How to add an intermediate certificate to a pfx file - ssl

I've been using a certificate that's stored on the server in a myserver.pfx file.
However, behavior is not the same in all browsers and some complain on account of, I think, a missing 'intermediate' certificate.
I've downloaded the intermediate certificate from Gandi: GandiStandardSSLCA.pem
Now, my question is, how can I add that intermediate certificate into the pfx file?
Although the server is windows, I'm trying to use openssl on a linux machine to manipulate the certificates, just because that's where I have openssl available. I'm assuming this doesn't matter.
One thing I've tried, is to use openssl to export myserver.pfx to myserver.pem, a text file. Then, with a text editor, I've added the text of GandiStandardSSLCA.pem to myserver.pem in hopes of then converting back to pfx format. However, I couldn't get openssl to do that conversion back to pfx.
Is this possible? If so, at the text editing stage, does it matter if the intermediate certificate text goes at the beginning or the end? Also, would I need to manufacture 'Bag Attributes' somehow?
Or, is the whole operation done in one line with openssl?

The .pfx file can be prepared by exporting the intermediate certificate .pem file with the below command example.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privateKey.key -in certificate.crt -certfile more.crt


How to Generate keystore.p12 from Certificate(.cer) , certificate chain(.p7b) and from key(.key and .pem)

I have the following files:
filename.key (RSA PRIVATE KEY)
certificate.cer (CERTIFICATE)
I have received these files from the CA including the certificate chain.
I need to generate 'keystore.p12' to configure SSL for spring boot application with the following information.
port: 443
key-store: keystore.p12
key-store-password: <your-password>
keyStoreType: PKCS12
keyAlias: <my alias>
Can anyone please help me to generate the 'keystore.p12'?
File extensions do not actually control the format or contents a file, although usually they should provide at least partial description. Similarly basenames (before the extension) should describe what is in the file, but do not always do so correctly. What matters is what is in the files.
.key is usually used for a lone privatekey, but look at it to make sure, and also to determine what format it is in because there are many. You should never get your privatekey from a CA; it should be generated locally, usually on the machine where it will be used and at least by the 'owner' or admin of that machine. There might be a sort-of exception if you are talking about a CA internal to a company, organization, agency, or office -- in that case the person running the CA may be the same person who is responsible for security on all the machines -- or vice versa, depending on your perspective -- and it may make sense for them to generate both the key and the cert.
.pem is used for lots of things in PEM format, and what the contents of that file is (or are) matters more than the fact of it being PEM. Look at the first line -----BEGIN (somewords)----- and see what the word(s) is(are). That should be followed either immediately or after a few header lines by data in base64 (a solid block of letters, digits, and the special characters + / =), then a matching -----END (somewords)----- line. If the END line is followed by a another similar block, or several, look at all of them.
.cer is commonly used for certificates in either 'DER' (binary) or 'PEM' (as above) format. .p7b is similarly used for 'dummy' PKCS7 messages containing certificates -- especially certificates used in a chain -- in either DER or PEM. More significantly, p7b is sometimes used for the whole chain including the end-entity (server) cert, and sometimes the rest of the chain excluding the EE cert, and it matters which. If you have OpenSSL -- or can get it (e.g. by installing a package, or for Windows I recommend the installer from ) or can move your data to a machine that has it -- then do:
# if the p7b file is in PEM format (you can see ----BEGIN PKCS7----- line)
openssl pkcs7 -in file.p7b -print_certs
# if the p7b file is in DER format (looks like garbage in a text editor or display)
openssl pkcs7 -in file.p7b -inform der -print_certs
# for now look only at the subject= and issuer= lines to see
# for each cert in the file who it is for, and if/how they chain
if the .key file is a privatekey in one of the PEM formats supported by OpenSSL you can use that; else if .key is a privatekey in some other format, or .pem is or includes a privatekey in some format, you'll need to convert and/or extract it: tell us more about what those files look like.
if the .p7b file is in PEM or DER format, put its expanded output (from above) in a file. If this includes the EE cert skip the next step.
if the .p7b file does not include the EE cert, but the .cer file is that cert, if in PEM format just append it to the file containing the .p7b output; if in DER format convert it with openssl x509 -in file.cer -inform der and append that.
if you now have the privatekey in one of the PEM formats supported by OpenSSL, and the cert chain including the EE cert in PEM format, do
openssl pkcs12 -export -in chain.pem -inkey key.pem -out newfile.p12 [-name x]
# the -name option provides the 'alias' used by Java
# if not specified it defaults to the numeral 1 (one)

How do I use OpenSSL in the terminal to convert a .pem file to other formats?

I am trying to use OpenSSL in the terminal. I have installed OpenSSL using brew install openssl. I want to convert a .pem file to another format that my hosting provider will accept.
I have tried several different formulations of the code and plying the certificate from different places but none seem to work and all give me various error messages including permission denied.
This is what I tried last...
openssl pkcs12 -in /Users/myname/fullchain.pem -inkey /Users/myname/privkey.pem -out /Users/myname/fullchain.pfx -cacerts
This is my output
4552226412:error:0DFFF0A8:asn1 encoding routines:CRYPTO_internal:wrong tag:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
4552226412:error:0DFFF03A:asn1 encoding routines:CRYPTO_internal:nested asn1 error:/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
What might this mean and what code should I be using?
Edit: I am getting output files but they are of course empty.
That error message is usually when the certificate format you pass to the command is not what it is expecting. The following command should solve it for you.
openssl pkcs12 -export -out /Users/myname/fullchain.pfx -inkey /Users/myname/privkey.pem -in /Users/myname/fullchain.pem
It should prompt you to enter an export password to encrypt the .pfx files content if it has succeeded.

Enabling SSL for an MQ queue manager on the HP Nonstop

I have an existing MQ MQI connection (Server-Connection) between an HP Nonstop and a Windows server. I am working on configuring the queue manager for SSL on the Nonstop.
I have followed a couple sources available on net closely but am still confused about a few things.
The Stash.sth file, I have not gotten the following command to work:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey server_key.pem -out personal_cert.p12 -passin pass:certkey -password pass:certkey -chain -CAfile trust.pem
I get an "Error unable to get local issuer certificate chain."
The SSLUpdate.pdf document that is delivered with MQ mentions creating the Stash.sth file using:
amqrsslc -s cert (cert being the trusted certificate store), and this DOES work for me.
However, it also says "The amqrsslc command will prompt for the private key pass phrase used when creating the certificate/key pair and will write a masked copy of that pass phrase to the Stash.sth file"
If I should have specified the same pass phrase earlier, where should I have done that?
When I created the private key? Should I have specified a -passin or -passout parameter? All I used was openssl genrsa -out privatekey.pem 2048 -sha256
Or, when I generated the certificate request? There is a prompt to enter an optional password.
Or neither? Is the pass phrase used when creating the Stash.sth file completely arbitrary?
Thanks for any help!
The error usually means the list of trusted certificates is not complete.
I think you need to be sure you certificate chain is complete.
Here is from the technote:
If the certificate request is signed by an intermediate certificate, the
certificate chain for the signed personal certificate will need to be
added to the trust.pem file. You need to add the root certificate and
the intermediate to the trust.pem file. Review
script for the syntax.
I also think this presentation document may be helpful to you.

Making qualified .pfx certificate out of qualified .crt and .pfx key file

I need to upload a qualified certificate in .pfx file, I have .req and .pfx with private key files from requesting the certificate, and I got the qualified .crt certificate from the company that do these. How can I join the password and the certificate with qualified roots?
I already tried openssl Openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey KEYFILENAME -in CERTFILEFILENAME -out final.pfx
output was: error in pkcs12, expecting: any private key
Thank you, this is very important for me.
You say you have '.pfx with private key' but do not say anything about a PEM-format private key. The input for pkcs12 -export -inkey must be a PEM-format private key.
Extract the privatekey from the existing/original pfx with openssl pkcs12 -in oldpfx -nocerts without -export and either store it in a file and feed that to -inkey, or just concatenate with your cert and pipe the combination to openssl pkcs12 -export without -in -inkey.
Note this 'joins' the privatekey and the certificate, but there is no permanent linkage to any password(s); each privatekey file (PEM format or pfx/p12) can be encrypted with any password you choose (except openssl will usually reject very short passwords) and they don't need to be the same, and each can be changed without changing the privatekey (and cert) -- although you may well choose to make them and keep them the same for your own convenience.
Also note that certificates issued by public CAs like Verisign and GoDaddy etc usually depend on intermediate aka chain certificates, and in many perhaps most cases software that uses a pfx/pf12 needs it to contain those intermediate/chain certs. However, you didn't give any clues about this in your Q and there are so many possible variations of how to select, get, convert and use chain certs I couldn't fit them all in one SO answer.

Unable to use libcurl to access a site requiring client authentication

I’m using the below snipped for setting the certificate and key for client authentication.
The certificate doesn’t have a password, I don’t know why on earth the option SSLCERTPASSWD exists, I just provided a dummy value.
When I run the program on Linux I get an error code of 58 and an error message
unable to set private key file: 'privateKey.pem' type PEM
On Windows however I get
unable to use client certificate (no key found or wrong pass phrase?)
It seems to suggest the certificate and the key don’t match but I don’t know how. I have extracted both the cert and the key from a p12 file using openssl commands.
The command I used to extract the key is
openssl.exe pkcs12 -in client.p12 -nocerts -out privateKey.pem
and the command used to extract the cert is
openssl.exe pkcs12 -in client.p12 -nokeys -out clientCert.pem
The p12 file has been successfully used in a browser to access the client authentication url.
Please help before I shoot myself.
Here is proof that the private key and the certificate correspond to each other:
[debugbld#nagara ~/curlm]$ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in clientCert.pem | openssl md5
[debugbld#nagara ~/curlm]$ openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in privateKey.pem | openssl md5
Enter pass phrase for privateKey.pem:
So why can’t it work?
Using the command line curl, I've got the same error using a .pem file that was also obtained with openssl from a p12 file, The p12 was also able to working properly doing client authentication when imported in a browser. Just like you described, I think.
My problem was caused because the .pem file was not listing the certificates in the proper order: seems that each certificate in the file has to be followed by its issuer certificate. I edited the file and changed the order of the sections and curl was happy.
For the record, my original .p12 file was obtained by backing up a certificate from Firefox.
Also note that in my case, I was not getting prompted for the password and was getting the
curl: (58) unable to set private key file: 'alice.pem' type PEM
before the password prompt
I was facing similar issues, I found out the problem was related to file permissions of the certificate and private key files. The process running PHP did not have read access to those files.
One thing you can try (and that helped me figuring this out) is to run the following code:
and check if the returned value is not false and there are no errors. I was getting:
file_get_contents(/path/to/private/key.pem): failed to open stream: Permission denied
Thanks Hugh for the thread and raugfer for the openssl hint. The later: both helpful and misleading. ;-)
Actually, I solved the problem by making sure that the path of the key file is correct. And here is why the openssl hint was misleading, dispite helping me to check if my PEM file was ok:
cURL needs the complete path, but without 'file://' prefix. While fopen is happy with a relative path, cURL is not. So, all my tests to open the key file had been successful, while cURL was not.
are not needed, as the password is only used to decrypt the private key and PEM is the default.