How to measure left mouse down duration in Linden Scripting Language? - mouseevent

I want to make a shooter with LSL, so I want to measure the time between the start and the end of a left mouse click, in order to set throw velocity.
I also want to update a gui (or at least display the text like Power: 55% etc.) let's say at each 5% increment.
How can I do that?
I really can't show anything I have done because I don't know LSL much, so I couldn't try anything. The closest I could find is this page for llTakeControls, but I'm not sure how to use it.
Thanks in advance for any help,
Based on #BlindWanderer's answer, I tried to modify it (hoping that control() would get repeatedly called while mouse is down) but apparently this is not the case:
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
run_time_permissions(integer perm)
control(key id, integer level, integer edge)
integer start = level & edge;
integer end = ~level & edge;
integer held = level & ~edge;
integer untouched = ~(level | edge);
if(start & CONTROL_LBUTTON) {
// --- My attempt to display the time peridoically
float timerval = llGetTime();
llOwnerSay((string)timerval); // this doesn t fire
if(llRound(timerval*100) % 5 == 0){
llOwnerSay((string)timerval); // this neither
My 2nd attempt (after realizing there is a variable called held), but again I couldn't make it work :/
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
run_time_permissions(integer perm)
control(key id, integer level, integer edge)
integer start = level & edge;
integer end = ~level & edge;
integer held = level & ~edge;
integer untouched = ~(level | edge);
if(start & CONTROL_LBUTTON) {
float timerval = llGetTime();
llOwnerSay((string)timerval); // this doesn t fire
if(llRound(timerval*100) % 5 == 0){
llOwnerSay((string)timerval); // this neither

It was quicker to modify the example from llTakeControls than to explain how to modify the example. Here is a quick and dirty way to get the time.
llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS);
run_time_permissions(integer perm)
control(key id, integer level, integer edge)
integer start = level & edge;
integer end = ~level & edge;
integer held = level & ~edge;
integer untouched = ~(level | edge);
if(start & CONTROL_LBUTTON) {


Null pointer exception on Processing (ldrValues)

My code involves both Processing and Arduino. 5 different photocells are triggering 5 different sounds. My sound files play only when the ldrvalue is above the threshold.
The Null Pointer Exception is highlighted on this line
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
I am not sure which part of my code should be changed so that I can run it.
import processing.serial.*;
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile[] soundFiles = new SoundFile[5];
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
int[] ldrValues;
int[] thresholds = {440, 490, 330, 260, 450};
int i = 0;
boolean[] states = {false, false, false, false, false};
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
String portName = Serial.list()[3];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
soundFiles[0] = new SoundFile(this, "1.mp3");
soundFiles[1] = new SoundFile(this, "2.mp3");
soundFiles[2] = new SoundFile(this, "3.mp3");
soundFiles[3] = new SoundFile(this, "4.mp3");
soundFiles[4] = new SoundFile(this, "5.mp3");
void draw()
//serial loop
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(10);
if (myString != null) {
ldrValues = int(split(myString.trim(), ','));
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
if (ldrValues[i] > thresholds[i] && !states[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is activated");
states[i] = true;
if (ldrValues[i] < thresholds[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is NOT activated");
states[i] = false;
You're approach is shall we say optimistic ? :)
It's always assuming there was a message from Serial, always formatted the right way so it could be parsed and there were absolutely 0 issues buffering data (incomplete strings, etc.))
The simplest thing you could do is check if the parsing was successful, otherwise the ldrValues array would still be null:
void draw()
//serial loop
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(10);
if (myString != null) {
ldrValues = int(split(myString.trim(), ','));
// double check parsing int values from the string was successfully as well, not just buffering the string
if(ldrValues != null){
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
if (ldrValues[i] > thresholds[i] && !states[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is activated");
states[i] = true;
if (ldrValues[i] < thresholds[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is NOT activated");
states[i] = false;
// print a helpful debugging message otherwise
println("error parsing ldrValues from string: " + myString);
(Didn't know you could parse a int[] with int(): nice!)

I am having issues with a repeating while loop in a switch statement, the loop continues to repeat

I'm a newbie coder and for a class I was required to make a vending machine-like code. However, I used a switch statement as part of it. An issue I faced is that in those if statements I added a check. The check was to ask if the user would like to continue or not, but for some reason it repeats even after an input. I wasn't entirely sure if this question was asked before, but a lot of my friends share the issue.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class hw52 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String choice;
String answer = "";
int cr = 0;
int wb = 0;
int ch = 0;
int k = 0;
int j = 0;
boolean check = true;
double cost2;
double discount;
double change = 0;
double cost = 0;
double money = 0;
int counter = 0;
do {
answer = "";
System.out.println("Select an option in the vending machine. \n
Crunch:$1.50 \n Water bottle:$2.00 \n Chips:$1.00 \n Ketchup:$4.00 \n
choice = keyboard.nextLine();
case "CRUNCH":
cost += 1.5;
cr ++;
counter ++;
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
while(check = true) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue? Yes or no?");
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
cost += 2.00;
counter ++;
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
while(check = true) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue? Yes or no?");
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
case "CHIPS":
cost += 1.00;
counter ++;
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
while(check = true) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue? Yes or no?");
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
case "KETCHUP":
cost += 5.00;
counter ++;
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
while(check = true) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue? Yes or no?");
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
case "JUICE":
cost += 2.50;
counter ++;
System.out.println("Cost: " + cost);
while(check = true) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue? Yes or no?");
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) {
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
System.out.println("Not a choice! Use exact names.");
answer = "yes";
counter /= 3;
for (int i = 0; i < counter;i++) {
discount = (double)(Math.random()*.1)+.1;
cost2 = cost * discount;
cost -= cost2;
while(money < cost) {
System.out.println("How much money would you like to use to pay?");
money = keyboard.nextDouble();
if (money < cost) {
System.out.println("That's not enough money.");
double Q = cost / .25;
double D = (cost % .25) / .10;
double N = ((cost % .25) % .10) / .05 ;
double P = (((cost % .25) % .10) %.05) /.01;
System.out.println("The items you bought are: \n Crunch Bars: " + cr +
"\n Water Bottles: " + wb + "\n Chips: " + ch + "\n Ketchup: " + k + "\n
Juice: " + j);
System.out.println("Your change is: $" + ((Q * .25) + (D * .1) + (N *
.05) + (P*.01)));
Please excuse my messy coding style. I personally like it better, but I know a lot of people find it strange.
Your code never allows the user to input "no" into the answer variable. So your code always forces the user to intput "yes" or it shows the message "Bad Input".
You have this if statement in each one of your while loops. Both if and else if check the exact same condition. I assume you were probably wanting one of them to check for the answer "no" and the check variable never gets assigned to false unless "yes" is chosen:
answer = keyboard.nextLine();
if (answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) { //this is same condition as next if line.
check = false;
}else if(answer.equalsIgnoreCase("Yes")) { //this is same condition as prior if line.
check = false;
}else {
System.out.println("Bad input.");
Also, this is your main issue. You are ALWAYS assigning check to true in the while loop condition. you want to use the == operator.
This assigns true to the check variable in your code:
while(check = true) {
You actually want to do this:
while(check == true) {
I recommend using an IDE with a debugger that allows you to systematically step through your code and see what is happening with each line of code as it executes. It will help you find logic problems like this one.

How to force Mobile Vision for Android to read full lines of text

I have implemented Google's Mobile Vision for Android by following a tutorial. I am trying to build an app that will scan a receipt and find the numeric total. However, as I scan different receipts that are printed in different formats, the API will detect TextBlocks in what seems to be an arbitrary way. For example, in one receipt, if several words of text are separated by single spaces, then they are grouped into a single TextBlock. However, if two words of text are separated by lots of spaces, then they are separated as independent TextBlocks, even though they appear on the same "line". What I am trying to do is force the API to recognize each entire line of the receipt as a single entity. Is this possible?
public ArrayList<T> getAllGraphicsInRow(float rawY) {
synchronized (mLock) {
ArrayList<T> row = new ArrayList<>();
// Get the position of this View so the raw location can be offset relative to the view.
int[] location = new int[2];
for (T graphic : mGraphics) {
float rawX = this.getWidth();
for (int i=0; i<rawX; i+=10){
if (graphic.contains(i - location[0], rawY - location[1])) {
if(!row.contains(graphic)) {
return row;
This should be in the file and essentially fetches all the graphics in that row.
public static boolean almostEqual(double a, double b, double eps){
return Math.abs(a-b)<(eps);
public static boolean pointAlmostEqual(Point a, Point b){
return almostEqual(a.y,b.y,10);
public static boolean cornerPointAlmostEqual(Point[] rect1, Point[] rect2){
boolean almostEqual=true;
for (int i=0; i<rect1.length;i++){
if (!pointAlmostEqual(rect1[i],rect2[i])){
return almostEqual;
private boolean onTap(float rawX, float rawY) {
String priceRegex = "(\\d+[,.]\\d\\d)";
ArrayList<OcrGraphic> graphics = mGraphicOverlay.getAllGraphicsInRow(rawY);
OcrGraphic currentGraphics = mGraphicOverlay.getGraphicAtLocation(rawX,rawY);
if (graphics !=null && currentGraphics!=null) {
List<? extends Text> currentComponents = currentGraphics.getTextBlock().getComponents();
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(priceRegex);
final Pattern pattern1 = Pattern.compile(priceRegex);
TextBlock text = null;
Log.i("text results", "This many in the row: " + Integer.toString(graphics.size()));
ArrayList<Text> combinedComponents = new ArrayList<>();
for (OcrGraphic graphic : graphics) {
if (!graphic.equals(currentGraphics)) {
text = graphic.getTextBlock();
Log.i("text results", text.getValue());
for (Text currentText : currentComponents) { // goes through components in the row
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(currentText.getValue()); // looks for
Point[] currentPoint = currentText.getCornerPoints();
for (Text otherCurrentText : combinedComponents) {//Looks for other components that are in the same row
final Matcher otherMatcher = pattern1.matcher(otherCurrentText.getValue()); // looks for
Point[] innerCurrentPoint = otherCurrentText.getCornerPoints();
if (cornerPointAlmostEqual(currentPoint, innerCurrentPoint)) {
if (matcher.find()) { // if you click on the price
Log.i("oh yes", "Item: " + otherCurrentText.getValue());
Log.i("oh yes", "Value: " +;
if (otherMatcher.find()) { // if you click on the item
Log.i("oh yes", "Item: " + currentText.getValue());
Log.i("oh yes", "Value: " +;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(this, " Text Captured!" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);;
return true;
return false;
This should be in and it breaks up the TextBlock into lines and finds the blocks in the same row as the line and checks if the components are all prices, and prints all value accordingly.
The eps value in almostEqual is the tolerance for how tall it checks for graphics in the row.

Recyclerview findViewHolderForAdapterPosition returns null after scroll to new position

RecyclerView recyclerView;
MyAdapter mAdapter;
List<ItemData> itemsData;
Global glb;
LinearLayoutManager llm;
private int valData() {
String tmpStr;
Cursor c;
int position=0;
enter code here
AutoCompleteTextView tTbl = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(;
tmpStr = tTbl.getText().toString();
c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM tblDts WHERE tblNam = '" + tmpStr + "'", null);
if (c.getCount() == 0) {
showMessage("Error", "Table Name Not Found");
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < itemsData.size(); i++) {
tmpStr = itemsData.get(i).getTitle().toString();
c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM itmDts WHERE itmNam = '" + tmpStr + "';", null);
if (c.getCount() == 0) {
i tried all the above scroll procedure, when i using getChildAt its return only view of the before scroll and not the new one
//View vw = llm.getChildAt(0);
when rise the findviewholderforadapterpostion in between current display views there has been it shows correctly but if i rise non display position it returns null
RecyclerView.ViewHolder vh = recyclerView.findViewHolderForAdapterPosition(i);
View vw = vh.itemView;
AutoCompleteTextView tTa=(AutoCompleteTextView)vw.findViewById(;
tmpStr =tTa.getText().toString();
showMessage(llm.getChildCount()+"Error" + position, "Item Name Not Found" + tmpStr);
return 1;
return 0;
I am always facing with these kind of problems on Android platform. And most of my problems fixed with thread sleep :) This is not a proper way but could not found any other way. Just you need to add 100 ms sleep after scrolled the next item.
Following code is for Xamarin.Android.
public async static void FocusNextItem(Android.Support.V7.Widget.RecyclerView recyclerView, int nextPosition)
var viewHolder = recyclerView.FindViewHolderForAdapterPosition(nextPosition);
if (viewHolder == null)
await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Delay(100);
viewHolder = recyclerView.FindViewHolderForAdapterPosition(nextPosition);

Android 2D animation drawing: bad performance

I have an app that draws a grid of dots (let's say 5x5). The user is asked to draw lines on that grid. If the user's finger touches one of the dots in the grid, this dot is being colored to show that this dot is part of a path drawn. In addition a line will be drawn between each two touched dots.
The issue - I get very bad performance, which causes few things:
The application gets really slow.
Motion events in event.getAction() get bad granularity. I meanenter code here that instead of registering a movement each 10 pixels for example, it registers movements each 100 pixels. This, in turn, will causes the app to NOT redraw some dots the user had touched.
Sometimes the motion coordinates are simple wrong: lets say the user is moving her finger from pixel 100 to pixel 500, the reading might show 100...200...150...140...300...400. For some reason the touch location gets messed up in some cases.
Look at the example on how the app "misses out" on dots the user have touched and doesn't draw the green dots:
I've tried few thing:
Adding Thread.sleep(100); to else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) inside onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event), I read that this might give the CPU time to catch up on all those touch events - didn't change a thing
Adding this.destroyDrawingCache() to the very end of doDraw() (I use it instead of onDraw, as was suggested by one tutorial I used). I thought this will clear all event/drawing caching which seems to be slowing down the system - didn't change a thing.
I am fairly new to Android animation so I am not sure how to proceed:
I understand I should do as little as possible in doDraw() (my onDraw()) and onTouchEvent().
I read some stuff about invalidate() but not sure how and when to use it. If I understand correctly, my View gets drawn anew each time doDraw() is called. My grid, for instance, is static - how can I avoid redrawing it?
++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE 7th Oct +++++++++++++++++++++
I tried using canvas.drawCircle(xPos, yPos, 8, mNodePaint); instead of canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, xPos, yPos, null);. I thought that if I DIDN'T use actual bitmaps this might improve performance. As a matter of fact - it didn't! I am a bit confused how such a simple application can pose such a heavy load on the device. I must be doing something really the wrong way.
++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE 12th Oct +++++++++++++++++++++
I took into account what #LadyWoodi suggested - I've eliminated all variable declarations out of the loops - anyway it is a bad practice and I also got rid of all the "System.Out" lines I use so I can log app behavior to better understand why I get such a lame performance. I am sad to say that if there was a change in performance (I didn't actually measure frame rate change) it is negligible.
Any other ideas?
++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE 13th Oct +++++++++++++++++++++
As I have a static grid of dots (see hollow black/white dots in screenShot) that never changes during the game I did the following:
-Draw the grid once.
-Capture the drawing as bitmap using Bitmap.createBitmap().
-Use canvas.drawBitmap() to draw the bitmap of the static dots grid.
-When my thread runs I check to see it the grid of dots is drawn. If it is running I will NOT recreate the static dots grid. I will only render it from my previously rendered bitmap.
Surprisingly this changed nothing with my performance! Redrawing the dots grid each time didn't have a true visual effect on app performance.
I decided to use canvas = mHolder.lockCanvas(new Rect(50, 50, 150, 150)); inside my drawing thread. It was just for testing purposes to see if I limit the area rendered each time, I can get the performance better. This DID NOT help either.
Then I turned to the DDMS tool in Eclipse to try and profile the app. What it came up with, was that canvas.drawPath(path, mPathPaint); (Canvas.native_drawPath) consumed about 88.5% of CPU time!!!
But why??! My path drawing is rather simple, mGraphics contains a collection of Paths and all I do is figure out if each path is inside the boundaries of the game screen and then I draw a path:
//draw path user is creating with her finger on screen
for (Path path : mGraphics)
//get path values
mPm = new PathMeasure(path, true);
mPm.getPosTan(0f, mStartCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aStartCoordinates X:" + aStartCoordinates[0] + " aStartCoordinates Y:" + aStartCoordinates[1]);
mPm.getPosTan(mPm.getLength(), mEndCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aEndCoordinates X:" + aEndCoordinates[0] + " aEndCoordinates Y:" + aEndCoordinates[1]);
//coordinates are within game board boundaries
if((mStartCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mStartCoordinates[1] >= 1) && (mEndCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mEndCoordinates[1] >= 1))
canvas.drawPath(path, mPathPaint);
Can anyone see any ill programmed lines of code in my examples?
++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE 14th Oct +++++++++++++++++++++
I've made changes to my doDraw()method. Basically what I do is draw the screen ONLY if something was changed. In all other cases I simply store a cached bitmap of the screen and render it. Please take a look:
public void doDraw(Canvas canvas)
synchronized (mViewThread.getSurefaceHolder())
if(mGraphics.size() > mPathsCount)
mPathsCount = mGraphics.size();
//draw path user is creating with her finger on screen
for (Path path : mGraphics)
//get path values
mPm = new PathMeasure(path, true);
mPm.getPosTan(0f, mStartCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aStartCoordinates X:" + aStartCoordinates[0] + " aStartCoordinates Y:" + aStartCoordinates[1]);
mPm.getPosTan(mPm.getLength(), mEndCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aEndCoordinates X:" + aEndCoordinates[0] + " aEndCoordinates Y:" + aEndCoordinates[1]);
//coordinates are within game board boundaries
if((mStartCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mStartCoordinates[1] >= 1) && (mEndCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mEndCoordinates[1] >= 1))
canvas.drawPath(path, mPathPaint);
//nodes that the path goes through, are repainted green
//these nodes are building the drawn pattern
for (ArrayList<PathPoint> nodePattern : mNodesHitPatterns)
for (PathPoint nodeHit : nodePattern)
canvas.drawBitmap(mDotOK, nodeHit.x - ((mDotOK.getWidth()/2) - (mNodeBitmap.getWidth()/2)), nodeHit.y - ((mDotOK.getHeight()/2) - (mNodeBitmap.getHeight()/2)), null);
mGameField = Bitmap.createBitmap(mGridNodesCount * mNodeGap, mGridNodesCount * mNodeGap, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
canvas.drawBitmap(mGameField, 0f, 0f, null);
Now for the results - as long as the device doesn't have to render no paths and simply draws from a bitmap, stuff goes very fast. But the moment I have to rerender the screen using canvas.drawPath() performance becomes as sluggish as a turtle on morphine... The more paths I have (up to 6 and more, which is NOTHING!) the slower the rendering. How odd is this?? - My paths are even not really curvy - the are all straight lines with an occasional turn. What I mean is that the line is not very "complex".
I've add more code below - if you have any improvements ideas.
Many thanks in advance,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class "Panel" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public class Panel extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
Bitmap mNodeBitmap;
int mNodeBitmapWidthCenter;
int mNodeBitmapHeightCenter;
Bitmap mDotOK;
ViewThread mViewThread;
ArrayList<PathPoint> mPathPoints;
private ArrayList<Path> mGraphics = new ArrayList<Path>(3);
private ArrayList<ArrayList<PathPoint>> mNodesHitPatterns = new ArrayList<ArrayList<PathPoint>>();
private Paint mPathPaint;
Path mPath = new Path();
//private ArrayList<Point> mNodeCoordinates = new ArrayList<Point>();
private int mGridNodesCount = 5;
private int mNodeGap = 100;
PathPoint mNodeCoordinates[][] = new PathPoint[mGridNodesCount][mGridNodesCount];
PathMeasure mPm;
float mStartCoordinates[] = {0f, 0f};
float mEndCoordinates[] = {0f, 0f};
PathPoint mPathPoint;
Boolean mNodesGridDrawn = false;
Bitmap mGameField = null;
public Boolean getNodesGridDrawn() {
return mNodesGridDrawn;
public Panel(Context context) {
mNodeBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;
mNodeBitmapWidthCenter = mNodeBitmap.getWidth()/2;
mNodeBitmapHeightCenter = mNodeBitmap.getHeight()/2;
mDotOK = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.dot_ok);
mViewThread = new ViewThread(this);
mPathPaint = new Paint();
mPathPaint.setDither(true); //for better color
public ArrayList<ArrayList<PathPoint>> getNodesHitPatterns()
return this.mNodesHitPatterns;
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
//setPadding(100, 100, 0, 0);
if (!mViewThread.isAlive()) {
mViewThread = new ViewThread(this);
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (mViewThread.isAlive()) {
//draw the basic nodes grid that the user will use to draw the lines on
//store as bitmap
public void drawNodesGrid(Canvas canvas)
for (int i = 0; i < mGridNodesCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mGridNodesCount; j++)
int xPos = j * mNodeGap;
int yPos = i * mNodeGap;
//TODO - changed
mNodeCoordinates[i][j] = new PathPoint(xPos, yPos, null);
catch (Exception e)
canvas.drawBitmap(mNodeBitmap, xPos, yPos, null);
mNodesGridDrawn = true;
mGameField = Bitmap.createBitmap(mGridNodesCount * mNodeGap, mGridNodesCount * mNodeGap, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
public void doDraw(Canvas canvas)
canvas.drawBitmap(mGameField, 0f, 0f, null);
synchronized (mViewThread.getSurefaceHolder())
//draw path user is creating with her finger on screen
for (Path path : mGraphics)
//get path values
mPm = new PathMeasure(path, true);
mPm.getPosTan(0f, mStartCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aStartCoordinates X:" + aStartCoordinates[0] + " aStartCoordinates Y:" + aStartCoordinates[1]);
mPm.getPosTan(mPm.getLength(), mEndCoordinates, null);
//System.out.println("aEndCoordinates X:" + aEndCoordinates[0] + " aEndCoordinates Y:" + aEndCoordinates[1]);
//coordinates are within game board boundaries
if((mStartCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mStartCoordinates[1] >= 1) && (mEndCoordinates[0] >= 1 && mEndCoordinates[1] >= 1))
canvas.drawPath(path, mPathPaint);
//nodes that the path goes through, are repainted green
//these nodes are building the drawn pattern
for (ArrayList<PathPoint> nodePattern : mNodesHitPatterns)
for (PathPoint nodeHit : nodePattern)
canvas.drawBitmap(mDotOK, nodeHit.x - ((mDotOK.getWidth()/2) - (mNodeBitmap.getWidth()/2)), nodeHit.y - ((mDotOK.getHeight()/2) - (mNodeBitmap.getHeight()/2)), null);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
synchronized (mViewThread.getSurefaceHolder()) {
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
//System.out.println("Action downE x: " + event.getX() + " y: " + event.getY());
for (int i = 0; i < mGridNodesCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mGridNodesCount; j++)
//TODO - changed
//PathPoint pathPoint = mNodeCoordinates[i][j];
mPathPoint = mNodeCoordinates[i][j];
if((Math.abs((int)event.getX() - mPathPoint.x) <= 35) && (Math.abs((int)event.getY() - mPathPoint.y) <= 35))
//mPath.moveTo(pathPoint.x + mBitmap.getWidth() / 2, pathPoint.y + mBitmap.getHeight() / 2);
//System.out.println("Action down x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
ArrayList<PathPoint> newNodesPattern = new ArrayList<PathPoint>();
else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE)
final int historySize = event.getHistorySize();
//System.out.println("historySize: " + historySize);
//System.out.println("Action moveE x: " + event.getX() + " y: " + event.getY());
for (int i = 0; i < mGridNodesCount; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mGridNodesCount; j++)
//TODO - changed
//PathPoint pathPoint = mNodeCoordinates[i][j];
mPathPoint = mNodeCoordinates[i][j];
if((Math.abs((int)event.getX() - mPathPoint.x) <= 35) && (Math.abs((int)event.getY() - mPathPoint.y) <= 35))
int lastPatternIndex = mNodesHitPatterns.size()-1;
ArrayList<PathPoint> lastPattern = mNodesHitPatterns.get(lastPatternIndex);
int lastPatternLastNode = lastPattern.size()-1;
if(lastPatternLastNode != -1)
if(!mPathPoint.equals(lastPattern.get(lastPatternLastNode).x, lastPattern.get(lastPatternLastNode).y))
//System.out.println("Action moveC [add point] x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
//System.out.println("Action moveC [add point] x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
break coordinateFound;
else //no current match => try historical
if(historySize > 0)
for (int k = 0; k < historySize; k++)
//System.out.println("Action moveH x: " + event.getHistoricalX(k) + " y: " + event.getHistoricalY(k));
if((Math.abs((int)event.getHistoricalX(k) - mPathPoint.x) <= 35) && (Math.abs((int)event.getHistoricalY(k) - mPathPoint.y) <= 35))
int lastPatternIndex = mNodesHitPatterns.size()-1;
ArrayList<PathPoint> lastPattern = mNodesHitPatterns.get(lastPatternIndex);
int lastPatternLastNode = lastPattern.size()-1;
if(lastPatternLastNode != -1)
if(!mPathPoint.equals(lastPattern.get(lastPatternLastNode).x, lastPattern.get(lastPatternLastNode).y))
//System.out.println("Action moveH [add point] x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
//System.out.println("Action moveH [add point] x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
break coordinateFound;
else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP)
// for (int i = 0; i < mGridSize; i++) {
// for (int j = 0; j < mGridSize; j++) {
// PathPoint pathPoint = mNodeCoordinates[i][j];
// if((Math.abs((int)event.getX() - pathPoint.x) <= 35) && (Math.abs((int)event.getY() - pathPoint.y) <= 35))
// {
// //the location of the node
// //mPath.lineTo(pathPoint.x + mBitmap.getWidth() / 2, pathPoint.y + mBitmap.getHeight() / 2);
// //System.out.println("Action up x: " + pathPoint.x + " y: " + pathPoint.y);
// //mGraphics.add(mPath);
// // mNodesHit.add(pathPoint);
// // pathPoint.setAction("up");
// break;
// }
// }
// }
//create mPath
for (ArrayList<PathPoint> nodePattern : mNodesHitPatterns)
for (int i = 0; i < nodePattern.size(); i++)
if(i == 0) //first node in pattern
mPath.moveTo(nodePattern.get(i).x + mNodeBitmapWidthCenter, nodePattern.get(i).y + mNodeBitmapHeightCenter);
mPath.lineTo(nodePattern.get(i).x + mNodeBitmapWidthCenter, nodePattern.get(i).y + mNodeBitmapWidthCenter);
return true;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class "ViewThread" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public class ViewThread extends Thread {
private Panel mPanel;
private SurfaceHolder mHolder;
private boolean mRun = false;
public ViewThread(Panel panel) {
mPanel = panel;
mHolder = mPanel.getHolder();
public void setRunning(boolean run) {
mRun = run;
public SurfaceHolder getSurefaceHolder()
return mHolder;
public void run()
Canvas canvas = null;
while (mRun)
canvas = mHolder.lockCanvas();
//canvas = mHolder.lockCanvas(new Rect(50, 50, 150, 150));
if (canvas != null)
It's just the idea, but I would try to take all the declarations out of the loops. I know that it can be useful to have them localized, however it's usually really time consuming so it could help a little. My second idea was already tested by you in your update so now I am also curious how it will go ;)
You are using a SurfaceView? First of all, I recommend you to use a graphic library for your game... AndEngine for example is pretty easy to use and you will achieve to develop a much more beautiful game than using the Java canvas. The performance is better too.
I canĀ“t find anything wrong with your code, but there is a lot of processing in the draw method, and more important, in the onTouch event. You should avoid to use divisions or heavy math operations in the loops and try to pre-calculate everything before.
But I insist; for something like what you are doing, take a look at this and you will have it up and running in no time!