Custom Control Property from DynamicResource - xaml

I am trying to combine two concepts, a extending a standard control, and application theming by extending the Picker control and adding in a TextColor property and having a custom renderer on the Android (and iOS eventually) platform. I can successfully set the TextColor property and have it display the color if it is set statically as the following:
<controls:ExtendedPicker TextColor="Red"/>
The final step in this process is to be able to pull the property from a Dynamic Resource and have it able to be changed at runtime.
<controls:ExtendedPicker Style="{DynamicResource pickerStyle}"/>
and then, in the Application.Resources ResourceDictionary:
<Color x:Key="textColor"/>
<Style x:Key="pickerStyle" TargetType="controls:ExtendedPicker">
<Setter Property="TextColor" Value="{DynamicResource textColor}" />
Note that this method for choosing TextColor works with native controls such as Label. The code compiles and runs but doesn't seem to pick up the dynamic resource color setting when changed at runtime. I am assuming that this is something that I am missing handling this in my custom renderer but am at a loss as to what to look for.

To handle this at run-time I had to override the
method in the custom renderer rather than the

Override the OnElementChanged your custom platform-dependent render and you can get a reference to your Xamarin.Forms-based custom (subclassed) control via the e.NewElement property.
So you can cast e.NewElement as your custom control and get that classes properties (your custom Picker color that you assigned in the XAML):
(e.NewElement as ExtendedPicker).TextColor;
Something like this:
protected override void OnElementChanged (ElementChangedEventArgs< ExtendedPicker> e)
base.OnElementChanged (e);
if (Control == null) {
if (e.OldElement != null) {
if (e.NewElement != null) {
var myPickerControl = (e.NewElement as ExtendedPicker). TextColor;
// Assign `myPickerControl` to your UI dependent control


Can I define a XAML element in the ViewModel and use it directly in the View using C++/WinRT and WinUI 3?

Many questions have been asked about using a XAML element from the View in the ViewModel. But what about defining a XAML element in the ViewModel and using that in the XAML markup of the View? So that the ViewModel knows about the element from the get-go(and owns the element).
I was trying to do this thinking it would be more MVVM-compliant--the ViewModel doesn't have to know about the entire View in order to use this component. But I recognize it's still not really in the spirit of MVVM to define a XAML element in the ViewModel. But at this point, I just want to know if this technique is possible.
I know I can define a property in the ViewModel, and then bind that to a property of a XAML element defined in the View. E.g. defining a string in the ViewModel and binding that to the Text property of a TextBlock XAML element. But is it possible to simply define the XAML element itself in the ViewModel and use that in the XAML markup of the View?
Example code. I'm using C++/WinRT with WinUI 3:
namespace MyApp
runtimeclass FooViewModel
Int32 IntProperty; // I can bind this to a XAML element's property
Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Frame Frame; // Can I use this in the View?
MainWindow.idl (View)
import "ViewModel/MainWindowViewModel.idl";
namespace MyApp
runtimeclass MainWindow : Micorosoft.UI.Xaml.Window
MainWindowViewModel MainWindowViewModel{ get; };
MainWindow.xaml (View's XAML)
// I can bind to a property of MainWindowViewModel as such:
<Slider Minimum="0" Maximum="{x:Bind MainWindowViewModel.IntProperty}" />
// Is there a way to use the Frame defined in MainWindowViewModel here, or can you only create a new Frame instance?
Is it possible to simply define the XAML element itself in the
ViewModel and use that in the XAML markup of the View?
Yes, It will be work.
I tested it in WinUI3 C# and the code works fine.

LoadFromXaml parse exception inflating MenuBarItem

When I try to use the method to inflate my XAML:
MenuBarItem item = new().LoadFromXaml("<MenuBarItem Text=\"Session\"><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"New\"/><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Save\"/><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Load\"/></MenuBarItem>");
the MenuBarItem is created and Text properly assigned but all the MenuFlyoutItems are ommited and not added to the menu.
After reading Load XAML at runtime documentation and particularly the "The LoadFromXaml method can be used to inflate any XAML" and the examples given, I assumed that I can throw any valid XAML into it - from a single button, to a DataTemplate of a ListView, a MenuBarItem for a menu, to a whole ContentPage and it should work. But it's not working in this case - I get Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.XamlParseException and System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException.
Is this behavior a bug or is documentation missing some details about loading XAMLs?
When I enclose the MenuBarItem in a ContentPage's MenuBarItems like this:
new ContentPage().LoadFromXaml("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n<ContentPage\r\n\txmlns=\"\"\r\n\txmlns:x=\"\"\r\n\tx:Class=\"LoadRuntimeXAML.CatalogItemsPage\"\r\n\tTitle=\"Catalog Items\">\r\n\t<ContentPage.MenuBarItems>\r\n\t\t<MenuBarItem Text=\"Session\">\r\n\t\t\t<MenuFlyoutItem\r\n\t\t\t\tText=\"New\"/>\r\n\t\t\t<MenuFlyoutItem\r\n\t\t\t\tText=\"Save\"/>\r\n\t\t\t<MenuFlyoutItem\r\n\t\t\t\tText=\"Load\"/>\r\n\t\t</MenuBarItem>\r\n\t</ContentPage.MenuBarItems>\r\n</ContentPage>");
it inflates without error and then when I assign elements from the inflated ContentPage to the MainPage's MenuBarItems they display well. But this is an ugly workaround because I don't need a whole ContentPage, just the MenuBarItem.
Your XAML is not complete, thus cannot be parsed.
What the ContentPage has, that your XAML lacks, is the various xmlns lines, that specify the XML elements used in the XAML.
I have not tested, but try replacing <MenuBarItem with
Adapt as needed. Any whitespace can be used anywhere \r\n is shown.
If it doesn't work, also prefix with:
<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n
But I believe that is optional.
As an aside, anything that can be done in XAML, can instead be done in C#. C# markup.
C#, being a complete computational language, can often create dynamic UI more easily than XAML, if you are building a UI that depends on different conditions.
A convenient approach in C#, is to define "helper" methods, that take whatever parameters you want, and creates a specific element. That you add to a given parent element, either via C# markup, or methods of a parent layout class.
Its easy to write helper methods that call other helper methods, to build up a whole layout to your specs, controlled at each step by the parameters that matter to you.
At the top level, you might end up with code like this:
// use custom helper methods and methods of "Grid" class.
Grid grid = MyCreateGrid();
grid.Children.Add(MyCreateRowLabel(text), 1, 0);
// OR use C# markup
new StackLayout
Children =
new Label().Text("Code:"),
1, 1
From the official document, it's only using LoadFromXaml for single view or a complete contentPage. I also tried LoadFromXaml for <MenuBarItem Text=\"Session\"><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"New\"/><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Save\"/><MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Load\"/></MenuBarItem>, and just you said that:
the MenuBarItem is created and Text properly assigned but all the MenuFlyoutItems are ommited and not added to the menu.
But you can achieve it by doing this:
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Button Text="click" Clicked="Button_Clicked" HeightRequest="50"/>
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var xaml = "<MenuBarItem Text=\"Session\"></MenuBarItem>";
var xaml1 = "<MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"New\"/>";
var xaml2 = "<MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Save\"/>";
var xaml3 = "<MenuFlyoutItem Text=\"Load\"/>";
MenuFlyoutItem menuFlyoutItem_1 = new MenuFlyoutItem().LoadFromXaml(xaml1);
MenuFlyoutItem menuFlyoutItem_2 = new MenuFlyoutItem().LoadFromXaml(xaml2);
MenuFlyoutItem menuFlyoutItem_3 = new MenuFlyoutItem().LoadFromXaml(xaml3);
MenuBarItem item = new MenuBarItem();
It works well.

Inheriting descendant of WinUI-UserControl does not inherit all styles

When inheriting a TextBox, not all styles are respected by the child (see image in appendix).
using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
namespace AdvoTools.PerfectTimeNative.UI.Controls
public sealed partial class TextInput : TextBox
public TextInput() => InitializeComponent();
I tried different approaches:
Inheriting as above results in certain styles missing;
Copying the hardcoded TextBox styles from generic.xaml and setting their target to the inherited control results into the same effect;
using templated controls as mentioned here does not seem to work either. When I create it through the templated control preset for UWP and change the namespaces from Windows to Microsoft, the control is empty (the generated generic.xaml does not appear to be respected at all. Deleting it altogether makes no difference);
Defining a style with the BasedOn property has the same reuslt as the first approach.
The blue bottom border thickness does not increase when the TextBox is focused (not visible here);
the corder radius is 0.
This should be a no-brainer but I am really struggling at the moment.
Create a standalone custom class:
public class MyCustomTextBox : TextBox
public MyCustomTextBox()
DefaultStyleKey = typeof(MyCustomTextBox);
And add the following default template for it to themes/generic.xaml:
<Style TargetType="local:MyCustomTextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource DefaultTextBoxStyle}" />
Then it should look like a default TextBox.

InputScope dependency property, XAML designer problems + errors

I have a control that consists of a button and a textbox.
I wanted to set the input scope of the textbox, so I introduced a new dependency property:
public InputScope InputScope
get { return (InputScope)GetValue(InputScopeProperty); }
set { SetValue(InputScopeProperty, value); } // Notify prop change
public static readonly DependencyProperty InputScopeProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(InputScope), typeof(InputScope), typeof(SearchControl), new PropertyMetadata(DependencyProperty.UnsetValue));
<controls:SearchControl InputScope="Number" /> <!-- etc... -->
(Obviously assigning it to the InputScope property of the textbox in the style of this custom control.)
My problem: While this works, the numeric keyboard gets shown when focused, but I have blue underline in the XAML, and also an error message: The TypeConverter for "InputScope" does not support converting from a string.
Is there a way to fix it without a dirty hack?
Is there a way to fix it without a dirty hack?
You could implement a type converter. Please refer to Tim Heuer's blog post for more information and an example:
Implementing a type converter in UWP XAML:
You may also want to read this:
WinRT Replacement for System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter

Styling Apache DataGrid in flex 4.15

I would like to know, how I can change the background color of an datagrid item!
I use external CSS and with flex 4.6 I use:
contentBackgroundColor: #FF0000;
But I have to upgrade to apache flex 4.15 and it doesn't work anymore... I can't find which component I suppose to style. In the documentation I can't find the list of styles available T_T.
If you have a link or answer thx!
In the documentation of adobe Flex it's said:
An item renderer is associated with a column of the DataGrid control. The item renderer then controls the appearance of each cell in the column. However, each item renderer has access to the data item for an entire row of the DataGrid control. Use the data property of the item renderer to access the data item.
Try to accomplish that by using ItemRenderer for all your columns you can do that in MXML manner or by mixing MXL with Action script code like applying the style for a known column:
<mx:DataGrid x="29" y="303" width="694" height="190" dataProvider="{}" variableRowHeight="true">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Title" dataField="title">
<mx:HBox paddingLeft="2">
override public function set data( value:Object ) : void { = value;
var today:Number = (new Date()).time;
var pubDate:Number = Date.parse(;
if( pubDate > today ) setStyle("backgroundColor",0xff99ff);
else setStyle("backgroundColor",0xffffff);
<mx:Image source="{data.image}" width="50" height="50" scaleContent="true" />
<mx:Text width="100%" text="{data.title}" />
or in separated action script class by excluding the content of the script tag mentioned to action script class extending your column's type and overriding the set data method like:
public class CheckBoxHeaderRenderer extends CheckBox
override public function set data(value:Object):void
_data = value as CheckBoxHeaderColumn;
selected = _data.selected;
//type your condition here using the property of your dataField
and your class CSS will be like:
contentBackgroundColor: #FF0000;
for more:
Understanding Flex itemRenderers
Creating item renderers and item editors for the Spark DataGrid control