Using Big Commerce Product Custom Fields in Templates - bigcommerce

I have come to a road block in my search to the answer to using custom fields in templates.
I have tried adding
in the ProductDescription.html but nothing shows.
Is there ANY documentation about this?
Can this snippet be used in certain places only? if so which ones?
What needs to be in place for this to display in the products description?
Any help, tips or pointers would be great.

The CustomFields Snippet, %%SNIPPET_ProductCustomFields%%, can only be used if being referenced through its own Panel.
By default, the Panel that calls this snippet is named %%Panel.ProductOtherDetails%%
You can also create your own custom Panels by uploading them to the Panels folder via WebDav.
For example, if you created a template file called CustomFieldsPanel.html, you would upload it to the /dav/template/Panels folder, and reference it in your theme by %%Panel.CustomFieldsPanel%%
To answer your question though, you can do one of the following to display Custom Fields in the Product Description:
Insert it into ProductDescription.html via its default Panel - %%Panel.ProductOtherDetails%% - modifying it by editing the template file ProductOtherDetails.html
Create your own custom panel, include the Snippet within that same custom panel, and insert it into ProductDescription.html by the custom panel's name. An example of that file might look like so:
* /dav/template/Panels/MyCustomFieldsPanel.html
* %%Panel.MyCustomFieldsPanel%%
<div id="MyCustomFieldsPanel">
<h1> Custom Fields Below </h1>
Hope this helps :-)


Using amCharts together with vue.js for a dynamic list with v-for

I am actually building a SPA with
I have placed my script.js inside the public folder. Unfortunately, this doesn't allow me to use typescript for my vue-js. Maybe someone has an idea for this, cause actually the public folder got served from foalTS framework. But this is actually not the main topic.
The maintopic is, that i want to list several divs with
<div class="row-position" v-for="order in orders" :key="order.latestPrice">
<div id="myAMchart></div>
Now I would like to be able to place an amChart ( for each div. And I want that these charts follow the value of order.latestPrice. But I actually have no idea how to set up this with amCharts and vue.js
Im open to any ideas.
I was able to update one single chart but with a fixed id of the div.
I don't know how to connect the many different (dynamicaly generated) charts to the order.latestPrice field.

How to insert vue component into contenteditable div

I want to create simple wysiwyg editor with vue. I have found only one real wysiwyg editor created on vue.js. Here it is __ (But I didn't find there ability to insert image). Others vue wysiwyg editors is only wrappers to tinymce or ckeditor etc.
I am planning to create SIMPLE vue-editor using base commands from example from mozilla developer site. Here it is .
At first I want to know how to insert vue components into contenteditable div. What I mean? For example, I want to create editor plugin which will insert image on toolbar icon click. Inserted image should be with attached events (click event), it could be resizable etc. The base idea to this I found in answer here , (author #AJT82 ). He gave me example of inserting vue-component (image) into contenteditable div. Here it is .
So, I have next questions.
User open empty editor and insert component into it. I need something to store to database.
1) What exactly should I store to database?
2) Stored text with images should be rendered somewhere at the site as article for viewing only. This means I should have generated html (for example, <img src="" />). How I will take it from inserted vue-component?
3) User can edit stored earlier code from editor. How to insert (inserted and stored to database earlier) vue-component again?
I am lost in this questions.
I made you an example showing how you can inject absolutely anything into any WYSIWYG component (except for really bad ones :)
Using your first choice of WYSIWYG editor, and probably the slickest of them all...
Here you can see how easy it is to inject a random cat image for example. You could pop up a dialog and ask for an image name, you could allow the user to upload an image, wait for a promise that returns the link, then insert that image via the returned link, or do even wilder things.
The component render is handled here:
<!-- Here is where we render the component and capture it's output... -->
<div ref="renderComponent" v-show="false">
<!-- Due to limitation of codepen, must not self-close -->
<component :is="renderThisComponent" v-bind="renderTheseProps">
Clicking "Insert Random Cat" will insert a random animated cat GIF from Cats As A Service.
Clicking Insert Quasar Components will let you select from a q-icon component, and an animated indeterminate progress circle. You can also add your own components. This works with absolutely any Vue component, but it will not update it once it's been rendered in your WYSIWYG editor, and it's plain HTML after that. I also used a ref render, which works but it's basic, to show you how easy it is to accomplish. I would instead upgrade this to a proxy component so it never has to get rendered into the DOM the first time or wait for a $nextTick.
You can also see you can inject tokens (although this came from the Quasar playground). It shows how you can inject vars you might have related to the current user/etc.
If you want, you can also allow users to build their own components, or allow user-created templates to be injected, you can also insert a Emoji list, or even #mentions, which can insert live-views into if that user is currently online, etc.
Since this functionality is both really powerful and easy to implement it in theory, I wrote a really ultra-tiny and bug-free template generator that you can extend to infinity (372 bytes). It's also safe for users, as it only uses function lists you pre-allow for your users.
Grab the source here and use it in your projects if you would like...

Piranha- Custom Manager Area

I created a custom page in the manager area and would like to add the text area for editing HTML content. I can't seem to figure out how to reference the existing control. Thanks
To create an HTML-editor, follow these steps:
1: Include the partial view that sets up the html-editor
2: Add the class editor to your textarea
<textarea class="editor"></textarea>
That should do the trick.
/ HÃ¥kan

Make button text A/B testable - Sitecore MVC

I have an MVC/angularJS page with a button, the button needs to call code to process the current page and proceed to the next step in the application, but they want the button text to be a/b testable with different variations. I'm new to Sitecore so am struggling to know the best way of doing things.
I thought of having a simple text component/template which just has a single line text property, but if I add that to the page template then it doesn't seem a/b testable because when you click on the test option it asks you to select content. Whereas the content was text they entered as part of the page template.
The only way I know of making a/b testable content so that they can click on the page in page editor and choose to select content / add test variation. I wouldn't add the button to the placeholder as it needs to call specific angular code and always be there, but should I be adding a placeholder where the text is? It seems like overkill to have to define a placeholder there, define a rendering, create a partial view, define placeholder settings to limit it to the simple text component, and then hope they don't try adding multiple items to the placeholder.
I would make a separate template (ie with the text field for your button) to represent your form, then either create the two test variation items as children of your page, or maybe place them in a shared components folder outside of your 'home' node.
In order to move your form component into a new A/B testable component you would need to create a new Sublayout in Sitecore, then create a new ascx control for the sublayout. In the Page_Load handler of this control, you would use the following code to retrieve the datasource of the sublayout:
//assume you have a button on your usercontrol called btnSubmit
//assume your template has a single-line text field called 'SubmitButtonText'
Guid dataSourceId;
Sitecore.Data.Items.Item dataSource;
if (Guid.TryParse(sublayout.DataSource, out dataSourceId))
dataSource = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(new ID(dataSourceId));
btnSubmit.Text = dataSource["SubmitButtonText"];
So I created a new template which just had a single line of text as a field, and added a content item in a shared data node.
In my partial view:
#model Digital.Models.SimpleTextItem
<button ....>
<span class="hidden-xs">#Model.SimpleText_Value<br></span>
In my main page - I was trying to statically bind it so that they could only change content rather than add new controls to the placeholder, but that only worked if I specified the datasource in this page.
Using a rendering, and in the page layout adding the rendering to the placeholder with a specified data source:
Not sure if it was the best approach but it achieves what I need it to.
A/B testing could be applied only to controls(XSLT renderings, sublayouts, action controller renderings, view renderings). If you want to make A/B testing only for button then you should create additional control for it as you did.
Technical details for MVC: A/B testing is applied on mvc.customizeRendering pipeline where rendering arguments are processed. This pipeline operates on renderings level. It means that you are not able to create A/B testing for particular field(button) without your own customization.

SharePoint 2010 ASP:Menu control and my own CSS based on UI and UL tags

I have generated a cool css using CSS3 generator and took its CSS style file which looks something like this. pasted a short version though the css is long...
ul#css3menu,ul#css3menu ul{
now i want to know how to incorporate this with ASP:Menu control which uses "s4-tn" class and have entirely different set of CSS...and I am using sitemap also as datasource. Can I just drop this css and reference it somewhere in asp:menu control of sharepoint and convert the menu style like css3?
To use a different CSS classname for the menu, you'll need to edit your masterpage and modify the menu control properties. Here's the control you're looking for:
<SharePoint:AspMenu ID="TopNavigationMenuV4" CssClass="css3menu"...
More info on MSDN:
in the control do not forget to register after the master page to override the rules
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="custom.css" After="corev4.css"