Exception thrown when loading sound- but things work anyway - objective-c

I have the following lines to preload a couple of (short) sounds in a sound-storing singleton (from which they can then be grabbed when need to play arises)
_successSound = [SKAction playSoundFileNamed:#"success2.wav" waitForCompletion:NO];
_failureSound = [SKAction playSoundFileNamed:#"failure2.mp3" waitForCompletion:NO];
When i run my application with an exception breakpoint (which I tend to always do), it breaks on the second line. Removing the breakpoint, everything instead works as expected. I had previously done this 'loading' only when the sound was to be played (which caused a slowdown the first time it had to be played), and it never caused any exceptions.
Edit: should also add that there aren't any exception if I change the failure2 sound to some other sound in my soundfolder- perhaps it's something to do with it being mp3?

OS code can throw exceptions that are caught and never visible to the outside, and that's inconvenient if you set a breakpoint on exceptions but nothing to worry about and not something that you need to avoid, as long as there are no uncaught exceptions.
It happens a lot with APIs that are implemented in C++ - throwing and catching exceptions is much more common in C++.

Ok, so I got rid of the exception by converting the mp3 to wav. If anyone knows why this was a problem in the first place though, I'd be very interested.


Best Way to Handle Errors with AppleScript-ObjC embedded in Cocoa App?

I'm invoking a small AppleScript handler from within a larger Cocoa/Objective-C app (using the AppleScript-ObjC framework to call the AppleScript methods directly from the Objective-C code). I originally tried using Scripting Bridge, but that didn't work for me due to compatibility problems with the external app. The only purpose of the AppleScript is essentially to send a small string to the external app. This is the first time I've attempted to do something like this in order to control an external application, so please bear with me if I'm making an obvious mistake.
Occasionally, the AppleScript may encounter errors depending on the state of the external application, and I would like to handle those errors appropriately in my Objective-C code.
The way I'm doing this right now is that I have a try block in the AppleScript:
-- Do stuff
return the number 0
on error the error_message number the error_number
return the error_number
end try
I return zero if the script finishes normally, and return the error number if it doesn't. Then in the Objective-C code, I test the return value and throw a "normal" exception in cases where there is an error, so that I can handle that in my regular exception-handling code.
This works, but is there a way to trap the AppleScript exception directly from the Objective-C code? When I run the code without the AppleScript try-error code in XCode, it seems that it hits my exception breakpoint before it returns from the AppleScript, but it never invokes the #catch block for NSException. Is there some way to catch that exception that is being hit somehow? I'm guessing the answer is no, but I wanted to check that there isn't some better way to do this than what I'm doing. Apple's documentation on AppleScript-ObjC is rather sparse, and mostly just discusses handling errors within AppleScript.
So, I just tried playing around with the breakpoint setup a little bit, and it turns out that it's a C++ exception being sent from the AppleScript code, not an Objective-C one. That's why it wasn't being caught by the #catch block I was using. It seems that the AppleScript-ObjC mechanism uses exceptions for control flow/recoverable errors, and I had my breakpoint set up to break when they are thrown. So, I think it's probably best to just catch the errors in the AppleScript application, and return an error code as a string or integer to the Objective-C code.
AppleScript uses C++ exceptions to implement its own exceptions, but nothing else; you shouldn’t see them in code that completes successfully. If an AppleScript exception escapes to point of returning to Objective-C, the bridge actually swallows it -- you should get a log message, and a nil/zero/NO return value from the bridged method. The upshot of all this is that you’re already doing the right thing: trap the error in AppleScript and return something that your Objective-C code can detect.
As a side note, AppleScriptObjC is mainly intended for developers writing applications primarily or entirely in AppleScript. If you’re writing a primarily Objective-C application with a few bits that control other applications via scripting, consider using ScriptingBridge instead.

Should you use try/catch/finally blocks often

As a developer with java background I am used to often catching exceptions to prevent them from crashing my app. This includes all kinds of delegate methods. Just an extra safety measure for unexpected situations.
My question is whether such approach is sensible in objective c and does it introduce some sort of performance problems? I other words would my app suffer in any way if I use try/catch blocks more often?
It won't suffer that much, but you have to remember something. Unlike in other languages where you might have ConnectionRefusedException or FileNonexistantException, in objective-c, exceptions are programmer errors 90% of the time. So by the time your app enters production, it shouldn't have any exceptions anyway. Rather than, for example, catching out of bounds exceptions, just look at array length before trying. You can make a top level try-catch though just in case that gives the error and exits more gracefully than a crash.
In general, you don’t want exceptions to occur while your program is running. So it’s considered better programming practice to test for errors before they occur rather than to catch them after they occur.
It’s also better to test for an error in a method and return some value as an error indicator than to throw an exception.Throwing exceptions use a lot of system resources, and, as such,
Apple generally recommends against using their unnecessary use (e.g., you don’t want to throw an exception simply because you can’t open a file).
Well the best practice is that you use try and catch only when you are loading data, modules, files and things that might not work due to user environment settings or user submitted data.
An exception is an exception, and should not be happening that often : )), so it won't affect performance at all.
Usually protocols contain delegate methods for both normal behaviour and error [e.g. didLoadResponse: theResponse, didFailWithError: theError], so all situations will be covered.
I would reserve exception to situations like errors in writing to disk, or remote servers being down - actually situations that would break the application.
You would have a performance problem.If an exception is thrown, that's fine while you debug the program.But while the application is run by there you may not want that this happens.
My suggestion is to use exceptions only for debug, then you disable them for the release and you use more suitable apporaches like NSError.
Let's suppose that the user types a URL and this URL is invalid.You have to load a web page.During the debug you may just throw an exception, but when you have the release you could just ignore the wrong URL, and don't display the page, or run a NSAlertPanel to display the error.
Use tty/catch for exceptions only, not as a replacement for if/then.Overhead is very expensive.
I just did some testing on an iPad. It appears that a #try/#catch block introduces very little performance penalty unless an exception is actually thrown. But if an exception is thrown, the penalty is substantial. You don't say what environment you are using. So your milage may vary.

Xcode 4 exception breakpoint filtering

Breaking on Objective-C exceptions is really useful and easily the best way to debug issues with NSArray and the like. However, exceptions are also a great thing to use while actually programming.
Xcode offers two choices for breaking on Obj-C exceptions:
Break whenever an exception is thrown
Break whenever an exception is caught
Breaking on catch seems to be basically useless, since the point of #throw is a lot more important. However, if I'm handling an exception fine, I don't want my program to stop.
So, the ideal situation would be: break on all exceptions that are not caught by my code, but show a stack trace for when the exception was thrown.
Another decent solution would be some sort of debugging whitelist for exceptions that should not be broken on.
Is there any way to filter exception breakpoints?

What’s the rationale behind the Cocoa exception policy - or why use exceptions only for programmer errors?

What’s the rationale behind the Cocoa exception policy - or why use exceptions only for programmer errors?
I understand that exception used to be rather expensive so one would not want to overuse them. But that changed with the modern runtime and it’s zero-cost exceptions. I also understand that the use of exceptions to do general control flow is not a good idea because it could lead to code that is rather hard to understand.
But why should one use exceptions to signal programmer errors? For that case logging a message followed by abort() should be enough. Why should I write a #catch(...) block to handle a programmer error instead of fixing the actual mistake? I’ve been thinking about this a lot and I haven’t found any reasonable use of an exception for a programmer error.
(As a side note/question: I’ve written a recursive descent parser, and I’m planning on using exceptions in there for handling errors. Seems to be much more reasonable to me than adding an out parameter to every single function in there and manually check for an error everywhere. Of course I’ll catch any exceptions I throw in the top level methods that get called from the outside. Anyone think that’s a bad use for exceptions?)
Update: The real question
Thanks for all the answers so far. They all are true, but they don’t actually answer my question. So I guess I wasn’t really clear about it, sorry for that. So here’s the real question:
Why does Cocoa throw exceptions for programmer errors (or assertions) at all? One isn’t supposed to catch them, and actually writing code that handles a programmer error somewhere down the call stack is not a good idea anyways. Seems to me that exceptions there are a wasted effort. Simply logging the error and calling abort() (which exits the program) should be enough. So what’s the advantage there of actually having an exception thrown?
I understand why exceptions are not generally used and discouraged - most parts of Cocoa are just not exception safe. And that’s not the question here. I hope I made this clear now.
Why should I write a #catch(...) block to handle a programmer error instead of fixing the actual mistake?
In most cases, you wouldn't. In Objective-C, you generally don't handle exceptions. If an exception occurs, it causes a crash, and then you fix the bug -- hopefully you catch this during testing.
Of course, in some cases this doesn't work out. Maybe you do except an exception and you can workaround it, so you catch it. Or there's there rare API that'll throw exceptions instead of using error objects.
To be honest, I very, very rarely use try/catch in my Objective-C code.
As for the rationale, I think it's largely due to Objective-C's C heritage. Back in the early 80s when Objective-C was developed, exceptions were kind of "new" (i.e., not in many mainstream languages yet), and Objective-C catered more to the C tradition of using NULL or an out parameter to signal errors.
Your question explicitly assumes that "one isn’t supposed to catch them." This is incorrect. The programmer isn't expected to catch them under normal circumstances, but that isn't to say that they must never be caught for any purpose.
Example: I'm not sure if it does anymore since it's much less buggy these days, but I know it at least used to be the case that Xcode would catch exceptions and put up a dialog saying, "Such-and-such happened. It doesn't appear to be a critical problem, but you should probably save and restart the program to avoid any trouble in the future."
Why does Cocoa throw exceptions for
programmer errors (or assertions) at
all? One isn’t supposed to catch them,
and actually writing code that handles
a programmer error somewhere down the
call stack is not a good idea anyways
Three reasons leap to mind.
One, if you catch an exception more or less at your main run loop you could autosave state to a temporary location, crash, and on restart have a "try to restore from just before the crash, warning: may cause another crash and you should check your data very carefully" dialog/sheet/thingie. Or even just catch the exception and tell the user to do a "Save As", quit and restart.
Two, things like the unit test framework make good use of exceptions to abort the current test (logging a failure), and continuing with the rest of the tests. This lets you see if a change you made has one regression (that happens to index a NSArray out of bounds), or if you have six regressions (one or more of which throw an exception).
Three, maybe when added to ObjC it was intended to handle many kinds of errors with exceptions, and after real world experience the useful scope was determined to be "nearly fatal errors only".
The main reason for avoiding throwing exceptions is that you may accidentally throw them through stack frames that are not exception aware. For instance, if a data source for a table view throws an exception, that is not caught and handled before the delegate method returns control to the table view, it might cause all sorts of trouble as it unwinds the table view's stack frames, side stepping various releases of temporary objects and other resources.
Having said that, I personally like exceptions and use them wherever I think they are the natural thing to do, but with the caveat of never allowing them to propagate to code that is not documented as exception aware.
There are likely a lot of reasons. The "historical reasons" others have covered is sufficient to explain the current state of affairs, but there are other possibilities.
Another possibility is Objective C is not typically a "Resource Acquisition Is Initialization" kind of language (yes this is more a library issue then a language issue, but it is real). So most Objective C code that has an error thrown through it will leave invalid program state (things still locked, over retained objects). All things you could deal with if you were thinking about it, and not all things RAII would magically fix (there is a lot of exception unsafe C++ code out there, and C++ is largely RAII).
As noted above stating that you do handle an exception is free(ish), but actually having one thrown is costly (maybe an order of magnitude or two more costly then an extra parameter and a conditional check). So if your parser (for example) uses them to signal errors in parsing, being given a document with a lot of errors can take a LOT longer to parse then if you had explicit checks for an error parameter.
Personally I like exceptions, and would prefer to throw exceptions from my libraries when things "go wrong", but that isn't the Cocoa way, so I use exceptions to handle programmer errors and an error indication and NSError** for other things. It isn't great, but it makes it so other people can use my libraries without having to learn a new way to write Objective C code.
The modern runtime does not give you zero-cost exceptions, it gives you exceptions that only incur their cost if an exception is thrown.

Can the try...catch mechanism be used to avoid memory crashes?

I am really interested to know that, Is it possible that using try ... catch mechanism, we can avoid memory crash of our application ... ??
Let say the program part that we are expecting a chance of memory leak is kept under try...catch block, if the program crashes (ie memory leak) occurs then catch statement execute. So we can prevent our program from being crashed.
Is it possible ? If yes, How Or If not , why not ??
A try/catch block is there to catch an exception and stop it from propagating upwards in your callstack.
The idea goes that you catch it at the place where you know how to handle it, and then you get a chance to execute code in response to the exception.
It is not a magical solution that will prevent anything, it is just what I said above. What you do with the exception is what matters.
And a memory leak and a crash is not the same thing, it is rare that a program crashes due to memory leaks, unless it actually runs out of memory. A memory leak is rarely "fixable" after the fact. The correct, and usually only, way to fix a memory leak is to avoid it happening in the first place.
Also, yes, in a way you can keep your program from crashing by adding try/catch blocks all over, but the only thing you've succeeded in is to hide the crash from the user, and then let the program continue running. "Crashes" are not always safe to ignore, or rather, they are usually not safe to ignore.
If you are looking for some catch-all advice on how to avoid a program crashing, here's my advice:
Write a program that works correctly
I think we need to know more about what kinds of problems you're having, or you need to post a clearer question.
I would not trust any in process system to do the right thing in case of an out of memory condition. We have systems which completely lock up when a PermGen exception occurs and need a kill -9 to get rid off.
If you want the system to self correct, wrap it in a script or a system which monitors the health, a heart beat or a diagnostics page or whatever makes sense. If you receive no health indication kill it (hard if necessary) and restart it.
Best of all is to use testing and validation to include monitoring the memory (and disk) usage and make sure you really know how your system behaves and is properly configured so it does not happen.
The restarting solution is a poor alternative, because you then must test and ascertain that you can kill your application at any time and be confident it can be restarted correctly, which might even be more difficult.
If you are asking "can I catch segmentation faults with try catch", the answer is no.
try catch is for handling Objective-C exceptions i.e. those raised by executing an #throw statement. Segmentation faults caused by e.g. null pointer dereferences are generated by the operating system and are examples of Unix signals and can only be caught and handled by OS level system calls e.g. the sigaction(2) system call. Even then, the only sane thing you can do is terminate the program immediately because you might have a corrupt heap or stack.