Getting fields from SQL Server Stored Procedure - pentaho

I'm trying to build a transformation in Kettle that gets FIELDS from a SQL Server Stored Procedure and inserts it in a MySql table.
The problem is that I can't find a way to get stored procedure "fields". I understand that Call DB Procedure task expects in/out params, and that's not my case, so I'm trying to use "Execute SQL Statements" with the following SQL:
exec credisfera.dbo.sp_insere_parcelas #dt_ref = '2016-05-03'
Is there a way to achieve this?

Simply put the exec statement in a Table input step. Upon execution (or "Output fields...", PDI will get the metadata from the JDBC driver.


Executing stored procedure through SAS not working the same as it does in SQL Server

I have a stored procedure that I often execute within SQL Server. Without copying hundreds of lines of code into here, it basically does the following:
You enter a database and table name as parameters.
The procedure then calculates summary statistics on all fields in the table (average, sum etc.) and inserts them into a temporary table.
The summary statistics are then inserted into an existing meta table.
The temporary table of stats is then dropped.
The procedure itself works perfectly when executing through SQL Server.
However, executing the same procedure with the same parameters through SAS code (via WPS) does not return the same results. It kicks off the procedure and calculates the statistics, but then fails to insert the statistics into the existing table and fails to drop the temporary table. Despite this, no errors are returned in the SAS log. The SAS code to execute the procedure is here:
proc sql;
connect to odbcold(required="dsn=&SQLServer; database=_Repository;");
execute (SP_Meta_Stats
#DATABASE = &vintage.,
#TABLE_NAME = &table_name.) by odbcold;
disconnect from odbcold;
I can assure you the macro variables have been setup correctly because the procedure is kicking off correctly with the correct parameters. It's just not completing the procedure as it does directly in SQL.
Are there are any known limitations to executing SQL stored procedures through a proc sql statement in SAS? Any known reasons why this not be computing the same as it does in SQL, despite just executing the same procedure?
This seems to be some sort of connection issue. As if after a certain time lapses, WPS disconnects from the SQL connection. Because sometimes the temporary table has only computed stats for a handful of variables.

SSIS Stored Procedure Call

I'm trying to call a simple stored procedure which would return a list of names in normal test format, all in a single line. I'm passing it two parameters, but no matter how i setup the call, either within a OLE DB Source Editor, or within an execute SQL task.
There must be something i'm missing with my SQL statement b/c i keep getting an error.
My SQL command text is
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?
The parameters I'm passing are listed exactly as they are declared in the stored procedure, #IDType and #IDNumber, which are mapped to predefined variables.
Every time I try to run it from either task type, I get a
The EXEC SQL construct or statement is not supported.
What is the best way to run a stored procedure within SSIS?
Thank you.
I cannot recreate your issue.
I created a control flow with the proc already in existence.
I have my execute sql task configured as
My parameters tab shows
When I click run, the package goes green.
My initial assumption was that you had signaled that you were using a stored procedure and were erroneously providing the EXEC part. I had done something similar with SSRS but even updating the IsQueryStoredProcedure to True, via Expression, I could not regenerate your error message.
If you are doing something else/different/in addition to what I have shown in the Execute SQL Task, could you amend your question to describe what all functionality the procedure should show.
Did you specify output parameters?
For 2 in / 1 out your SQL code will look like:
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?, ? OUTPUT
ResultSet has to be set to none!
I had the same problem.
When you execute the task check the 'Progress' tab; this will give you a 'fully fledged' error details.
In my case I didn't map the parameter which I created in the SQL Task to the actual one in the Stored Procedure.
So, double click the SQL Task, click on Parameter Mapping on the left hand side, then Create the parameters and their respective mappings. Here is a screenshot (in version 2012):
I faced with a similar issue after upgrading to SSDT for VS 2013 (the problem was with lookup element).
Fixed by using this answer:
EXEC ('dbo.MyStoredProcedure')
MyIntegerColumn INT NOT NULL,
MyTextColumn VARCHAR(50) NULL,
MyOtherColumn BIT NULL
use the same command you use to run the stored procedure in MySQL workbench
call ();
USE this command in Execute SQL Task

Sybase - Stored procedure - Store results of a SQL query into an OUTPUT parameter

In a stored procedure, I've to build my own SQL request(because tables names and some properties names are known only at execution time(parameters)).
So Basically I've something like this
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE WITH RESULT SET OFF 'My custom query which select one data'
Usually, I would use the INTO commands, but my parameter is recognized inside the Execute immediate, which seems logic.
(Before you ask: I cannot return this in a result set, the result set is used for another data(and the result of this EXECUTE IMMEDIATE will determine which query I will run(and must be returned)).
How would you approach this problem? I guess it's the same problem on SQL Server-... but I didn't tested on it
You could create a table in compiled Sql and then the dynamic Sql populates it, so that the compiled sql statement after the dynamic part can read the results and update them onto your output params.

Running synchronous commands to between two sql servers

I'm running a stored procedure on server1 from my application. The stored procedure does a bunch of stuff and populate a table on server2 with the result from the procedure.
I'm using linked server to accomplish this.
When the stored procedure is done running the application continues and tries to do some manipulation of the result from the stored procedure.
My problem is that the results from the stored procedure has not been completely inserted into the tables yet, so the manipulation of the tables fails.
So my question is. Is it possible to ensure the insert into on the linked server is done synchronous? I would like to have the stored procedure not return until the tables on the linked server actually is done.
You can use an output parameter of the first procedure. When the table is create on the second server the output parameter value will be return to your application and indicates the operation is ready.
If the things are difficult then this you can try setting a different isolation level of your store procedure:
I found the reason for this strange behavior. There was a line of code in my stored procedure added during debug that did a select on a temporary mem table before the data in the same table was written to the linked server.
When the select statement was run, the control was given back to my application and at the same time the stored procedure continued running. I guess the stored procedure was running synchronously from the start.

SQL Server: Load stored procedure results into table

I have a stored Procedure that returns multiple resultsets(to be specific three resultsets). I just need the first resultset. I am calling the original procedure from a different procedure where i will store the returned resultset into a #table and use it from my further processing.
Also, i can not modify the original stored procedure to achieve this.
Please help!
It's not possible to retrieve the second or further result set from a stored procedure inside SQL.
Two workarounds:
A scheduled job (like a C# program) that periodically calls the stored procedure and stores the result in tables that other procedures can use.
A SQL CLR stored procedure that does the same. The advantage of a SQL CLR procedure is that you can call it from normal SQL stored procedures, so you don't have to wait for the scheduled task.
I haven't tested this, but a work around would be to use OpenQuery and call your SP using it because "Although the query may return multiple result sets, OPENQUERY returns only the first one". OPENROWSET will also do the same...