Generating .gcda coverage files via QEMU/GDB - embedded

Executive summary: I want to use GDB to extract the coverage execution counts stored in memory in my embedded target, and use them to create .gcda files (for feeding to gcov/lcov).
The setup:
I can successfully cross-compile my binary, targeting my specific embedded target - and then execute it under QEMU.
I can also use QEMU's GDB support to debug the binary (i.e. use tar extended-remote localhost:... to attach to the running QEMU GDB server, and fully control the execution of my binary).
Now, to perform "on-target" coverage analysis, I cross-compile with
-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage. GCC then emits 64-bit counters to keep track of execution counts of specific code blocks.
Under normal (i.e. host-based, not cross-compiled) execution, when the app finishes __gcov_exit is called - and gathers all these execution counts into .gcdafiles (that gcov then uses to report coverage details).
In my embedded target however, there's no filesystem to speak of - and libgcov basically contains empty stubs for all __gcov_... functions.
Workaround via QEMU/GDB: To address this, and do it in a GCC-version-agnostic way, I could list the coverage-related symbols in my binary via MYPLATFORM-readelf, and grep-out the relevant ones (e.g. __gcov0.Task1_EntryPoint, __gcov0.worker, etc):
$ MYPLATFORM-readelf -s binary | grep __gcov
46: 40021498 48 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 4 __gcov0.Task1_EntryPoint
I could then use the offsets/sizes reported to automatically create a GDB script - a script that extracts the counters' data via simple memory dumps (from offset, dump length bytes to a local file).
What I don't know (and failed to find any relevant info/tool), is how to convert the resulting pairs of (memory offset,memory data) into .gcda files. If such a tool/script exists, I'd have a portable (platform-agnostic) way to do coverage on any QEMU-supported platform.
Is there such a tool/script?
Any suggestions/pointers would be most appreciated.
UPDATE: I solved this myself, as you can read below - and wrote a blog post about it.

Turned out there was a (much) better way to do what I wanted.
The Linux kernel includes portable GCOV related functionality, that abstracts away the GCC version-specific details by providing this endpoint:
size_t convert_to_gcda(char *buffer, struct gcov_info *info)
So basically, I was able to do on-target coverage via the following steps:
Step 1
I added three slightly modified versions of the linux gcov files to my project: base.c, gcc_4_7.c and gcov.h. I had to replace some linux-isms inside them - like vmalloc,kfree, etc - to make the code portable (and thus, compileable on my embedded platform, which has nothing to do with Linux).
Step 2
I then provided my own __gcov_init...
typedef struct tagGcovInfo {
struct gcov_info *info;
struct tagGcovInfo *next;
} GcovInfo;
GcovInfo *headGcov = NULL;
void __gcov_init(struct gcov_info *info)
"__gcov_init called for %s!\n",
GcovInfo *newHead = malloc(sizeof(GcovInfo));
if (!newHead) {
puts("Out of memory!");
newHead->info = info;
newHead->next = headGcov;
headGcov = newHead;
...and __gcov_exit:
void __gcov_exit()
GcovInfo *tmp = headGcov;
while(tmp) {
char *buffer;
int bytesNeeded = convert_to_gcda(NULL, tmp->info);
buffer = malloc(bytesNeeded);
if (!buffer) {
puts("Out of memory!");
convert_to_gcda(buffer, tmp->info);
printf("Emitting %6d bytes for %s\n", bytesNeeded, gcov_info_filename(tmp->info));
tmp = tmp->next;
Step 3
Finally, I scripted my GDB (driving QEMU remotely) via this:
$ cat coverage.gdb
tar extended-remote :9976
file bin.debug/fputest
b base.c:88 <================= This breaks on the "Emitting" printf in __gcov_exit
commands 1
set $filename = tmp->info->filename
set $dataBegin = buffer
set $dataEnd = buffer + bytesNeeded
eval "dump binary memory %s 0x%lx 0x%lx", $filename, $dataBegin, $dataEnd
And finally, executed both QEMU and GDB - like this:
$ # In terminal 1:
qemu-system-MYPLATFORM ... -kernel bin.debug/fputest -gdb tcp::9976 -S
$ # In terminal 2:
MYPLATFORM-gdb -x coverage.gdb
...and that's it - I was able to generate the .gcda files in my local filesystem, and then see coverage results over gcov and lcov.
UPDATE: I wrote a blog post showing the process in detail.


Asynchronous reading of an stdout

I've wrote this simple script, it generates one output line per second (
for i in {0..5}; do echo $i; sleep 1; done
The raku program will launch this script and will print the lines as soon as they appear:
my $proc ="sh", "");
$proc.stdout.tap({ .print });
my $promise = $proc.start;
await $promise;
All works as expected: every second we see a new line. But let's rewrite generator in raku (generator.raku):
for 0..5 { .say; sleep 1 }
and change the first line of the program to this:
my $proc ="raku", "generator.raku");
Now something wrong: first we see first line of output ("0"), then a long pause, and finally we see all the remaining lines of the output.
I tried to grab output of the generators via script command:
script -c 'sh' script-sh
script -c 'raku generator.raku' script-raku
And to analyze them in a hexadecimal editor, and it looks like they are the same: after each digit, bytes 0d and 0a follow.
Why is such a difference in working with seemingly identical generators? I need to understand this because I am going to launch an external program and process its output online.
Why is such a difference in working with seemingly identical generators?
First, with regard to the title, the issue is not about the reading side, but rather the writing side.
Raku's I/O implementation looks at whether STDOUT is attached to a TTY. If it is a TTY, any output is immediately written to the output handle. However, if it's not a TTY, then it will apply buffering, which results in a significant performance improvement but at the cost of the output being chunked by the buffer size.
If you change generator.raku to disable output buffering:
$*OUT.out-buffer = False; for 0..5 { .say; sleep 1 }
Then the output will be seen immediately.
I need to understand this because I am going to launch an external program and process its output online.
It'll only be an issue if the external program you launch also has such a buffering policy.
In addition to answer of #Jonathan Worthington. Although buffering is an issue of writing side, it is possible to cope with this on the reading side. stdbuf, unbuffer, script can be used on linux (see this discussion). On windows only winpty helps me, which I found here.
So, if there are winpty.exe, winpty-agent.exe, winpty.dll, msys-2.0.dll files in working directory, this code can be used to run program without buffering:
my $proc =<winpty.exe -Xallow-non-tty -Xplain raku generator.raku>);

How to load customized dynamic libs (*.so) in tensorflow serving (gpu)?

I wrote my own cudaMelloc as follows, which I plan to apply in tensorflow serving (GPU) to trace the cudaMelloc calls via the LD_PRELOAD mechanism (could be used to limit the GPU usage for each tf serving container with proper modification as well).
typedef cudaError_t (*cu_malloc)(void **, size_t);
/* cudaMalloc wrapper function */
cudaError_t cudaMalloc(void **devPtr, size_t size)
//cudaError_t (*cu_malloc)(void **devPtr, size_t size);
cu_malloc real_cu_malloc = NULL;
char *error;
real_cu_malloc = (cu_malloc)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "cudaMalloc");
if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) {
fputs(error, stderr);
cudaError_t res = real_cu_malloc(devPtr, size);
printf("cudaMalloc(%d) = %p\n", (int)size, devPtr);
return res;
I compile the above code into a dynamic lib file using the following command:
nvcc --compiler-options "-DRUNTIME -shared -fpic" --cudart=shared -o -ldl
When applied to a vector_add program compiled with command nvcc -g --cudart=shared -o vector_add_dynamic, it works well:
root#ubuntu:~# LD_PRELOAD=./ ./vector_add_dynamic
cudaMalloc(800000) = 0x7ffe22ce1580
cudaMalloc(800000) = 0x7ffe22ce1588
cudaMalloc(800000) = 0x7ffe22ce1590
But when I apply it to tensorflow serving using the following command, the cudaMelloc calls do not refer to the dynamic lib I wrote.
root#ubuntu:~# LD_PRELOAD=/root/ ./tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --rest_api_port=8501 --model_name=resnet --model_base_path=/models/resnet
So here's my questions:
Is it because that tensorflow-serving is built in a fully static manner, such that tf-serving refers to the libcudart_static.a instead of
If so, how could I build tf-serving to enable dynamic linking?
Is it because that tensorflow-serving is built in a fully static manner, such that tf-serving refers to the libcudart_static.a instead of
It probably isn't built fully-static. You can see whether it is or not by running:
readelf -d tensorflow_model_server | grep NEEDED
But it probably is linked with libcudart_static.a. You can see whether it is or not with:
readelf -Ws tensorflow_model_server | grep ' cudaMalloc$'
If you see unresolved (U) symbol (as you would for the vector_add_dynamic binary), then LD_PRELOAD should work. But you'll probably see a defined (T or t) symbol instead.
If so, how could I build tf-serving to enable dynamic linking?
Sure: it's open-source. All you have to do is figure out how to build it, then how to build it without libcudart_static.a, and then figure out what (if anything) breaks when you do so.

Reading value from TAR register in MSP430

How should i go about reading value from TAR register in msp430. I wnat to see the values, like we have serial monitor to do so in Arduino. I know we do not have anything like that in msp(except energia of course).I am coding in CCS 5.5.0.
The registers for the MSP430 processors are defined in standard headers and can then just be accessed as variables, they are just memory locations after all. There is a gotcha with the TAR and TBR registers in that they can sometimes return an intermediate value if they are in the process of being updated as a clock count increments the register contents so I have always used the following code to guard against this problem.
uint16_t Timer_Value ;
Timer_Value = TAR ;
while ( Timer_Value != TAR )
Timer_Value = TAR ;

How to access debug information in a running application

I was wondering if it is possible to access debug information in a running application that has been compiled with /DEBUG (Pascal and/or C), in order to retrieve information about structures used in the application.
The application can always ask the debugger to do something using SS$_DEBUG. If you send a list of commands that end with GO then the application will continue running after the debugger does its thing. I've used it to dump a bunch of structures formatted neatly without bothering to write the code.
ANALYZE/IMAGE can be used to examine the debugger data in the image file without running the application.
Although you may not see the nice debugger information, you can always look into a running program's data with ANALYZE/SYSTEM .. SET PROCESS ... EXAMINE ....
The SDA SEARCH command may come in handy to 'find' recognizable morcels of date, like a record that you know the program must have read.
Also check out FORMAT/TYPE=block-type, but to make use of data you'll have to compile your structures into .STB files.
When using SDA, you may want to try run the program yourself interactively in an other session to get sample sample addresses to work from.... easier than a link map!
If you programs use RMS a bunch (mine always do :-), then SDA> SHOW PROC/RMS=(FAB,RAB) may give handy addresses for record and key buffers, allthough those may also we managed by the RTL's and thus not be meaningful to you.
Too long for a comment ...
As far as I know, structure information about elements is not in the global symbol table.
What I did, on Linux, but that should work on VMS/ELF files as well:
$ cat tests.c
struct {
int ii;
short ss;
float ff;
char cc;
double dd;
char bb:1;
void *pp;
} theStruct;
$ cc -g -c tests.c
$ ../extruct/extruct
-e-insarg, supply an ELF object file.
Usage: ../extruct/extruct [OPTION]... elf-file variable
Display offset and size of members of the named struct/union variable
extracted from the dwarf info in the elf file.
Options are:
-b bit offsets and bit sizes for all members
-lLEVEL display level for nested structures
-n only the member names
-t print base types
$ ../extruct/extruct -t ./tests.o theStruct
size of theStruct: 0x20
offset size type name
0x0000 0x0004 int ii
0x0004 0x0002 short int ss
0x0008 0x0004 float ff
0x000c 0x0001 char cc
0x0010 0x0008 double dd
0x0018 0x0001 char bb:1
0x001c 0x0004 pp

How can I inspect a Hadoop SequenceFile for which I lack full schema information?

I have a compressed Hadoop SequenceFile from a customer which I'd like to inspect. I do not have full schema information at this time (which I'm working on separately).
But in the interim (and in the hopes of a generic solution), what are my options for inspecting the file?
I found a tool forqlift:
And have tried 'forqlift list' on the file. It complains that it can't load classes for the custom subclass Writables included. So I will need to track down those implementations.
But is there any other option available in the meantime? I understand that most likely I can't extract the data, but is there some tool for scanning how many key values and of what type?
From shell:
$ hdfs dfs -text /user/hive/warehouse/table_seq/000000_0
or directly from hive (which is much faster for small files, because it is running in an already started JVM)
hive> dfs -text /user/hive/warehouse/table_seq/000000_0
works for sequence files.
Check the SequenceFileReadDemo class in the 'Hadoop : The Definitive Guide'- Sample Code. The sequence files have the key/value types embedded in them. Use the SequenceFile.Reader.getKeyClass() and SequenceFile.Reader.getValueClass() to get the type information.
My first thought would be to use the Java API for sequence files to try to read them. Even if you don't know which Writable is used by the file, you can guess and check the error messages (there may be a better way that I don't know).
For example:
private void readSeqFile(Path pathToFile) throws IOException {
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, pathToFile, conf);
Text key = new Text(); // this could be the wrong type
Text val = new Text(); // also could be wrong
while (, val)) {
System.out.println(key + ":" + val);
This program would crash if those are the wrong types, but the Exception should say which Writable type the key and value actually are.
Actually if you do less file.seq usually you can read some of the header and see what the Writable types are (at least for the first key/value). On one file, for example, I see:
I'm not a Java or Hadoop programmer, so my way of solving problem could be not the best one, but anyway.
I spent two days solving the problem of reading FileSeq locally (Linux debian amd64) without installation of hadoop.
The provided sample
while (, val)) {
System.out.println(key + ":" + val);
works well for Text, but didn't work for BytesWritable compressed input data.
What I did?
I downloaded this utility for creating (writing SequenceFiles Hadoop data)
, and got it working, then modified for reading input Hadoop SeqFiles.
The instruction for Debian running this utility from scratch:
sudo apt-get install maven2
sudo mvn install
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
edit "sudo vi /usr/bin/mvn",
change `which java` to `which /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java`
Also I've added (probably not required)
PATH="/home/mine/perl5/bin${PATH+:}${PATH};/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/"; export PATH;
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
export JAVA_VERSION=1.7
to ~/.bashrc
Then usage:
sudo mvn install
~/hadoop_tools/sequencefile-utility/sequencefile-utility-master$ /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar ./target/sequencefile-utility-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
-- and this doesn't break the default java 1.6 installation that is required for FireFox/etc.
For resolving error with FileSeq compatability (e.g. "Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable"), I used the libs from the Hadoop master server as is (a kind of hack):
scp root# ~/
sudo cp ~/ /usr/lib/
scp root# ~/
sudo cp ~/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
One night drinking coffee, and I've written this code for reading FileSeq hadoop input files (using this cmd for running this code "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar ./target/sequencefile-utility-1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar -d test/ -c NONE"):
Path file = new Path("/home/mine/mycompany/task13/data/2015-08-30");
reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, file, conf);
long pos = reader.getPosition();"GO from pos "+pos);
DataOutputBuffer rawKey = new DataOutputBuffer();
ValueBytes rawValue = reader.createValueBytes();
int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024;
DataOutputBuffer kobuf = new DataOutputBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
int rl;
do {
rl = reader.nextRaw(kobuf, rawValue);"read len for current record: "+rl+" and in more details ");
if(rl >= 0)
{"read key "+new String(kobuf.getData())+" (keylen "+kobuf.getLength()+") and data "+rawValue.getSize());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/home/mine/outb");
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(fos);
} while(rl>0);
I've just added this chunk of code to file src/main/java/eu/scape_project/tb/lsdr/seqfileutility/ just after the line
writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, path, keyClass,
valueClass, CompressionType.get(pc.getCompressionType()));
Thanks to these sources of info:
If using hadoop-core instead of mahour, then will have to download asm-3.1.jar manually:
The list of avaliable mahout repos:
Intro to Mahout:
Good resource for learning interfaces and sources of Hadoop Java classes (I used it for writing my own code for reading FileSeq):
Sources of project tb-lsdr-seqfilecreator that I used for creating my own project FileSeq reader:
stackoverflow_com/questions/5096128/sequence-files-in-hadoop - the same example (read key,value that doesn't work) - this one helped me (I used reader.nextRaw the same as in nextKeyValue() and other subs)
Also I've changed ./pom.xml for native apache.hadoop instead of mahout.hadoop, but probably this is not required, because the bugs for read->next(key, value) are the same for both so I had to use read->nextRaw(keyRaw, valueRaw) instead:
diff ../../sequencefile-utility/sequencefile-utility-master/pom.xml ./pom.xml
< <version>1.0</version>
> <version>1.3</version>
< <version>2.0.1</version>
> <version>2.4</version>
< <groupId>org.apache.mahout.hadoop</groupId>
> <groupId>org.apache.hadoop</groupId>
< <version>0.20.1</version>
> <version>1.1.2</version>
< <version>1.1</version>
> <version>1.1.3</version>
I was just playing with Dumbo. When you run a Dumbo job on a Hadoop cluster, the output is a sequence file. I used the following to dump out an entire Dumbo-generated sequence file as plain text:
$ bin/hadoop jar contrib/streaming/hadoop-streaming-1.0.4.jar \
-input totals/part-00000 \
-output unseq \
-inputformat SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat
$ bin/hadoop fs -cat unseq/part-00000
I got the idea from here.
Incidentally, Dumbo can also output plain text.
Following the anwer of Praveen Sripati, here a small example of from Hadoop the Definitive Guide by Tom White.
Data are in HDFS, in this position : user/hduser/output-hashsort/ and the file is
In eclipse, in the Arguments folder I've written this string :
and this is part of the output, with the debugger