Sales Order Confirmation Report - SalesConfirmDP - sql

I am modifying the SalesConfirmDP class and trying to add the CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt field into a new field I have created.
I have tried a couple of things but I do not think my syntax was correct i.e I declare the CustVendExternalItem table in the class declaration. But then when I try to insert CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt into my new field, it does not populate, I guess there must be a method which I need to include?
If anyone has any suggestion it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
private void setSalesConfirmDetailsTmp(NoYes _confirmTransOrTaxTrans)
DocuRefSearch docuRefSearch;
// Body
salesConfirmTmp.JournalRecId = custConfirmJour.RecId;
if(_confirmTransOrTaxTrans == NoYes::Yes)
if (printLineHeader)
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = custConfirmTrans.LineHeader;
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = '';
salesConfirmTmp.ItemId = this.itemId();
salesConfirmTmp.Name = custConfirmTrans.Name;
salesConfirmTmp.Qty = custConfirmTrans.Qty;
salesConfirmTmp.SalesUnitTxt = custConfirmTrans.salesUnitTxt();
salesConfirmTmp.SalesPrice = custConfirmTrans.SalesPrice;
salesConfirmTmp.DlvDate = custConfirmTrans.DlvDate;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscPercent = custConfirmTrans.DiscPercent;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscAmount = custConfirmTrans.DiscAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.LineAmount = custConfirmTrans.LineAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.CurrencyCode = custConfirmJour.CurrencyCode;
salesConfirmTmp.PrintCode = custConfirmTrans.TaxWriteCode;
if (pdsCWEnabled)
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWUnitId = custConfirmTrans.pdsCWUnitId();
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWQty = custConfirmTrans.PdsCWQty;
**salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText = CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt;**
if ((custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::Line)
|| (custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::All))
docuRefSearch = DocuRefSearch::newTypeIdAndRestriction(custConfirmTrans,
salesConfirmTmp.Notes = Docu::concatDocuRefNotes(docuRefSearch);
salesConfirmTmp.InventDimPrint = this.printDimHistory();

Well, AX cannot guess which record you need, there is a helper class CustVendExternalItemDescription to deal with it:
boolean found;
str externalItemId;
[found, externalItemId, salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText] = CustVendExternalItemDescription::findExternalItemDescription(
The findExternalItemDescription method returns more information than you need here, but you have to define variables to store it anyway.

Well, the steps to solve this problem are fairly easy and i will try to give you a step by step approach how to solve this problem.
1) Are you initialising CustVendExternalItem properly? Make a record of the same and initialise it as Jan has shown above, then debug your code and see if the value is being initialised in your DP class.
2)If your value is being initialised correctly, but it is not showing up in the report design there can be multiple issues such as:
Overlapping of text boxes.
Insufficient space for the given field
Some report parameter/property not being set correctly which causes
your value not to show up on the report.
Check these one by one and you should end up arriving towards a solution


Updating Handles for MatrixBlock "Field Layout Fields" in Craft CMS Migrations

After reading this excellent Medium article, I've been stoked on Migrations in CraftCMS. They've been super useful in importing the same changes across the 10 or so developers who work on our site.
When trying to change the handles on individual fields within block types within matrix blocks (whew) via migrations, I came across a hurdle. The field itself can easily have its "handle" attribute updated, but the columns table for that matrix block's content (matrixcontent_xxxxx) do not get updated to reflect any updated handles. The association between the Matrix Block & its associated Matrix Content table only exists in the info column in the field record for that Matrix Block.
If the Matrix Block's field is updated via the CMS, the change is reflected, so it's gotta be somewhere in Craft's source, but it's not apparent through the Craft CMS Class Reference.
Any ideas?
Edited to add the migration snippet:
public function safeUp()
// Strings for labels, etc.
$matrix_block_instructions = "instructions";
$block_label = "Video";
$block_handle = "video";
$field_handle = "video_url";
$field_label = "Video URL";
$field_instructions = "Add a YouTube or Facebook video URL.";
// Fetching the MatrixBlock fields used on the entries themselves
$video_gallery_1 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_1");
$video_gallery_2 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_2");
$video_gallery_3 = Craft::$app->fields->getFieldByHandle("handle_3");
$galleries = [$video_gallery_1, $video_gallery_2, $video_gallery_3];
foreach( $galleries as $gallery ) {
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlock field.
$gallery_record = \craft\records\Field::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery->id]
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block_id = $gallery->getBlockTypes()[0]->id;
$gallery_block = \craft\records\MatrixBlockType::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block_id]
// Assigning standard labels for the MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block->name = $block_label;
$gallery_block->handle = $block_handle;
// Getting the specific ... 1 ... field to edit
$field_group = \craft\records\FieldLayout::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block->fieldLayoutId]
$field_layout_field = $field_group->fields[0];
$field = $field_layout_field->field;
$field = \craft\records\Field::find()->where(
['id' => $field->id]
// Assigning standard labels for the Label
$field->name = $field_label;
$field->handle = $field_handle;
$field->instructions = $field_instructions;
// Updating the MatrixBlock record with new instructions
$gallery_record->instructions = $matrix_block_instructions;
OK, so my apologies if anyone was stoked on figuring this out, but my approach above was kind of a crazy person's approach, but I've found my own solution.
The key here is that I should have been interacting with craft\fields\MatrixBlock and the craft\fields\PlainText objects, not craft\records\Field objects. There's a method within \craft\services\Fields for saving the field that requires a FieldInterface implemented. This is actually the default classes returned, and I was making more work for myself in the code!
Within that foreach loop, this worked out:
// Fetching the record for this specific MatrixBlock field.
$gallery->instructions = $matrix_block_instructions;
// Update the MatrixBlockType
$gallery_block_id = $gallery->getBlockTypes()[0]->id;
$gallery_block = \craft\records\MatrixBlockType::find()->where(
['id' => $gallery_block_id]
$gallery_block->name = $block_label;
$gallery_block->handle = $block_handle;
// Update the actual field.
$field = $gallery->blockTypeFields[0];
$field->name = $field_label;
$field->handle = $field_handle;
$field->instructions = $field_instructions;
Craft::$app->getFields()->saveField( $field );
Craft::$app->getFields()->saveField( $gallery );
Thanks for looking at this, and sorry for being a crazy person.

using sql reader to check for nulls when setting multiple values

I have a sql command that is picking up a row in my DB but sometimes one of the datetime values may be null.
var reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
List<AdmissionsVm> appDetailsOut = new List<AdmissionsVm>();
while (reader.Read())
appListOut.Add(new AdmissionsVm
Parish = Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(40)),
CofE = Convert.ToBoolean(reader.GetValue(41)),
OtherFaith = Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(42)),
PrefSiblingName1 = Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(43)),
if (!reader.GetValue(44).IsDbNull){SiblingDateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(reader.GetValue(44))}
SiblingGender = Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(45))
I am actually bringing back a lot of details but when the siblingdateofbirth is null, i cant seem to check it as i am getting errors with fields that have been added afterwards
any help would be appreciated
Its often better to specify the column name instead of the column position because if the query for some reason changes the order in which its returning columns, you may need to change the params of all the GetValue calls.
To check for null try something like this
if (!reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("YourColumnNameForPosition44")))
{SiblingDateOfBirth = Convert.ToDateTime(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("YourColumnAgain"))}

dynamically change a part of the variable path

I know this question has been asked a bunch of times, but none of the answers (or at least what i took away from them) was a help to my particiular problem.
I want to dynamically change a part of the variable path, so i don't have to repeat the same code x-times with just two characters changing.
Here's what i got:
In the beginning of my script, i'm setting the reference to PlayerData scripts, attached to the GameManager object like this:
var P1 : P1_Data;
var P2 : P2_Data;
function Start(){
P1 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P1_Data>();
P2 = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent.<P2_Data>();
Later, i want to access these scripts using the currentPlayer variable to dynamically adjust the path:
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"; //this actually happens along with some other stuff in the SwitchPlayers function, i just put it here for better understanding
if (currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
As i was afraid, i got an error saying, that PlayerEnergy was not a part of UnityEngine.String.
So how do I get unity to read "currentPlayer" as part of the variable path?
Maybe some parse function I haven't found?
Or am I going down an entirely wrong road here?
PS: I also tried putting the P1 and P2 variables into an array and access them like this:
if (PlayerData[CurrentPlayerInt].PlayerEnergy >= value){
// do stuff
to no success.
First of all,
var currentPlayer : String = "P1"
here P1 is just string, not the previous P1/P2 which are referenced to two scripts. So, if you want, you can change
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
P1.PlayerEnergy >= value
P2.PlayerEnergy >= value
But if you just want one function for them, like
currentPlayer.PlayerEnergy >= value
Then you have to first set currentPlayer to P1/P2 which I assume you are trying to do. You must have some codes that can verify which player is selected. Then, maybe this can help -
var playerSelected: int = 0;
var currentPlayerEnergy: int = 0;
//Use your codes to verify which player is selected and then,
if (playerSelected == 1) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P1.PlayerEnergy;
} else if (playerSelected == 2) {
currentPlayerEnergy = P2.PlayerEnergy;
//Now use your favorite function
if (currentPlayerEnergy >= value) {
//Do stuff
As there was no reply providing the answer I needed, I'll share the solution that did the trick for me, provided by a fellow student.
Instead of having the PlayerData scripts pre-written, I generate them using a public class function in a Playermanager script. This generates the Playerdata as attached scripts, saved into an array.
I can then access them through Playermanager.Playerlist[Playernumber].targetvariable.
Which is what I wanted to do, only with the Playerdata being attached to a script instead of a gameobject. And it works great!
Here's the full code of my Playermanager Script:
//initialise max players
public var maxplayers : int = 2;
// Initialise Playerlist
static var Players = new List.<PlayerData>();
function Start () {
for (var i : int = 0; i < maxplayers; i++){
var Player = new PlayerData();
Players[i].PlayerName = "Player " + i;
DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject);
public class PlayerData {
public var PlayerName : String;
public var PlayerEnergy : int = 15;
public var Fleet : List.<GameObject> = new List.<GameObject>();
As you see, you can put any type of variable in this class.
I hope this helps some of you who have the same problem.

lua:How to use value from table 'A', in table 'B', which nested in table 'A'

In real project, TEST_TABLE would contain much of TEST_TABLE_NESTED, each with its own testVariable and bunch of testScript. test function from testScript would be used in C++ code, and TEST_TABLE_NESTED tables would be added automatically from C++ code too.
testVariable = 5,
testScript =
test = function()
print(testVariable, "hello") --How to access 'testVariable'?
This is the actual scenario of using this script:
GameObjectScriptTables =
GameObject_1 = --Container of scripts corresponding to some gameObject
gameObjectOwner = actual_object_passed_from_c++, --This is an actual object passed from c++
GameObjectScript_1 = --This is a script with update(dt) method which will be called somwhere in c++ code
update = function(dt)
--here I want to use some data from gameObjectOwner like position or velocity
GameObject_2 =
gameObjectOwner = actual_object_passed_from_c++,
GameObjectScript_1 =
update = function(dt)
--here I want to use some data from gameObjectOwner like position or velocity
GameObjectScript_2 =
update = function(dt)
--here I want to use some data from gameObjectOwner like position or velocity
--And so on
Idea is that exists some testVariable object (passed from C++), which data is used all over TEST_TABLE_NESTED. For me, above example looks natural for this task, but it prints nil instead of 5. So how to acces a testVariable from testScript without printing a full path like TEST_TABLE.TEST_TABLE_NESTED.testVariable?
You're asking for something like a "parent" pointer, which tells table B about table A, but that doesn't exist. Internally, the only association they have is that one of A's values happens to be B, but any number of tables could contain B as a value. Which is B's parent?
If you want B to know about A, you'll need to tell it. You can add an extra parameter to update which receives the game owner object, or update can be a closure which contains the game owner as a bound variable, so on and so forth.
I made it work by providing a gameObjectOwner instance for each GameObjectScript_N. However I don't know is it expensive solution or not.

Can't get additionalSearchFields to work

jsonStoreInit = function(pSuccess, pFailure){
collections['objects'] = {};
var options = {};
options.localKeyGen = false;
options.clear = false;
options.username = app.username;
options.password = app.password;
options.additionalSearchFields = {key: 'string'};
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)
putObject = function(pObject) {
var keyValue = pObject.getKey();
var object = {myObject : pObject.getKey()};
var options = {};
//options.additionalSearchFields = {key : keyValue};
.add(object, options);
I'm on WL 6.0 FP 1
In the code sample above jsonStoreInit is what I use to init my store including the options.additionalSearchFields.
When I come to add the objects in the putObject funciton it works fine with the additionalSearchFields commented out, but when I uncomment it to add the additional fields I get an error
[wl.jsonstore] {"src":"store","err":21,"msg":"INVALID_ADD_INDEX_KEY","col":"objects","usr":"xxxx","doc":{},"res":{}}
When I look this error message up all I get is
Problem with additional search fields.
Which I had kinda figured ... can anyone provide any help on this ...
I don't need to you fix my code but if you could point me to a working example that would be excellent.
Many thanks, ownimage
The person that asked the question solved it, but I'm leaving this answer in case someone is wondering how to pass data that uses additionalSearchFields.
var data = {hello: 'world'};
WL.JSONStore.get('collection').add(data, {additionalSearchFields: {key: 'value'}})
The example assumes the collection was created with a search field for hello as string and an additional search field for key as string. It also assumes there's a collection initialized called collection.