Tensorflow: What does tf.nn.separable_conv2d do? - tensorflow

I'm not quite sure what tf.nn.separable_conv2d does exactly. It seems to be that the pointwise_filter is the scaling factor for different features when generating one pixel of the next layer. But I'm not sure whether my interpretation is correct. Is there any reference for this method and what's the benefit?
tf.nn.separable_conv2d generates the same shape as tf.nn.conv2d. I would assume I can replace tf.nn.conv2d with tf.nn.separable_conv2d. But the result when using tf.nn.separable_conv2d seems to be very bad. The network stopped learning very early. For MNIST dataset, the accuracy is just random guess ~ 10%.
I thought when I set the pointwise_filter values to be all 1.0 and make it not trainable, I would get the same thing as the tf.nn.conv2d. But not really... still ~10% accuracy.
But when tf.nn.conv2d is used with the same hyper-parameters, the accuracy can be 99%. Why?
Also, it requires channel_multiplier * in_channels < out_channels. Why? What is the role of channel_multiplier here?
I used channel_multiplier previously as 1.0. Maybe that is a bad choice. After I change it to 2.0, the accuracy becomes much better. But what is the role of channel_multiplier? Why 1.0 is not a good value?

tf.nn.separable_conv2d() implements the so-called 'separable convolution' described on slide 26 and onwards of this talk.
The idea is that instead of convolving jointly across all channels of an image, you run a separate 2D convolution on each channel with a depth of channel_multiplier. The in_channels * channel_multiplier intermediate channels get concatenated together, and mapped to out_channels using a 1x1 convolution.
It's often an effective way to reduce the parametric complexity of early convolutions in a convnet, and can materially speed up training. channel_multiplier controls that complexity, and would typically be 4 to 8 for a RGB input. For a grayscale input, using it makes little sense.

In the regular 2D convolution performed over multiple input channels, the filter is as deep as the input and lets us freely mix channels to generate each element in the output. Depthwise convolutions don't do that - each channel is kept separate - hence the name depthwise. Here's a diagram to help explain how that works[1]:
If you look at the official documentation you will find:
output[b, i, j, k] = sum_{di, dj, q, r}
input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, q] *
depthwise_filter[di, dj, q, r] *
pointwise_filter[0, 0, q * channel_multiplier + r, k]
And a sample code in tensorflow to test:
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
width = 8
height = 8
batch_size = 100
filter_height = 3
filter_width = 3
in_channels = 3
channel_multiplier = 1
out_channels = 3
input_tensor = tf.get_variable(shape=(batch_size, height, width, in_channels), name="input")
depthwise_filter = tf.get_variable(shape=(filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier), name="deptwise_filter")
pointwise_filter = tf.get_variable(shape=[1, 1, channel_multiplier * in_channels, out_channels], name="pointwise_filter")
output = tf.nn.separable_conv2d(
with tf.Session() as sess:
output_value = sess.run(output, feed_dict={input_tensor: np.random.rand(batch_size, width, height, in_channels),
depthwise_filter: np.random.rand(filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier),
pointwise_filter: np.random.rand(1, 1, channel_multiplier * in_channels, out_channels)})
[1] https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2018/depthwise-separable-convolutions-for-machine-learning/
[2] https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/nn/separable_conv2d

To answer the last part of the question:
Also, it requires channel_multiplier * in_channels < out_channels. Why?
I don't know why this constraint was put in originally, but it has been removed in the current master branch of TF and should make it to version 1.3. The thinking was probably something along the lines of "If you are reducing the reducing the number of channels in the pointwise step, you might have as well picked a smaller channel multiplier and saved on computation". I guess this reasoning is flawed because the pointwise step can combine values from different depthwise_filters or maybe because one might want to reduce the dimension a bit, not by a full factor.


What is attention penalty in speech transformer paper? (updated)

github: https://github.com/sephiroce/tfsr/tree/exprimental
I'm trying to reproduce recognition accuracies described in the speech transformer paper [1].
The attention penalty is a technique I could not fully understand.
This is the description of the attention penalty in the paper.
"In addition, we encouraged the model attending to closer positions by adding
bigger penalty on the attention weights of more distant position-pairs."
I understood as it means adding smaller negative values for more away from the diagonal on scaled attention logits (before masking) except for the first multi-head attention in decoders.
This is a code snippet for computing attention weights.
# Q * trans(K): (..., seq_len_q, seq_len_k)
matmul_qk = tf.matmul(query, key, transpose_b=True)
# scaled matmul_qk: ( Q * trans(K) ) / sqrt(d_k)
dimension_of_key = tf.cast(tf.shape(key)[-1], tf.float32)
scaled_attention_logits = matmul_qk / tf.math.sqrt(dimension_of_key)
# add the mask to the scaled tensor
if mask is not None:
scaled_attention_logits += (mask * -1e9)
# softmax is normalized on the last axis (seq_len_k) so that the scores
# add up to 1.
attention_weights = tf.nn.softmax(scaled_attention_logits, axis=-1)
# Adding penalty to attention weights and linearly re-normalize it.
if attention_penalty is not None and att_penalty_scale > 0:
attention_weights += (attention_penalty * att_penalty_scale)
attention_weights += tf.math.abs(tf.math.reduce_min(attention_weights))
inv_sum = 1 / tf.math.reduce_sum(attention_weights, axis=-1)
attention_weights = tf.einsum('ijlm,ijl->ijlm', attention_weights, inv_sum)
The source code snippet below is for creating an attention penalty matrix.
I could not find any efficient way to create an attention penalty matrix for the second multi-head attention weights in decoders since the attention maps are not diagonal. Thus first I am trying to apply the attention penalty to encoders.
The source code assigns linearly bigger penalties for more distant elements from diagonal.
There are two hyper-parameters such as an attention_penalty_scale (this is similar to penalty_values which Jindřich suggested) and a width of the diagonal line.
I might be able to add an option such as stripe_step_size. Currently stripe_step_size can be interpreted as 1.
def create_attention_penalty(inp_len, tar_len, num_heads, attention_penalty_width):
max_inp_len = tf.cast(tf.math.reduce_max(inp_len), tf.int32)
n_batch = tf.shape(inp_len)[0]
enc_att_penalty = tf.ones([n_batch, num_heads, max_inp_len, max_inp_len])
accum = tf.zeros(([n_batch, num_heads, max_inp_len, max_inp_len]))
for i in range(attention_penalty_width - 1, max_inp_len - 1):
accum += tf.linalg.band_part(enc_att_penalty, i, i, name=None) - 1
enc_att_penalty = accum
return enc_att_penalty, None
Even though I implemented as I understand, I could not gain any accuracy improvement. And there is another down-side of this implementation. The training speed was getting slower.
Q) How to efficiently apply this attention penalty method for square and non-square attention weights?
[1] Linhao Dong, Shuang Xu, Bo Xu, Speech-Transformer: A No-Recurrence Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Speech Recognition, ICASSP 2018, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8462506
I think you understand it well. They probably did a stripe around the diagonal, something like:
attention_penalty = (1 - tf.linalg.band_part(scaled_attention_logits, stripe_size, stripe_size)) * penalty
However, you probably need to experiment more with what the strip_size and penalty_values should be because the paper does not say much. Or you can try to write to the authors.

Custom loss in Keras with softmax to one-hot

I have a model that outputs a Softmax, and I would like to develop a custom loss function. The desired behaviour would be:
1) Softmax to one-hot (normally I do numpy.argmax(softmax_vector) and set that index to 1 in a null vector, but this is not allowed in a loss function).
2) Multiply the resulting one-hot vector by my embedding matrix to get an embedding vector (in my context: the word-vector that is associated to a given word, where words have been tokenized and assigned to indices, or classes for the Softmax output).
3) Compare this vector with the target (this could be a normal Keras loss function).
I know how to write a custom loss function in general, but not to do this. I found this closely related question (unanswered), but my case is a bit different, since I would like to preserve my softmax output.
It is possible to mix tensorflow and keras in you customer loss function. Once you can access to all Tensorflow function, things become very easy. I just give you a example of how this function could be imlement.
import tensorflow as tf
def custom_loss(target, softmax):
max_indices = tf.argmax(softmax, -1)
# Get the embedding matrix. In Tensorflow, this can be directly done
# with tf.nn.embedding_lookup
embedding_vectors = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(you_embedding_matrix, max_indices)
# Do anything you want with normal keras loss function
loss = some_keras_loss_function(target, embedding_vectors)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
return loss
Fan Luo's answer points in the right direction, but ultimately will not work because it involves non-derivable operations. Note such operations are acceptable for the real value (a loss function takes a real value and a predicted value, non-derivable operations are only fine for the real value).
To be fair, that was what I was asking in the first place. It is not possible to do what I wanted, but we can get a similar and derivable behaviour:
1) Element-wise power of the softmax values. This makes smaller values much smaller. For example, with a power of 4 [0.5, 0.2, 0.7] becomes [0.0625, 0.0016, 0.2400]. Note that 0.2 is comparable to 0.7, but 0.0016 is negligible with respect to 0.24. The higher my_power is, the more similar to a one-hot the final result will be.
soft_extreme = Lambda(lambda x: x ** my_power)(softmax)
2) Importantly, both softmax and one-hot vectors are normalized, but not our "soft_extreme". First, find the sum of the array:
norm = tf.reduce_sum(soft_extreme, 1)
3) Normalize soft_extreme:
almost_one_hot = Lambda(lambda x: x / norm)(soft_extreme)
Note: Setting my_power too high in 1) will result in NaNs. If you need a better softmax to one-hot conversion, then you may do steps 1 to 3 two or more times in a row.
4) Finally we want the vector from the dictionary. Lookup is forbidden, but we can take the average vector using matrix multiplication. Because our soft_normalized is similar to one-hot encoding this average will be similar to the vector associated to the highest argument (original intended behaviour). The higher my_power is in (1), the truer this will be:
target_vectors = tf.tensordot(almost_one_hot, embedding_matrix, axes=[[1], [0]])
Note: This will not work directly using batches! In my case, I reshaped my "one hot" (from [batch, dictionary_length] to [batch, 1, dictionary_length] using tf.reshape. Then tiled my embedding_matrix batch times and finally used:
predicted_vectors = tf.matmul(reshaped_one_hot, tiled_embedding)
There may be more elegant solutions (or less memory-hungry, if tiling the embedding matrix is not an option), so feel free to explore more.

How can I improve my LSTM accuracy in Tensorflow

I'm trying to figure out how to decrease the error in my LSTM. It's an odd use-case because rather than classifying, we are taking in short lists (up to 32 elements long) and outputting a series of real numbers, ranging from -1 to 1 - representing angles. Essentially, we want to reconstruct short protein loops from amino acid inputs.
In the past we had redundant data in our datasets, so the accuracy reported was incorrect. Since removing the redundant data our validation accuracy has gotten much worse, which suggests our network had learned to memorise the most frequent examples.
Our dataset is 10,000 items, split 70/20/10 between train, validation and test. We use a bi-directional, LSTM as follows:
x = tf.cast(tf_train_dataset, dtype=tf.float32)
output_size = FLAGS.max_cdr_length * 4
dmask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, output_size], name="dmask")
keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="keepprob")
sizes = [FLAGS.lstm_size,int(math.floor(FLAGS.lstm_size/2)),int(math.floor(FLAGS.lstm_size/ 4))]
single_rnn_cell_fw = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [lstm_cell(sizes[i], keep_prob, "cell_fw" + str(i)) for i in range(len(sizes))])
single_rnn_cell_bw = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell( [lstm_cell(sizes[i], keep_prob, "cell_bw" + str(i)) for i in range(len(sizes))])
length = create_length(x)
initial_state = single_rnn_cell_fw.zero_state(FLAGS.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
initial_state = single_rnn_cell_bw.zero_state(FLAGS.batch_size, dtype=tf.float32)
outputs, states = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw=single_rnn_cell_fw, cell_bw=single_rnn_cell_bw, inputs=x, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length = length)
output_fw, output_bw = outputs
states_fw, states_bw = states
output_fw = last_relevant(FLAGS, output_fw, length, "last_fw")
output_bw = last_relevant(FLAGS, output_bw, length, "last_bw")
output = tf.concat((output_fw, output_bw), axis=1, name='bidirectional_concat_outputs')
test = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, output_size], name="train_test")
W_o = weight_variable([sizes[-1]*2, output_size], "weight_output")
b_o = bias_variable([output_size],"bias_output")
y_conv = tf.tanh( ( tf.matmul(output, W_o)) * dmask, name="output")
Essentially, we use 3 layers of LSTM, with 256, 128 and 64 units each. We take the last step of both the Forward and Backward passes and concatenate them together. These feed into a final, fully connected layer that presents the data in the way we need it. We use a mask to set these steps we don't need to zero.
Our cost function uses a mask again, and takes the mean of the squared difference. We build the mask from the test data. Values to ignore are set to -3.0.
def cost(goutput, gtest, gweights, FLAGS):
mask = tf.sign(tf.add(gtest,3.0))
basic_error = tf.square(gtest-goutput) * mask
basic_error = tf.reduce_sum(basic_error)
basic_error /= tf.reduce_sum(mask)
return basic_error
To train the net I've used a variety of optimizers. The lowest scores have been obtained with the AdamOptimizer. The others, such as Adagrad, Adadelta, RMSProp tend to flatline around 0.3/0.4 error which is not particularly great.
Our learning rate is 0.004, batch size of 200. We use a 0.5 probability dropout layer.
I've tried adding more layers, changing learning rates, batch sizes, even the representation of the data. I've attempted batch regularisation, L1 and L2 weight regularisation (though perhaps incorrectly) and I've even considered switching to a convnet approach instead.
Nothing seems to make any difference. What has seemed to work is changing the optimizer. Adam seems noisier as it improves, but it does get closer than the other optimizers.
We need to get down to a value much closer to 0.05 or 0.01. Sometimes the training error touches 0.09 but the validation doesn't follow. I've run this network for about 500 epochs so far (about 8 hours) and it tends to settle around 0.2 validation error.
I'm not quite sure what to attempt next. Decayed learning rate might help but I suspect there is something more fundamental I need to do. It could be something as simple as a bug in the code - I need to double check the masking,

Understanding TensorBoard (weight) histograms

It is really straightforward to see and understand the scalar values in TensorBoard. However, it's not clear how to understand histogram graphs.
For example, they are the histograms of my network weights.
(After fixing a bug thanks to sunside)
What is the best way to interpret these? Layer 1 weights look mostly flat, what does this mean?
I added the network construction code here.
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, input_size], name="input_x")
x_image = tf.reshape(X, [-1, 6, 10, 1])
tf.summary.image('input', x_image, 4)
# First layer of weights
with tf.name_scope("layer1"):
W1 = tf.get_variable("W1", shape=[input_size, hidden_layer_neurons],
layer1 = tf.matmul(X, W1)
layer1_act = tf.nn.tanh(layer1)
tf.summary.histogram("weights", W1)
tf.summary.histogram("layer", layer1)
tf.summary.histogram("activations", layer1_act)
# Second layer of weights
with tf.name_scope("layer2"):
W2 = tf.get_variable("W2", shape=[hidden_layer_neurons, hidden_layer_neurons],
layer2 = tf.matmul(layer1_act, W2)
layer2_act = tf.nn.tanh(layer2)
tf.summary.histogram("weights", W2)
tf.summary.histogram("layer", layer2)
tf.summary.histogram("activations", layer2_act)
# Third layer of weights
with tf.name_scope("layer3"):
W3 = tf.get_variable("W3", shape=[hidden_layer_neurons, hidden_layer_neurons],
layer3 = tf.matmul(layer2_act, W3)
layer3_act = tf.nn.tanh(layer3)
tf.summary.histogram("weights", W3)
tf.summary.histogram("layer", layer3)
tf.summary.histogram("activations", layer3_act)
# Fourth layer of weights
with tf.name_scope("layer4"):
W4 = tf.get_variable("W4", shape=[hidden_layer_neurons, output_size],
Qpred = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(layer3_act, W4)) # Bug fixed: Qpred = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(layer3, W4))
tf.summary.histogram("weights", W4)
tf.summary.histogram("Qpred", Qpred)
# We need to define the parts of the network needed for learning a policy
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, output_size], name="input_y")
advantages = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="reward_signal")
# Loss function
# Sum (Ai*logp(yi|xi))
log_lik = -Y * tf.log(Qpred)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum(log_lik * advantages, axis=1))
tf.summary.scalar("Q", tf.reduce_mean(Qpred))
tf.summary.scalar("Y", tf.reduce_mean(Y))
tf.summary.scalar("log_likelihood", tf.reduce_mean(log_lik))
tf.summary.scalar("loss", loss)
# Learning
train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(loss)
It appears that the network hasn't learned anything in the layers one to three. The last layer does change, so that means that there either may be something wrong with the gradients (if you're tampering with them manually), you're constraining learning to the last layer by optimizing only its weights or the last layer really 'eats up' all error. It could also be that only biases are learned. The network appears to learn something though, but it might not be using its full potential. More context would be needed here, but playing around with the learning rate (e.g. using a smaller one) might be worth a shot.
In general, histograms display the number of occurrences of a value relative to each other values. Simply speaking, if the possible values are in a range of 0..9 and you see a spike of amount 10 on the value 0, this means that 10 inputs assume the value 0; in contrast, if the histogram shows a plateau of 1 for all values of 0..9, it means that for 10 inputs, each possible value 0..9 occurs exactly once.
You can also use histograms to visualize probability distributions when you normalize all histogram values by their total sum; if you do that, you'll intuitively obtain the likelihood with which a certain value (on the x axis) will appear (compared to other inputs).
Now for layer1/weights, the plateau means that:
most of the weights are in the range of -0.15 to 0.15
it is (mostly) equally likely for a weight to have any of these values, i.e. they are (almost) uniformly distributed
Said differently, almost the same number of weights have the values -0.15, 0.0, 0.15 and everything in between. There are some weights having slightly smaller or higher values.
So in short, this simply looks like the weights have been initialized using a uniform distribution with zero mean and value range -0.15..0.15 ... give or take. If you do indeed use uniform initialization, then this is typical when the network has not been trained yet.
In comparison, layer1/activations forms a bell curve (gaussian)-like shape: The values are centered around a specific value, in this case 0, but they may also be greater or smaller than that (equally likely so, since it's symmetric). Most values appear close around the mean of 0, but values do range from -0.8 to 0.8.
I assume that the layer1/activations is taken as the distribution over all layer outputs in a batch. You can see that the values do change over time.
The layer 4 histogram doesn't tell me anything specific. From the shape, it's just showing that some weight values around -0.1, 0.05 and 0.25 tend to be occur with a higher probability; a reason could be, that different parts of each neuron there actually pick up the same information and are basically redundant. This can mean that you could actually use a smaller network or that your network has the potential to learn more distinguishing features in order to prevent overfitting. These are just assumptions though.
Also, as already stated in the comments below, do add bias units. By leaving them out, you are forcefully constraining your network to a possibly invalid solution.
Here I would indirectly explain the plot by giving a minimal example. The following code produce a simple histogram plot in tensorboard.
from datetime import datetime
import tensorflow as tf
filename = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
fw = tf.summary.create_file_writer(f'logs/fit/{filename}')
with fw.as_default():
for i in range(10):
t = tf.random.uniform((2, 2), 1000)
We see that generating a 2x2 matrix with a maximum range 1000 will produce values from 0-1000. To how this tensor might look, i am putting log of a few of them here.
[[398.65747 939.9828 ]
[942.4269 59.790222]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)
[[869.5309 980.9699 ]
[149.97845 454.524 ]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)
[[967.5063 100.77594 ]
[ 47.620544 482.77008 ]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)
We logged into tensorboard 10 times. The to right of the plot, a timeline is generated to indicate timesteps. The depth of histogram indicate which values are new. The lighter/front values are newer and darker/far values are older.
Values are gathered into buckets which are indicated by those triangle structures. x-axis indicate the range of values where the bunch lies.

Is this one-hot encoding in TensorFlow fast? Or flawed for any reason?

There are a few stack overflow questions about computing one-hot embeddings with TensorFlow, and here is the accepted solution:
num_labels = 10
sparse_labels = tf.reshape(label_batch, [-1, 1])
derived_size = tf.shape(label_batch)[0]
indices = tf.reshape(tf.range(0, derived_size, 1), [-1, 1])
concated = tf.concat(1, [indices, sparse_labels])
outshape = tf.reshape(tf.concat(0, [derived_size, [num_labels]]), [-1])
labels = tf.sparse_to_dense(concated, outshape, 1.0, 0.0)
This is almost identical to the code in an official tutorial: https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/0.6.0/tutorials/mnist/tf/index.html
To me it seems that since tf.nn.embedding_lookup exists, it's probably more efficient. Here's a version that uses this, and it supports arbitrarily-shaped inputs:
def one_hot(inputs, num_classes):
with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
table = tf.constant(np.identity(num_classes, dtype=np.float32))
embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(table, inputs)
return embeddings
Do you expect this implementation to be faster? And is it flawed for any other reason?
The one_hot() function in your question looks correct. However, the reason that we do not recommend writing code this way is that it is very memory inefficient. To understand why, let's say you have a batch size of 32, and 1,000,000 classes.
In the version suggested in the tutorial, the largest tensor will be the result of tf.sparse_to_dense(), which will be 32 x 1000000.
In the one_hot() function in the question, the largest tensor will be the result of np.identity(1000000), which is 4 terabytes. Of course, allocating this tensor probably won't succeed. Even if the number of classes were much smaller, it would still waste memory to store all of those zeroes explicitly—TensorFlow does not automatically convert your data to a sparse representation even though it might be profitable to do so.
Finally, I want to offer a plug for a new function that was recently added to the open-source repository, and will be available in the next release. tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits() allows you to specify a vector of integers as the labels, and saves you from having to build the dense one-hot representation. It should be much more efficient that either solution for large numbers of classes.