Sharing data from a VueJS component - vue.js

I have a VueJS address lookup component.
template: '#address-lookup-template',
data: function()
return {
address: {'name': '', 'town:': '', 'postcode': ''},
errors: {'name': false, 'town': false, 'postcode': false},
states: {'busy': false, 'found': false},
result: {}
findAddress: function(event)
if( typeof event === 'object' && typeof === 'object' )
context: this,
url: '/lookup',
'postcode': this.address.postcode
success: function(data)
this.states.busy = false;
this.states.found = true; =;
this.result = data;
reset: function()
this.states.found = false;
this.result = {};
Inside my template I've then bound the result like so:
<p>{{ result.formatted_address }}</p>
There is some extra data returned within the result (like a twitter handle) that isn't part of the address lookup template, and occurs on a separate part of the form. For reasons relating to how my form is structured I can't include these inputs within the same template.
I found a way to bind those inputs, although it felt somewhat 'hacky'.
<input type="text" name="twitter" v-model="$refs.lookupResult._data.result.twitter">
That all works fine.
My problem is that the form is included as part of a larger template sometimes in the context of creating a new record, sometimes in the context of editing. When editing a record, the lookup component is removed (using an if server-side, so the template is no longer loaded at all) and when that happens I get this error.
$refs.lookupResult._data.result.twitter": TypeError: Cannot read property '_data' of undefined
This makes sense. lookupResult is defined when I include the template, and when editing I am removing this line:
<address-lookup v-ref:lookup-result></address-lookup>
I've worked around it by including a version of each extra input without the v-model attribute, again using a server-side if. But there are quite a few of these and it's getting a bit messy.
Is there a cleaner approach I could be using to better achieve this?

So I don't know the hierarchy of your layout, it isn't indicated above, but assuming that address-lookup component is a child of your parent, and you in fact need the results of address lookup in that parent, eg:
<parent-component> <!-- where you need the data -->
<address-lookup></address-lookup> <!-- where you lookup the data -->
then you can simply pass the data props, either top-down only (default) or bidirectionally by defining 'address' for example on your parent's vue data hook:
// parent's data() function
data = function () {
return {
address: {}
// parent template, passed address with .sync modifier (to make it bi-directional)
<address-lookup :address.sync='address'></address-lookup>
// have the props accepted in the address look up component
var addressComponent = Vue.extend({
props: ['address']
Now in your $.ajax success function, simply set the props you need on this.address. Of course you can do this with all the props you need: errors, results, state etc. Even better, if you can nest them into a single key on the parent, you can pass the single key for the object containing all four elements instead of all four separately.


Event only firing as inline JS statement

I have the following code in a Nuxtjs app in SSR mode.
:is="author.linkUrl ? 'a' : 'div'"
v-bind="!author.linkUrl && { href: author.linkUrl, target: '_blank' }"
#click="author.linkUrl ? handleAnalytics() : null"
The click event in case it's an a tag, will only fire if it's written as handleAnalytics(), but handleAnalytics will not work.
Don't get me wrong the code is working, but I don't understand why.
With classical event binding (#click="handleAnalytics), Vue will auto bind it for you because it sees it's a function.
But when provided a ternary condition, it's not auto binded but wrapped into a anonymous function instead. So you have to call it with parenthesis otherwise you're just returning the function without executing it.
To be clearer, you can write it this way: #click="() => author.linkUrl ? handleAnalytics() : null"
Note: when having a dynamic tag component, I'd suggest to use the render function instead.
This is an advanced technique, but this way you won't bind things to an element that doesn't need it (without having the kind of hack to return null).
export default {
props: {
author: { type: Object, required: true },
render (h: CreateElement) {
const renderLink = () => {
return h('a', {
attrs: {
href: author.linkUrl,
target: '_blank',
on: {
click: this.handleAnalytics
const renderDiv = () => {
return h('div')
return ? renderLink() : renderDiv()
Documention: Vue2, Vue3
In javascript functions are a reference to an object. Just like in any other language you need to store this reference in memory.
Here are a few examples that might help you understand on why its not working:
function handleAnalytics() { return 'bar' };
const resultFromFunction = handleAnalytics();
const referenceFn = handleAnalytics;
resultFromFunction will have bar as it's value, while referenceFn will have the reference to the function handleAnalytics allowing you to do things like:
if (someCondition) {
A more practical example:
function callEuropeanUnionServers() { ... }
function callAmericanServers() { ... }
// Where would the user like for his data to be stored
const callAPI = user.preferesDataIn === 'europe'
? callEuropeanUnionServers
: callEuropeanUnionServers;
// do some logic
// ...
// In this state you won't care which servers the data is stored.
// You will only care that you need to make a request to store the user data.
In your example what happens is that you are doing:
#click="author.linkUrl ? handleAnalytics() : null"
What happens in pseudo code is:
Check the author has a linkUrl
If yes, then EXECUTE handleAnalytics first and then the result of it pass to handler #click
If not, simply pass null
Why it works when you use handleAnalytics and not handleAnalytics()?
Check the author has a linkUrl
If yes, then pass the REFERENCE handleAnalytics to handler #click
If not, simply pass null
When using handleAnalytics you are passing a reference to #click. When using handleAnalytics() you are passing the result returned from handleAnalytics to #click handler.

Vuejs - update array of an object which is in an array

I'm developing a helpdesk tool in which I have a kanban view.
I previously used nested serializers in my backend and I managed to have everything working with a single query but it's not scalable (and it was ugly) so I switched to another schema :
I query my helpdesk team ('test' in the screenshot)
I query the stages of that team ('new', 'in progress')
I query tickets for each stage in stages
So when I mount my component, I do the following :
async mounted () {
if (this.helpdeskTeamId) {
await this.getTeam(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if ( {
await this.getTeamStages(this.helpdeskTeamId)
if (this.stages) {
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage)
where getTeam, getTeamStages and getStageTickets are :
async getTeam (teamId) { = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeam(teamId)
async getTeamStages (teamId) {
this.stages = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStages(teamId)
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, 'tickets', [])
async getStageTickets (stage) {
const tickets = await HelpdeskTeamService.getTeamStageTickets(this.helpdeskTeamId,
// tried many things here below but nothing worked.
// =, 0, tickets)
// Even if I try to only put one :
// this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0])
// I see it in the data but It doesn't appear in the view...
// Even replacing the whole stage with its tickets :
// = tickets
// this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
In getTeamStages I add an attribute 'tickets' to every stage to an empty list. The problem is when I query all the tickets for every stage. I know how to insert a single object in an array with splice or how to delete one object from an array but I don't know how to assign a whole array to an attribute of an object that is in an array while triggering the Vue reactivity. Here I'd like to put all the tickets (which is a list), to
Is it possible to achieve this ?
If not, what is the correct design to achieve something similar ?
Thanks in advance !
It turns out that there was an error generated by the template part. I didn't think it was the root cause since a part of the view was rendered. I thought that it would have prevent the whole view from being rendered if it was the case. But finally, in my template I had a part doing which was working when using a single query to populate my view. When making my API more granular and querying tickets independently from stages, there is a moment when stage has no tickets attribute until I set it manually with this.$set(stage, 'tickets', []). Because of that, the template stops rendering and raises an issue. But the ways of updating my would have worked without that template issue.
I could update the stages reactively. Here is my full code; I used the push method of an array object and it works:
<li v-for="item in stages" :key="item.stageId">
{{ item }}
export default {
data() {
return {
stages: [],
methods: {
async getTeamStages() {
this.stages = [{ stageId: 1 }, { stageId: 2 }];
for (let stage of this.stages) {
this.$set(stage, "tickets", []);
for (let stage of this.stages) {
await this.getStageTickets(stage);
async getStageTickets(stage) {
const tickets = ["a", "b", "c"];
for (let ticket of tickets) {
mounted() {
It should be noted that I used the concat method of an array object and also works:
this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets = this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets.concat(tickets);
I tried your approaches some of them work correctly:
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, tickets)
this.$set(this.stages[this.stages.indexOf(stage)].tickets, 0, tickets[0]);
WORKED = tickets
this.stages.splice(this.stages.indexOf(stage), 1, stage)
I'm sure it is XY problem..
A possible solution would be to watch the selected team and load the values from there. You seem to be loading everything from the mounted() hook, and I suspect this won't actually load all the content on demand as you'd expect.
I managed to make it work here without needing to resort to $set magic, just the pure old traditional vue magic. Vue will notice the properties of new objects and automatically make then reactive, so if you assign to them later, everything will respond accordingly.
My setup was something like this (showing just the relevant parts) -- typing from memory here, beware of typos:
teams: [],
teamId: null,
team: null
methods: {
async refreshTeam(id){
let team = await fetchTeam(id)
if(!team) return
//here, vue will auomaticlly make reactive = {stages:[],}
let stages = await fetchStages(
if(!stages) return
//since is reactive, vue will update reactivelly
//turning the {tickets} property of each stage reactive also = => ({tickets:[], ...v}))
for(let stage of{
let tickets = await fetchTickets(
if(!tickets) continue
//since tickets is reactive, vue will update it accordingly = tickets
async mounted(){
this.teams = fetchTeams()
Notice that my 'fetchXXX' methods would just return the data retrieved from the server, without trying to actually set the component data
Edit: typos

Can VueX's store also emit events to components?

I have the following component tree:
the List component has a filters form, those are applied on button press
Widget1 has a button which applies another filter (by id) to the list, applying that one removes filters from the filter form and vice versa
the list is also live-updated via polling (later will be via WebSockets), so I have to separate v-model of the filter fields in List and the actually applied filters (those are in the store)
Currently, I've put the following state to the VueX store:
state: {
filters: {
// these come from the List's filter panel
result: '',
name: '',
date: '',
// this one comes from Widget1
id: '',
pagination: {
perPage: 10,
page: 0,
total: 0,
items: [],
selectedItem: null,
and both filters from the List and from the button in Widget1 are applied via dispatching the following action to the store:
applyFilters ({ state, commit, dispatch }, filters) {
if( {
for(let filterName in state.filters)
if(filterName !== 'id')
filters[filterName] = '';
} else { = '';
commit('setFilters', filters);
commit('setPage', 0);
But here's the problem: the List component has its model of filter fields (on press of the button those are gathered and applyFilters is dispatched). This works well except when the id filter (from Widget1) is applied, the filter fields in the List component are not emptied.
One obvious option to handle this is to move the model of those filter fields to the store as well. That doesn't look that nice since for each field (that uses v-model) I have to create a computed (in the List component) and write a setter and a getter from the store. It seems nicer to send an event from applyFilters to List saying "empty the filter fields", but I'm not sure if VueX can do this. Is this possible? Or should I stick with the "move filter fields' model to the store" plan? Or do you know a nice alternative? I'm aware of the event bus concept, but that one uses Vue instance which shouldn't be used in store, I guess.
You can listen to vuex's actions by using subscribeAction.
// List.vue
mounted() {
before: (action, state) => {
if (action.type === "applyFilters" && {
after: (action, state) => {}

Vuejs2 - How to update the whole object from the server not losing reactivity?

I have a list of objects that can be updated from the database.
So, when I load the list, objects have only id and name.
When I click on an object I load other fields that can be of any length - that's why I don't load them with the objects in the list.
I found that when I update an object it can be difficult to keep reactivity so I need to find some workaround.
this code works almost okay:
if (response){
But the problem is the fields that have not been presented from the beginning is not 100% reactive anymore. What is going on is a new field has been updated reactively only when I change another, previous one. So, if I show 2 text field with old and new properties, if I change the second property, the field will not be updated until I change the first one.
I got item object from the component:
data () {
return {
items: [],
<div v-for="item in items" #click="selectItem(item)" >
Then item's been passed to the function selectItem.
What is the proper pattern to load new fields and keep them reactive? (NB: it's not the case when I can assign field by field - I want to reuse the same code no matter which object it is, so I need so the solution for updating an object at a time without listing all new fields.)
Note. This code works inside the component.
Completely revised post: Ok, the example you give uses an array, which has its own caveats, in particular that you can't directly set values like vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue and have it react.
So you have to use Vue.set with the array as the first argument and the index as the second. Here's an example that adds a name property to object items and then uses Vue.set to set the item to a new object created by Object.assign.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [{
id: 1,
other: 'data'
}, {
id: 2,
other: 'thingy'
methods: {
selectItem(parent, key) {
const newObj = Object.assign({}, parent[key], {
name: 'some new name'
Vue.set(parent, key, newObj);
setTimeout(() => {parent[key].name = 'Look, reactive!';}, 1500);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item, index in items" #click="selectItem(items, index)">
<span>{{ || 'empty'}}</span>
{{JSON.stringify(items, null, 2)}}
Have a look at Change-Detection-Caveats Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion if you use "normal assign" methods.
You must use Vue.set(object, key, value)
Try something like the following:
if (response){
let item = {}
Vue.set(item, 'data',
Than would than be reactiv.
Can simply use Vue.set to update this.item reactively
if (response){
this.$set(this, "item",;

Vue.JS value tied on input having the focus

Is there a way to change a value in the model when an input gets/loses focus?
The use case here is a search input that shows results as you type, these should only show when the focus is on the search box.
Here's what I have so far:
<input type="search" v-model="query">
<div class="results-as-you-type" v-if="magic_flag"> ... </div>
And then,
new Vue({
el: '#search_wrapper',
data: {
query: '',
magic_flag: false
The idea here is that magic_flag should turn to true when the search box has focus. I could do this manually (using jQuery, for example), but I want a pure Vue.JS solution.
Apparently, this is as simple as doing a bit of code on event handlers.
#focus="magic_flag = true"
#blur="magic_flag = false"
<div class="results-as-you-type" v-if="magic_flag"> ... </div>
Another way to handle something like this in a more complex scenario might be to allow the form to track which field is currently active, and then use a watcher.
I will show a quick sample:
#focus="currentlyActiveField = 'foo'"
#focus="currentlyActiveField = 'bar'"
data() {
return {
currentlyActiveField: '',
user: {
foo: '',
bar: '',
watch: {
user: {
deep: true,
handler(user) {
if ((this.currentlyActiveField === 'foo') && ( === 4)) {
// the field is focused and some condition is met
In my sample here, if the currently-active field is foo and the value is 4 characters long, then the next field bar will automatically be focused. This type of logic is useful when dealing with forms that have things like credit card number, credit card expiry, and credit card security code inputs. The UX can be improved in this way.
I hope this could stimulate your creativity. Watchers are handy because they allow you to listen for changes to your data model and act according to your custom needs at the time the watcher is triggered.
In my example, you can see that each input is named, and the component knows which input is currently focused because it is tracking the currentlyActiveField.
The watcher I have shown is a bit more complex in that it is a "deep" watcher, which means it is capable of watching Objects and Arrays. Without deep: true, the watcher would only be triggered if user was reassigned, but we don't want that. We are watching the keys foo and bar on user.
Behind the scenes, deep: true is adding observers to all keys on this.user. Without deep enabled, Vue reasonably does not incur the cost of maintaining every key reactively.
A simple watcher would be like this:
watch: {
user() {
console.log('this.user changed');
Note: If you discover that where I have handler(user) {, you could have handler(oldValue, newValue) { but you notice that both show the same value, it's because both are a reference to the same user object. Read more here:
Edit: to avoid deep watching, it's been a while, but I think you can actually watch a key like this:
watch: {
''() {
console.log('user foo changed');
But if that doesn't work, you can also definitely make a computed prop and then watch that:
computed: {
userFoo() {
watch: {
userFoo() {
console.log('user foo changed');
I added those extra two examples so we could quickly note that deep watching will consume more resources because it triggers more often. I personally avoid deep watching in favour of more precise watching, whenever reasonable.
However, in this example with the user object, if all keys correspond to inputs, then it is reasonable to deep watch. That is to say it might be.
You can use a flat by determinate a special CSS class, for example this a simple snippet:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
content: 'click to change content',
flat_input_active: false
methods: {
onFocus: function(event) {;
this.flat_input_active = true;
onBlur: function(event) {
this.flat_input_active = false;
computed: {
clazz: function() {
var clzz = 'control-form';
if (this.flat_input_active == false) {
clzz += ' only-text';
return clzz;
#app {
background: #EEE;
input.only-text { /* special css class */
border: none;
background: none;
<!-- libraries -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- html template -->
<div id='app'>
<input v-model='content' :class='clazz'
Good luck
You might also want to activate the search when the user mouses over the input - #mouseover=...
Another approach to this kind of functionality is that the filter input is always active, even when the mouse is in the result list. Typing any letters modifies the filter input without changing focus. Many implementations actually show the filter input box only after a letter or number is typed.
Look into #event.capture.