Javascript console.log vs Durandal system.log - durandal

console.log vs Durandal system.log
i am trying to understand if they are a like,
I believe that they both gives the same output - logs in the console
Am i missing something?

You're right. They give the exact same output except that system.log can be disabled. It will also work with most if not all browsers.
As mentioned in the documentation for system.log:
Logs data to the console. Pass any number of parameters to be logged. Log output is not processed if the framework is not running in debug mode.
Debug mode is enabled using system.debug.
You can view the source code of system.log on Github.


Why is my console.log() not logging anything in my browser?

I have a SSR page build on Nuxt (Vue). There is a simple code which runs in the browser.
methods: {
submitGeneralForm() {
SSR means that site it rendered on the server and then send to the browser. This piece of code should run in the browser. It is related to the button click. Alert works fine but I dont see any console.log() in the browser. Dont understand it. What is wrong with that?
Here is the example Github repository. Run yarn install + yarn dev to reproduce the issue. Node version v14.17.6 npm version 6.14.15 and yarn version 1.22.11 You will see alert() on page load from /layouts/default.vue which contains this code
export default {
mounted() {
This is screenshot of console.log() in console.
Make sure you don't have anything in the console's filter input field.
For example, in the following image you can see the word "status" is masking the console.log() log lines:
I'm not sure why your code is not printing the console.log() since it's something basic and does not require any specific configuration.
I've tested your repro and it's working perfectly fine on both Chrome and Firefox. Maybe try another browser, factory reset it or ask a buddy to try on their side.
This is something on your machine IMO.
Also, be aware of the filter on top of the console, be sure that nothing is present here, otherwise it could filter the things you see in the actual console.
In your Browser you have a Console Output Section, where you also have some settings. There you can set the log levels, which should be in your output (Verbose, Info, Warnings and Errors). Console.logs are logged under the level Verbose, so you have to make sure this option is checked. By default this option is unchecked in some cases.
You have a filter, "status". It will filter anything which does not contain "status" keyword in it.

VueJS Watcher not initializing correctly on Safari 12+

I run into a Problem with vueJS at version 2.6.11 and Safari version 12 and 13.
On some pages of the webapp the vue watchers are not initalizing correctly, appearently because of a race-condition inside the vue initalization.
The error results in, that on some pages of the Webapp, none of the v-if bindings and stuff like this works anymore.
Currently on version 2.6.11 i even do not get an error. Luckily on an older version (don't remember exactly which one it was), i got an console error which leaded me to:, vm);
in vue/src/core/observer/watcher.js:106
with the error string does not match the expected pattern
setting breakpoints to this part of the code, when the exception appeared, and running, vm); again using the browser console, results in a working page after the rendering is finished. So it seems to be because of a race-condition i guess ?
This part of the code is called multiple times during the app initalization.
this.getter is using the function function (){e._update(e._render(),n)} (minified), when the error appears.
Anyone encountered the same issue, and/or knows a fix for this problem ?

How to fix, blank screen after deployment of war file

I work still view month on a project with RapidClipse 4.0
I deployed on the production server several versions of the project war files. Everything worked fine.
After the last deployment I got a blank screen after loading the application URL
For the server I use a docker container with following setting:
Apache Tomcat/8.5.43, JVM: 1.8.0_222-b10, 3.10.105, amd64
My first thought was: "ok you did something wrong in your code.. turn back and every thing is fine.... :-((
It wasn't !!
I used several versions which runs fine befor.
I stopped the application, redeployed it and deleted it.
Then I deployed an older version....and once again a version older..a.s.o
Non of the versions which worked fine befor did work again.
I got every time the same result: after loading the application a blank white screen.
So far so bad:
I tried to look into ../conf/server.xml if deployment parameter is set correctly:
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
looked fine!
I enhanced the cache by:
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml added following code:
<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />
also without success.
I tried to look in catalina.out: There is still nothing helpfull:
14-Aug-2019 20:29:21.087 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deploying web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war]
14-Aug-2019 20:29:31.190 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-6] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/RC_07.war] has finished in [10,102] ms
after debug in browser I got following:
257ms Processing time was 134ms
257msReferenced paintables: 6
283msEstablishing push connection
300msCould not load theme from http://myIP:8888/RC_07/VAADIN/themes//styles.css?v=7.7.13
310msPush connection established using long-polling
I searched also in the history of the docker container an found that this problem (300ms....) still persists from beginning, over all versions I deployed before.
Out of this, I assume, that this could not be the reason, too.
Or am I wrong?
I searched around this VAADIN Problem and found a lot, but I was not able to solve it. The styles.css file are still in place on the server.
I am wondering on ..../VAADIN/themes//styles.css...
the double slash in error message.
But in my code I couldn't find similar.
Also the buildpath in eclipse includes the folder structure like expected.
Now I am at the end!
I am confused, how I should go ahead to figure out the reason for this behavior, or much better to fix it.
Any idea/ help would be welcome!!
Thank you in advance
After long research, togehter with RapidClipse support we found the solution.
I had two issues:
1) unknown how, we assume, that there was an error in the MainUI xml file.
After resetting with and high of view and layout, and turning back to setting before,
the page elements were visible again in design view.
2) there is a parameter for the theme under MainUI properties - misc -
This parameter was set, but without content. This results in a code line: this.setTheme("");
After resetting this, a deployment was possible like before.
Everything is fine now.
Thanks again to RapidClipse support.

Angular 5 / Sentry error reporting shows error source reference in bundled js

I have applied error reporting in an Angular 5 project using Raven-js. Everything works fine and I get the error reports.
The problem is that the reported error location is provided using the bundle.js file references which is very hard to find in the actual project.
For e.g.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
at e.logOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:26440)
at e.phoneOffline (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:25883)
at t.handleEvent_12 (/mem/main.f858f9330b4c0ee7c38e.bundle.js:1:488537)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:311586)
at HTMLAnchorElement.r (/mem/vendor.f8004cbd231f87b295e2.bundle.js:1:666890)
Now this reference is not useful to locate the error.
Is there something that I missed in the sentry setup or this is how it actually shows the error?
Seems like Sentry can't find your source maps. If your site is public, Sentry will try to get the spurce maps automatically. Otherwise you can upload the source maps yourself.
The usage of source maps works out of the box for a deployed app. Sentry tries to fetch the source maps through the public internet and thus cannot fetch them on localhost.
If your source maps aren't public (e.g. out of security concerns), then you need to upload them manually like described here: .

Agile Central example cumulative flow diagram not rendering

After checking out the source from:
I attempted to build the Portfolio Item cumulative flow diagram src/apps/charts/rpm/cfd locally using
rally-app-builder build which shows no errors
Launching App-debug.html allows me to input the relevant settings, but once I click 'save', nothing renders and there are no errors logged to the JS console either, making debugging challenging.
I attempted to copy the build output into a custom html app inside rally, which displayed the same behaviour.
Is this a bug with the example app? Or have I missed some crucial configuration step?
Extra info - I tried running via the rally-app-builder to no avail (think it's related to this issue: I attempted to flatten the structure and the result of that was a cross-origin request error.
Running from file resulted in a 403 for the SDK
Sorry about that- that Rally App Builder issue is definitely the problem you're running into. Just as a test I downloaded the built html output for that app from the app catalog release:
It worked when installed on a custom html app on my dashboard once I edited the app settings and configured a portfolio item.
If you're looking to tweak this app from source you'll probably have to copy all those files referenced in config.json that live in parent directories into the main app directory and fix the paths in config.json. Then you should be able to build and run the app normally using Rally App Builder.
It seems this app was really not designed to be run externally, so I added a little code to ease the issues I ran into:
In PortfolioChartAppBase.js, _loadSavedPortfolioItem function:
scope: this,
fetch: ['Name', 'ObjectID'] //this is new
And I added some default settings as a top level config object in CumulativeFlowChartApp.js (since the code to force into settings mode doesn't seem to work correctly when running externally):
config: {
defaultSettings: {
portfolioItemPicker: '/portfolioitem/feature/52725935318', //insert a valid oid here
startDate: 'actualstartdate',
endDate: 'actualenddate',
chartAggregationType: 'storycount'