Property delegation baked by mutable map - kotlin

I have a following code:
class Mapped(var data:Map<String,String>){
val firstName:String by data
This works fine in case the Mapped is used as follows:
val mapped = Mapped(mapOf("firstName" to "initialFirstName"))
println(mapped.firstName); // prints "initialFirstName"
However since the data property is mutable we can change it's value i.e.: = mapOf("firstName" to "updated");
However the firstName property still holds the "initialFirstName".
Is there a work around to this, known/documented albeit unexpected (to me) behavior?

Until the issues KT-5870, KT-9772 are resolved you can do the following:
operator fun <V, V1 : V> (() -> Map<in String, V>).getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): V1 {
val map = this()
return map[] as V1
Which can then be used as follows:
class Mapped(var data:Map<String,String>){
val firstName:String by { data }
The above does not handle nullability well. Here's an improved version:
operator fun <V, V1 : V> (() -> Map<in String, V>).getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): V1 {
val map = this()
val key =
val value = map[key] as V1
if (property.returnType.isMarkedNullable) {
return value
} else {
if(value != null){
return value
throw KotlinNullPointerException("Property baking map returned null value for key '$key' for non nullable property: $property")
} else {
throw KotlinNullPointerException("Property baking map has no key '$key' for non nullable property $property")


Kotlin - TypeReference<T> Cannot obtain Class<*> For Type Arguments

I've created a Kotlin equivalent of TypeReference<T> like so:
abstract class TypeReference<T> : Comparable<T> {
val type: Type get() = getGenericType()
val arguments: List<Type> get() = getTypeArguments()
final override fun compareTo(other: T): Int {
return 0
private fun getGenericType(): Type {
val superClass = javaClass.genericSuperclass
check(superClass !is Class<*>) {
"TypeReference constructed without actual type information."
return (superClass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[0]
private fun getTypeArguments(): List<Type> {
val type = getGenericType()
return if (type is ParameterizedType) {
} else emptyList()
In order to obtain Class<*> of the generic type and its arguments, I've also created the following extension function (and this is where I believe the problem lies, since this is where the stack trace fails).
fun Type.toClass(): Class<*> = when (this) {
is ParameterizedType -> rawType.toClass()
is Class<*> -> this
else -> Class.forName(typeName)
I'm unit testing this like so:
fun `TypeReference should correctly identify the List of BigDecimal type`() {
// Arrange
val expected =
val expectedParameter1 =
val typeReference = object : TypeReference<List<BigDecimal>>() {}
// Act
val actual = typeReference.type.toClass()
val actualParameter1 = typeReference.arguments[0].toClass()
// Assert
assertEquals(expected, actual)
assertEquals(expectedParameter1, actualParameter1)
The problem I think, lies in the extension function else -> Class.forName(typeName) as it throws:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ? extends java.math.BigDecimal
Is there a better way to obtain the Class<*> of a Type, even when they're generic type parameters?
You need to add is WildcardType -> ... branch to your when-expression to handle types like ? extends java.math.BigDecimal (Kotlin equivalent is out java.math.BigDecimal), ?(Kotlin equivalent is *), ? super Integer(Kotlin equivalent is in java.math.Integer):
fun Type.toClass(): Class<*> = when (this) {
is ParameterizedType -> rawType.toClass()
is Class<*> -> this
is WildcardType -> upperBounds.singleOrNull()?.toClass() ?:
else -> Class.forName(typeName)
Note that in this implementation single upper bound types will be resolved as its upper bound, but all other wildcard types (including multiple upper bounds types) will be resolved as Class<Object>
val typeReference = object : TypeReference<List<BigDecimal>>() {}
val superType = typeReference::class.createType().findSuperType(TypeReference::class)!!
println(superType.arguments.first())// List<java.math.BigDecimal>
println(superType.arguments.first().type?.arguments?.first())// java.math.BigDecimal

How do I make a delegate apply to all properties in a class?

I have a class, A, that needs to be marked as dirty anytime one of its properties is changed.
After reviewing the Kotlin docs, I know I need a delegate. So far I have:
abstract class CanBeDirty {
var isDirty = false
class A(
// properties getting set in constructor here
) : CanBeDirty {
var property1: String by DirtyDelegate()
var property2: Int by DirtyDelegate()
var property3: CustomObject by DirtyDelegate()
class DirtyDelegate() {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>): Resource {
return valueOfTheProperty
operator fun setValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>, value: Any?) {
if (property != value) {
thisRef.isDirty = true
//set the value
else {
//don't set the value
I believe the lack of setting has something to do with vetoable() but the examples I see in Kotlin documentation don't really show me how to do this with a fully formed class Delegate (and I'm just not that up to speed on Kotlin syntax, honestly).
Your delegate class needs its own property to store the value it will return. And if you don't want to deal with uninitialized values, it should also have a constructor parameter for the initial value. You don't have to implement ReadWriteProperty, but it allows the IDE to autogenerate the correct signature for the two operator functions.
class DirtyDelegate<T>(initialValue: T): ReadWriteProperty<CanBeDirty, T> {
private var _value = initialValue
override fun getValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return _value
override fun setValue(thisRef: CanBeDirty, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
if (_value != value) {
_value = value
thisRef.isDirty = true
Since this takes an initial value parameter, you have to pass it to the constructor:
class A: CanBeDirty() {
var property1: String by DirtyDelegate("")
var property2: Int by DirtyDelegate(0)
var property3: CustomObject by DirtyDelegate(CustomObject())
If you wanted to set an initial value based on something passed to the constructor, you could do:
class B(initialName: String): CanBeDirty() {
var name by DirtyDelegate(initialName)

Create a var using a delegate that does not have a setter

I am trying to create delegate var properties with a delegate that does not provide a setValue(...) method. In other words, I need a property that I can reassign but that should get its value via the delegate as long as it hasn't been reassigned.
I am using the xenomachina CLI arguments parser library, which uses delegates. This works well as long as I have val properties. In some cases I need to be able to change those properties dynamically at runtime, though, requiring a mutable var. I can't simply use a var here, as the library does not provide a setValue(...) method in its delegate responsible for the argument parsing.
Ideally, I'd like something like this:
class Foo(parser: ArgParser) {
var myParameter by parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
which doesn't work due to the missing setter.
So far, I've tried extending the Delegate class with a setter extension function, but internally it also uses a val, so I can't change that. I've tried wrapping the delegate into another delegate but when I do that then the library doesn't recognize the options I've wrapped anymore. Although I may have missed something there.
I can't just re-assign the value to a new var as follows:
private val _myParameter by parser.flagging(...)
var myParameter = _myParameter
since that seems to confuse the parser and it stops evaluating the rest of the parameters as soon as the first delegate property is accessed. Besides, it is not particularly pretty.
How do you use delegates that don't include a setter in combination with a var property?
Here is how you can wrap a ReadOnlyProperty to make it work the way you want:
class MutableProperty<in R, T>(
// `(R, KProperty<*>) -> T` is accepted here instead of `ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>`,
// to enable wrapping of properties which are based on extension function and don't
// implement `ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>`
wrapped: (R, KProperty<*>) -> T
) : ReadWriteProperty<R, T> {
private var wrapped: ((R, KProperty<*>) -> T)? = wrapped // null when field is assigned
private var field: T? = null
#Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // field is T if wrapped is null
override fun getValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>) =
if (wrapped == null) field as T
else wrapped!!(thisRef, property)
override fun setValue(thisRef: R, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
field = value
wrapped = null
fun <R, T> ReadOnlyProperty<R, T>.toMutableProperty() = MutableProperty(this::getValue)
fun <R, T> ((R, KProperty<*>) -> T).toMutableProperty() = MutableProperty(this)
Use case:
var lazyVar by lazy { 1 }::getValue.toMutableProperty()
And here is how you can wrap a property delegate provider:
class MutableProvider<in R, T>(
private val provider: (R, KProperty<*>) -> (R, KProperty<*>) -> T
) {
operator fun provideDelegate(thisRef: R, prop: KProperty<*>): MutableProperty<R, T> =
provider(thisRef, prop).toMutableProperty()
fun <T> ArgParser.Delegate<T>.toMutableProvider() = MutableProvider { thisRef: Any?, prop ->
provideDelegate(thisRef, prop)::getValue
Use case:
var flagging by parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
You could wrap your delegate with a class like this:
class DefaultDelegate<T>(private val default: Delegate<T>){
private var _value: T? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? =
_value?: default.value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
_value = value
class Foo(parser: ArgParser) {
var myParameter: Boolean? by DefaultDelegate(parser.flagging(
help = "helptext"
If you need nullability:
class DefaultDelegate<T>(private val default: Delegate<T>){
private var modified = false
private var _value: T? = null
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? =
if (modified) _value else default.value
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Nothing?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
_value = value
modified = true

Kotlin - get all properties from primary constructor

I have created this extension method which gets all properties from a KClass<T>
Extension Method
inline fun <reified T : Any> KClass<T>.getProperties(): Iterable<KProperty1<T, *>> {
return members.filter { it is KProperty1<*, *> }.map { it as KProperty1<T, *> }
Example Usage
data class Foo(val bar: Int) {
val baz: String = String.EMPTY
var boo: String? = null
val properties = Foo::class.getProperties()
val kotlin.Int
val com.demo.Foo.baz: kotlin.String
var kotlin.String?
How would I modify this extension method to only return properties that are declared in the primary constructor?
Expected Result
val kotlin.Int
You can take constructor parameters by getting primaryConstructor and then valueParameters,
and because primary constructor is not required for kotlin class we can do something like this
inline fun <reified T : Any> KClass<T>.getProperties(): Iterable<KParameter> {
return primaryConstructor?.valueParameters ?: emptyList()
so if we will ask for properties of Foo class
val properties = Foo::class.getProperties()
properties.forEach { println(it.toString()) }
we will get
parameter #0 bar of fun <init>(kotlin.Int): your.package.Foo
and the result is not a KProperty, but a KParameter which may be more aligned to your use case
val <T : Any> KClass<T>.constructorProperties
get() =
primaryConstructor?.let { ctor ->
declaredMemberProperties.filter { prop ->
ctor.parameters.any { param -> ==
param.type == prop.returnType
} ?: emptyList()
fun <T : Any> KClass<T>.getProperties(): Iterable<KProperty1<T, *>> =
This is a rework of previous answers by szymon_prz and Peter Henry, to produce the list of properties declared in the primary constructor, but not:
other primary constructor parameters that are not properties
other properties that are not primary constructor parameters but have matching names and different types
Unfortunately it will still list properties that are not primary constructor parameters but have the same name and type as one of them.
For example:
// only parameter 'bar' is declared as a property
class Foo(val bar: Int, baz: Int, qux: Int, rod: Int) {
val zzz = baz // no parameter zzz
val qux = "##($qux)##" // property is a String but parameter is an Int
val rod = maxOf(0, rod) // property and parameter are both Int
val ctorProps = Foo::class.constructorProperties
ctorProps.forEach { println(it.toString()) }
will produce:
val kotlin.Int
val Foo.rod: kotlin.Int
inline fun <reified T : Any> KClass<T>.getProperties(): List<KProperty<*>> {
val primaryConstructor = primaryConstructor ?: return emptyList()
// Get the primary constructor of the class ^
return declaredMemberProperties.filter {
// Get the declared properties of the class; i.e. bar, baz, boo
primaryConstructor.parameters.any { p -> == }
// Filter it so there are only class-properties whch are also found in the primary constructor.
To summarize, this function basically takes all the properties found in a class and filters them so only ones that are also found in the primary-constructor stay.

Kotlin equals and hash code generator

I am aware that in Kotlin classes will have an equals and hashcode created automatically as follows:
data class CSVColumn(private val index: Int, val value: String) {
My question is, is there a way to have the implementation just use one of these properties (such as index) without writing the code yourself. What was otherwise a very succinct class now looks like this:
data class CSVColumn(private val index: Int, val value: String) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) {
return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) {
return false
other as CSVColumn
if (index != other.index) {
return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return index
In Java with Lombok, I can do something like:
public class CsvColumn {
private final int index;
private final String value;
Would be cool if there were a way to tell Kotlin something similar.
From the Data Classes documentation you get:
Note that the compiler only uses the properties defined inside the primary constructor for the automatically generated functions. To exclude a property from the generated implementations, declare it inside the class body
So you have to implement equals() and hashCode() manually or with the help of a Kotlin Compiler Plugin.
You can't do something like this for data classes, they always generate equals and hashCode the same way, there's no way to provide them such hints or options.
However, they only include properties that are in the primary constructor, so you could do this for them to only include index:
data class CSVColumn(private val index: Int, value: String) {
val value: String = value
... except you can't have parameters in the primary constructor that aren't properties when you're using data classes.
So you'd have to somehow introduce a secondary constructor that takes two parameters, like this:
class CSVColumn private constructor(private val index: Int) {
var value: String = ""
constructor(index: Int, value: String) : this(index) {
this.value = value
... but now your value property has to be a var for the secondary constructor to be able to set its value.
All this to say that it's probably not worth trying to work around it. If you need an non-default implementation for equals and hashCode, data classes can't help you, and you'll need to implement and maintain them manually.
Edit: as #tynn pointed out, a private setter could be a solution so that your value isn't mutable from outside the class:
class CSVColumn private constructor(private val index: Int) {
var value: String = ""
private set
constructor(index: Int, value: String) : this(index) {
this.value = value
I wrote a little utility called "stem", which allows you to select which properties to consider for equality and hashing. The resulting code is as small as it can get with manual equals()/hashCode() implementation:
class CSVColumn(private val index: Int, val value: String) {
private val stem = Stem(this, { index })
override fun equals(other: Any?) = stem.eq(other)
override fun hashCode() = stem.hc()
You can see its implementation here.
I guess that we have to write equals()/hashCode() manually for now.
It is not supported and is planning to be, IMHO.
I guess that we have to write equals()/hashCode() manually for now.
It is not supported and is planning to be, IMHO.
Below are some reference which may be helpful.
See the following performance optimized way (with the use of value classes and inlining) of implementing a generic equals/hashcode for any Kotlin class:
package org.beatkit.common
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
value class HashCode(val value: Int = 0) {
inline fun combineHash(hash: Int): HashCode = HashCode(31 * value + hash)
inline fun combine(obj: Any?): HashCode = combineHash(obj.hashCode())
value class Equals(val value: Boolean = true) {
inline fun combineEquals(equalsImpl: () -> Boolean): Equals = if (!value) this else Equals(equalsImpl())
inline fun <A : Any> combine(lhs: A?, rhs: A?): Equals = combineEquals { lhs == rhs }
object Objects {
inline fun hashCode(builder: HashCode.() -> HashCode): Int = builder(HashCode()).value
inline fun hashCode(vararg objects: Any?): Int = hashCode {
var hash = this
objects.forEach {
hash = hash.combine(it)
inline fun hashCode(vararg hashes: Int): Int = hashCode {
var hash = this
hashes.forEach {
hash = hash.combineHash(it)
inline fun <T : Any> equals(
lhs: T,
rhs: Any?,
allowSubclasses: Boolean = false,
builder: Equals.(T, T) -> Equals
): Boolean {
if (rhs == null) return false
if (lhs === rhs) return true
if (allowSubclasses) {
if (!lhs::class.isInstance(rhs)) return false
} else {
if (lhs::class != rhs::class) return false
return builder(Equals(), lhs, rhs as T).value
This allows you to write a equals/hashcode implementation as follows:
data class Foo(val title: String, val bytes: ByteArray, val ignore: Long) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
return Objects.equals(this, other) { lhs, rhs ->
combine(lhs.title, rhs.title)
.combineEquals { lhs.bytes contentEquals rhs.bytes }
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return Objects.hashCode(title, bytes.contentHashCode())