How to use envi setup head function? - header

I don't understand the envi_setup_head. Could anyone help me write it in IDL code format?
I have maps that were produced in IDL and I need to process them in ENVI. I don't know how to save the images in a folder and be able open them in ENVI. Does anyone know how to do it?

To create an ENVI header for an image file, you can try something like the IDL procedure below. It creates a small image file and uses envi_setup_head to create an ENVI header file. Essentially all you have to do is provide it with the number of samples, lines, data-type, etc., and you are good to go.
pro enviHeaderTest
compile_opt idl2
; Create the data and write to a file.
ns = 100
nl = 100
data = dist(ns, nl)
fname = 'mydatafile.dat'
openw, lun, fname, /GET_LUN
writeu, lun, data
close, lun
; Open a headless ENVI.
nv = envi(/HEADLESS)
; Create some map info for the raster.
mc = [0,0,0,0] ;Tie point: [x pixel, ypixel, x map, y map]
ps = [1D/3600, 1D/3600] ; Pixel size
mapInfo = envi_map_info_create(/GEOGRAPHIC, MC=mc, PS=ps)
; Create the header.
envi_setup_head, FNAME=fname, $ ; file name
NS=ns, $ ; number of samples
NL=nl, $ ; number of lines
NB=1, $ ; number of bands
DATA_TYPE=4, $ ; IDL data type (float in this case)
MAP_INFO=mapInfo, $
; Close ENVI.
Then, you can read the image into ENVI, either from the File->Open menu, or via the IDL command line like so:
IDL> nv = envi()
ENVI> view = nv.getview()
ENVI> raster = nv.openraster('mydatafile.dat')
ENVI> layer = view.createlayer(raster)


pdfminer3k - error

I want to convert my pdf files to txt files and used pdfminer3k module &, however, I got an error. -o file.txt -t tag file.pdf
This is my code at cmd screen.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python36\lib\", line 67, in
import os
File "C:\Python36\lib\", line 409
yield from walk(new_path, topdown, onerror, followlinks)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
This is an error message that I got.
Could you help me to fix this problem??
Added for reference: Great resourse:
The -t flag is the type of output. The options are text, tag, xml, and html.
Tag refers to generating a tag for xml. Replace tag with text in your command and try it.
The order of optional input also matters.
You also must invoke python, your command line does'nt know what import means, yet some of your environment seems to be setup. My example is for windows cmd from Anaconda3\Scripts directory. If your in juptyer notebook or a console, you should be able to run import pdf2txt with the .py
To setup your environment you need to append the os.path.append(yourpdfdirectory) otherwise file.pdf will not be found.
Try python -t text -o file.txt file.pdf
Or if you are brave...this is how to do programmatically. The trouble with xml is if you want to get the text, each character from xml tree is returned in an arbitrary order. You can get it to work but you need to build the string character by character which is not that hard, its just logically time consuming.
fp = open(filesin,'rb')
parser = PDFParser(fp)
doc = PDFDocument()
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager(caching=False)
laparams = LAParams(all_texts=True)
laparams.boxes_flow = -0.2
laparams.paragraph_indent = 0.2
laparams.detect_vertical = False
#laparams.heuristic_word_margin = 0.03
laparams.word_margin = 0.2
laparams.line_margin = 0.3
outfp = open(filesin+".out.tag" ,'wb')
device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
#process_pdf(rsrcmgr, device, pdfparse, pagenos,caching=c, check_extractable=True)
for p,page in enumerate(doc.get_pages()):
if p == 0: #temporary for page 1
layout = device.get_result()
alltextinbox = ''
#This is a rich environment so categorization of this object hierarchy is needed
for c,lt_obj in enumerate(layout):
#print(type(lt_obj),"This is type ",c,"th object on the ",p,"th page")
if isinstance(lt_obj,LTTextBoxHorizontal) or isinstance(lt_obj,LTTextBox) or isinstance(lt_obj,LTTextLine):
print("Type ,",type(lt_obj)," and text ..",lt_obj.get_text())
elif p != 0:
#call the column finder here
#check_matching("example", "example1")
#text_doc_df = pd.DataFrame(obj_textbox_line,columns=['text'])
#print (text_doc_df)
I'm working on a generic row/column matcher. If you don't want to bother, you can buy this software already for like 150 bucks for a pro converter.

How to print the variable loaded and assigned from file

I am just learning machine learning using Octave. I want to load the data from the file and assign the data to one variable, then I just want to print the data to the console.The data in data.txt file is several-rows and two-columns matrix.
data = load('data.txt');
x = data(:, 1);
y = data(:, 2);
printf x;
printf y;
After executing the code, x and y will show up on the console, it is not what I expected, I just want to check the data loaded from the file, how to print this? Do I use wrong command?
Just type data in console and press enter . This will print the contents of the data variable with all its elements. Do NOT add a semicolon at end of line. This would suppress output.
The explicit way doing this is the command

IDL batch processing: fully automatic input selection

I need to process MODIS ocean level 2 data and I obtained an external plugin for ENVI Now, I want to batch process hundreds of images for which I modified the code like the following code. The code is running fine, but I have to select the input file every time. Can anyone please help me to make the program fully automatic? I really appreciate and thanks a lot for your help!
Pro OCL2convert
dir = 'C:\MODIS\'
CD, dir
; batch processing of level 2 ocean chlorophyll data
files=file_search('*.L2_LAC_OC.x.hdf', count=numfiles)
; this command will search for all files in the directory which end with
; the specified one
; this is a counter that tells IDL which file is being read-starts at 0
While (counter LT numfiles) Do begin
; this command tells IDL to start a loop and to only finish when the counter
; is equal to the number of files with the name specified
openr, 1, name
proj = envi_proj_create(/utm, zone=40, datum='WGS-84')
ps = [1000.0d,1000.0d]
no_bowtie = 0 ;same as not setting the keyword
no_msg = 1 ;same as setting the keyword
;0 -> standard product only
;1 -> georeferenced product only
;2 -> standard and georeferenced products
output_choice = 2
;r_fid -> ENVI FID for the standard product, if requested
;georef_fid -> ENVI FID for the georeferenced product, if requested
convert_oc_l2_data, fname=fname, output_path=output_path, $
proj=proj, ps=ps, output_choice=output_choice, r_fid=r_fid, $
georef_fid=georef_fid, no_bowtie=no_bowtie, no_msg=no_msg
close, 1
Not knowing what convert_oc_l2_data does (it appears to be a program you created, there is no public documentation for it), I would say that the problem might be that the out_path variable is not defined in the rest of your program.

How to process various tasks like video acquisition parallel in Matlab?

I want to acquire image data from stereo camera simultaneously, or in parallel, save somewhere and read the data when need.
Currently I am doing
for i=1:100
start([vid1 vid2]);
%do several calculations%
In this cameras are working serially and it is very slow. How can I make 2 cameras work at a time???
Please help..
P.S : I also tried parfor but it does not help .
No Parallel Computing Toolbox required!
The following solution can generally solve problems like yours:
First the videos, I just use some vectors as "data" and save them to the workspace, these would be your two video files:
% Creating of some "videos"
fakevideo1 = [1 ; 1 ; 1];
fakevideo2 = [2 ; 2 ; 2];
The basic trick is to create a function which generates another instance of Matlab:
function [ ] = parallelinstance( fakevideo_number )
% create command
% -sd (set directory), pwd (current directory), -r (run function) ...
% finally "&" to indicate background computation
command = strcat('matlab -sd',{' '},pwd,{' '},'-r "processvideo(',num2str(fakevideo_number),')" -nodesktop -nosplash &');
% call command
system( command{1} );
Most important is the use of & at the end of the terminal command!
Within this function another function is called where the actual video processing is done:
function [] = processvideo( fakevideo_number )
% create file and variable name
filename = strcat('fakevideo',num2str(fakevideo_number),'.mat');
varname = strcat('fakevideo',num2str(fakevideo_number));
% load video to workspace or whatever
A = eval(varname);
% do what has to be done
results = A*2;
% save results to workspace, file, grandmothers mailbox, etc.
save([varname 'processed'],'results');
% just to show that both processes run parallel
Finally call the two processes in your main script:
% function call with number of video: parallelinstance(fakevideo_number)
My code is completely executable, so just play around a bit. I tried to keep it simple.
After all you will find two .mat files with the processed video "data" in your workspace.
Be aware to adjust the string fakevideo to name root of all your video files.

How to read different file format data and use it for compression

fob = open('this.txt','rb')
fob1 = open('that.txt','wb')
content = ''
for i in fob:
content += i
This is a code that is used to read a txt file and store it in a txt file.. How do I read any kind of file??? tht might evn be a jpeg file,pdf file or someother file.. Pls do help me..
Thanks in advance..
Your code reads a *.txt file line by line (and copies it).
If you want to read a different type of file byte by byte, and print its bits you can do this:
f = open('test.gnu','rb')
while flag:
byte =
flag = (byte != "")
if flag:
# do something with the byte, eg:
# print its bits:
print '{0:08b}'.format(ord(byte))
Or if you want to zip and unzip files, you can use the package "zipfile"; for code with examples with various compression formats see: