Shifting hierarchyid set - sql

I have a table that contains a set of values and a hierarchyid column. Looks something like this:
| ID | HierarchyID | Name | HierarchyID.ToString() for clarity
| 1 | 0x58 | Testing | /1/
| 2 | 0x5AC0 | TChild1 | /1/1
| 3 | 0x5AD6 | TChild1.1 | /1/1/1
| 4 | 0x5ADA | TChild1.2 | /1/1/2/
| 5 | 0x68 | Example | /2/
| 6 | 0x6AC0 | EChild1 | /2/1
| ... | ... | ... |
However, we are introducing a new data set of that aligns side by side with the current tree and I'll need to shift all the values in my current tree down a level so it should look something like this now.
| ID | HierarchyID | Name | HierarchyID.ToString() for clarity
| | 0x58 | OldData | /1/
| 1 | 0x5AC0 | Testing | /1/1/
| 2 | 0x5AC6 | TChild1 | /1/1/1
| 3 | 0x5AD6B0 | TChild1.1 | /1/1/1/1
| 4 | 0x5AD6D0 | TChild1.2 | /1/1/1/2/
| 5 | 0x5B40 | Example | /1/2/
| 6 | 0x5B56 | EChild1 | /1/2/1
| 6 | 0x68 | NewData | /2
| 6 | 0x6AC0 | NChild1 | /2/1
| ... | ... | ... |
Is there an easy way to update all of my hierarchyid values to shift them down a level or do I have to update each row one by one without overlapping values on updates?

Just from looking up the documentation.
There is an easy way to move a subtree.
Working with hierarchyid Data
Under Moving Subtree there is an example for an Employee hierarchy.
You will have to adjust to your table structure.
CREATE PROCEDURE MoveOrg(#oldMgr nvarchar(256), #newMgr nvarchar(256) )
DECLARE #nold hierarchyid, #nnew hierarchyid
SELECT #nold = OrgNode FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo WHERE LoginID = #oldMgr ;
SELECT #nnew = OrgNode FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo WHERE LoginID = #newMgr ;
SELECT #nnew = #nnew.GetDescendant(max(OrgNode), NULL)
FROM HumanResources.EmployeeDemo WHERE OrgNode.GetAncestor(1)=#nnew ;
UPDATE HumanResources.EmployeeDemo
SET OrgNode = OrgNode.GetReparentedValue(#nold, #nnew)
WHERE OrgNode.IsDescendantOf(#nold) = 1 ;


SELECT 1 ID and all belonging elements

I try to create a json select query which can give me back the result on next way.
1 row contains 1 main_message_id and belonging messages. (Like the bottom image.) The json format is not a requirement, if its work with other methods, it will be fine.
I store the data as like this:
| main_message_id | message | sub_message_id |
| 1 | test 1 | 1 |
| 1 | test 2 | 2 |
| 1 | test 3 | 3 |
| 2 | test 4 | 4 |
| 2 | test 5 | 5 |
| 3 | test 6 | 6 |
I would like to create a query, which give me back the data as like this:
| main_message_id | message | |
| 1 | {test1}{test2}{test3} | |
| 2 | {test4}{test5}{test6} | |
| 3 | {test7}{test8}{test9} | |
You can use json_agg() for that:
select main_message_id, json_agg(message) as messages
from the_table
group by main_message_id;
Note that {test1}{test2}{test3} is invalid JSON, the above will return a valid JSON array e.g. ["test1", "test2", "test3"]
If you just want a comma separated list, use string_agg();
select main_message_id, string_ag(message, ', ') as messages
from the_table
group by main_message_id;

Get similar employees based on their attribute values

Consider the following sample table("Customer") with these records
| customer-id | att-a | att-b | att-c | att-d | att-e | att-f | att-g | att-h | att-i | att-j |
| customer-1 | att-a-7 | att-b-3 | att-c-10 | att-d-10 | att-e-15 | att-f-11 | att-g-2 | att-h-7 | att-i-5 | att-j-14 |
| customer-2 | att-a-9 | att-b-7 | att-c-12 | att-d-4 | att-e-10 | att-f-4 | att-g-13 | att-h-4 | att-i-1 | att-j-13 |
| customer-3 | att-a-10 | att-b-6 | att-c-1 | att-d-1 | att-e-13 | att-f-12 | att-g-9 | att-h-6 | att-i-7 | tt-j-4 |
| customer-19 | att-a-7 | att-b-9 | att-c-13 | att-d-5 | att-e-8 | att-f-5 | att-g-12 | att-h-14 | att-i-13 | att-j-15 |
I have these records and many more records dumped into SQL database and wanted to find top 10 similar customer based on the attribute value. For example customer-1 and customer-19 have atleast one column value matching .i.e "att-a-7" so the output should give me 2 customer-id's or top similar customer that are customer-1 and customer-19.
P.S - there can be one or more columns similar across rows.
I'm using windowing technique to find top 10 similar customer and im not sure if I'm correct.
following is my approach I used in my query :
row_number() over (partition by att-a, att-b,..,att-j order by customer-id) as customers
is this correct. ?

Query from secondary index on aerospike

I'm considering aerospike for one of our projects. So I currently created a 3 node cluster and loaded some data on it.
Sample data
ns: imei
set: imei_data
| imsi | fcheck | lcheck | msc | fcheck_epoch | lcheck_epoch |
| "413010324064956" | "2017-03-01 14:30:26" | "2017-03-01 14:35:30" | "13d20b080011044917004100" | 1488358826 | 1488359130 |
| "413012628090023" | "2016-09-21 10:06:49" | "2017-09-16 13:54:40" | "13dc0b080011044917006100" | 1474432609 | 1505550280 |
| "413010130130320" | "2016-12-29 22:05:07" | "2017-10-09 16:17:10" | "13d20b080011044917003100" | 1483029307 | 1507546030 |
| "413011330114274" | "2016-09-06 01:48:06" | "2017-10-09 11:53:41" | "13d20b080011044917003100" | 1473106686 | 1507530221 |
| "413012629781993" | "2017-08-16 16:03:01" | "2017-09-13 18:10:48" | "13dc0b080011044917004100" | 1502879581 | 1505306448 |
Then I created a secondary index on lcheck_epoch using AQL since I want to query based on date.
create index idx_lcheck on imei.imei_data (lcheck_epoch) NUMERIC
| ns | bin | indextype | set | state | indexname | path | type |
| "imei" | "lcheck_epoch" | "NONE" | "imei_data" | "RW" | "idx_lcheck" | "lcheck_epoch" | "NUMERIC" |
When I execute
select imsi from imei.imei_data where idx_lcheck=1476165806
I'm getting
Please explain.
You're using the index name, not the bin name, in your query. Try this:
SELECT imsi FROM imei.imei_data WHERE lcheck_epoch=1476165806
SELECT imsi FROM imei.imei_data WHERE lcheck_epoch BETWEEN 1490000000 AND 1510000000
Just a note, you can do much more complex queries using predicate filtering through several of the language clients (Java, C, C#, Go). For example the PredExp class of the Java client (see examples.)

Cast and transform generic attribute values to a flat database view

For reasons out of scope of this question I have a relation that persists generic values of an entity and looks something like this:
| group_id::int | id:int |attr_id::text | data_type::text | value::text |
| G1 | 1 | A | varchar | lorem |
| G1 | 1 | B | integer | 1001 |
| G2 | 2 | B | integer | 1002 |
data_type is guaranteed to be one of PostgreSQLs supported data types, so the table (or tables that is, example is simplified) somewhat represents a table definition.
I would like to present this transformed in a different view per group, so the values are cast to their actual data types. Is this even possible?
Database View for G1 Database View for G2
| id:int | A::varchar | B::int | | id:int | B::int |
-------------------------------- -------------------
| 1 | lorem | 1001 | | 2 | 1002 |
I was thinking tablefunc.crosstab would be the way to go but I didn't come very far. I'm just out of ideas. Any help or directions are very welcome.

casting a REAL as INT and comparing

I am casting a real to an int and a float to an int and comparing the two like this:
cast(a.[SUM(PAID_AMT)] as int)!=cast(b.PAID_AMT as int)
but i am still getting results where the two are equal. for example:
| accn | load_dt | pmtdt | sumpaidamt | Bpaidamt |
| A133312 | 6/7/2011 | 11/28/2011 | 98.39 | 98.39 |
| A445070 | 6/2/2011 | 9/22/2011 | 204.93 | 204.93 |
| A465606 | 5/19/2011 | 10/19/2011 | 560.79 | 560.79 |
| A508742 | 7/12/2011 | 10/19/2011 | 279.65 | 279.65 |
| A567730 | 5/27/2011 | 10/24/2011 | 212.76 | 212.76 |
| A617277 | 7/12/2011 | 10/12/2011 | 322.02 | 322.02 |
| A626384 | 6/16/2011 | 10/21/2011 | 415.84 | 415.84 |
| AA0000044 | 5/12/2011 | 5/23/2011 | 197.38 | 197.38 |
here is the full query:
a.[SUM(PAID_AMT)] sumpaidamt,
sum(b.paid_amt) Bpaidamt
[MILLENNIUM_DW_DEV].[dbo].[Millennium_Payment_Data_May2011_July2012] a
cast(a.[SUM(PAID_AMT)] as int)!=cast(b.PAID_AMT as int)
group by
what am i doing wrong? how do i return only records that are NOT equal?
I don't see why there is an issue.
The query is returning the sum of the payments in b (sum(b.paid_amt) Bpaidamt). The where clause is comparing individual payments. This just means that there is more than one payment.
Perhaps your intention is to have a HAVING clause instead:
having cast(a.[SUM(PAID_AMT)] as int)!=cast(sum(b.PAID_AMT) as int)
You can do a round and a cast statement.
cast(round(sumpaidamt,2) as money) <> cast(round(Bpaidamt,2) as money)
Sql Fiddle showing how it would work!3/4eb79/1