How does WiX determine file version? - wix

I ran into an issue that some of the files in my installation were not replaced on upgrade. The problem is not too severe yet, but I would like to avoid it in the future. According to files with higher version are always used. I considered using a CompanionFile to force upgrade the relevant files. But I would like to know what file should be used as the companion parent. Does it have to be an exe or dll? I am asking because I found online (in WiX: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML) an example of FileSearch on .txt file with MinVersion and MaxVersion. Can txt files be also versioned? And is there anywhere a list of file types WiX searches for version? I did not find anything like it.

If your product has one main exe it is probably best to use that since it logically follows that your new version should always put the new exe there since the exe will have the new version as its file version. In reality, it doesn't matter what file you companion file reference as long as you know it will always be installed (have a higher version) than the previous installation.
I don't think you can version a txt file and probably the version info in the file search is ignored if the file has no version.


File of a new component isn't installed because there was an old component with the same file

We have a problem that a fie is not installed upon a major update
We have a major update with <MajorUpgrade Schedule="afterInstallInitialize"...
We an old component with 1 file (xyz.exe Version 12.34) from a external manufacturer
We have now a new file from a new manufacturer and with the same name (xyz.exe Version 2.34). The new file has a lower version number than the old one.
We created a new component in the install package and removed the old component (in fact we gave it a new guid)
Changing the name of the exe isn't possible, it would have to much influence upon documentation and internal functions.
On a normal installation everything is OK.
But what happens now on an update:
The installer starts.
And detects that the new component exists (xyz.exe) with a lower version, so it will not be installed.
the installer runs and removes the old component
But it doesn't install the new because it just detected that the component was already installed.
Doing a repair installation fixes the problem and the file is than again present.
Setting the KeyPath to the Component fixes the problem. But it seams wrong to me. The directory where this file is installed is the main installation directory.
How to force the installation of this component?
Similar Answer: How to Explicitly Remove dll During Majorupgrade Using Wix Toolset
Major Upgrade Downgrade: In order to overwrite binaries with higher version numbers on major upgrades there are a couple of preferred options:
The preferred approach would be to use a companion file (third party files).
Or if you can: compile a new binary with a higher version number (for your own files).
Companion Files: A snippet below on how to use companion files in WiX:
<Component Id="MyFile.exe" Feature="Main">
<File Id="MyFile.exe" Source="MyFile.exe"></File>
<!-- Do not re-use any GUIDs in your own sources! (very important) -->
<Component Id="MyFile_2.exe" Guid="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-3D82EA2A99AF}" Feature="Main">
<File Source="MyFile_2.exe" CompanionFile="MyFile.exe"></File>
One-Line Summary: In the second component we point to the first component's file so that MyFile_2.exe will install whenever MyFile.exe is installed - regardless of versioning issues.
Then there are a number of further options:
REINSTALLMODE: The MSI property REINSTALLMODE can be used - but it has a number of side-effects:
Setup 1: Version 1.0.0 for a setup:
msiexec.exe /i Setup1.msi /qn
Setup 2: Version 2.0.0 for the major upgrade setup:
msiexec.exe /i Setup2.msi REINSTALLMODE=amus /qn
Several Problems: There are several issues with REINSTALLMODE that makes it an unsafe feature to use (try emus instead? See documentation - a little less brute force maybe). It is a shame that this setting applies to all features in the setup - that makes it very dangerous:
can downgrade shared files system-wide - if there are merge modules included - for example (features in Windows are in place to prevent most of this problem: WFP and WRP in Vista an beyond - non-Microsoft merge modules can still cause problems for non-Microsoft shared files)
can cause inconsistent version estate since an old package can be installed after a newer one and downgrade only some of the shared files
can downgrade or wipe-out settings in non-versioned files and registry settings (note to self: test this again, there are complexities with component settings)
can cause a significant increase in the number of requested reboots due to attempts to needlessly replace in-use files of the same version (the real fix for this is to shut down services properly and to use the restart manager to allow applications to be shut down automatically during deployment - on file locks).
there are several further issues that are quite specific
Hack Binary Version: An ugly, but effective option is to change the version of the actual binary file using Visual Studio to set a higher version number (you open the binary as a resource and set a new version - this is obviously very different from compiling a new version of the binary using visual studio source code compilation). There are several side effects:
you break digital signatures
you can create "version confusion"
there are risks involved writing a new binary from Visual Studio
it is a "hack manual step" - you might need to keep doing this for new versions?
Move, Rename: If you can de-couple the new file from the old by renaming it or moving it you can work around the problem. If you get a new version again for the future, you might have to do this again. Clunky.
"Load From": Putting the file somewhere shared and load it from that specific location and removing the old copy from your installation folder. Could that work? This means the file could also be delivered by another setup at that location.
Version Lying: In Installshield there is a concept of being able to set a specific version number to a file. I am not sure how to implement that in WiX. There is also an "always overwrite option" that apparently sets a maximum value for the version so the existing file is always overwritten.
Some Links:
Why Windows Installer removes files during a major upgrade if they go backwards in version numbers
"Downgraded" MS dll disappears on upgrade - Windows Installer
Install a file regardless of version number with WiX
How to make better use of MSI files
The opposite side of it: file preservation and file overwrite rules.

Is the creation of a zip file, out of the structure of folders and files, possible in WIX?

Here is what I am dealing with. I have a WIX project, that outputs a MSI file. This works like a charm.
I got a new requirement, that I need to analyse in order to figure out how to approach it. As the new requirement is, I need to get as output, a ZIP file, that contains the files and folders as described in the WIX project...
I searched for the "ZIP" keyword on the official documentation, but did not have any luck in finding something helpful...Maybe some of you guys have an idea?
Obviously, I could use other tools to perform this, like maven and the maven assembly plugin, but that would cause maintenance issues, as there would be 2 different projects, 2 different technologies, and since the files and directories structure is quite big, this could cause issues like one developer modifying a project, and forgetting about the other..
So yeah...difficult question...any input would be welcomed :)
Administrative Installation: Windows Installer / MSI features a built-in capability to extract all files and make a "network installation point" (a network location where installation can be kicked off from to install on all workstations on the network - ensures all source files are available for repair operations and patching). This is called an administrative installation - in plain terms a glorified file extraction mechanism.
Given the availability of the administrative installation, is a ZIP file really necessary? I suppose you could zip up the extracted admin image? Note that any files that need to go to system, shared or userprofile folders may cause issues and prevent successful launching of your application from the extraction folder (obvious, just mentioning).
Command Line: Try it, from a cmd.exe command prompt (see above link for more details):
msiexec.exe /a MySetup.msi
You could set the Compressed="no" attribute of the Package element to create an uncompressed layout. The result could be easily zipped (excluding the *.msi file) by running any of the freely available command-line zippers (e. g. 7za.exe of 7-zip).
File elements can override the Compressed attribute of the package.

WiX repair from managed bootstrapper fails to fix some corrupted DLLs

I have a WiX Managed Bootstrapper Application that installs some MSIs. I also have a series of tests that exercise the various functions of the installer. The problem I'm having is with the repair test. The test purposely corrupts all the DLLs we install then calls the EXE installer with "/repair /passive" flags. Once completed around 80% of the DLLs are repaired but the remaining ones are untouched and therefore still corrupted after the repair.
If I manually run msiexec on an individual MSI with the command line args "/fa" which instructs the MSI to forcibly replace all the files it installed, it fixes 100% of the DLLs.
My question is how can I force the MBA to instruct each MSI to repair in this way? I've tried setting the REINSTALLMODE property to 'amus' on the individual MSIs in their .wxs files but the MBA overwrites them at run time as is evident in the log via this line:
PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying REINSTALLMODE property. Its current value is 'amus'. Its new value: 'cmuse'.
I've also tried to set the properties in the MBA to pass through to each MSI but it doesn't appear to pass them and instead uses it's default values.
I see many similar questions here but none actually address this specific issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Rob save me!
Here's your problem right here:
[12:25:25:874]: File: C:****\estimator.dll; Won't Overwrite; Won't patch; Existing file is unversioned but modified
The installer doesn't want to overwrite a file that has changed since it was installed if it cannot verify the version or language (and maybe some other properties?). Without these properties, it decides to look at the modified date. If it is newer than when it was first installed then it won't touch it assuming instead that something changed for a reason and reverting it will cause something to fail. (You can read more here)
One thing you can do in this case is use a Companion File
Set this attribute to make this file a companion child of another file. The installation state of a companion file depends not on its own file versioning information, but on the versioning of its companion parent. A file that is the key path for its component can not be a companion file (that means this attribute cannot be set if KeyPath="yes" for this file). The Version attribute cannot be set along with this attribute since companion files are not installed based on their own version.
Basically you will set the logic for installing/uninstalling this component to be the same as the "FileID" of another component in the install. In the estimator.dll component, in the File tag, remove KeyPath="yes" and instead replace that with CompanionFile="<NameOfAnotherFileID>".
The issue with this approach is that you may have a corrupted DLL but the companionFile it was linked to was fine so it is not reinstalled.
If this is a dll you do own, I would highly suggest versioning the file! Give it any version you want and this issue should go away.
Another thing you can try, although I don't know how it works really, is giving the file a DefaultVersion
This is the default version of this file. The linker will replace this value from the value in the file if the suppress files option is not used.
This would be the quickest solution to verify. Just build a new installer with DefaultVersion="1.0" in the estimator.dll's <File> and see if it gets replaced. I think this will have the installer think the file is versioned 1.0 but the installed file is not versioned so it will replace it (see here)

Understanding GUIDS, updates, and patches with Windows-Installer

I'm learning about Windows-Installer and Wix, and have a number of questions related to how it works:
If a component GUID changes, but the same files are in the component, what happens on a major upgrade? Do the files get replaced?
If a component is removed from a product, what happens to the associated files on a major upgrade? Do the original files get removed on an uninstall?
Am I correct in saying that a major upgrade will replace all files in all components, regardless of whether the assembly version of the file has changed, and that on small updates and minor upgrades, it only replaces a file if the GUID is the same, and the assembly version of the file has been incremented? What if the file doesn't have an assembly version, like an aspx page?
Suppose that a product was deployed on a machine without using an installer. If you then created an installer, with files of the same name in a component as what's in the installed directory, what happens to those files if you tried an installation? Are they replaced?
Am I correct in saying that if I used a tool like heat to create an xml file with all the files in a directory (like for a website), that you'd have to keep the GUIDs the same (manually or with a script), or you'd only be able to do major upgrades?
If a component GUID changes, but the
same files are in the component,
what happens on a major upgrade?
First, the question is whether the old component gets uninstalled. If you don't configure your upgrade to uninstall previous versions of your product, then the component will not be removed (although its files may be overwritten). See also answer to question 2.
Second, the question is whether the new component will be installed. A component is only installed if its keypath is missing. If the keypath is a versioned file, then a lower version also counts as "missing".
Finally, if the new component was marked for installation, and Windows Installer encounters a file with the same name as the one it is trying to install, the File Versioning Rules determine whether the file is replaced or not. For example, a file with a higher version will not be downgraded.
If a component is removed from a
product, what happens to the
associated files on a major upgrade?
Do the original files get removed on
an uninstall?
Unless you put the right entries in the Upgrade table and the InstallExecuteSequence that tells windows installer to remove the old product, the old components will be left alone. See this blog post by Alex Shevchuk for guidance on how to create an installer in wix that removes old versions.
Am I correct in saying that a major
upgrade will replace all files in all
components ...
No. It depends on whether the old component was removed first, whether the new component was installed depending on the keypath, and the file versioning rules.
Suppose that a product was deployed on
a machine without using an installer.
If you then created an installer, with
files of the same name in a component
as what's in the installed directory,
what happens to those files if you
tried an installation?
Again, it depends on whether the components get installed, depending on their keypath, and the file versioning rules.
Am I correct in saying that if I used
a tool like heat to create an xml file
with all the files in a directory
(like for a website), that you'd have
to keep the GUIDs the same (manually
or with a script), or you'd only be
able to do major upgrades?
Correct. The GUID is the identity of a component, so if you would change the GUID there would exist two components (in the old and new version of your product) that installed the same resources to the same target location. And that's a no-no according to MSDN: "Never create two components that install a resource under the same name and target location."
Learn the Component Rules. They're very easy to break and Windows Installer doesn't enforce them. However if you don't follow the rules, then weird strange voodoo happens.
Easy solution, stick with one file per component and use heat with compile time GUID generation (outputs with Guid="*" uses a stable algorithm, it's not random). Having heat generate GUIDs is random, but GUIDs generated by candle at compile time will be stable (based on filename + path hash or something from memory)
If windows installer finds a file already on disk during install, it will increment the reference count for that file assuming it's a "shared" file. Files are only removed from disk once the reference count returns to zero so if a file already existed, the count may never return to zero and you can get files left lying around even after uninstalling.

Always update files in minor upgrade (how to)

I am creating an install package using InstallShield Pro X. The upgrade works properly. However, the product manager wants the upgrade to replace all files on an upgrade even if the create date != modify date on the file.
I see that to do this I need to set REINSTALLMODE=vamus rather than vomus. However, I don't see how to tell InstallShield that I want it to use that setting. By default setup.exe always passes vomus to windows installer.
There is a property in the InstallShield project named ReinstallModeText that I changed from omus to amus but that seemed to have no effect.
So, how what do I set in the install project so that when setup.exe detects to run an upgrade it sends REINSTALLMODE=vamus? Thanks.
Update: Tried adding the following to the MSI Command Line value in the Release section:
This did not work. Setup.exe didn't set REINSTALL=ALL on the command line what I did this. I added that to the MSI Command line and the upgrade worked as expected. But, not the problem is if it is a NEW install those properties are still being set and the installer fails.
In investigating this further and testing more options I think the best answer is to modify the product code in addition to the product version and author it as a major upgrade which removes the previous version first and then installs the new files.
The main problem with this is that it takes alot longer for the installer to run. I also think that you can not issue this as a patch, but I could be wrong on that count.
Don't set the REINSTALLMODE to amus or vamus (force overwrite files). These settings apply to all components in the MSI, and could hence in theory downgrade system files or at least shared files - this typically involves files included via merge modules. It is normally safe to set REINSTALLMODE to emus (replace files with lower or equal version number). Even this can trigger a file replacement error if you try to overwrite a system protected file on newer versions of Windows featuring Windows Resource Protection (wikipedia) (Windows Server 2008 and Vista onwards). On older Windows versions the file would likely be overwritten and then restored in its right version from the dllcache via the Windows File Protection feature provided that feature had a good day. There was (and is) an associated tool for system file checking: System File Checker.
If you have issues with files that should be replaced even if they have been edited, you can use the RemoveFile table to schedule the file for removal during install (and then it will be reinstalled).
The real solution is to consider the installation folder in %ProgramFiles% as read only, and not have the application save ANY settings or change any files. All config files should go to the user profile or the alluser profile and the application EXE file should be responsible for the copy to the profile locations.
See my answer here.
I don't have IS X handy, but in later versions of InstallShield you would go to "Releases", highlight your release, go to the "Setup.exe" section and there's a field called "MSI Command Line Arguments". There you would indicate any command-line arguments that you want Setup.exe to pass to Windows Installer. E.g. REINSTALLMODE=vamus
You mentioned you used ReinstallModeText with "amus". Have you tried ReinstallModeText equal to "vamus". The "v" causes the installer to run off the source package, not the cached package, and that may be your problem.