How to select an item from helm menu (spacemacs)? - spacemacs

RET works fine when I do C-x C-f to open the file. But it doesn't work when I do M-x and try to pick one of the items of helm menu. Would really appreciate you help.
Mac, fresh install of spacemacs.


IntelliJ IDEA Main Menu missing

After updating my Ubuntu to 20.04 this night, I noticed that my IntelliJ Main menu is missing.
The Problem is exactly the same as described here:
the SHOW_MAIN_MENU option shows no effect
the shortcut workaround is not working
the View | Appearance: Main Menu action is disabled:
I have tried multiple reinstalls both via snap & zipped standalone. Including purges of ~/.config/JetBrains and ~/.local/share/JetBrains without success.
Invoke Help | Find in action.
Type Experimental features.
Make Main Menu reappear IntelliJ IDEA in Ubuntu
System Details:
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
IntellJ IDEA Community 2020.2.3
How the issue was created: I wanted to hide the menu
Click View > Appearance
Uncheck Main Menu
Solution to make the menu reappear
Open folder: ~/.config/JetBrains
There could be more than one folder. I had two: IdeaIC2020.1, IdeaIC2020.2
Both has configuration xml files for the IntelliJ.
IdeaIC2020.2 seems to be the one with the configuration for IntelliJ.
IdeaIC2020.1 must have been for previous version or previous installation. Even if this is removed, IntelliJ worked.
Open IdeaIC2020.2 > options > ui.lnf.xml
Set value to true : option name="SHOW_MAIN_MENU" value="true"
I hope this helps.

Opening files with drag n drop in jedit for ubuntu

This may seem like a stupid question, but I really can't find a way to open files from nautilus using jedit. I tried drag n drop and it doesn't work. Couldn't find any plugins in jedit to do this either.
Alternatively, I don't mind just double clicking to open, but I can't set jedit as default text editor application since it doesn't appear in my application list for some reason. So there's no way I can open the files from nautilus.
The only way i can open at the momemnt is either within jedit or in the terminal, but these are really inefficient for me. So it would be great if anyone could give me a hand in solving this trivial problem.
I did some googling and from here, seems like the versions may be affecting this issue. Not sure about this. But here are my facts
java version "1.7.0_65"
jEdit 5.1.0
How about adding jEdit to List of Applications in “Open With” When Right-Clicking Files in Nautilus?
Instructions from
For example, this is my jedit.desktop file:
$ cat /usr/share/applications/jedit.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Text editor for code
Exec=jedit %F
[Desktop Action Window]
Name=New Window
[Desktop Action Document]
Name=New File
If you want to make jEdit the default for opening the particular filetype, you can now right-click one, choose Properties, go to the Open With tab, click on jEdit under Recommended Applications, and click the Set as default button.
Hope this helps.
This should work and works just fine for me.
If you are using the version included in the Ubuntu repository, try changing to our official version in our own repository as described on our homepage.
If you are using the official version, look in your Activity Log for anything suspicious when trying to drag&drop.
Also jEdit should be available as a normal Application and for "Open with Application..." just fine, at least with our official packages.
If all does not work, open a bug in the bugs tracker, then we can maybe help you better than here.
This might be something unique to my wonky machine running Ubuntu 12.04, but I found the line JAVA="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" to be the problem.
From a terminal, it resolves to the correct value of /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java.
However, from the desktop or launcher bar, it resolves to /com/home/users/current/local/java.
Maybe someone more learned than I can explain this, but my solution was to edit the file at /usr/local/bin/jedit, replacing the last line:
exec "${JAVA}" -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -jar "/usr/local/share/jEdit/5.3.0/jedit.jar" -reuseview "$#"
exec "java" -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -jar "/usr/local/share/jEdit/5.3.0/jedit.jar" -reuseview "$#"
This only works if the JVM is set up properly.

LiteIDE no autocomplete

I'm trying to use LiteIDE (the Go IDE) on Linux 32-bit. Everything works except for autocomplete. Builds, running, everything works. The gocode binary seems to be running tho:
ithisa#miyasa ~> ps aux | grep gocode
ithisa 10003 0.0 0.0 823788 2624 pts/1 Sl+ 09:06 0:00 /home/ithisa/scratch/liteide/bin/gocode -s -sock unix -addr localhost:37373
What might I be doing wrong?
You may need to set a GOROOT=. To set it within LiteIDE, look for the environment toolbar; it should be a a dropdown, probably with "system" preselected, and a button. Click the button to bring up the Edit Environment pane, then double-click "system.env", or whichever environment was picked in the dropdown.
Change the line that starts GOROOT= to point to your 'go' directory. Plain old $HOME/go is a common setting if you installed it from, and if you don't know where it is, running go env will show the GOROOT that the Go toolchain itself is using. And of course if the line is commented out (#GOROOT=...) remove the #. Save.
If the toolbar is missing entirely, View -> Environment toolbar unhides it.
It's probably also worth setting GOROOT and related settings in your .bashrc, so tools started from the command line see it. I installed Go and LiteIDE in my homedir and my workspace is ~/gocode, so mine is like:
export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$HOME/liteide/bin:$PATH"
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode
I can't be certain this is actually your issue, but if I unset my GOROOT the symptom matches what you're seeing: completion works on my code, but not on the standard library. Good luck!
Did you install gocode?
Also, does nothing autocomplete or just new packages? Packages need to be installed to autocomplete. Do you have a standard install setup?
Your GOROOT and GOPATH should also be correctly setup.
I've got the exact same problem, except for 64-bit linux (ArchLinux)
I got this solved by:
set up correct GOROOT and GOPATH, for example:
$ cat ~/.bashrc | grep GO
export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
export GOPATH=~/goroot
installing/starting gocode daemon
$ go get -u
$ gocode -addr=:37373
$ gocode status
set correct GOROOT on LiteIDE config file:
sudo vim /usr/share/liteide/liteenv/linux64.env
For me gocode (autocomplete) broke in LiteIDE after updating Go to the latest version.
What I did was make sure GOPATH was set correct. Then install gocode:
go get -u
Then remove the gocode version from the liteide/bin/ folder, because else LiteIDE will use its own version (I only renamed it just in case).
Now when you boot LiteIDE it should say
GolangCode: Found gocode at <YOUR GOPATH>/bin/gocode
instead of LiteIDE using its own version.

"Git Bash here" isn't working when right clicking

I don't know, how that happened but before today I could right click on any folder and there would be and an option Git Bash here. But today I dont have that option. Anyone knows how to get that back?
I got this problem after moving all my programs off of my main hard drive and pasting them into my "P" drive. But kept all of the directory structures the same.
Git was moved from:
1: Open The Registry Editor:
Type "regedit" in start menu search and hit enter.
2: Find the context menu shortcut configuration for "git bash here"
In regedit: Menu "Edit" > "Find" > "Find what" and enter "git_shell"
3: Edit the Data value so that path points to the correct location.
In my case I changed:
"C:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
"P:\DEV\PROG\GIT\git-bash.exe" "--cd=%v."
Screen shot included below.
Steps if you can't use the reinstall metod.
1/ Open regedit (search it if needed)
2/ Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Classes/Directory/Background'
3/ Create new key 'shell'
4/ Create new key 'Git bash here' (or whatever name you want to see in the menu)
5/ Create new key 'command' (must be named command)
At this point point you'll have
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Directory/Background/shell/Git bash here/command'
6/ Edit the value of the command key as follow 'pathToGit/git-bash.exe'
Update or open new windows explorer and you'll see it when right clicking.
Image to sum this up :
Reinstall Git and select:
Context menu entries: "Git Bash Here" (and the "Git GUI Here" option)
During the installation. Can't say why it disappeared, but this should bring it back.
Run this script (AddGitToExplorerContextMenu.reg).
You may need to update the location of Git. You can add it
manually through regedit also
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="Git Bash"
#="\"C:\\Program Files\\Git\\git-bash.exe\" \"--cd=%v.\""
Had the same issue , realized that previously right clicking anywhere or inside the folder the Option would show but now I had to select or highlight the folder and then right_click for the option to show.
Uninstall Git completely and delete the Git folder in program files.
Install Git.
From the Context menu, select "Git Bash" & "Git GUI here" options.
I found what I was looking for was in the left pane, not in the right folder. And still using the right-click.
Press SHIFT+F10. It will appear
After Windows 11 update, it got invisible. I first uninstalled the older version and installed the latest 2.35 version. it was still not visible.
It is still there albeit inside another folder in the context menu that comes with a right click.
By going inside any folder right-click INSIDE that folder, in German OS there is
Shift + F10 combination you have it there like before. Or without this shortcut combination go inside Further option (This last) it is there.
It worked fine when I was using Win 10 ,after upgrading my windows to 11 it stopped working.
I solved my problem by following these simple steps.
Uninstall Git completely on computer
Download it here :
Install it
It works fine now!!!
Once you right click on the folder , click on 'Show More Options'.
Now you should be able to see all the earlier options such as 'Git Bash Here'

How do I install uncrustify?

How do I install uncrustify? I followed the instruction to install uncrustify but when I run it, it does not work. Can anyone give me some help installing this tool? I want to run it on objective-c code in xcode 4. Thanks in adavance
On OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 :
1- to install brew, open a terminal windows and type :
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
It will ask you to download some other files, answer OK for all (for more information see :
2 - to install uncrusify, open a terminal windows an type :
brew install uncrustify
3 - to make your code beautiful, download BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode available at
You will just have to :
compile the project
copy the file uncrusify.cfg in your home directory
restart Xcode.
NB : With BBUncrustifyPlugin, you don't need to use Automator.
4 - After restarting Xcode, use the menu Edit > Uncrustify Selected Files to uncrustify the selected items in the project navigator.
Your code is now beautiful! That's magic!
post-scriptum : You can easily change your uncrusify configuration file by using : (better in my case)
I hope that this will help!
I setup Uncrustify with Xcode 4 like so:
Can you explain what you tried to do, what you expected to happen, and how it didn't work?
Download zip
On Windows, download the latest version of Uncrustify here:
Extract zip
The program is a standalone exe, so just extract the downloaded file anywhere. For this example, I'll use C:\Uncrustify. So, the uncrustify.exe would be in that directory.
Add directory to PATH System Environment Variable
In Windows 7+: Type Winkey + env - Select "Edit the system environment variables"
On the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
In the System variables section at the bottom, click the Path variable, then click the Edit... button.
Click the New button, and type C:\Uncrustify, or the directory that you extracted uncrustify.exe to.
Important: Click OK to close the dialog boxes or your change will not save.
In a CMD window, typing where uncrustify should return the path to the uncrustify.exe.
In my case it shows C:\Uncrustify\uncrustify.exe
Close Atom and reopen it. Now you should be able to atom-beautify and it will use Uncrustify to format your selection