We are using SQL Server Reporting Server 2014. On exporting report into excel we are getting error "Length cannot be 0. Missing parameter Length". After research, we found that excel doesn't allow more than 255 characters in footer. We would like to hide footer on excel import only.
Is there a global settings on report level which we can apply to hide page footer in excel import. From google search, it is clear that we can add global logic to each text box within page footer to hide it. However, we didn't find any global report level logic to hide page footer in excel import. Can someone help us and provide logic to hide page footer on report level?
=(Globals!RenderFormat.IsInteractive = "EXCEL")
Use =Globals!RenderFormat.Name = "EXCEL".
The .IsInteractive you used returns a boolean and tells whether the report is being run interactive. The .Name returns the format name.
I placed all my textboxes inside a rectangle and turn on/off the visibility based on the answer above. This is so you don't have to do it on each textbox.
This question already has an answer here:
Replace text on header and footer of Excel file
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to access Excel's built-in custom footer dialog box with VBA? I'd like to access the actual dialog box; I know how to directly modify the footer via ActiveSheet.PageSetup.
I can open the Page Setup box via Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPageSetup).Show but I'm not able to get to the Header/Footer tab, then Custom Footer.
Here's what I've tried:
Application.SendKeys "h" 'Go to the Header/Footer tab
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{ENTER}", True 'Go to Custom Footer
Thank you.
Thanks for your responses thus far, and my apologies for not being clearer.
As noted above, I understand how to use ActiveSheet.PageSetupto modify the Left/Center/Right footer fields; however, I'd like to directly access the Custom Footer dialog box so that non-technical colleagues can easily modify these fields, in a familiar manner, as opposed to having them look through the VBA and changing the existing text strings and/or codes.
You don't have to call any dialogbox. You can access header/footer directly:
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&D &B&ITime:&I&B&T"
More at MSDN - Formatting and VBA Codes for Headers and Footers
To be more precise it would be
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = "&D &B&ITime:&I&B&T"
for the footer.
There are three points you can access, LeftFooter, CenterFooter, and RightFooter. It will be the same for the header.
This question has already been asked and answered here.
Is there a way to implement a report footer in .rdlc. There is no such a thing out of the box, but I really need to have that report footer like feature implemented. To picture out an example, I have variable page number document (based on Tablix), then at the end on the last page after the page break I need to have some more text.
If someone would run into similar problem, I was able to achieve that by inserting a Rectangle object, and setting up PageBreak property
How to disable navigation to the sub-report when clicked on it? I have report with 1 sub-report that displays Company information and I need to disable it once it has been clicked by Customer.
it can be disable from crystal report viewer control.Use
CrystalReportViewer1.EnableDrillDown = False
this will work for crystal report 2008 or above.
AS per comments by Question owner,in order to disable just navigation.there is no defined way.but it can be achieved by some other means.
"Create an empty text cell that is as wide as the report, and use it to "cover" the clickable fields to prevent drilldown.
Seriously, this is the only way we've found to do this. This is also documented on the BusObj support knowledge base (http://support.businessobjects.com/library/kbase/articles/c2013204.asp)"
for more information,Refer the link Disable Navigation
Currently I'm working on generating report using Microsoft Access. I have encounter problem where I'm unable to display full text in the text box. Control Source for this text box is from SQL Query.
This is example on what I'm getting right now:-
Appreciate any help or suggestion.
While viewing the form in Datasheet View (not Design View), double-click the edge of the column or drag to desired width. You must save the form for the formatting to stick. The width of datasheet form columns are not tied to the Width property in the property sheet. That's how it works in Access 2010 anyway.
You have to expand the Size of the text box that is all.
I'm sure this question has an easy answer, but I have a short timeline and need to get it resolved ASAP.
I'd like to have a content control drop down that when the user makes a selection, will update a legacy text box formField with the selected value.
I have no trouble selecting form fields and setting them using VBA code:
But I'm having trouble selecting the value from the content control, and also figuring out how to execute the macro "onExit" like I can with legacy fields / drop downs.
Any suggestions?
Google "vba content control events".
For example, see the last post by Greg Maxey at how-to-catch-custom-control-events-with-vba-macro and towards the bottom of his page http://gregmaxey.mvps.org/word_tip_pages/content_controls.html