I am trying to make a basic program using XTend for Intellij 15.0.5 (Ultimate) but for some reason I cannot run/compile any ".xtend" files.
Writing the following code is no problem and the ide checks for syntax errors as expected:
package presentation
class Greeter {
def static void main(String[] args){
println("Hello World!");
I downloaded and installed the custom language plugin and I can create a new Java project with XTend. However, I cannot run/compile any xtend files.
When performing a right click on the xtend file there is no "run". More interestingly, Intellij allows me to refactor normal java classes into xtend classes. Also, I cannot choose Greeter as Main class in the Run Configuration.
Of course, I also added the mandatory libraries (core, lib and macro). I really don't know what I am missing but I suppose it must be something very obvious. Apart from running/compiling everything seems to work like a charm.
I had a similar problem myself as I am just starting out with Xtend.
As far as I can tell you don't run Xtend files as much as you run/compile java files that get auto generated by Xtext (The parser system Xtend uses).
The problem I had (and the one you also most likely have) was caused by the module not having Xtend generation enabled.
After many frustration related headaches I fixed this problem by opening the Project Structure page, clicking on the Modules tab, selecting my desired module, clicking the green plus icon and then choosing Xtend from the resulting menu.
It should then show a panel with a bunch of options (you should leave these the way they are for now and then click OK).
IntelliJ will then auto generate a java file for each xtend file. To run the project you just configure your application launcher so that it points to the generated java file containing your main method and then you should be good to go.
Hope this helps.
i use intellij with junit to run tests (new), when i debug my test code for practice, one of the very first lines of code that seems to run is some method called main from package called com.intellij.rt.junit. I've tried clicking on it as well as searching for it open that package or class to see what's inside but i can't find it all. anyone know what it is or where i could find it in intellij and why i can't just access it from the debugger like every other class? i have junit 5.8 installed in maven.
y.bedrov's analysis is quite right.
com.intellij.rt.junit.JUnitStarter is part of IDE. In your case, the IDE is IntelliJ IDEA. You may find the source code in this local path:
/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/plugins/junit/lib/junit-rt.jar
then import the jar package into your own project to read the source code conveniently.
Every time I create a new JavaFX project in IntelliJ it loads a simple HelloWorld project in it. How can I make it empty instead (without the need to delete those .java files every time)? Also how can I choose to create the project without a building system (as you can see in the picture, I'm always forced to create the project with Maven or Gradle)
When creating the new project, choose "Java" instead of "JavaFX".
A JavaFX application is just a Java application, so if you don't want the additional things which IntelliJ is doing when you choose to create a JavaFX project (e.g. supplying example code and associating with a build system like Maven or Gradle), you can just choose a basic Java application project from the wizard and it won't do those other things.
See the section in openjfx.io documentation titled "JavaFX and IntelliJ IDEA" for other steps you need to take:
Set the project JDK
File -> Project Structure -> Project
Create a JavaFX library in Idea
File -> Project Structure -> Libraries
Point to the lib folder of the JavaFX SDK.
Add VM options for the module path
Run -> Edit Configurations...
--module-path /path/to/javafx-sdk-15.0.1/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml
For windows use quotes around the path and \ rather than /.
Run the project
Run -> Run...
You might also need to take the actions identified in the accepted answer to:
How to convert a normal java project in intellij into a JavaFx project
But that answer was written a while back and setting the resource copy configuration to include JavaFX fxml and css files might not be needed anymore.
Now, you might think that is annoying amount of things to do, and I might agree with you.
I am an Eclipse/STS user/developer, now trying to use IntelliJ Idea (CE)
For a project based on Gradle, how spring-integration, when I open the IDE it happens the following
Ok, let the IDE load the project ... but
From above, that is the problem, I don't want that the IDE starts automatically to build/rebuild the project. I just need, open the project and that's all.
Observation: for example in Eclipse/STS exists the option to disable Build Automatically
I did do a research in the Web and I read the following posts and questions:
How to disable automatic gradle builds?
IntelliJ IDEA “Build project automatically” apparently not working
Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save
Sadly the dialog options were changed but ...
From above, seems nothing to do.
Observation: from above observe the Build project automatically option is disabled
Even with that disabled and after to restart the IDE, I must always stop manually the build process
So what is missing? or Do I need a special extra plugin to accomplish my goal?
The images that you show indicate that you are building with Gradle, but the Compiler option that you disable is relevant for building projects with Idea not with Gradle.
For the 2020.2 version, you need to do the following:
Open the Setting > Build Tools page.
Disable the "Reload changes in build scripts" option.
This way you can manually control the reload. When you change the build script, you will see a small gradle icon in the right side of the editor.
For more info, refer to the IntelliJ IDEA help > Gradle section.
There are two different things in IntelliJ's Gradle support that sometimes confused: sync and build. Your pictures demonstrate sync process (note caption on the toolwindow). Word build is kind of misleading here.
What is sync? In gradle we use Groovy to define the build procedure. Groovy is an imperative programming language, so it's hard to predict resulting dependencies graph without actually executing the script. During the sync Idea executes configuration phase of gradle build (one that builds dependency graph), and obtains configured objects from the Gradle daemon. This information is used to setup project in the IDE: modules, libraries, dependencies, which sources are test, which are prod, etc.
Actual build is not happening during sync. You can convince yourself by adding syntax error to any source file, and observe that the sync succeeds. But build will fail if you invoke it.
In answer to the original question: you can't disable automatic build, because it is not enabled.
Is it possible to disable sync in Gradle project? Short answer - no. If you need a code browser, which is not required to understand all the cross-references in the source code, IDEA is not the best choice probably.
Without sync IDE does not know which files are sources, and which are not. IDEA cannot open folders. It only can open projects. Good thing is that module can contain folder. So you can do the following: File | New | Project. Select Empty project, Next, select some random folder outside the source folder you want to open, Finish.
Then add new module:
Select Java in the left panel, everything else keep default, Next, Finish. Then in new module remove existing content root, and add folder with sources as new content root
Resulting project is mostly useless. Tons of red code (at least, unresolved symbols from external libraries), no inspections, no navigation, no sense. But it might be useful in some rare situations indeed.
I've got a Kotlin project in IntelliJ that is structured like this:
where Bar is defined as:
internal class Bar
and BarTest is something like:
class BarTest {
private lateinit var bar: Bar
I'm getting compiler errors in IntelliJ on the reference to Bar with the message:
Cannot access 'Bar': it is internal in 'com.foo'
The tests, however, compile and run from the command line (via Gradle).
How can I suppress/remove this error when using IntelliJ?
My setup is:
macOS 10.14.1
IntelliJ 2018.2.6
Kotlin 1.3.10
I opened up two projects concurrently using the same IntelliJ installation:
a former project in which I was able to unit test an internal class located in the main source tree (all within the boundaries of the same IntelliJ module)
the current project in which I was unable to reproduce this setup
The fact that IntelliJ still gave no errors in the former setup led me to conclude the issue was not to do with my IntelliJ setup. As #JaysonMinard suggested, I looked at the differences in the Gradle configuration.
The difference was in the current project's top-level settings.gradle, I use the convention of renaming modules, a la:
findProject(':module-blah')?.name = 'blah'
...so as to refer to my Gradle projects by shorter names while having them listed contiguously in my project browser (rather than being scattered around with other files alphabetically). Removing this shortcut restored the behavior I was looking for in my unit tests.
I'm developing a JavaFX application using IntelliJ IDEA as the IDE.
So far, everything runs smoothly, I have all my external libs configured and my JavaFX artifact being correctly created.
Now I would like to integrate obfuscation (using Proguard) when the artifact is created.
IntelliJ have a 'Pre-processing' and 'Post-processing' option in artifact's properties where I can define an Ant task to be runned.
But I have no idea how to create that task and tell the compiler my obfuscation options.
Thank you very much in advance for any clues,
Best regards
There are 3 basic ways you do it:
Create a normal proguard.cfg file, and reference it from ant
Put your proguard settings directly inside ant using XML notation
Put your proguard settings directly inside ant using the proguard.cfg format
Here's a basic example of using Proguard with Ant with the 3rd approach:
The important thing to remember about Proguard is that everything you want to obfuscate has to be inside a JAR file, and you'll need to explicitly tell it not to obfuscate certain things (like your program entry point, things you access via reflection, etc).
JavaFX creates a file used as an entry point you want to prevent obfuscating:
-keepclasseswithmembers public class com.javafx.main.Main {
public *; public static *;
Make sure to include Java/JavaFX libs
-libraryjars "${java.home}/lib/rt.jar"
-libraryjars "${java.home}/lib/ant-javafx.jar"
-libraryjars "${java.home}/lib/jfxrt.jar"
If you're using FXML files, you'll want to make sure your FXML files are renamed similarly to their respective controller file:
-adaptresourcefilecontents **.fxml
Anything annotated with #FXML is accessed through reflection, so don't obfuscate them:
-keepclassmembernames class * {
#javafx.fxml.FXML *;
The Proguard website has a lot of information, but it can be difficult to grok.
Honestly, there are plenty of examples on the web that show you how to do this. Just google javafx proguard, and you'll probably find some good complete examples.
Edit: as far as how IntelliJ passes information to Ant.. I don't know. There are probably some variables it passes in that you reference like a normal Ant propertly. I'm sure JetBrains website has info on that on their website if you can't find it on the net.
If it was me, I'd just create an ant script to compile my application without obfuscation, then add in proguard once you've got that squared away.
Just some complementing information, regarding running an Ant task in idea's 'post-processing'.
Make sure you have a 'default' target. Else the task wont execute. Example of build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="ant_task" default="obfuscate" basedir=".">
<target name="obfuscate">
<taskdef resource="proguard/ant/task.properties"
classpath="/opt/proguard5.2.1/lib/proguard.jar" />
<proguard configuration="proguard.cfg"/>