how can i call a worklight's SQL adapter on the load event of a html page - dojo

I have an existing SQL adapter used to get some data from the DB server, a simple query that returns a language.
I want to call it from an HTML page, to display the page in the language returned from the adapter.
I'm trying to call it before the dojoConfig object is created because it sets the locale, that then it's used by dojo to do the internationalization work. Is there a way to call the adapter synchronously so it executes before the dojo configuration happens? I mean to catch either the success or failure response before a dojoConfig object is created.
How could i invoke it?

Worklight APIs can only be used once wlCommonInit has been called.
If you can delay/postpone/set dojoConfig on the success callback of the adapter call, then this may be your way out of the problem you have encountered.


WL.Server.invokeProcedure calls GET/POST method

We are using WL.Server.invokeProcedure to call procedure between two Javascript adapters. Basically we are doing adapter mashup.
How Mobilefirst calls WL.Server.invokeProcedure procedure either GET or POST.
responseData = WL.Server.invokeProcedure({
adapter: "ServiceAdapter",
procedure: "storeDocuments",
parameters: [params],
The above code doesn't have method parameter. We are facing issue for large payload where procedure calling fails for large JSON parameter object.
Is there any other way to pass large payload.
When adapter mashup happens, adapter1 constructs a REST url of adapter2 and fires it. This call will reach adapter2 as if originating from an external client.
You can try out the JNDI property mfp.adapter.invocation.url and set a local url here , such that REST call stays internal to the system . This way the calls should execute faster and you should be able to carry more payload.
Set the JNDI property with a locally accessible URL including the context root.
For example:
Modify the value to suit your environment.
More details here.

Passing javascript variable to velocity variable templete

I have installed xwiki successfully and able to generate wiki pages using velocity template language.
Could anyone please tell me that how can I pass javascript varible to velocity templete. I have gone through few forums that I need to pass the parameter to server to get this but I have no idea. Please find the files below.
<script type="text/javascript">
function generateFunction()
var variable = document.getElementById('text').value;
#set($test = "variable")
You have to make an ajax call from the client to the server.If you're using jquery, you would have something like:
$.post('/send/my/var', { 'variable' : value });
Without jquery, see this XmlHttpRequest documentation.
And then, on the server side, the /send/my/var URL should reach a template where you can do:
#set($test = $params.variable)
And you would do something useful with it on the server-side, like store it in the session, in the database, etc.
If you need to send back something from Velocity to Javascript, then you'll typically have to format JSON code, and add an asynchronous completion callback parameter to the ajax call:
$.post('/send/my/var', { 'variable' : value },
// do something with data sent back from the server
It's also possible to have synchronous calls, that is to have javascript wait for the server response, but it's generally a bad idea to do so and I won't extrapolate on it here.
As a final note, you should also implement a proper error handling. With jQuery for instance, the syntax would be:
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, message)
It can't be done,
Apache Velocity template is a server side engine,
Meaning that on the server, Velocity will get the template and try to render, only after it finished to render the template, it will be returned to client which will execute client code as Javascript
Velocity alternative is freemarker, which I found similar question and answer , Question:
How to call freemarker function with param from javascript
There's no way for the client side web browser code to call a server side Freemarker function

How is XHR a viable alternative to asynchronous module definition?

I'm learning about the case for asynchronous module definition (AMD) from here but am not quite clear about the below:
It is tempting to use XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to load the scripts. If XHR
is used, then we can massage the text above -- we can do a regexp to
find require() calls, make sure we load those scripts, then use eval()
or script elements that have their body text set to the text of the
script loaded via XHR.
XHR is using ajax or something to make a call to grab a resource from the database, correct? What does the eval() or script elements have to do with this? An example would be very helpful
That part of RequireJS' documentation is explaining why using XHR rather than doing what RequireJS does is problematic.
XHR is using ajax or something to make a call to grab a resource from the database, correct?
XHR is what allows you to make an Ajax call. jQuery's $.ajax for instance creates an XHR instance for you and uses it to perform the query. How the server responds depends on how the server is designed. Most of the servers I've developed won't use a database to answer a request made to a URL that corresponds to a JavaScript file. The file is just read from the file system and sent back to the client.
What does the eval() or script elements have to do with this?
Once the request is over, what you have is a string that contains JavaScript. You've fetched the code of your module but presumably you also want to execute it. eval is one way to do it but it has the disadvantages mentioned in the documentation. Another way to do it would be to create a script element whose body is the code you've fetched, and then insert this script in the DOM but this also has issues, as explained in the documentation you refer to.

can I invoke a procedure synchronously?

This might sound a bit crazy but is there a way to call a procedure synchronously?
I am using MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1 and I am writing an app in javascript for the browser. I usually call my javascript adapter by:
adapter: 'MyAdapter',
procedure: 'myProcedureName',
parameters: []
}).then(function(res) {
But in this particular case I need to open another window after getting some data from the server. Since browsers will block windows when they come from async ajax my new windows does never open.
A way to solve this would be to do the ajax request sync. Is this possible with WL.Client apis? Is there a way for constructing the request manually so I can set the sync ajax flag by myself?
PS: in my case doing sync ajax request would work nice since I show a "Loading ..." view on top of everything to prevent user interaction while the request is being done.
WL.Client.connect() does not support .then. Additionally, starting 7.0 you should use the REST API method WLResourceRequest:
Lastly, you could just put the second request in the onSuccess callback of the first...

Mocking out AJAX calls with Dojo XHR

I'm attempting to mock the response of a dojo xhr request, but I haven't found a good solution.
Ideally, I'd like to see a solution similar to the jQuery mockjax plugin where I can set a specific call based on a url, e.g.:
url: '/restful/fortune',
responseTime: 750,
responseText: {
status: 'success',
fortune: 'Are you a turtle?'
My initial thought was to utilize the "/dojo/io/send" channel, but I haven't been able to get a modified response to be loaded after modifying the dojo Deferred object.
The other thought is to use a pass-through method that would determine if an actual xhr request should be made, e.g.:
function xhrRequest(xhrArgs) {
if(shouldMock) {
var fakeReturnJson = dojo.toJson({
howdy: "that's odd!",
isStrange: false
return fakeReturnJson;
} else {
Can someone tell me the best way to go about mocking dojo xhr calls?
It's an old question, but I think you should do your mocking using Sinon.js
However you will need to put the following:
has: { native-xhr2: false }
into your dojoConfig for it to work in 1.8
I haven't heard of any Dojo specific libraries similar to Mockjax. But what I think you could try is use Mockjax with Dojo. This should be pretty easy to do since all you'll have to do is use JQuery during development only for testing with Mockjax and then remove it once development is complete.
I use your second suggestion. Currently, I have a transport layer (simple js class) and 2 implementations (XhrTransport and MockTransport). I then switch in which I need without changing the widget code.
Widgets call the server with:
where aServerCall is a simple value object with the server endpoint, params and callback.
This way, you can add nice things to the controller that will apply to all server calls (such as logging, analytics, generic error handling...) and also mock out the entire server when doing unit tests.
For the MockTransport, I simply return canned json data from static .js files in the format that the widget expects.