google custom search site specific search in V1 code - google-custom-search

Can someone help me with how to implement a site specific search in google custom search version 1 code? Ex. search only
For version 2 code, I can use the as_sitesearch parameter. But I need more control over the style of the search form, so I must use V1. I'm unclear how to implement this with V1.
Also, I cannot find documentation on the scripting that's incorporated into v1, if someone knows where that might be hiding, I would appreciate it. I have scoured and I must be overlooking it.

Take a look at the Google custom search V1 data rendering docs, located here


Could i use only results without interface with google custom search api?

could i use custom search engine without interface in my apps?
I already checked the documents but it doesn't explain about that.
i already asked to help center but no answer yet.
i only need results.
please if you know, help me.
Yes--that's precisely what the Custom Search JSON API is for.

using google custom search for images that are free to use or share

I am trying to use the Google Custom Search to search for image. I want to filter results from the custom search engine by licencing. Are there any settings to find creative commons images? I would appreciate any help with this.
Yes there is a way indeed, please refer to this guide.

Google Maps API search location and pin

I am trying to put google maps on my browser and I am having trouble with APIs. What I am trying to do is have a searchbox with a map under it, where the user can put address and it will search near restaurants and pin them on the map. What I tried is searching the hole google and it just gets more confusing. I need help with this.
I came across something similar not so long ago and stumbled upon this neat jQuery Autocomplete Plugin.
It autocompletes the location you type and searches for it, after which it focuses the map on that location. It doesn't however highlight the nearest restaurants/bars/etc., but you can easily place a marker if said location was found. Hope this helps.
If you're interested in using PHP, this library will greatly help your journey. It saved me countless hours with the Google Maps API.

Objective C get html page's links

I'm quite new in Objective C programming and I'm trying to make an application that returns all the link addresses in HTML page. In that case i shouldn't just parse the HTML, but get these links intercepting them from the page's network request.
Is it possible to intercept the application's network requests or something?
Coincidentally, Ray Wenderlich's rather AWESOME iOS tutorial site posted this article in the last hour. As you are new to iOS/ObjC, I highly recommend reading it thoroughly.
Let’s say you want to find some information inside a web page and
display it in a custom way in your app.
This technique is called
“scraping.” Let’s also assume you’ve thought through alternatives to
scraping web pages from inside your app, and are pretty sure that’s
what you want to do.
Well then you get to the question – how can you
programmatically dig through the HTML and find the part you’re looking
for, in the most robust way possible? Believe it or not, regular
expressions won’t cut it!
And before you think Regular Expressions might really be an answer, please read this.

gmaps4rails with Google Maps searchbox

I'm writing a map applcication with Ruby-on-Rails 3 and gmaps4rails gem. I have the map setup and everything works fine but I would like to have a google maps like searchbox on the top with a dropdown list of possible places, like this:
Is there any easy way of doing this or a plugin that gives this functionality with not to much coding?
Preferably I would like to limit the search results to just one country if that is possible.
I'm in a similar boat. In the past my application had search implemented with custom JavaScript based on Google Maps API Version 2, now I'm looking to upgrade.
However, in Google Maps API Version 3, there isn't a "enableGoogleBar" option anymore. The good news is that the new "Places" service looks to be the replacement.
You'll want to specifically look at the Places Autocomplete section. The example pretty much exactly describes what you want.
I'm getting into this myself soon. I'll keep you updated with progress I make. If you don't beat me to it first.