Shared resources in packages made by Electron - usb

I need to distribute a webapp in an offline version on an USB. Electron seems like a great way to make the webapp feel native and work well on all platforms. There is (potentially) just one problem: The offline version requires several huge media files and therefore there is not enough space for each package to have its own folder with the media files. This can be solved by letting the packages share a common directory on the USB. Can you tell me if this is possible with Electron. And if so, how?
(Note that each package must be available on the USB.)


I have multiplatform apps in node-webkit. How do I convert them to nw.js?

I have a bunch of applications that run fine using node-webkit on Macs and Windows.
(They mostly live on shared Dropbox folders. They read and write to data files in the folder).
I gather node-webkit will not run on Mac Catalina.
So I am trying to figure out how to install and use nw.js
I need the Mac and Win versions of the app to be in the same directory. Multiple users will run their local Dropbox version of the app, and read/write to the shared data folders.
I cannot figure out how to get convert the app from node-webkit to nw.js
I've been unable to find an "idiot's guide" to this.
Any suggestions, or pointers to resources, would be most helpful.
Thanks in advance.
And apologies for posting what is probably a dumb question for most users of this site....
You have to run your app's old source code (node-webkit) with NW.js and fix all the exceptions thrown. You can find the migration guide here.

Hosting github releases on private network

I have couple of NPM packages that requires binary files during it's installing process. (For example, during node-sass installation scripts, the package requires a binary file that could be found on node-sass releases page).
My team is working on private network environment (disconnected from github) and therefore we need to host/serve the binaries privately.
At the moment, we use the sass_binary_dir parameter which makes the install script to look for the files in a shared drive that contains the needed binaries.
That method is fine for node-sass but is not working for other packages that requires the real binary repository or another website / proxy but not filesystem location or directory.
I would like to know if there is a recommended way to host the files ? (Something like Verdaccio but for binary files).
I also thought about fileZilla but it seems as a bit uncomfortable solution.
Writing a server myself could be fine as a temporary solution, but in the future I belive it would have to be maintained by another more organized solution.
The solution there was to create a simple API that enables fetching the package over HTTPS / FTP.

lose weight for MobileFirst Platform exported apps

While developing with IBM MobileFirst studio I've found that after building iOS/Android environment and generated native projects, even a blank app (e.g a quite simple Hello World Android app which do not use any native functionality), will take size more than 4Mb which is much larger than a real native exported Android apk file.
So are there any unused resources that can be deleted or other things we can do so that we can lose weight in the final exported apps?
Another detail, the classes.dex file inside the 'blank HelloWorld'apk file seems larger than a common apk file (4Mb size).
Starting MFP 7.0 you can now minify and concatenate mobile environments. This means that in addition to added security, by reducing the amount of files and contents of files, it can help - to some degree - with the filesize of the application.
Read more about application build settings
MFPF 7 supports by default many more hardware architectures. This support is required if you intend on using features such as JSONStore and others. The files adding this support are located at your-app\android\native\libs (arm64-v8a, armabi, armabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86-64). So if you know you're not using JSONStore for example, see if removing some or all of these files helps you. But also do a regression test in general to make sure that the app continues to work as required. I could be wrong about the scope of these files - which add 3.4MB on disk.

Understanding the basic naming scheme of the Android source code repository

I just downloaded the full 4.0.1_r1 Android Source Code repository according to the official instructions. Can someone help me understand the repository's basic naming scheme?
For example, in the root directory of the repository, what exactly is the "frameworks" directory? How does this differ from the "packages" directory?
I have spend quite a bit of time around the android source code the last few years, so let me take a shot at explaining the different folders in the root. These are roughly (depending a bit on the android version):
The standard c library used and developed for Android specifically.
Contains the bootloader (which the device manufacture normally provides) and the recovery application which is execute when the phone is booted into recovery mode.
Android has very unique modular build system, which itself is built on top of ordinary make-files. For example in build/target/products you will find all the generic build targets you see when you launch lunch.
Compatibility Test Suite. When a device manufactures wants to get their device certified (and thus get Google Play and other proprietary apps) they need to pass the CTS. The source of CTS is contained in this directory.
The dalvik virtual machine. Android uses java for the better part of the framework as well as for all the apps. Because each app runs as its own process under its own uid, in its own virtual machine, the virtual machine have to have a rather small memory footprint, so Android have chosen to use a custom virtual machine for Java called dalvik. The source of dalvik is placed here.
I haven't used this repository really, but it seems supporting stuff for developing android apps are placed here.
Each device vendor put all the stuff that defines their specific devices here. For example you can provide a devices/{yourname}/products/{yourdevice}.mk defining exactly which apps should be build for your device (as well as a few other things). This adds an entry to the lunch menu called {yourdevice} that you can build.
As far as I understand this is actually the source of
Almost all of the third party projects that Android pull in and which makes up the base Android Linux OS are located here. They are maintained in their own git repositories, which makes it easy to pull new versions from upstream. You see things like bzip2, dbus, ping, tcpdump, and many other projects here.
This is the source of the Android framework. All the stuff that you use when you build an app for Android. I think it is somewhere around 50% Java code and 50% C++ (and sometimes C), which is bound together using jni. When you for example play some audio in an app, you are probably accessing AudioManager. The source of AudioManager as well as all the internal Android source supporting AudioManager is placed under frameworks/base/media. You will find the bulk of the Android SDK implemented somewhere under frameworks/base/.
Android talks to a set of libraries which then controls the hardware (such as vibrator, lights, proximity sensor, gps, audio, etc.). These libraries are collectively called the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer). Some default implementations are contained in the hardware folder, however manufactures implement their own libraries and place them in hardware/{manufcaturename} (or in device/{manufacture}).
I don't know about this one.
The native development kit which allows app developers to code some (or all) of their apps as native code (in c and c++ usually). Basically it is a toolchain to crosscompile to the different cpu architectures Android runs on.
All Android build artifacts are placed here. So removing the out folder will clean the sources completely. out is divided into different folders, the main ones are host and target where stuff compiled for the host machine (e.g. adb) and for the target device (most of the android system) are separated. There are further subdivisions below, and in general the out folder is quite nicely sorted, so you should just explore it a bit yourself.
These contains all the default apps, providers, inputmethods, and so on, that are built along with Android. The phone app, contacts, calender, calculator, default soft-keyboard, etc, are placed here. They are not 3rd party apps, they are internal apps where many of them are build against non-public android apis. So most of the apps here cannot build against the public Android SDK (e.g. in eclipse), but have to be build as part of the complete Android build process.
Stuff that is distributed along with Android as binaries. The primary thing located here are the crosscompiler(s) for building Android for ARM (and now also x86). They are prebuilt such that you do not have to actually build the crosscompilers yourself. (This could be very time-consuming if you besides Android also had to compile the crosscompilers.)
All the tools that are part of the Android SDK, such as ddms, the emulator, sdkmanager, etc.
The core system processes running on an android device. These are native (c or c++) programs. Mediaservice is an example of such a system service.
This is all from my experience with working with the Android source, I do not have any (other) references. I hope this helps you get an overview of the folder structure.

Windows CE Device: Deploy using a .zip or a .cab on headless device?

I have a Windows CE device that we are deploying, but we have complete control of the software installed on it.
This is not a typical Windows Mobile device, this is a headless device that the user will not interact with. I know that on PDA-style WinCE devices, the .cab file is the preferred application distribution method.
However, on a headless device, we will be writing some type of upgrade/patch server that will ping a server for updates, download them, and auto-install when they are available.
Do I still want a .cab file, or is a .zip (or even something else) better?
What are the requirements for a .cab file - what kind of restrictions / requirements might get in the way and be an annoyance? What are the benefits?
I'd stick with CAB as a package since even headless devices can use the CAB extraction tool. If you ZIP it, then you have to add a ZIP support library and app. CAB also has the ability to add registry entries and define far more disparate target locations than a zip (I want x.dll in \Windows but prog.exe in my program folder - try that with a ZIP).
One thing to keep in mind is that wceload (the CAB extractor) uses a UI by default, so you're going to want to use things like the /noui switch for it.
If you're true headless this may not be an issue (not done that in a long while) but a fairly common "headless" configuration has display support and either the display simply isn't hooked up or is something like a NOP VGAFLAT driver. This allows you to run a shell and have access to all the nice shell APIs, but adds to the challenge that GWES will render dialogs onto the non-existent display.
OpenNETCF also has a CAB Installer SDK that you can use to completely remove any UI with by creating your own installer app. This may or may not be useful depending on the how and when the install happens (through HKLM\Init or otehr for example).