How to create an enum for both Swift and ObjC with standard naming? - objective-c

I am writing an OS X/iOS framework in Objective-C, and I would like for the framework to be useful for developers using either Objective-C or Swift.
In normal Objective-C enums are defined like this (this example is taken directly from Apple's own UIView class reference).
typedef enum {
} UIViewAnimationCurve;
To make this enum Swift-friendly, my understanding is that it should be declared like this.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIViewAnimationCurve) {
This allows the enum to be accessed in the style of let curve: UIViewAnimationCurve = .EaseInOut from Swift.
My problem is that the NS_ENUM and underscore method produces strangely named enums when used from Objective-C. The NS_ENUM method allows dot notation to be used from Swift, but it also means that any ObjC code will need to use an underscore in the enumerated name, which is undesirable.
How can I allow dot notation for Swift while still preserving Objective-C style naming conventions for within ObjC code?

You simply follow the usual convention – no underscoring is necessary. Swift compiler is smart enough to just cut the common prefix out (the part that matches the enum type name). You do have to use an NS_ENUM for the enum to be made visible to Swift, but it's good practice anyway.
Case in point, for instance UIViewAnimationCurve is defined in an Objective-C header in just the form you describe in your first code example and works just fine in Swift:

If you define it like this:
typedef long TrafficLightColor NS_TYPED_ENUM;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorRed;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorYellow;
TrafficLightColor const TrafficLightColorGreen;
if get compiled to swift like this:
struct TrafficLightColor: RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable {
typealias RawValue = Int
init(rawValue: RawValue)
var rawValue: RawValue { get }
static var red: TrafficLightColor { get }
static var yellow: TrafficLightColor { get }
static var green: TrafficLightColor { get }
Looks like what you need, anyway take a look at:


Objective-C float #define not accessible in Swift4

I am migrating code from Objective-C to Swift 4.0. Here I have some float #define constants related to my deviceHeight in Specific Objective-C header class. While accessing this #define giving error "Use of unresolved identifier". When I use Objective-C string #define identifier it's easily accessible within Swift class.
Not accessible in Swift4
Accessible in Swift4
#define ERROR #"Some error occured. Please try later."
Help me with your comments or solution.
The reason this imports to Swift...
#define ERROR #"Some error occured. Please try later." that it’s semantically equivalent to a constant declaration. That is, it permanently associates that string-literal value with the name ERROR. The Swift compiler recognizes that you’re using the C preprocessor to define a constant, and translates it to a Swift constant.
(Even though you could—and probably should—define C global constants without the preprocessor, Swift recognizes that there’s a long tradition of using #define instead, and imports it anyway.)
The reason this doesn’t import to Swift...
#define PHONE_IPHONE10 PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT==812.0f that this is a preprocessor macro. It doesn’t statically map a name to a value. Instead, it tells C that wherever it sees your name PHONE_IPHONE10, it should substitute the expression PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT==812.0f. Presumably PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT is itself a macro, so the whole thing expands to a chain of method calls and an equality comparison.
Swift itself doesn’t do preprocessor macros, or anything like such, so it doesn’t import them from C.
A close equivalent would be to redefine this logic using a computed property or function (and the idiomatic way to do that in Swift would be as a static member on a type, not a global symbol). Something like this:
extension UIDevice {
class var isMaybeiPhoneX: Bool {
return false // or some logic based on UIScreen.main.size
But be warned, the whole idea of conditionally changing your app’s UI or behavior based on a specific screen height check is fraught with peril. Tried Auto Layout?
To achieve similar functionality I created Constants.swift file with this structure:
struct Constants {
struct phoneHeights {
static let PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT = 812.0
//some others consts
struct iPhoneX {
static let statusBarHeight: CGFloat = 44
//some others consts
Or simply:
struct Constants {
static let PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT = 812.0
static let statusBarHeight: CGFloat = 44
And for type safety in Swift, you can read here.

How to use a Objective-C #define from Swift

I am migrating a UIViewController class to train a bit with Swift. I am successfully using Objective-C code via the bridging header but I have the need of importing a constants file that contains #define directives.
I have seen in Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Simple macros) the following:
Simple Macros
Where you typically used the #define directive to define a primitive constant in C and Objective-C, in Swift you use a global constant instead. For example, the constant definition #define FADE_ANIMATION_DURATION 0.35 can be better expressed in Swift with let FADE_ANIMATION_DURATION = 0.35. Because simple constant-like macros map directly to Swift global variables, the compiler automatically imports simple macros defined in C and Objective-C source files.
So, it seems it's possible. I have imported the file containing my constants into the bridging header, but I have no visibility from my .swift file, cannot be resolved.
What should I do to make my constants visible to Swift?
It seems working with NSString constants, but not with booleans:
#define kSTRING_CONSTANT #"a_string_constant" // resolved from swift
#define kBOOL_CONSTANT YES // unresolved from swift
At the moment, some #defines are converted and some aren't. More specifically:
#define A 1
var A: CInt { get }
#define B #"b"
var B: String { get }
Unfortunately, YES and NO aren't recognized and converted on the fly by the Swift compiler.
I suggest you convert your #defines to actual constants, which is better than #defines anyway.
extern NSString* const kSTRING_CONSTANT;
extern const BOOL kBOOL_CONSTANT;
NSString* const kSTRING_CONSTANT = #"a_string_constant";
And then Swift will see:
Another option would be to change your BOOL defines to
#define kBOOL_CONSTANT 1
Faster. But not as good as actual constants.
Just a quick clarification on a few things from above.
Swift Constant are expressed using the keywordlet
For Example:
let kStringConstant:String = "a_string_constant"
Also, only in a protocol definition can you use { get }, example:
protocol MyExampleProtocol {
var B:String { get }
In swift you can declare an enum, variable or function outside of any class or function and it will be available in all your classes (globally)(without the need to import a specific file).
import Foundation
import MapKit
let kStringConstant:String = "monitoredRegions"
class UserLocationData : NSObject {
class func getAllMonitoredRegions()->[String]{
simple swift language don't need an macros
all #define directives.
will be let
and complex macros should convert to be func
The alternative for macro can be global variable . We can declare global variable outside the class and access those without using class. Please find example below
import Foundation
let BASE_URL = ""
class test {

Is it possible to use Swift's Enum in Obj-C?

I'm trying to convert some of my Obj-C class to Swift. And some other Obj-C classes still using enum in that converted class. I searched In the Pre-Release Docs and couldn't find it or maybe I missed it. Is there a way to use Swift enum in Obj-C Class? Or a link to the doc of this issue?
This is how I declared my enum in my old Obj-C code and new Swift code.
my old Obj-C Code:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SomeEnum)
#interface SomeClass : NSObject
my new Swift Code:
enum SomeEnum: NSInteger
case A
case B
case C
class SomeClass: NSObject
Update: From the answers. It can't be done in Swift older version than 1.2. But according to this official Swift Blog. In Swift 1.2 that released along with XCode 6.3, You can use Swift Enum in Objective-C by adding #objc in front of enum
As of Swift version 1.2 (Xcode 6.3) you can. Simply prefix the enum declaration with #objc
#objc enum Bear: Int {
case Black, Grizzly, Polar
Shamelessly taken from the Swift Blog
Note: This would not work for String enums or enums with associated values. Your enum will need to be Int-bound
In Objective-C this would look like
Bear type = BearBlack;
switch (type) {
case BearBlack:
case BearGrizzly:
case BearPolar:
[self runLikeHell];
To expand on the selected answer...
It is possible to share Swift style enums between Swift and Objective-C using NS_ENUM().
They just need to be defined in an Objective-C context using NS_ENUM() and they are made available using Swift dot notation.
From the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C
Swift imports as a Swift enumeration any C-style enumeration marked with the NS_ENUM macro. This means that the prefixes to enumeration value names are truncated when they are imported into Swift, whether they’re defined in system frameworks or in custom code.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UITableViewCellStyle) {
let cellStyle: UITableViewCellStyle = .Default
From the Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C guide:
A Swift class or protocol must be marked with the #objc attribute to
be accessible and usable in Objective-C. [...]
You’ll have access to anything within a class or protocol that’s
marked with the #objc attribute as long as it’s compatible with
Objective-C. This excludes Swift-only features such as those listed
Generics Tuples / Enumerations defined in Swift / Structures defined in
Swift / Top-level functions defined in Swift / Global variables defined in
Swift / Typealiases defined in Swift / Swift-style variadics / Nested types /
Curried functions
So, no, you can't use a Swift enum in an Objective-C class.
Swift 4.1, Xcode 9.4.1:
1) Swift enum must be prefixed with #objc and be Int type:
// in .swift file:
#objc enum CalendarPermission: Int {
case authorized
case denied
case restricted
case undetermined
2) Objective-C name is enum name + case name, eg CalendarPermissionAuthorized:
// in .m file:
// point to something that returns the enum type (`CalendarPermission` here)
CalendarPermission calPermission = ...;
// use the enum values with their adjusted names
switch (calPermission) {
case CalendarPermissionAuthorized:
// code here
case CalendarPermissionDenied:
case CalendarPermissionRestricted:
// code here
case CalendarPermissionUndetermined:
// code here
And, of course, remember to import your Swift bridging header as the last item in the Objective-C file's import list:
#import "MyAppViewController.h"
#import "MyApp-Swift.h"
If you prefer to keep ObjC codes as-they-are, you could add a helper header file in your project:
in the header file add this enum type:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SomeEnum4ObjC)
There may be another place in your .m file to make a change: to include the hidden header file:
#import "[YourProjectName]-Swift.h"
replace [YourProjectName] with your project name. This header file expose all Swift defined #objc classes, enums to ObjC.
You may get a warning message about implicit conversion from enumeration type... It is OK.
By the way, you could use this header helper file to keep some ObjC codes such as #define constants.
If you (like me) really want to make use of String enums, you could make a specialized interface for objective-c. For example:
enum Icon: String {
case HelpIcon
case StarIcon
// Make use of string enum when available:
public func addIcon(icon: Icon) {
// Fall back on strings when string enum not available (objective-c):
public func addIcon(iconName:String) {
addIcon(Icon(rawValue: iconName))
Of course, this will not give you the convenience of auto-complete (unless you define additional constants in the objective-c environment).
After researching this, I kept finding only partial answers, so I created an entire example of a Swift App bridged to Objective C that has Swift enums used by Objective C code and Objective C enums used by Swift code. It is a simple Xcode project that you can run and experiment with. It was written using Xcode 10.3 with Swift 5.0
Example Project
In case you are trying to observe an enum which looks like this:
enum EnumName: String {
case one = "One"
case two = "Two"
this workaround helped me.
Observable Class:
create #objc dynamic var observable: String?
create your enum instance like this:
private var _enumName: EnumName? {
didSet {
observable = _enumName!.rawValue
Observer Class:
create private var _enumName: EnumName?
create private let _instance = ObservableClass()
private var _enumObserver: NSKeyValueObservation = _instance.observe(\.observable, options: .new, changeHandler: { [weak self] (_, value) in
guard let newValue = value.newValue else { return }
self?._enumName = EnumName(rawValue: period)!
Than's it. Now each time you change the _enumName in the observable class, an appropriate instance on the observer class will be immediately updated as well.
This is of course an oversimplified implementation, but it should give you an idea of how to observe KVO-incompatible properties.
this might help a little more
Problem statement :- I have enum in swift class, which I am accessing form other swift classes, and Now I need to access it form my one of the objective C class.
Before accessing it from objective-c class :-
enum NTCType {
var viewType: NTCType?
Changes for accessing it from objective c class
#objc enum NTCType :Int {
and add a function to pass it on the value
#objc func setNtc(view:NTCType) {
self.viewType = view; // assign value to the variable

Obj-C++: template metafunction for recognizing Objective-C classes?

Using Objective-C++, can I write a C++ IsObjectiveCClass<T> template metafunction such that IsObjectiveCClass<T>::value is true if and only if T is an Objective-C class?
Exactly what are ObjC classes from the viewpoint of the C / C++ subset of the language? When used in a C / C++ context, MyClass* pointers seem to behave like ordinary C pointers; does that mean that MyClass is also a C type?
Here is a simplistic solution that should work in most (if not all? Can anyone think of when this might fail?) cases (it uses clang 3.0 via xcode 4.2 - use typedefs instead of using aliases for earlier clang versions):
template<class T> struct IsObjectiveCClass
using yesT = char (&)[10];
using noT = char (&)[1];
static yesT choose(id);
static noT choose(...);
static T make();
enum { value = sizeof(choose(make())) == sizeof(yesT) };
You can read my most recent rant about ObjC++ in this question. Avoid it as much as you can possibly get away with. Definitely don't try to integrate Objective-C into C++ template metaprogramming. The compiler might actually rip a hole in space.
Hyperbole aside, what you're trying to do is likely impossible. Objective-C classes are just structs. (C++ classes actually just structs too.) There's not much compile-time introspection available.
An id is a C pointer to a struct objc_object. At runtime, every object is an id, no matter its class.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
As with the accepted answer, you can test whether the type is convertible to id, in C++17:
template <typename T>
struct is_objc_ptr : std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_convertible_v<T, id> && !std::is_null_pointer_v<T>> {};
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_objc_ptr_v = is_objc_ptr<T>::value;
static_assert(!is_objc_ptr_v<char *>);
static_assert(is_objc_ptr_v<NSObject *>);
I don't know of a way to discover ObjC inheritance relationships at compile-time; in theory they're changeable at runtime so you would have to query the runtime.
If you look at the implementation of the C++ STL library in Xcode, you can follow the template specialization models of others like std::is_integral or std::is_floating_point:
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public std::true_type { };
where std::false_type and std::true_type are defined in the <type_traits> header file.
If for whatever reason you don't have std::false_type and std::true_type (depending on your C++ version), you can define them yourself as such:
template<bool B> struct boolean_constant { static constexpr const bool value = B; };
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public boolean_constant<false> { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public boolean_constant<true> { };
Note that you can also do this for Objective-C classes too:
template <class T> struct isObjcClass : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcClass<Class> : public std::true_type { };
I would create a template specialisation for 'id' and 'NSObject*', but you'll always be working against the language because the ObjC type system is not the C++ type system.
Similar to Doug's answer, but slightly simpler:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_objc_v = std::is_convertible_v<id,T>;
Checking that id is convertible to T – instead of the other way around – avoids false positives for C++ types which have a user-defined implicit conversion to an Obj-C type.

Can an objective C method signature specify an enum type?

"VoiceName" is an enum, declared like this:
enum VoiceName {
The compiler doesn't seem to like me using it in a method signature like this:
-(void)pulseFiredWithSamplePosition:(float)position from: (VoiceName) voiceName;
It tells me expected ')' before 'VoiceName'. What's going on here?
You can't use it "bare" like that without also specifying that it's an enum:
-(void)pulseFiredWithSamplePosition:(float)position from: (enum VoiceName) voiceName;
should work. If you want to avoid specifying it like that, you can typedef it:
typedef enum _VoiceName {
} VoiceName;
then you'll be able to use just VoiceName as the argument type.
As of iOS6 and Mac OSX 10.8 you can use the NS_ENUM macro
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, VoiceName)
NSUInteger can be replaced with whatever type your defining, then you could use your method as specified.
Obj-C is based on C, not C++. C requires the enum keyword, as quixoto showed. C++ lets you omit it.