Aggregate query with subquery (SUM) - sql

I have the following query:
SELECT UserId, (
0.099 *
(SELECT AcceleratedProfitPercentage FROM CustomGroups cg
INNER JOIN UserCustomGroups ucg ON ucg.CustomGroupId = cg.Id
WHERE Packs.UserCustomGroupId = ucg.Id)
((SELECT AcceleratedProfitPercentage FROM CustomGroups cg
INNER JOIN UserCustomGroups ucg ON ucg.CustomGroupId = cg.Id
WHERE Packs.UserCustomGroupId = ucg.Id)*1.0) / (100*1.0)
As amount
SELECT ap.Id FROM Packs ap JOIN Users u ON ap.UserId = u.UserId
WHERE ap.MoneyToReturn > ap.MoneyReturned AND
u.Mass LIKE '1%');
which is producing correct output. However I have no idea how to aggregate it properly. I tried to use standard GROUP BY but I get the error (Column 'Packs.UserCustomGroupId' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY claus). Any ideas? Here is the output I currently get:
I want to aggregate it by UserId. Thanks in advance.

The option that involves the least query-rewriting is to drop your existing query into a CTE or temp table, like so:
; with CTE as (MyQueryHere)
Select UserID, sum(amount)
from CTE
Group by UserID

Wow that is one crazy query you've got going on there.
Try this:
0.099 * SUM(t.Amount) AS [Amount SUM]
FROM Packs P
JOIN Users U
ON P.UserID = U.UserID
ON P.UserCustomGroupID = UCG.ID
ON UCG.CustomGroupID = CG.ID
ELSE CG.AcceleratedProfitPercentage / 100
END AS [Amount]
) t
WHERE P.MoneyToReturn > P.MoneyReturned
AND U.Mass LIKE '1%'
First, multiplying any number by 1 is pretty pointless, yet I see it twice in your original post. I'm not sure what led to that, but it's unnecessary.
Also, using CROSS APPLY will eliminate the need for you to repeat your subquery. Granted, it's slower (since it'll run on every row returned), but I think it makes sense in this case...Using left outer joins instead of CASE - SELECT - IS NULL makes your query much more efficient and much more readable.
Next, it appears that you are attempting to SUM percentages. Not sure what kind of data you're looking to return, but perhaps AVG would be more appropriate? I can't think of any practical reason why you would be looking to do that.
Lastly, APH's answer will most certainly work (assuming your original query works), but given the obfuscation and inefficiency of your query, I would definitely rewrite it.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Sum fields of an Inner join

How I can add two fields that belong to an inner join?
I have this code:
SUM(ACT.NumberOfPlants ) AS NumberOfPlants,
SUM(ACT.NumOfJornales) AS NumberOfJornals
FROM dbo.AGRMastPlanPerformance MPR (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN GENRegion GR ON (GR.intGENRegionKey = MPR.intGENRegionLink )
(DPR.intAGRMastPlanPerformanceLink =
INNER JOIN vwGENPredios P โ€‹โ€‹(NOLOCK) ON ( DPR.intGENPredioLink =
P.intGENPredioKey )
INNER JOIN AGRSubActivity SA (NOLOCK) ON (SA.intAGRSubActivityKey =
LEFT JOIN (SELECT RA.intGENPredioLink, AR.intAGRActividadLink,
AR.intAGRSubActividadLink, SUM(AR.decNoPlantas) AS
intPlantasTrabajads, SUM(AR.decNoPersonas) AS NumOfJornales,
SUM(AR.decNoPlants) AS NumberOfPlants
(AR.intAGRRegistroActividadLink = RA.intAGRRegistroActividadKey AND
AR.bitActivo = 1)
INNER JOIN AGRSubActividad SA (NOLOCK) ON (SA.intAGRSubActividadKey
= AR.intAGRSubActividadLink AND SA.bitEnabled = 1)
WHERE RA.bitActive = 1 AND
AR.bitActive = 1 AND
RA.intAGRTractorsCrewsLink IN(2)
GROUP BY RA.intGENPredioLink,
AR.intAGRSubActividadLink) ACT ON (ACT.intGENPredioLink IN(
DPR.intGENPredioLink) AND
ACT.intAGRAActivityLink IN( DPR.intAGRAActivityLink) AND
ACT.intAGRSubActivityLink IN( DPR.intAGRSubActivityLink))
MPR.intAGRMastPlanPerformanceKey IN(4) AND
DPR.intAGRSubActivityLink IN( 1153)
However, it does not perform the complete sum. It only retrieves all the values โ€‹โ€‹of the columns and adds them 1 by 1, instead of doing the complete sum of the whole column.
For example, the query returns these results:
What I expect is the final sums. In NumberOfPlants the result of the sum would be 163,237 and of NumberJornales would be 61.
How can I do this?
First of all the (nolock) hints are probably not accomplishing the benefit you hope for. It's not an automatic "go faster" option, and if such an option existed you can be sure it would be already enabled. It can help in some situations, but the way it works allows the possibility of reading stale data, and the situations where it's likely to make any improvement are the same situations where risk for stale data is the highest.
That out of the way, with that much code in the question we're better served with a general explanation and solution for you to adapt.
The issue here is GROUP BY. When you use a GROUP BY in SQL, you're telling the database you want to see separate results per group for any aggregate functions like SUM() (and COUNT(), AVG(), MAX(), etc).
So if you have this:
SELECT Sum(ColumnB) As SumB
FROM [Table]
You will get a separate row per ColumnA group, even though it's not in the SELECT list.
If you don't really care about that, you can do one of two things:
Remove the GROUP BY If there are no grouped columns in the SELECT list, the GROUP BY clause is probably not accomplishing anything important.
Nest the query
If option 1 is somehow not possible (say, the original is actually a view) you could do this:
SELECT Sum(ColumnB) As SumB
FROM [Table]
) t
Note in both cases any JOIN is irrelevant to the issue.

Comparing two sum function in where clause

I want to check that an amount of likes the users received in all their personal pictures is at least twice as large as the number of likes received in the group pictures in which they are tagged.
In case the user is not tagged in any group photo but is tagged in a personal picture that has received at least one like, it will be returned.
My Question is:
How can I make a comparison between 2 sum functions
Where one result of the sum is returned in the nested query and compared with the external query.
Can I set an auxiliary variable to enter the sum value in it and compare it?
Thanks for the helpers:)
Select distinct UIP.userID
From tblUserInPersonalPic UIP
where **sum(UIP.numOfLikes) over (Partition by UIP.userID)*0.5** >
(Select distinct U.userID, sum(P.numOfLikes) over (Partition by U.userID)
From tblgroupPictures P left outer join
tblUserInGroupPic U On P.picNum=U.picNum
group by U.userID,P.numOfLikes,P.picNum)
It's kinda hard to know for sure, and of course I can't test my answer,
but I think you can do it with a couple of left joins, group by and having:
SELECT Personal.UserId
FROM tblUserInPersonalPic Personal
LEFT JOIN tblUserInGroupPic UserInGroup ON Personal.userID = UserInGroup.UesrId
LEFT JOIM tblgroupPictures GroupPictures ON UserInGroup.picNum = GroupPictures.picNum
GROUP BY Personal.userID
HAVING SUM(GroupPictures.numOfLikes) * 2 < SUM(Personal.numOfLikes)
Please note: When posting sql questions it's always best to provide sample data as DDL + DML (Create table + insert into statements) and desired results, so that who ever answers you can test the answer before posting it.
Try using two ctes..pseudo code.Also note distinct in second query will not even work,since you are returning two columns,so i changed it it below,so that you can get that column as well
;with tbl1
select a,sum(col1) as summ
select userid,sum(Anothersmcol) as sum2
from tbl2
select tbl1.columns,tbl2.columns
tbl1 t1
tbl2 t2
on t1.sumcol>t2.sumcol
You can't use window functions in a where clause. Define it in a subquery:
select *
from (
select sum(...) over (...) as Sum1
, OtherColumn
from YourTable
) sub
where Sum1 < (...your subquery...)

Calculate percentage of group using Group By SQL

I have a set of data that contains multiple groups of data(Vehicle_Code), each item(PK: Cusip_Sedol) in the group has a certain code(GIC_Code) that is not unique. I am trying to find the percentage of each code(GIC_Code) within each group(Vehicle_Name) of data.
Here is my SQL Select statement thus far:
SELECT H.vehicle_code,
Count(D.cusip_sedol) AS Total
FROM tbltrading_holdings AS H
INNER JOIN tbltrading_stocks_data_stocks AS D
ON H.cusip_sedol = D.cusip_sedol
LEFT JOIN tbltrading_gic AS G
ON D.gic_code = G.gic_code
WHERE vehicle_code IN (SELECT vehicle_code
FROM tbltrading_vehicles
WHERE vehicle_name LIKE 'J%')
AND D.gic_code IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY H.vehicle_code,
ORDER BY vehicle_code
VehicleTotal = Count(D.cusip_sedol) OVER (PARTITION BY H.vehicle_code, G.group_name),
gic_codePercentPerVehicleName =
Count(d.gic_code) OVER () * 1.0 / Count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY V.vehicle_name),
gic_codePercentPerVehicleName2 =
Count(d.gic_code) * 1.0 / Count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY V.vehicle_name)
dbo.tbltrading_holdings H
INNER JOIN tbltrading_stocks_data_stocks D
ON H.cusip_sedol = D.cusip_sedol
LEFT JOIN dbo.tbltrading_gic G
ON D.gic_code = G.gic_code
INNER JOIN dbo.tbltrading_vehicles V
ON H.vehicle_code = V.vehicle_code
AND v.vehicle_name LIKE 'J%'
D.gic_code IS NOT NULL
There are some unknowns here that have forced me to make certain assumptions. You can see that I've come up with two different interpretations about what "gic code per vehicle name" could mean.
For starters, to provide the vehicle_name each gic_code is associated with, we have to do a real join, not an IN (which is effectively an EXISTS). However, is it possible for the same gic_code to join up to different vehicle_name values? (Since there is an intermediate vehicle_code that joins them?) I'm assuming that it's not possible for this to happen, and if it actually is, the query will give unuseful results, and you'll have to formulate better what exactly you're looking for before we can help you more.
Next, the results are all muddied by the fact that you're selecting so many columns, which forces them to be part of the GROUP BY. But once you do that, then all the windowing functions have to include partitions to "break" them out of the grouping. This query may run slowly, as it's being made to do a lot at once, which could result in many scans of the table. The way things are now, for each particular gic_code, you'll get many rows with the same value, because the query has to expose the (multiple) vehicle_code and group_name combinations for each one. Is that really what you want?
You might get better results if you removed some of the displayed columns, as this would let you remove at least some of the PARTITION BY expressions.
Last, I'm not sure I even got the partitions correct. Only you know the cardinality of each column in relation to the joins to other tables.
What you need is the total over all the rows . . . and you can get this using window functions. So, change the select to:
SELECT H.vehicle_code,
Count(D.cusip_sedol) AS Total,
Count(D.Cusip_sedol)*1.0 / Sum(Count(D.Cusip_sedol)) Over () as p_total
. . .
Note that the *1.0 is there just to prevent integer division.
I think you are pretty close. Is counting the Sedol working for you? If so then just divide that by the count of the group name for your percentage:
SELECT H.vehicle_code,
cast(Count(DISTINCT D.cusip_sedol) as DECIMAL)/cast(count(DISTINCT G.group_name) as DECIMAL) AS Total --add this second part
FROM tbltrading_holdings AS H
INNER JOIN tbltrading_stocks_data_stocks AS D
ON H.cusip_sedol = D.cusip_sedol
LEFT JOIN tbltrading_gic AS G
ON D.gic_code = G.gic_code
WHERE vehicle_code IN (SELECT vehicle_code
FROM tbltrading_vehicles
WHERE vehicle_name LIKE 'J%')
AND D.gic_code IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY H.vehicle_code,
ORDER BY vehicle_code

Missing rows when selecting from 2 tables

Hi and sorry if that's a stupud question but I am trying to get results from two different tables and since one of them might have zero records I am not sure how to proceed. Here is the query:
SELECT aid.*, T.ItemId, T.Total, T.Stack
FROM (SELECT ItemId, Stack, count(ItemId) as Total FROM auction_house WHERE Sale = 0 GROUP BY ItemId, Stack) as T, ahbot_item_data aid
WHERE T.ItemId = aid.ItemId
AND T.Stack = aid.Stack
Basically I want to get a list of items from the aid table, and the current count of those items in the ah table. But since the count might just be zero, it might not return that row. I want the row and the Total to be 0.
Thank you in advance ^^;;
Similar to what #Twelfth was saying, you want to have a left outer join, which always outputs data from the left table even if there is no matching data in the right table.
count(ah.ItemId) AS "Total",
ahbot_item_data aid
LEFT OUTER JOIN auction_house ah
ON (aid.ItemID = ah.ItemID AND aid.Stack = ah.Stack)
aid.ItemID, aid.Stack
You are using old syntax...I'm going to switch to join syntax (newer and more accepted...same effect, easier to read). What you want is an 'outer join', which will produce nulls where no record is found. I'll arrange the tables and we'll use a left outer join
SELECT aid.*, T.ItemId, T.Total, T.Stack
FROM ahbot_item_data aid left join (SELECT ItemId, Stack, count(ItemId) as Total FROM auction_house WHERE Sale = 0 GROUP BY ItemId, Stack) as T,
on T.ItemId = aid.ItemId
AND T.Stack = aid.Stack
I'm not entirely sure on the syntax anymore...but it's also possible to use != to do this outer join in the syntax you've used (where aid.itemID != t.itemID I think?)

Help with Complicated SELECT query

I have this SELECT query:
SELECT Auctions.ID, Users.Balance, Users.FreeBids,
COUNT(CASE WHEN Bids.Burned=0 AND Auctions.Closed=0 THEN 1 END) AS 'ActiveBids',
COUNT(CASE WHEN Bids.Burned=1 AND Auctions.Closed=0 THEN 1 END) AS 'BurnedBids'
FROM (Users INNER JOIN Bids ON Users.ID=Bids.BidderID)
ON Bids.AuctionID=Auctions.ID
WHERE Users.ID=#UserID
GROUP BY Users.Balance, Users.FreeBids, Auctions.ID
My problam is that it returns no rows if the UserID cant be found on the Bids table.
I know it's something that has to do with my
(Users INNER JOIN Bids ON Users.ID=Bids.BidderID)
But i dont know how to make it return even if the user is no on the Bids table.
You're doing an INNER JOIN, which only returns rows if there are results on both sides of the join. To get what you want, change your WHERE clause like this:
Users LEFT JOIN Bids ON Users.ID=Bids.BidderID
You may also have to change your SELECT statement to handle Bids.Burned being NULL.
If you want to return rows even if there's no matching Auction, then you'll have to make some deeper changes to your query.
My problam is that it returns no rows if the UserID cant be found on the Bids table.
Then INNER JOIN Bids/Auctions should probably be left outer joins. The way you've written it, you're filtering users so that only those in bids and auctions appear.
Left join is the simple answer, but if you're worried about performance I'd consider re-writing it a little bit. For one thing, the order of the columns in the group by matters to performance (although it often doesn't change the results). Generally, you want to group by a column that's indexed first.
Also, it's possible to re-write this query to only have one group by, which will probably speed things up.
Try this out:
with UserBids as (
, b.BidderID
, ActiveBids = count(case when b.Burned = 0 then 1 end)
, BurnedBids = count(case when b.Burned = 0 then 1 end)
from Bids b
join Auctions a
on a.ID = b.AuctionID
where a.Closed = 0
group by b.BidderID, a.AuctionID
, u.Balance
, u.FreeBids
, b.ActiveBids
, b.BurnedBids
from Users u
left join UserBids b
on b.BidderID = u.ID
where u.ID = #UserID;
If you're not familiar with the with UserBids as..., it's called a CTE (common table expression), and is basically a way to make a one-time use view, and a nice way to structure your queries.