I have a requirement of getting HTML output for a component in a page.
I get a response message "Preview is unavailable for the Default rendering." when I try to use GetRenderingHTML Web API.
My API call looks like : http://<HostName>/-/item/v1/-/actions/GetRenderingHtml?database=master&language=en-US&renderingId=<RENDERING_ID>&itemId=<ITEM_ID>
There are couple things you need to consider while using GetRenderingHtml action.
GetRenderingHtml does not return output of a component on a page. The itemId parameter is used to find a datasource for your component, not a page which uses a component.
It only allows method redering, sublayout, url rendering, xsl rendering, webcontrol and xmlcontrol to be rendered.
The fact that your message says for the Default rendering means that whatever id you passed as renderingId, there is an item in your database with this id and DisplayName property set to Default and this item is not a rendering listed in point 2.
When I set a component as the edit prop for a resource, react-admin renders that component when users go to the /[resource]/:id URL.
But I would like to send more data as a parameter, for example make the request using a client_code and not the id.
I am new to Vue and I am trying to understand some concepts. So I have a website that is a mix of server-side and front-end rendering. When the index is first loaded it will return the first 10 products which are rendered by the server-side. Then the user will use a search filter to search for specific products or just scroll down so more products are loaded. This searching and loading will be done by Vue. Now the question is how to bind the data that is rendered initially by the server with the current data object of Vue?
The documentation says
v-model will ignore the initial value, checked or selected attributes
found on any form elements. It will always treat the current active
instance data as the source of truth. You should declare the initial
value on the JavaScript side, inside the data option of your
So one can load the index without any data, then fire a second request to load the initial data but why waste one HTTP request on that?
Is there a way that I can pass data to a partial view after it has been rendered. I have a partial view in my _Layout which is rendered. It needs isHeaderShown. However this isHeaderShown can only be set after the #RenderBody is called because only the body controller has this info.
I have in my layout.
#{Html.RenderAction("Index","_Menu", new { area = ""});}
Is there a way that I can pass data to a partial view after it has been rendered.
Not using server side. You could always make an AJAX request to the server using javascript and then update some portions of the DOM with the results received from the server. This will obviously happen at a later stage after the view has already been rendered in the browser. Another common technique different than AJAX is the server to push some data to the client using HTML5 WebSockets. You can take a look at SignalR. In both cases you will need to write javascript.
With the replacement of partial views in ASP.NET 5 with view components, how does one access the view components via URL?
I know you call them like...
#Component.Invoke("SomeList", 1)
...but what if you need to have like ajax paging, where you need a callback url to request the next set to be displayed in a partial view? So, a user can click "Load More" and it loads more from a 'partial view'.
You cannot access a view component from a URL directly. A view component is just a component of a view and that view could be a regular or partial view.
Based on your question, I believe you are trying to show the first page by default when the view (having the view component) is rendered? I have tried to put some scenarios here.
Example scenario:
Show a snippet on layout page which shows list of available job positions.
Usage cases:
Render the html related to a job list at the server side :
Layout page would have something like #Html.Partial("JobsListPartial").
This "JobsListPartial" would have something like await #Component.InvokeAsync("JobsListViewComponent", pageNumber). This partial view also sends ajax script to the client for users to navigate through the pages.
At the client when user tries to navigate to a different page, the ajax script makes a call to a JobsController having an api like IActionResult GetJobs(int pageNumber) and this action returns a PartialViewResult by doing something like return PartialView("JobsListPartial", pageNumber).
Render all pages at the client side only :
Create a partial view (having your ajax scripts) and render to the client.
Create a controller exposing api for navigation through pages of available job positions.
Call this api(returns json) from the ajax script.
Use the json data to dynamically change the UI at the client.
I'm using Apache Wicket and I have following problem:
Inside a onSubmit() method I am sending a POST request to external web address with Apache httpClient. As a response I get html (inside my response object).
How can I get Wicket to render this html in browser?
So basically what I'm trying to do here, is simply what would normally happen if I submitted a html form to this web address. However for security reasons I don't want to give user pages containing forms that contain this data I'm trying to send.
You can get the response via getResponse() in any component. (I assume the onSubmit() is on a form).
How about something like:
htmlPage should be a CharSequence containing the html page to be rendered.