Avoid Rad Alert Postback while Ok button Click - rad

how to avoid RadAlert postback after OK button Click
Server side code below
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "radalert",
"radalert('Welcome to Radwindow!', 330, 210);", true);


Getting the name of a button while the progress bar is going on in webdriver

I have one button named "Add" in my web portal. On clicking on that button a progress bar appears and the name of the button gets changed to "Adding" from "Add" and remains "Adding" until the progress bar is not moved to 100%. After the progress bar is 100% complete, again the text of Add button changes back to "Add" from "Adding".
I need to assert whether the name of the button is changing from "Add" to "Adding" or not during the progress bar movement. But the problem is once I click on the "Add" button, then use the assertion, selenium will first click on "Add" button, completes the progress bar to 100% and then tries to assertion, but now already the text of "Add" button is already changed back to "Add" from "Adding".
Please give the solution. Thanks in advance.
You can find the element, click and immediately return it's text which can be used later for Assert
public string Test()
IWebElement element = Driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("Something"));
return element.Text;
Note: C# code

Tool Tip obscures button

I want to pop up a tool tip when mouse moves over button, to explain what will happen if the user clicks on the button.
This code seems to do the job ( except for a big snag )
wxHelpProvider::Set(new wxSimpleHelpProvider);
btnDisplay = new wxButton( this, -1,
"DISPLAY", wxPoint(10,35));
btnDisplay->SetHelpText("Click to display this dimension");
btnDisplay->Bind( wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &cHiddenDimensionPanel::OnDisplayHelp, this );
void cHiddenDimensionPanel::OnDisplayHelp(wxMouseEvent& event)
The snag is that the tooltip obscures the button! If I click on it, the tool tip vanishes for a moment, but immediately pops back up. It is not possible to click the button under the tooltip.
You should be using the SetToolTip(const wxString &tipString) method, and letting wx handle showing/hiding the tooltip - not re-appropriating the HelpText property and manually managing the tooltip display.

Modal dialog popup will raise when i click on button , the popup contain only Ok button.

Modal dialog popup will raise when i click on button , the popup contain only Ok button. I should close the popup by click on ok button .
Exception coming : Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.UnhandledAlertException: Modal dialog present: First Name should not be blank
try this:
Alert alert = webDriver.switchTo().alert();

Calling Click event of button of form on panel

I have one tabstrip control having two tabs.
On one tab i have Panel control where i have showed another form and this other form have one button "Submit".
On other tab i have some controls and one button "OK".
Now on clicking "OK" button i have to call the click event of "Submit" button of the form on panel on other tab.
All this is in windows application in vb.net.
After you load the form into the panel, you'll need to call AddHandler to add the submit button's click event handler as an event handler for the OK button. For instance:
AddHandler btnOk.Click, AddressOf childForm.btnSubmit_Click

stop colorbox popup closing when clicking anywhere outside the popup

We have a colorbox modal popup which we don't want to close unless the user clicks the "X" at the top right of the popup. Currently, it is closing if you click anywhere outside the popup area.
Many thanks!
Colorbox has options to modify that functionality. Just add this to your colorbox instantiation:
//your other colorbox options
escKey: false,
overlayClose: false