Disable colorful separator in PhpStorm - intellij-idea

How can I disable these colorful separators in PhpStorm ?

Editor | General | Appearance
Disable Enable HTML/XML tag tree highlighting option


Increase the number of spaces of a single tab indent in Intellij

How can I increase the number of spaces of a single tab indent?
I noticed that in another project a tab corresponds to four white spaces, but in the current one it is only two.
It is a simple question, but I have not found an answer and it would save me a lot of time.
It's configurable in the code style settings: Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Code Style | Java | Tabs and Indents | Tab size.
Some projects may override it via EditorConfig. If you don't want it, disable Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Code Style | Enable EditorConfig support.

How to show blue dot icons when files were modified with Git in PhpStorm?

How to show blue dot icons when files were modified with Git in PhpStorm IDE like this picture?
Please help me setup for this in PhpStorm IDE. Thank you so much.
PhpStorm (and other IDEA-based IDEs) does not have such dots. Instead the file name color is used to specify the VCS file status.
Default colors and their meaning can be seen here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/project-tool-window.html#file_status_highlight
You can see and change those colors at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Version Control | File Status Colors
The IDE can mark the actual folders with colors as well. There is an option for that (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/30915650/783119 for details). These days it's located at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Version Control | Confirmation screen and is called Highlight directories that contain modified files in the Project tree.
The colors that will be used here (so you can change them if needed): Have changed descendants and Have immediate changed children.

Problem with Intellij color scheme on FXML file

How can i change the color behind the code in FXML files in Intellij?
See the Yellow color behind the code
You need to change the background color of the XML tags at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Color Scheme | XML:

Intellij markdown line wrap adding space

Please see the below images.
The first image shows the issue at hand; When writing a markdown file with the markdown plugin in intellij, the line wrapping adds a space at the beginning of the next line, and it accumulates for each new line. The bottom three images shows what I believe are the relevant settings.
Any idea why these extra spaces are being added? Is it a bug or a problem with my settings? It is really annoying having to always go back and delete the extra spaces.
This is the bug:
You can disable hard wrap for Markdown (Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Markdown > Wrap on typing) and use only soft wrap (Preferences | Editor | General > Soft Wraps)

How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox

How to modify the font of PhpStorm findbox (find text field)? Fonts are windows default simsun! No change options in settings.
Update: this feature is available starting from IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.1. To make the search/replace fields use the editor font you can add -Dide.find.use.editor.font=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
Original answer:
At the moment the font used in the text field is hardcoded and you can't change it, please vote for this request and follow it for updates:
IDEA-106651 Editor Search/Replace: use editor font for text input fields
Other related requests:
IDEA-68258 Font in Find/Replace dialog and Find panel same as in editor
IDEA-125920 Make the editor text search bar text-size & font an option.