Getting missing row while using insertAll - BigQuery - google-bigquery

I am getting missing row with invalid reason in response while inserting data into BigQuery.
{"errors":[{"message":"Missing row.","reason":"invalid"}],"index":0}, {"errors":[{"message":"Missing row.","reason":"invalid"}]
Below is the code which i am executing:
/The below lines calls the dfp API to get all adunits
AdUnitPage page = inventoryService.getAdUnitsByStatement(statementBuilder.toStatement());
List dfpadunits = new ArrayList();
if (page.getResults() != null) {
totalResultSetSize = page.getTotalResultSetSize();
int i = page.getStartIndex();
for (AdUnit adUnit : page.getResults()) {
"%d) Ad unit with ID '%s' and name '%s' was found.%n", i++,
adUnit.getId(), adUnit.getName());*/
//Map<String,Object> dfpadunitrow = new HashMap<String,Object>();
//dfpadunitrow.put(adUnit.getId(), adUnit.getName());
Rows dfpadunit = new TableDataInsertAllRequest.Rows();
TableDataInsertAllRequest content = new TableDataInsertAllRequest();
Bigquery.Tabledata.InsertAll request = bigqueryService.tabledata().insertAll(projectId, datasetId, tableId, content);
TableDataInsertAllResponse response = request.execute();
I put loggers to check my data is populated correctly but when i try to insert records into bigquery using insertAll , I get missing row in response with invalid reason.

You need to use a TableRow object. This works (I tested):
TableDataInsertAllRequest.Rows dfpadunit = new TableDataInsertAllRequest.Rows();
TableRow row = new TableRow();


Get total results for revisions (RavenDB Client API)

I am trying to display document revisions in a paginated list. This will only work when I know the total results count so I can calculate the page count.
For common document queries this is possible with session.Query(...).Statistics(out var stats).
My current solution is the following:
// get paged revisions
List<T> items = await session.Advanced.Revisions.GetForAsync<T>(id, (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize, pageSize);
double totalResults = items.Count;
// get total results in case items count equals page size
if (pageSize <= items.Count || pageNumber > 1)
GetRevisionsCommand command = new GetRevisionsCommand(id, 0, 1, true);
session.Advanced.RequestExecutor.Execute(command, session.Advanced.Context);
command.Result.Results.Parent.TryGet("TotalResults", out totalResults);
Problem with this approach is that I need an additional request just to get the TotalResults property which indeed has already been returned by the first request. I just don't know how to access it.
You are right the TotalResults is returned from server but not parsed on the client side.
I opened an issue to fix that:
You can also get the total revisions count for document by using the /databases/{dbName}/revisions/count?id={docId} endpoint, client code for example:
var docId = "company/1";
var dbName = store.Database;
var json = await store.GetRequestExecutor().HttpClient
.GetAsync(store.Urls.First() + $"/databases/{dbName}/revisions/count?id={docId}").Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
using var ctx = JsonOperationContext.ShortTermSingleUse();
using var obj = ctx.ReadForMemory(json, "revision-count");
obj.TryGet("RevisionsCount", out long revisionsCount);
Another way could be getting all the revisions:
var revisions = await session.Advanced.Revisions.GetForAsync<Company>(docId, 0, int.MaxValue);
Then using the revisions.Count as the total count.

Salesforce Apex: Error ORA-01460

I've developed an apex API on salesforce which performs a SOQL on a list of CSV data. It has been working smoothly until yesterday, after making a few changes to code that follow the SOQL query, I started getting a strange 500 error:
common.exception.SfdcSqlException: ORA-01460: unimplemented or
unreasonable conversion requested\n\n\nselect /SampledPrequery/
sum(term0) \"cnt0\",\nsum(term1) \"cnt1\",\ncount(*)
\"totalcount\",\nsum(term0 * term1) \"combined\"\nfrom (select /*+
ordered use_nl(t_c1) /\n(case when (t_c1.deleted = '0') then 1 else 0
end) term0,\n(case when (upper(t_c1.val18) = ?) then 1 else 0 end)
term1\nfrom (select /+ index(sampleTab AKENTITY_SAMPLE)
*/\nentity_id\nfrom core.entity_sample sampleTab\nwhere organization_id = '00Dq0000000AMfz'\nand key_prefix = ?\nand rownum <=
?) sampleTab,\ncore.custom_entity_data t_c1\nwhere
t_c1.organization_id = '00Dq0000000AMfz'\nand t_c1.key_prefix = ?\nand
sampleTab.entity_id =
t_c1.custom_entity_data_id)\n\nClass.labFlows.queryContacts: line 13,
column 1\nClass.labFlows.fhaQuery: line 6, column
1\nClass.zAPI.doPost: line 10, column 1"}]
the zAPI.doPost() is simply our router class which takes in the post payload as well as the requested operation. It then calls whatever function the operation requests. In this case, the call is to labFlows.queryContacts():
Public static Map<string,List<string>> queryContacts(string[] stringArray){
//First get the id to get to the associative entity, Contact_Deals__c id
List<Contact_Deals__c> dealQuery = [SELECT id,, Deal__r.FHA_Number__c, Deal__r.Name, Deal__r.Owner.Name
FROM Contact_Deals__c
Where Deal__r.FHA_Number__c in :stringArray];
//Using the id in the associative entity, grab the contact information
List<Contact_Deals__c> contactQuery = [Select Contact__r.Name, Contact__r.Id, Contact__r.Owner.Name, Contact__r.Owner.Id, Contact__r.Rule_Class__c, Contact__r.Primary_Borrower_Y_N__c
FROM contact_deals__c
WHERE Id in :dealQuery];
//Grab all deal id's
Map<string,List<string>> result = new Map<string,List<string>>();
for(Contact_Deals__c i:dealQuery){
List<string> temp = new list<string>();
for(Contact_Deals__c j:contactQuery){
if( =={
//This doesn't really help if there are multiple primary borrowers on a deal - but that should be a SF worflow rule IMO
if(j.Contact__r.Primary_Borrower_Y_N__c == 'Yes'){
result.put(, temp);
return result;
The only thing I've changed is moving the temp list to add elements before the inner-loop (previously temp would only capture things from the inner-loop). The error above is referencing line 13, which is specifically the first SOQL call:
List<Contact_Deals__c> dealQuery = [SELECT id,, Deal__r.FHA_Number__c, Deal__r.Name, Deal__r.Owner.Name
FROM Contact_Deals__c
Where Deal__r.FHA_Number__c in :stringArray];
I've tested this function in the apex anonymous window and it worked perfectly:
string a = '00035398,00035401';
string result = zAPI.doPost(a, 'fhaQuery');
13:36:54:947 USER_DEBUG
So this is working. The next part is maybe looking at my python script that is calling the API,
def origQuery(file_name, operation):
csv_text = ""
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
data = json.dumps({
'data' : csv_text,
'operation' : operation
results =, headers=headers, data=data)
print results.text
origQuery('myfile.csv', 'fhaQuery')
I've tried looking up this ORA-01460 apex error, but I can't find anything that will help me fix this issue.
Can any one shed ore light on what this error is telling me?
Thank you all so much!
It turns out the error was in the PY script. For some reason the following code isn't functioning as it is supposed to:
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
This was returning one very long string that had zero delimiters. The final line in the code was cutting off the delimiter. What I needed instead was:
with open(file_name) as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect='excel')
for row in reader:
csv_text += row[0]+','
csv_text = csv_text[:-1]
Which would cut off the final ','
The error was occurring because the single long string was above 4,000 characters.

How do I correct the "Object Expected" Error when it inloves var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();?

Hi have been getting an error stating.. Object Expected for these 2 lines of code:
function AsyncSave(send) {
//alert ('In CustomSave');
var drp = document.getElementById("Sample_sample_DropDownChoice");
var drpValue = drp.options[drp.selectedIndex].value;
var varAnalysis = getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle("textarea","TextField","Principal Comments");
var varAnalysisTextBoxID = RTE_GetEditorDocument(;
var varAnalysisText = varAnalysisTextBoxID.body.innerText;
alert ('Save N Send');
alert (drpValue);
alert (varAnalysisText);
Error Happens when it gets to the line below
var queryStringVals = $().SPServices.SPGetQueryString();
var itemID = queryStringVals["itemID"];
What could be the problem.. should I be running different up to date SPServices.. this is 2010 btw.
The goal is to take the values entered, save them, and update them (send) to another form/List.
SharePoint 2010 has a built-in JavaScript method for retrieving values from the query string. Try using the following:
var itemID = GetUrlKeyValue("itemID");
That's assuming the URL of the page on which the script is running actually has a query string parameter of "itemID"

sending string parameter in action=track leanplum Rest Api not working

I want to send string parameters in Leanplum api using action script
Eg param:{"Element":"Hi"}
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
var variables:URLVariables = urlVariables;
variables.userId = userId;
variables.event = eventName;
var params:Object = new Object();
params.Element = "Hi";
var paramStr:String = JSON.stringify(params);
variables.params = paramStr;
variables.appId = appId;
variables.clientKey = clientKeyProduction;
variables.apiVersion = apiVersion;
variables.action = "track";
variables.versionName = AppInfo.getInstance().appVersion; = variables;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event):void {
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function(e:IOErrorEvent):void {
This is actual Request (App ID and ClientKey are dummy):{"Element":"Ur"}&appId=HEVdDlXiBVLwk&event=Element_Opened&action=track&versionName=2.3.0&apiVersion=1.0.6&info=Lu
Encoded Request:
if I run above request in any rest client I get the same status success : true .
I am getting the response {"response": [{"success": true}]} but I can't find the parameters with value string in Leanplum dashboard, its listing parameter name but not the String Value for parameter.
If you apply some combination of filters then you can see values of parameter you sent to leanplum. like First select the occurrence of some event then apply Group by parameter then select parameter you want to see the data for.
Its a little different from flurry, Google analytics etc.

How can I rotate back?

I am developing a wcf service for Windows 8 APP. But I'm choked up at one point.
The following method, it is coming data in the database using entity. But this the data returns back to a class type. My question , if result is null what can I sent person who will this method
public AnketorDTO AnketorBul(string tc, string pass)
_entity = new AnketDBEntities();
var result = (from i in _entity.Anketors
where i.TC == tc
where i.Sifre == pass
select i).ToList();
if (!result.Any())
-->>> return new AnketorDTO();
Anketor anketor = result.First();
return Converter.ConvertAnketorToAnketorDTO(anketor);
with this methot I SENT it by creating a new class type but part which use this methot does not work because the values become null. how can we prevent it.
Client :
AnketorDTO anketor = await client.AnketorBulAsync(txtKullanici.Text, txtSifre.Password);
**if (anketor != null)
lblError.Text = anketor.Adi;**
lblError.Text = "Hata";
Can you try this method to see, if it works?
_entity = new AnketDBEntities();
var result = _entity.Anketors.FirstOrDefault(yourexpressions);