Note if I fix the width of the datagrid everything in this XAML works. But I want the grid to expand as the user resizes the form containing the wizardcontainer.
You have the DataGrid wrapped in ScrollViewer. This, effectively, tells the DataGrid that it has infinite available width. Since the DataGrid is not constrained, it'll take as much width as it's columns desire.
You can set HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"if that fits your design (i.e. you need only vertical scrolling from your ScrollViewer). This will disable scrolling horizontally and will constrain the DataGrid on the horizontal axis.
DataGrid has a ScrollViewer in it's ControlTemplate. As a broad general rule: try avoiding a ScrollViewer-in-a-ScrollViewer situations. It's (almost) always a headache to debug and eventually you'll have to set something as a fixed size (or calculate the size on the fly).

Slider overflow

I have popup-like border in my page. There is slider inside the popup. The slider has range from 0 to 100, but when I slide it to the right edge I get somewhere near to vlaue 93. Slider is full but its maximum is 100. It seems that slider overflowed the parent container. I tried to use all combinations of margins and static widths, but without success. Can anyone tell me what I am supposed to set, to get it work?
Here is fragment of code:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" >
<Border VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="24,0" Visibility="{Binding ...}">
<TextBlock Text="choose desired position" />
<Slider x:Name="sldGoto" Maximum="100" SmallChange="1" LargeChange="10" Value="93"/>
With this code (value of slider set to 93) is slider full. What's wrong?
This is a known bug in the current release when using Slider on Windows Phone 7 with the standard control template. I recommend using the approach you found on Dave's blog for now.
Well I just find article with nice Slider ControlTemplate that just works.
I would still appreciate if anyone could confirm this behavior or told me what I did wrong.