Not able to find Xpath for Parent Child relation in Div tag - selenium

I am not able to find the correct xpath for the Html code added in the attachment.
I have written below xpath but it is not working.
Please find attached image for more details of Html code.

div[#class="calendar-item-title"] does not have a child *[#class="calendar-item-time"] according to your image.
Your *[#class="calendar-item-time"] is in div[#class="items-container"]
so your xpath would be:

Just add : "/parent::*" at the end of //div[#class="calendar-item-title"] if you want the parent element

Try this xpath :
//a[contains(text(),'12:30 am')]

try with the below xpath
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[text()='12:30 am']")).click()
from ur image, its not clear there are more 12.30 containing text or not. In that case, use
driver.findElements(By.xpath("//a[text()='12:30 am']")).get(0).click();


Unable to create an appium-android xpath using following-sibling and child

I want to create a xpath for UNLIMITED DATA with the help of //android.widget.TextView[#text='Active'] xapth.
I have tried to locate the element using the below XPath using following-sibling and child but it didn’t work.
//android.widget.TextView[#text='Active']/following-sibling::androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView/child::androidx.cardview.widget.CardView/child::android.widget.TextView[contains(#text,'UNLIMITED Data')]
Please find the below image for your reference.
enter image description here
enter image description here
Please help.
Can you try this XPath :
//android.widget.TextView[#text='Active']/following-sibling::androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView[1]//android.widget.TextView[contains(#text,'UNLIMITED Data')]

How can I get an element without id, name and class attributes in red box using By?

<div class="bInputTab">
<li class="onNow">网银支付</li>
How can I get the element in the red box using By?
Many thanks!
Try following xpath,
//a[#onClick='On click Value']
You could use xpath, tagName, all depends on HTML structure, You can find parent element, and search downwards:
if its only link in DOM driver.findElement(By.tagName("a"));
Hope this helps,
This XPath should work :
The link text should also work as well
Actually I did not show the key structure of the HTML. It is because the element is not in the default frame. So I add the WDS.browser.switchTo().frame("frame_main") to the code, it works.
Thanks for all of your help.
The reference is The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered
The element’s locator is invalid
2. The element belongs to another frame
The element is not available in DOM yet

How to extract the text from a child node which is within a <div> tag through Selenium and WebDriver?

I need to get the value 107801307 that is inside a specific Div but there are several other Divs in the path before getting into that DIV I need. Can anyone help?
Below is the image with the information that I need to extract from the DIV.
As per the HTML you have provided, to extract the text 107801307 you can use the following solution:
String myText = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//b[#class='label_tratamento'][contains(.,'Ban Claro')]//following::span[1]").getAttribute("innerHTML");
myText = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//b[#class='label_tratamento'][contains(.,'Ban Claro')]//following::span[1]").get_attribute("innerHTML")
Research xpath locators to find the specific element you want.
Assuming you were using Java, the code would be:
webdriver.findElement(By.xpath("//b[text()='Ban Claro']/following::span").getText();
driver.findElement(By.xpath(("XPATH OF DIV HERE")[Index of the div where span is. Example: 4)/span)).getText();

Unable to locate an element using text attribute in XPath

I am trying to locate element using relative XPath. I have attached HTML schema of the element. Below is the XPath I am using:
If you want to locate link by text you might need to use search by link text instead of XPath:
Note that you should use exact value as it appears on rendered page in browser:
if it appears as SALES:
if it appears as "Sales":
In case some extra text is added by ::before pseudo-element, you can also use search by partial link text:
//*[#class='**your class name**']//*[text()='Sales']
Hope above XPath helps you!

Selenium/java-xpath for xlink:href attribute

I tried to locate use element with attribute value '#aaa' for below snippet
<use xlink:href='#aaa'></use>
I was able to locate using css selector use[* |href='#aaa'] . But I require it in xpath. I tried below xpath but it is not working
(//*[name()='use'])[ * ='#aaa' or #href='#aaa']
Note :I need to use the value '#aaa' to differentiate from other elements.
Could anyone please help to construct this xpath.
Your predicate [ * ='#aaa' or #href='#aaa'] returns false as there is no attribute as href (but xlink:href), and use has no child nodes with text content '#aaa'.
Note that wild-card for any attribute is #* while just * is for any node (except attribute). Try below XPath
"//*[name()='use' and #*='#aaa']"
lookout, if someone needs contains..
as none of the suggestions really worked for me, I came up with following (tested in chrome devtools):
//*[name()='use' and #*[contains(.,'#aaa)]]
because a normal tag search (i.e //use) did not work
because contains with a wildcard (i.e. contains(#*,'#aaa')) didn't work
Use the xpath
As the element is within svg namespace you can use the following xpath:
This is an SVG tag and it works a little differently
Please try below xpath:
For XPath:
//*[name()='use'][contains(#*, '#aaa')]
Or variant provided by Andersson
Approaches with [#xlink:href='#aaa'] don't work on practice