Backgroundworker not starting copy -

I am a novice at VB.NET and am working on an app the read the contents of a text file and use the paths therein for a file/folder copy. I am running the copy through a backgroundworker which does not seem to take the line string. To troubleshoot I have placed a MessageBox.Show(line) under the line reading logic to see if it is reading the path. It is not and jumps straight to my BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted sub.
Can anyone see where I am going wrong?!
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs, Optional ByVal Overwrite As Boolean = True) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Dim deststring As String
' Open config.txt with the Using statement.
Using r As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Application.StartupPath + "\CONFIG.txt")
Dim line As String
' Read first line.
line = r.ReadLine
' Loop over each line in file, While list is Not Nothing.
Do While (Not line Is Nothing)
' Read line and filter based on logic
If line.StartsWith("*") Then
ElseIf line.Contains(Destpath) Then
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop") Then
line = desktoppath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Downloads") Then
line = downloadsPath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Contacts") Then
line = contactspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Documents") Then
line = documentspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Favorites") Then
line = favoritespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Links") Then
line = linkspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Music") Then
line = Musicpath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Pictures") Then
line = picturespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\SavedGames") Then
line = savedgamespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\SavedSearches") Then
line = savedsearchespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Videos") Then
line = videospath
ElseIf line.Contains("%USERNAME%") Then
line = line.Replace("%USERNAME%", Username)
'Read line and create a full path for the destination
Dim SubPath As String = line.Split("\").Last
Dim FullDestPath As String = Destpath & "\" & SubPath
If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(FullDestPath) Then
End If
'Get directory info's
Dim SourceDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(line)
Dim DestDir As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(FullDestPath)
Dim ChildFile As FileInfo
'Loop through each file in the SourceDir
For Each ChildFile In SourceDir.GetFiles()
'Display file being copied
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblStatus, "Copying: " & line & "\" & ChildFile.Name & "")
'Do the copy
ChildFile.CopyTo(Path.Combine(DestDir.FullName, ChildFile.Name), True)
deststring = DestDir.ToString & "\" & ChildFile.Name
Dim sourcedirstring As String
sourcedirstring = SourceDir.ToString & "\" & ChildFile.Name
'Open Stream
Dim CopyStream As New FileStream(sourcedirstring, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim NewStream As New FileStream(deststring, FileMode.CreateNew)
Dim Buffer(100000) As Byte
Dim BytesRead As Integer
'Try loop for each file
BytesRead = CopyStream.Read(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
NewStream.Write(Buffer, 0, BytesRead)
PercentComplete = (NewStream.Length / CopyStream.Length * 100)
PercentComplete = Decimal.Round((PercentComplete), 2)
If PercentComplete > 100 Then
PercentComplete = "0"
End If
'if the file count is only 1 file then make both progress bars the same so that the current file and total are the same
If filecount = 1 Then
percentage = ((NewStream.Length + filetotalsofarcopied) / Overallsize.ToString * 100)
percentage = Decimal.Round((percentage), 2)
If percentage > 100 Then
percentage = 0
End If
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblTotalProgress, "" & percentage & "%")
percentage2 = ((NewStream.Length + filetotalsofarcopied) / Overallsize.ToString * 100)
percentage2 = Decimal.Round((percentage2), 2)
If percentage2 > 100 Then
percentage2 = 0
End If
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblTotalProgress, "" & percentage2 & "%")
End If
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblCurrentFileProgress, "" & PercentComplete & "%")
Dim time As Long = Label22.Text
'Calculate copy speed
Dim kbps As Double = (NewStream.Length + filetotalsofarcopied) / (time * 1024)
If kbps < 1024 Then
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblCopy, String.Format("Copy Speed: {0:0.00} KB/s", kbps))
SetLabelText_ThreadSafe(Me.lblCopy, String.Format("Copy Speed: {0:0.00} MB/s", kbps / 1024))
End If
Loop Until BytesRead = 0 And PercentComplete = 100
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'File counter
int3 = int3 + 1
'Calculate data being moved for eta to completion
Dim filetotalbytes As Double = ChildFile.Length
filetotalsofarcopied = filetotalbytes + filetotalsofarcopied
'Check for pending cancel
If BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Loop through Sub directories of SourceDir
Dim SubDir As DirectoryInfo
For Each SubDir In SourceDir.GetDirectories()
CopyDirectory(SubDir.FullName, Path.Combine(DestDir.FullName, SubDir.Name), Overwrite)
End If
' Read in the next line.
line = r.ReadLine
End Using
End Sub
UPDATE: Included .text file contents:
D:\User Data\Adam\Documents\Test

You should remove the calls to ReadLine inside the first two Ifs and replace them with the Continue Do keyword.
In general it is better to have just one call to ReadLine in your code.
For example you could check for End of Stream using the StreamReader.Peek method.
Finally the If block should be closed after the %USERNAME% check
' removed
' line = r.ReadLine()
Dim line As String
Do While r.Peek <> -1
line = r.ReadLine()
If line.StartsWith("*") Then
' Not significant, skip to the next line
Continue Do
ElseIf line.Contains(Destpath) Then
' Not significant, skip to the next line
Continue Do
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Desktop") Then
line = desktoppath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Downloads") Then
line = downloadsPath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Contacts") Then
line = contactspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Documents") Then
line = documentspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Favorites") Then
line = favoritespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Links") Then
line = linkspath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Music") Then
line = Musicpath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Pictures") Then
line = picturespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\SavedGames") Then
line = savedgamespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\SavedSearches") Then
line = savedsearchespath
ElseIf line.Equals("%USERPROFILE%\Videos") Then
line = videospath
ElseIf line.Contains("%USERNAME%") Then
line = line.Replace("%USERNAME%", Username)
End If
' Now your line variable should be always correct and
' you can execute your copying logic
line = r.ReadLine


I Want to add a Timestamp with the original Name of the Folders name that is being Copied (in

I found some Code to Copy a Folder with all its contents to another folder. the Folder name that is being copied to another folder is the same as the original folder in its original path. I want to add a timestamp with a date and time to show you the most recent 'copy' of the folder you copied.
An example would be:
Original Folder: Rage 2 ;
Copied Folder: Rage 2 - 3/11/2021 - 7:37
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
Dim parts As String() = directoryTargetLocation.Split(New Char() {"\"c})
Dim filename As String = parts(parts.Count - 1) 'target folder name
Dim dir_path As String = "" 'directory without target folder name
For f As Integer = 0 To parts.Count - 2
dir_path += parts(f) + "\"
Dim copied As Integer = 0
Dim counter As Integer = IO.Directory.GetFiles(directoryTargetLocation, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length 'counts the number of files
SetProgressbar(counter, ProgressBar2) 'Sets ProgressBar maximum to number of files
setLabelTxt("Copied (0/" + counter.ToString + ")", Label4) 'displays the amount of copied files
Dim FolderList As New List(Of String)
FolderList.Add(directoryTargetLocation) 'Set first folder
Do While True
If (BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True) Then 'cancel loop
e.Cancel = True
Exit Do
End If
Dim FoldersInsideDirectory As New List(Of String)
If FolderList.Count = 0 Then
Exit Do 'If there is no folder to copy Exit Do
For l As Integer = 0 To FolderList.Count - 1
If (BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True) Then 'stop for loop
e.Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Dim sourceDirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderList(l))
Dim dest As String = FolderList(l).Replace(dir_path, "")
If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest)) Then 'create subFolder inside directory
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest)
End If
Dim fileSystemInfo As System.IO.FileSystemInfo
For Each fileSystemInfo In sourceDirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos
If (BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True) Then
e.Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
Dim destinationFileName As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest, fileSystemInfo.Name)
If TypeOf fileSystemInfo Is System.IO.FileInfo Then
Dim streamRead As New System.IO.FileStream(fileSystemInfo.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
setLabelTxt(fileSystemInfo.FullName.ToString, LabelProgress)
Dim streamWrite As New System.IO.FileStream(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest + "\" + fileSystemInfo.Name, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.None)
Dim lngLen As Long = streamRead.Length - 1
setLabelTxt("Copy bytes : (0/" + (lngLen * 100).ToString + ")", Label10)
Dim byteBuffer(1048576) As Byte 'our stream buffer
Dim intBytesRead As Integer 'number of bytes read
While streamRead.Position < lngLen 'keep streaming until EOF
If (BackgroundWorker1.CancellationPending = True) Then
e.Cancel = True
Exit While
End If
BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(CInt(streamRead.Position / lngLen * 100))
setLabelTxt("Copy bytes : (" + CInt(streamRead.Position).ToString + "/" + (lngLen * 100).ToString + ")", Label10)
intBytesRead = (streamRead.Read(byteBuffer, 0, 1048576))
streamWrite.Write(byteBuffer, 0, intBytesRead)
End While
'Clean up
addProgress(1, ProgressBar2)
copied += 1
setLabelTxt("Copied (" + copied.ToString + "/" + counter.ToString + ")", Label4)
End If
FolderList = FoldersInsideDirectory
End If
End Sub
Dim streamWrite As New System.IO.FileStream(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest + "\" + fileSystemInfo.Name, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.None)
dim fnbase as string = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileSystemInfo.Name)
dim fnexten as string = path.getextension(fileSystemInfo.Name)
dim fndate as string = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd HHmmss")
dim fn as string = $"{fnbase} - {fndate}{fnexten}"
Dim streamWrite As New System.IO.FileStream(Destinydirectory + "\" + dest + "\" + fn, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.None)
I broke this down the way I did just so it was really easy for you to see the different pieces of it. You could just as easily put all of this together dynamically as the value you pass to System.IO.FileStream.
As an aside, you're doing the copy itself the complicated way. Maybe you need to use that method for a specific reason, but if not, maybe consider File.Copy next time.

Efficiently append .csv files together (VB.NET)

I have a question regarding a piece of coding I would like to make more efficient in Visual Basic. What I am trying to do is the following:
I have a folder containing 100 .csv files (comma delimited), these files have around 5000 lines and around 200 columns. The order of columns may vary from one file to another, and some column are missing in some files.
My goal is to create one big .csv file that combines all the 100 .csv files, with a selection of column that I specify in advance.
Here is how I proceed:
Create an array to store the name of the columns I want in the final “big .csv”
Loop through all the files in the folder. For each file,
For each line in the file, use the Split function, to create an array containing all the values for a given line.
create a mapping array, that store the position of the column in the file for each column name chosen in the first step (do this only for the first line of each file)
Write in a file (“the big .csv”) the header (do this only once)
Write in the same big file, for each line of each file, the data based on the position of the column.
So that process works well, I get the outcome that I want but it is very slow… (It takes ~40min on my computer for ~200 files which once appended contains 500,000 lines and 200 columns. A colleague has managed to do a similar process, appending all the files, using the data.table package in R, and he is able to perform the same appending with the same .csv tables in 5-10min on the same computer)
I was wondering if there is a better alternative than going through the file “cell by cell”? Could I identify the column I don’t want from the source file and delete them entirely? Is there a function to append files together rather than reading each cell and then write them back?
Edit: Alternatively, is there another programming language that is significantly more efficient (Python? Power-Shell?) to do this kind of files manipulation?
Edit2: More details about why I consider it slow.
Edit3: The piece of code relevant to my question as requested in the comments:
Public Module Public_Variables
'Initializr technical parameters
Public Enable_SQL_Upload As String = "Yes"
Public Enable_CSV_Output As String = "Yes"
Public Enable_Runlog As String = "Yes"
Public MPF_Type As String
'Initialize Path and Folder location
Public Path As String '= "L:\Prophet\1902_Analysis\results\RUN_200" ' "S:\Users\Jonathan\12_Project_Space\Input" '"K:\Prophet\1809\Model_B2_LS_Analysis\results\RUN_31"
'Initialize parameters for Actuarial SQL database connection
Public SQLServer As String '= "MELAIPWBAT01"
Public SQLDataBase As String '= "VALDATA"
Public SQLTableName As String '= "RPT_1902_" & Right(Path, 7) '"aMPF_Retail_1808"
Public HeaderScopeFileName As String
Public ValidFilesFileName As String = "S:\Users\Jonathan\12_Project_Space\Tables\ValidFiles.txt"
Public InputFileName As String = "S:\Users\Jonathan\12_Project_Space\Tables\Input.txt"
Public tsrl As String = Now.Year.ToString() + Now.Month.ToString() + Now.Day.ToString() + "_" + Now.Hour.ToString() + "h" + Now.Minute.ToString() + "m" + Now.Second.ToString() + "s"
Public RunLogFileName As String = "\\Melaipwbat01\c$\Users\AACT064\Desktop\SQL_CSV_BULK_INSERT\RunLog" & tsrl & ".csv"
Public RunLogFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(RunLogFileName, False)
Public HeaderFile1 As String '= "K:\Prophet\1903\MPF\MPF_SNAPSHOT\C_TROC.rpt" ' "K:\Prophet\1903\Model_B2_LS_Analysis\results\RUN_200\C_TROC.rpt" '"K:\Prophet\1809\Model_B2_LS_Analysis\results\RUN_31\C_DIO0.rpt"
Public HeaderFile2 As String '= "K:\Prophet\1901\Model_GRP\results\RUN_16\CORS_0.rpt" '"K:\Prophet\1809\Model_B2_LS_Analysis\results\RUN_31\C_DIO0.rpt"
Public ValidFilesFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(ValidFilesFileName)
'UserForm Design
'Public UserFormHeight_Start As Integer = 800
'Public UserFormWidth_Start As Integer = 800
Public UserFormHeight_ProgressBarExtension As Integer = 0
Public UserFormWidth_ProgressBarExtension As Integer = 0
'Initialize Misc.
Public Input_Array(,) As String
Public TextLine As String
Public TextLineSplit() As String
Public ValidFilesArray(,) As String
Public RecordCount As Integer = 0
Public BodyString As String = ""
Public SqlCommandText1 As String = ""
Public SqlCommandText2 As String = ""
'Initialize IS variables
Public Is_RPT_Name As Integer = 1
Public Is_RPT_Type As Integer = 2
Public Is_RPT_Valid As Integer = 3
Public Is_Name As Integer = 1
Public Is_Type As String = 2
Public Is_Not_found As Integer = -1
Public Is_RetailDCS As Integer = 0
Public Is_GroupDCS As Integer = 1
Public Is_MPF_Type As Integer
Public Is_Input_Header As Integer = 1
Public Is_Input_Path As Integer = 2
Public Is_Input_Server As Integer = 3
Public Is_Input_Database As Integer = 4
Public Is_Input_TableName As Integer = 5
Public Is_Input_HeaderFileRetailDCS As Integer = 6
Public Is_Input_HeaderFileGroupDCS As Integer = 7
'Initialize temp variables
Public temp_Valid As Integer
'Initialize the header of the SQL table that is created from that application
Public HeaderScope(,) As String
Public HeaderMapId(,) As String
Public HeaderStringSQL As String = ""
Public HeaderStringCSV As String = ""
Public MappingFound As Boolean
'Initialization for the files looping
Public temp_file As Integer = 1
Public temp_line As Integer
Public temp_headerfile As String
Public FileSize As Integer
Public TimerCounter As Integer = 0
End Module
Public Class UF_UserForm
Private Sub UF_UserForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Me.Height = UserFormHeight_Start
'Me.Width = UserFormWidth_Start
TB_Input.Text = InputFileName
CB_SQLUpload.Text = Enable_SQL_Upload
CB_CSVOutput.Text = Enable_CSV_Output
CB_Runlog.Text = Enable_Runlog
GB_Progress.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub B_Run_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles B_Run.Click
'Disable the button, switch to 'Progress' tab
B_Run.Enabled = False
TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1
'Start the Timer
Timer1.Interval = 1000
TimerCounter = 0
'Initilialize the parameters with the Text Box values
TB_Server.Enabled = False
TB_Database.Enabled = False
TB_TableName.Enabled = False
TB_Path.Enabled = False
TB_FileType.Enabled = False
CB_SQLUpload.Enabled = False
CB_CSVOutput.Enabled = False
CB_Runlog.Enabled = False
Enable_SQL_Upload = CB_SQLUpload.Text
Enable_CSV_Output = CB_CSVOutput.Text
Enable_Runlog = CB_Runlog.Text
'Extract the inputs from the input.txt file
Dim temp_Input As Integer
Dim InputFirstCol As String
Dim InputSecCol As String
Dim Nb_Of_Runs As Integer
Dim EndOfLoop As Boolean
InputFileName = TB_Input.Text
Dim InputFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(InputFileName)
temp_Input = 0
EndOfLoop = False
Do While InputFile.Peek() <> -1 And EndOfLoop = False
TextLine = InputFile.ReadLine()
TextLineSplit = TextLine.Split(",")
InputFirstCol = TextLineSplit(0)
If InputFirstCol <> "#" And InputFirstCol <> "" And InputFirstCol <> "--End--" Then
InputSecCol = TextLineSplit(1)
InputSecCol = ""
End If
If InputFirstCol = "--End--" Then
EndOfLoop = True
If InputFirstCol = "#" Then
temp_Input = temp_Input + 1
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "HeaderScope" Then
ReDim Preserve Input_Array(7, temp_Input)
Input_Array(Is_Input_Header, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "Path" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_Path, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "Server" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_Server, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "Database" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_Database, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "TableName" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_TableName, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "HeaderFileRetailDCS" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileRetailDCS, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
ElseIf InputFirstCol = "HeaderFileGroupDCS" Then
Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileGroupDCS, temp_Input) = InputSecCol
End If
End If
Nb_Of_Runs = temp_Input
'Create an array to store the timer per run
Dim Timer_Array(Nb_Of_Runs) As String
'Let's start the loop for each run
For temp_Run = 1 To Nb_Of_Runs
'Initialize date stamp variables and create the date stamp (called ts)
Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim ts As String = now.Year.ToString() + now.Month.ToString() + now.Day.ToString() + "_" + now.Hour.ToString() + "h" + now.Minute.ToString() + "m" + now.Second.ToString() + "s"
Dim temp_full_count As Integer = 0
Dim File_Count As Integer = 0
Dim temp_count As Integer = 0
'Open the.csv file
Dim OutputCSVFileName As String = "\\Melaipwbat01\c$\Users\AACT064\Desktop\SQL_CSV_BULK_INSERT\SQL_Upload" & ts & ".csv" ' "S:\Users\Jonathan\12_Project_Space\Output\RPT_Files" & ts & ".csv"
Dim SQLUploadFileName As String = Replace(OutputCSVFileName, "\\Melaipwbat01\c$", "C:")
Dim SQLQueriesFileName As String = "\\Melaipwbat01\c$\Users\AACT064\Desktop\SQL_CSV_BULK_INSERT\SQL_Queries" & ts & ".csv"
Dim outFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(OutputCSVFileName, False)
Dim SQLQueriesFile As IO.StreamWriter = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(SQLQueriesFileName, False)
'Store the inputs from the Input_Array
SQLServer = Input_Array(Is_Input_Server, temp_Run)
TB_Server.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_Server, temp_Run)
SQLDataBase = Input_Array(Is_Input_Database, temp_Run)
TB_Database.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_Database, temp_Run)
SQLTableName = Input_Array(Is_Input_TableName, temp_Run)
TB_TableName.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_TableName, temp_Run)
Path = Input_Array(Is_Input_Path, temp_Run)
TB_Path.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_Path, temp_Run)
HeaderScopeFileName = Input_Array(Is_Input_Header, temp_Run)
TB_FileType.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_Header, temp_Run)
HeaderFile1 = Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileRetailDCS, temp_Run)
TB_HeaderRetailDCS.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileRetailDCS, temp_Run)
HeaderFile2 = Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileGroupDCS, temp_Run)
TB_HeaderGroupDCS.Text = Input_Array(Is_Input_HeaderFileGroupDCS, temp_Run)
'Open the folder location and store all the files objetcs into files()
Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path)
'Open the Header scope .txt file
Dim HeaderScopeFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(HeaderScopeFileName)
'Initialize the variable ValidFilesArray
temp_Valid = 1
Do While ValidFilesFile.Peek() <> -1
TextLine = ValidFilesFile.ReadLine()
TextLineSplit = TextLine.Split(", ")
ReDim Preserve ValidFilesArray(3, temp_Valid)
ValidFilesArray(Is_RPT_Name, temp_Valid) = TextLineSplit(Is_RPT_Name - 1)
ValidFilesArray(Is_RPT_Type, temp_Valid) = TextLineSplit(Is_RPT_Type - 1)
ValidFilesArray(Is_RPT_Valid, temp_Valid) = TextLineSplit(Is_RPT_Valid - 1)
temp_Valid = temp_Valid + 1
'' Display the Progress Group Box ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
L_ProgressPC.Text = "Initialisation"
ProgressBar.Value = 0
GB_Progress.Visible = True
'Me.Height = UserFormHeight_Start + UserFormHeight_ProgressBarExtension
'Me.Width = UserFormWidth_Start + UserFormWidth_ProgressBarExtension
'' Nb of Files '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' The goal of this piece of code aims at calculating the number of .rpt files
TB_Runlog.Text = "Checking number of .rpt files..." & Environment.NewLine & TB_Runlog.Text
For Each file As String In files
If CheckValidRPTFile(file, False) = True Then
File_Count = File_Count + 1
L_NbOfFiles.Text = File_Count
L_NbOfRuns.Text = temp_Run & "/" & Nb_Of_Runs
End If
TB_Runlog.Text = "... " & " Run number " & temp_Run & Environment.NewLine & TB_Runlog.Text
TB_Runlog.Text = "... " & File_Count & " rpt files founds" & Environment.NewLine & TB_Runlog.Text
TB_Runlog.Text = "---------------------------------------" & Environment.NewLine & TB_Runlog.Text
' The key is to define the header with the field names and the field types
Dim HeaderNbOfField As Integer = 0
Do While HeaderScopeFile.Peek() <> -1
HeaderNbOfField = HeaderNbOfField + 1
'We split the libe into an array using the comma delimiter
TextLine = HeaderScopeFile.ReadLine()
TextLineSplit = TextLine.Split(", ")
ReDim Preserve HeaderScope(2, HeaderNbOfField)
HeaderScope(Is_Name, HeaderNbOfField) = TextLineSplit(0)
HeaderScope(Is_Type, HeaderNbOfField) = TextLineSplit(1)
'That array stores the position of a given field in the file
'It is important to initialise the array to -1
'When further down we assign HeaderMapId, if a value remains "-1" il will mean the field was not assigned thus not found.
'We will then assign a default value for those not found fields
ReDim HeaderMapId(1, HeaderNbOfField)
For temp_headermapini = 0 To HeaderNbOfField
HeaderMapId(Is_RetailDCS, temp_headermapini) = Is_Not_found
HeaderMapId(Is_GroupDCS, temp_headermapini) = Is_Not_found
'' Header ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' The goal of this piece of code is to populate the variable HeaderMapId
' HeaderMapId stores the position of each field define is HeaderScope variable
L_ProgressPC.Text = "Find position of each field in the flat file"
'We use HeaderFile as the base to define the position of each field
'The application will function properly only if every .rpt file in the folder have same header as HeaderFile
For temp_header = 0 To 1
'We loop through 2 different type of MPFs
'Typicaly coming from Retail DCS and Group DCS
If temp_header = Is_RetailDCS Then
temp_headerfile = HeaderFile1
ElseIf temp_header = Is_GroupDCS Then
temp_headerfile = HeaderFile2
temp_headerfile = "" 'Error
End If
Dim objReaderHeader As New System.IO.StreamReader(temp_headerfile)
'We read line by line until the end of the file
Do While objReaderHeader.Peek() <> -1
TextLine = objReaderHeader.ReadLine()
'We only care about the header, which starts with the character "!" in prophet .rpt files
If Strings.Left(TextLine, 1) = "!" Then
Dim temp_scope As Integer
Dim temp_scope_id As Integer
'We split the line in an array delimited by comma
TextLineSplit = TextLine.Split(", ")
'We loop through the array
'Once a field match one of the field define in HeaderScope, we store the position of that field in HeaderMapId
temp_scope_id = 1
For Each s As String In TextLineSplit
For temp_scope = 1 To UBound(HeaderScope, 2)
If HeaderScope(Is_Name, temp_scope) = s Then
HeaderMapId(temp_header, temp_scope) = temp_scope_id
End If
temp_scope_id = temp_scope_id + 1
End If
'' Header''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
'Create the query for SQL table creation
Dim temp_field As Integer
For temp_field = 1 To HeaderNbOfField
If temp_field = 1 Then
HeaderStringSQL = "(Prophet_Name varchar(255),"
HeaderStringCSV = "Prophet_Name,"
End If
'We replace the bracket by underscore to avoid crashes when creating the SQL table
HeaderStringSQL = HeaderStringSQL & Replace(Replace(HeaderScope(Is_Name, temp_field), "(", "_"), ")", "_") & " " & HeaderScope(Is_Type, temp_field)
HeaderStringCSV = HeaderStringCSV & Replace(Replace(HeaderScope(Is_Name, temp_field), "(", "_"), ")", "_")
If temp_field <> HeaderNbOfField Then
HeaderStringSQL = HeaderStringSQL & ","
HeaderStringCSV = HeaderStringCSV & ","
HeaderStringSQL = HeaderStringSQL & ")"
HeaderStringCSV = HeaderStringCSV & ","
End If
If Enable_CSV_Output = "Yes" Then
'Remove braquets and single quotes
outFile.WriteLine(Replace(Replace(Replace(HeaderStringCSV, ")", ""), "(", ""), "'", ""))
End If
'' Body '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' We loop through all the files and pick the information we need based on HeaderMapId
'We loop through each file in the folder location
For Each file As String In files
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(file)
Dim fileInfo As New IO.FileInfo(file)
'We only loop through the valid .rpt files
If CheckValidRPTFile(file, True) = True Then
'Count the number of files we go through
temp_count = temp_count + 1
'Count the number of lines in the file (called FileSize)
'Dim objReaderLineCOunt As New System.IO.StreamReader(file)
'FileSize = 0
'Do While objReaderLineCOunt.Peek() <> -1
'TextLine = objReaderLineCOunt.ReadLine()
'FileSize = FileSize + 1
FileSize = 1000000
'temp_line = 1
''We loop through line by line for a given file
'Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
Dim TextLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
For Each TextLine2 In TextLines
'Update the Progress Bar
temp_full_count = temp_full_count + 1
If temp_full_count Mod 200 = 0 Then
ProgressBar.Value = Int(100 * temp_count / File_Count)
L_ProgressPC.Text = "Processing file " & fileInfo.Name & " " & temp_count & "/" & File_Count & " - line " & temp_line & "/" & FileSize
L_RecordsProcessed.Text = temp_full_count
End If
'We split the libe into an array using the comma delimiter
'TextLine = objReader.ReadLine()
TextLineSplit = TextLine2.Split(", ")
'Skip line that are not actual prophet records (skip header and first few lines)
If Strings.Left(TextLine2, 1) = "*" Then
'We loop through the number of field we wish to extract for the file
For temp_field = 1 To HeaderNbOfField
If temp_field = 1 Then
BodyString = "('" & Strings.Left(fileInfo.Name, Len(fileInfo.Name) - 4) & "',"
End If
If MPF_Type = "RetailDCS" Then
Is_MPF_Type = Is_RetailDCS
ElseIf MPF_Type = "GroupDCS" Then
Is_MPF_Type = Is_GroupDCS
MsgBox("Is_MPF_Type value is nor recognized")
End If
'The array HeaderMapId tells us where to pick the information from the file
'This assumes that each file in the folder have same header as the 'HeaderFile'
If HeaderMapId(Is_MPF_Type, temp_field) = Is_Not_found Then
BodyString = BodyString & "98766789"
BodyString = BodyString & TextLineSplit(HeaderMapId(Is_MPF_Type, temp_field) - 1)
End If
If temp_field <> HeaderNbOfField Then
BodyString = BodyString & ","
BodyString = BodyString & ")"
End If
'We replace double quotes with single quotes
BodyString = Replace(BodyString, """", "'")
'This Line is to add records to the .csv file
If Enable_CSV_Output = "Yes" Then
'Remove braquets and single quotes
outFile.WriteLine(Replace(Replace(Replace(BodyString, ")", ""), "(", ""), "'", ""))
End If
End If
temp_line = temp_line + 1
TB_Runlog.Text = "Completed: " & fileInfo.Name & Environment.NewLine & TB_Runlog.Text
temp_file = temp_file + 1
End If
ProgressBar.Value = Int(100 * temp_count / File_Count)
L_RecordsProcessed.Text = temp_full_count
'' Upload to SQL '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
' The goal of this code is to create the SQL table
' And push the .csv created into the SQL table using BULK INSERT function
L_ProgressPC.Text = "Creating SQL Table"
If Enable_SQL_Upload = "Yes" Then
'First query is to create the table
SqlCommandText1 = "CREATE TABLE [" & SQLDataBase & "].[analysis]." & SQLTableName & "_" & ts & " " & HeaderStringSQL
'Second query is to populate the data
SqlCommandText2 = "BULK INSERT [" & SQLDataBase & "].[analysis]." & SQLTableName & "_" & ts & " " & " FROM '" & SQLUploadFileName & "' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' , FIRSTROW=2)"
Using connection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & SQLServer & ";Integrated Security=True;Connection Timeout=2000;Initial Catalog=" & SQLDataBase & ";")
Dim command As New SqlCommand(SqlCommandText1, connection)
Dim command2 = New SqlCommand(SqlCommandText2, connection)
command2.CommandTimeout = 2000
End Using
End If
Timer_Array(temp_Run) = L_Timer.Text
Next 'temp_Run
L_ProgressPC.Text = "Job completed"
One way to speed up your program is to mininize the number of access to disk. Right now, you are reading each file twice, line-by-line. Each file most likely fits in memory. So, what you can do, is read all lines of a file in memory, and then process its lines. This will be much faster.
Something like:
'We only loop through the valid .rpt files
If CheckValidRPTFile(file, True) = True Then
''Count the number of files we go through
'temp_count = temp_count + 1
''Count the number of lines in the file (called FileSize)
'Dim objReaderLineCOunt As New System.IO.StreamReader(file)
'FileSize = 0
'Do While objReaderLineCOunt.Peek() <> -1
' TextLine = objReaderLineCOunt.ReadLine()
' FileSize = FileSize + 1
'temp_line = 1
''We loop through line by line for a given file
'Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
Dim TextLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(file)
For Each TextLine In TextLines
'We split into an array using the comma delimiter
'TextLine = objReader.ReadLine()
TextLineSplit = TextLine.Split(", ")
I looked at your updated code. You have a few additional performance issues in your code.
Reading and writing to network shared folder files is not very efficient especially when there is a lot of back and forth access to the file because everything goes through the network rather than direct local drive access.
Probably the most inefficient part of your program is iterating through your 200 fields for each line of the files. Let's say we have 5000 lines per file on average, then this means 200 x 5000 x 284 = 284 millions iterations!
The efficient method for accessing network shared files is to read an entire file in memory using System.IO.ReadAllLines() or System.IO.File.ReadAllText(), and then process its contents. Similarly, writing to a network shared file should consist of building the file contents in memory (if possible) using StringBuilder or a List(Of String), and then write the entire file to the network share with System.IO.File.WriteAllText() of System.IO.File.WriteAllLines. This should be the preferred way of accessing network shared files for best performance.
For the second performance issue, the loop through fields can be simplified as follows.
Dim BodyStringBuilder As New StringBuilder("")
BodyStringBuilder.Append("('" & Strings.Left(fileInfo.Name, Len(fileInfo.Name) - 4) & "',")
If MPF_Type = "RetailDCS" Then
Is_MPF_Type = Is_RetailDCS
ElseIf MPF_Type = "GroupDCS" Then
Is_MPF_Type = Is_GroupDCS
MsgBox("Is_MPF_Type value is nor recognized")
End If
'Skip line that are not actual prophet records (skip header and first few lines)
If Strings.Left(TextLine2, 1) = "*" Then
'We loop through the number of field we wish to extract for the file
For temp_field = 1 To HeaderNbOfField
'The array HeaderMapId tells us where to pick the information from the file
'This assumes that each file in the folder have same header as the 'HeaderFile'
If HeaderMapId(Is_MPF_Type, temp_field) = Is_Not_found Then
BodyStringBuilder.Append(TextLineSplit(HeaderMapId(Is_MPF_Type, temp_field) - 1) & ",")
End If
' Replace last "," by ")".
BodyStringBuilder.Remove(BodyStringBuilder.Length - 1, 1).Append(")")
'We replace double quotes with single quotes
BodyString = Replace(BodyString.ToString, """", "'")

Copying same file to multiple locations / drives with progress bar

I am trying to make a appliaction designed to copy one file to multiple locations at the same time. But I can't figure out how to stop the System.IO.IOException I am receiving because multiple threads are trying to access the file. Here is my current code:
Dim parts As String() = targ.Split(New Char() {"\"c})
Dim filename As String = parts(parts.Count - 1) 'target folder name
Dim dir_path As String = "" 'directory without target folder name
Dim FolderList As New List(Of String)
Dim copied As Integer = 0<
For f As Integer = 0 To parts.Count - 2
dir_path += parts(f) + "\"
Dim counter As Integer = IO.Directory.GetFiles(targ, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length 'counts the number of files
newitm.SubItems(4).Text = "Copied (0/" + counter.ToString + ")" 'displays the amount of copied files
FolderList.Add(targ) 'Set first folder
Do While True
Dim FoldersInsideDirectory As New List(Of String)
If FolderList.Count = 0 Then
Exit Do 'If there is no folder to copy Exit Do
For l As Integer = 0 To FolderList.Count - 1
Dim fileSystemInfo As System.IO.FileSystemInfo
Dim sourceDirectoryInfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderList(l))
Dim dest As String = FolderList(l).Replace(dir_path, "")
If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(des + "\" + dest)) Then 'create subFolder inside directory
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(des + "\" + dest)
End If
For Each fileSystemInfo In sourceDirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos
Dim destinationFileName As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(des + "\" + dest, fileSystemInfo.Name)
If TypeOf fileSystemInfo Is System.IO.FileInfo Then
Dim streamRead As New System.IO.FileStream(fileSystemInfo.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim streamWrite As New System.IO.FileStream(des + "\" + dest + "\" + fileSystemInfo.Name, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.None)
Dim lngLen As Long = streamRead.Length - 1
newitm.SubItems(3).Text = "Copy bytes : (0/" + (lngLen * 100).ToString + ")"
Dim byteBuffer(1048576) As Byte 'our stream buffer
Dim intBytesRead As Integer 'number of bytes read
While streamRead.Position < lngLen 'keep streaming until EOF
newitm.SubItems(3).Text = "Copy bytes : (" + CInt(streamRead.Position).ToString + "/" + (lngLen * 100).ToString + ")"
intBytesRead = (streamRead.Read(byteBuffer, 0, 1048576))
streamWrite.Write(byteBuffer, 0, intBytesRead)
End While
'Clean up
copied += 1
newitm.SubItems(4).Text = "Copied (" + copied.ToString + "/" + counter.ToString + ")"
End If
FolderList = FoldersInsideDirectory
End If
You need to specify FileShare.Read in the FileStream's constructor:
Allows subsequent opening of the file for reading. If this flag is not specified, any request to open the file for reading (by this process or another process) will fail until the file is closed.
Dim streamRead As New System.IO.FileStream(fileSystemInfo.FullName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read)

IOException was unhandled "The process cannot access the file

I am trying to reading the file, reformat some rows, then overwrite the file line by line.
I know the problem is cause by opening the existing file twice, but I don't know how to fix it.
Public Sub Main()
Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
Dim objWriter As StreamWriter
If Dts.Variables("File").Value.ToString.Length > 0 Then
'read the file
objStreamReader = New StreamReader(Dts.Variables("File").Value.ToString)
'write the file
objWriter = New StreamWriter(Dts.Variables("File").Value.ToString)
'read file line by line
Dim row, line As String
Dim isFirstRow As Boolean = True
Dim numColumns As Integer = 0
row = ""
Do While objStreamReader.Peek() <> -1
line = objStreamReader.ReadLine() 'read a line
If line.Trim() = "" Then
Continue Do 'skip blank line
End If
If isFirstRow Then 'first line in the file (it's always a complete row)
numColumns = CountNumColumns(line) 'record the number of columns
isFirstRow = False
ElseIf CountNumColumns(line) = numColumns Then
'the line is a complete row
row = row & line
If CountNumColumns(row) = numColumns Then
'we have a complete row
row = ""
End If
End If
'close files
End If
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
End Sub
'Counts the number of columns in a given line
Function CountNumColumns(ByVal line As String) As Integer
Dim count As Integer = 0
For index As Integer = 0 To line.Length - 1
If line(index) = "|" Then
count = count + 1
End If
Return count
End Function the process cannot access because it is being used by another process

i am getting this problem in some systems, some systems working properly, here my code is,
Dim fileName As String = "FaultTypesByMonth.csv"
Using writer As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(fileName, True, System.Text.Encoding.Default) '------------ rao new ----
Dim Str As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim headertext1(rsTerms.Columns.Count) As String
Dim k As Integer = 0
Dim arrcols As String = Nothing
For Each column As DataColumn In TempTab.Columns
arrcols += column.ColumnName.ToString() + ","c
k += 1
For i = 0 To (TempTab.Rows.Count - 1)
For j = 0 To (TempTab.Columns.Count - 1)
If j = (TempTab.Columns.Count - 1) Then
Str = (TempTab.Rows(i)(j).ToString)
Str = (TempTab.Rows(i)(j).ToString & ",")
End If
End Using
Dim FileToDelete As String = Nothing
Dim sd As New SaveFileDialog
sd.Filter = "CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
sd.FileName = "FaultTypesByMonth"
If sd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
FileCopy(fileName, sd.FileName)
MsgBox(" File Saved in selected path")
FileToDelete = fileName
If System.IO.File.Exists(FileToDelete) = True Then
End If
End If
FileToDelete = fileName
If System.IO.File.Exists(FileToDelete) = True Then
End If
when i am trying to save this file in desired path, then i am getting this error.
if save in shared folder i am not getting this error the process cannot access because it is being used by another process...
what i am doing wrong,Help me