Pivot Table Independent Grand Total Row - qlikview

Is it possible to have a grand total row in a pivot table that is independent of selections? The table I am currently working with has region & branch dimensions and then several columns of data. I would like the company total to display at the bottom row regardless of what regions and/or branches are selected.

You can use Dimensionality() function.
As you can see from the picture below the rows have Dimensionality() = 2 and the total row have Dimensionality() = 0
So in your case the expression will be something like this:
if( Dimensionality() = 0,
sum( {< Region=, Branch= >} Value),
sum( Value )
(Don't forget to remove/disable the Dimensionality() column to test it. If not removed the chart will not behave as normal)
Using the above expression the total row will show the sum( Value ) ignoring the selections in Region and Branch fields:
Also you can see that Dimensionality() is changing depends on the table aggregation. For example when collapse the Region the Dimensionality() function is returning 1 for the rows:
No need to tell you that if you have decent amount of data such expressions will decrease the performance!
There is also and SecondaryDimensionality() function which is basically the same as Dimensionality() but for the horizontal pivot dimensions.

An easier way of accomplishing this would be to have a straight table directly below your pivot table using set analysis to exclude selections.


Getting another column from same row which has first non-null value in column

I have a SQL table like this and I want to find the average adjusted amt for products partitioned by store_id that looks like this
Here, I need to compute the adj_amt which is the product of the previous two columns.
For this, I need to fill the nulls in the avg_quantity with the first non_null value in the partition. The query I use is below.
CASE WHEN av_quantity is null then
# the boolen here is for non-null values
first_value(av_quantity, True) over (partition by store_no order by product_id
range between current row and unbounded following
else av_quantity
end as adj_av_quantity
I'm having trouble with the SQL required to get the adjusted cost, since its not pulling the first non_null value for factor but still fetches it based on the same row for the adj_av_quantity. any thoughts on how I could do this?
FYI I've simplified the data here. The actual dataset is pretty huge (> 125 million rows with 800+ columns) so I won't be able to use joins and have to do this via window functions. I'm using spark-sql

If Statements For Power Pivot

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate my compliance % measures based on if statements.
If [alias]=company A, then the percentage should equal 100%. If it does not, then it should calculate the total complying spend/total overall spend.
However, when I tried to set up the if statement it gives me an error and says that the single value for "alias" column cannot be determined.
I have tried If(Values) statements, but I need it to return more than one value.
Measures always aggregate. The question is what you want the compliance calculation to be when you're looking at 2 companies? 3 companies? Right now, neither your question nor your formula accounts for this possibility at all, hence the error.
If you're thinking "Compliance % doesn't make sense if you're looking at more than one company", then you can write your formula to show BLANK() if there's more than one company:
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] ),
IF (
VALUES ( 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] ) = "company A",
[PCT Non-compliant]
If you want something else to happen when there's more than one company, then DAX functions like CALCULATE, SUMX or AVERAGEX would allow you to do what you want to do.
The trick with DAX generally is that the formula has to make sense not just on individual rows of a table (where Alias has a unique value), but also on subtotals and grand totals (where Alias does not have a unique value).
Based on your comment that any inclusion of company A results in 100%, you could do something such as:
IF (
COUNTROWS ( 'Waste Hauling Extract' ),
FILTER ( 'Waste Hauling Extract', 'Waste Hauling Extract'[Alias] = "company A" )
[PCT Non-compliant],
The new CALCULATE statement filters the Waste Hauling Extract table to just company A rows, and then counts those rows. If there are no company A rows, then after the filter it will be an empty table and the row count will be blank (rather than 0). I check for this with ISBLANK() and then display either the Non-Compliant or Compliant number accordingly.
Note: the FILTER to just company A only applies to the CALCULATE statement; it doesn't impact the PCT measures at all.

Qlikview conditionally hide expression in pivot table

Struggling with a way to hide an expression on certain rows in my pivot table below. Basically, I want to be able to hide my expression 'Cumulative' when the FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE is not equal to 'OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1'. I figured out a way to change the text format on the lines with other FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE so that it appears hidden (what is showing in the picture below), but I'd really like the whole row to go away in these cases.
Additionally, I do not want to see a Total on the Cumulative lines if possible, but I do want to keep them on the Sum(AMOUNT) lines.
My expression for Cumulative is:
sum(aggr(Rangesum(above(sum({<YEAR={"$(vYear_Current)"},FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE={"OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1"}>}AMOUNT),0,MONTH_NUM)), FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE, MONTH_NUM))
I tried to use the function Only, as well as, I tried conditionally enabling/disabling the expression but I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas would be great. Thanks!
1) Load Inline Table
Load * Inline
2) Created calculated dimension to combine the two desired dimensions into one and show blank ('') in cases that you don't want to show (this leaves one blank line on the pivot but there is probably a way to hide that too):
=If(MYDim='Cumulative' and FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1','Orig Budg Cumulative Variance',if(MYDim='Cumulative' and FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='LE_VARIANCE_TO_T1','LE Cumulative Variance',if(MYDim <> 'Cumulative',FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE,'')))
3) Create a new expression that does one calculation in the case of your made up dimension = Value A and something else in case your calculated dimension = Value B
If(MYDim='Cumulative' and (FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1' OR FINANCIAL_PLAN_TYPE='LE_VARIANCE_TO_T1'),If(ColumnNo()=0,'',sum(aggr(Rangesum(above(sum({<YEAR={"$(vYear_Current)"}, DEPARTMENT={"20820"}, ACCT_TYPE={"Capital"}>}AMOUNT),0,MONTH_NUM)),
You cannot hide expression on some of the rows - not possible in Qlikview.
The workaround is to create a dummy floating table that holds the second column as a dimension and then use it in your chart instead of the two expressions. Then you will have one expression that says something like that :
If ( dummyField = 'Cummulative' and = 'OB_VARIANCE_TO_T1',
{Use your second expression here} ,
If (dummyField = 'sum(Amount)', {use your original first expression here}))
Regarding the Total, check out this link in the "Tricking the Pivot Table" section

SSRS Alternating Row Colour Within Groups

I have a ssrs table report with row grouping and I would like to know how to change the colours of rows in groups without changing the background colour of the group column itself. With the answers I have found and implemented I get the effect of the second table in the picture when I want the effect of the first table:
Any help will be much appreciated.
This is a picture of the actual report and it's grouping:
The RowNumber technique only works on the Details group i.e. the lowest level group (with no Group columns defined). Think of it as returning the Row in the Dataset.
Instead I would write an expression that calculates the equivalent to RowNumber, but for the Group level - typically something using RunningValue ... CountDistinct on the Group Key field, like this:
= Iif ( RunningValue ( Fields!tableid.Value , CountDistinct , "TheNameOfYourGroup") Mod 2 = 0, "White", "WhiteSmoke")
I need to apply the alternation to all rows including Total rows so:
'define Report Variables: ActiveRowColour, ColourA, ColourB
'Call this function in one cell per row by setting => BackgroundColor=Code.NewActiveRowColour(Variables!ActiveRowColour.Value)
'Then All other cells on that row set -> BackgroundColor=Variables!ActiveRowColour.Value
Public Function NewActiveRowColour(ByVal sActiveRowColour As String) As String
If sActiveRowColour = Report.Variables!ColourA.Value Then
Report.Variables!ActiveRowColour.Value = Report.Variables!ColourB.Value
Return Report.Variables!ColourB.Value
Report.Variables!ActiveRowColour.Value = Report.Variables!ColourA.Value
Return Report.Variables!ColourA.Value
End If
End Function

Filtering a Measure (or Removing Outliers)

Say I have a measure, foo, in a cube, and I have a reporting requirement that users want to see the following measures in a report:
total foo
total foo excluding instances where foo > 10
total foo excluding instances where foo > 30
What is the best way to handle this?
In the past, I have added Named Calculations which return NULL if foo > 10 or just foo otherwise.
I feel like there has to be a way to accomplish this in MDX (something like Filter([Measures].[foo], [Measures].[foo] > 10)), but I can't for the life of me figure anything out.
Any ideas?
The trick is that you need to apply the filter on your set, not on your measure.
For example, using the usual Microsoft 'warehouse and sales' demo cube, the following MDX will display the sales for all the stores where sales were greater than $2000.
SELECT Filter([Store].[Stores].[Store].members, [Unit Sales] > 2000) ON COLUMNS,
[Unit Sales] ON ROWS
FROM [Warehouse and Sales]
I met similar problem when use saiku (backend with Mondrain), as I haven't found any clear solution of "add filter on measure", I added it here, and that may be useful for other guy.
In Saiku3.8, you could add filter on UI: "column"->"filter"->"custom", then you may see a Filter MDX Expression.
Let's suppose we want clicks in Ad greater than 1000, then add the following line there:
[Measures].[clicks] > 1000
Save and close, then that filter will be valid for find elem with clicks greater than 1000.
The MDX likes below (suppose dt as dimension and clicks as measure, we want to find dt with clicks more than 1000)
Filter({[Dt].[dt].[dt].Members}, ([Measures].[clicks] > 1000))
NON EMPTY {[Measures].[clicks]} ON COLUMNS,
FROM [OfflineData]
i think you have two choices:
1- Add column to your fact(or view on data source view that is based on fact table)like:
case when unit_Price>2000 then 1
else 0
end as Unit_Price_Uper_Or_Under_10
and add a fictitious Dimension based on this columns value.
and add named query for New Dimension(say Range_Dimension in datasourceview :
select 1 as range
union all
select 0 as range
and after taht you cant used this filter like other dimension and attribute.
SELECT [Store].[Stores].[Store].members ON COLUMNS,
[Unit Sales] ON ROWS
FROM [Warehouse and Sales]
WHERE [Test_Dimension].[Range].&[1]
the problem is for every range you must add When condition and only if the range is static this solution is a good solution.
and for dynamic range it's better to formulate the range (based on disceretizing method )
2- add dimension with granularity near fact table based on fact table
for example if we have fact table with primary key Sale_id.we can add
dimension based on fact table with only one column sale_Id and in dimension Usage tab
we can relate this new dimension and measure group with relation type Fact and
after that in mdx we can use something like :
filter([dim Sale].[Sale Id].[Sale Id].members,[Measures].[Unit Price]>2000)